Рахманинов сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

В разные годы гостями училища были Л. Ауэр, А. Аренский, С. Рахманинов, Й. Сигети, А. Хачатурян, Р. Глиэр.

In different years, the guests of the school were L. Auer, A. Arensky, S. Rachmaninov, J. Sigeti, A. Khachaturian, R. Glier.

В программе:Ф. Корреа де Араухо, Х. Кабанильес, Д. Букстехуде, Ф. Лист, К. Сен-Санс, С. Рахманинов, Г. Форе, Ж. Ален и др.

Programme:F. Correa de Arauxo, J. Cabanilles, D. Buxtehude, F. Liszt, C. Saint-Saëns, S. Rachmaninov, G. Fauré, J. Alain and more

Вскоре было принято решение установить этот памятник в Москве на Страстном бульваре около дома Nº 5, в котором с 1905 по 1917 год жил Рахманинов.

Soon it was decided to install this monument in Moscow on Strastnoy Boulevard near House No. 5, where Rakhmaninov lived from 1905 to 1917.

The KVATRO group specializing in performance of classical compositions, based on works of Russian composers, such as Rakhmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Borodin;

Рахманинов позднее рассказал своему биографу Оскару фон Риземану, что он завершил работу, однако три из четырёх частей были впоследствии утеряны.

Rachmaninoff later told biographer Oskar von Riesmann that he had completed the work; however, three of the four movements subsequently vanished.

Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов начал планировать, что будет представлять собой его Первая симфония в сентябре 1894 года, после того как закончил оркестровку Caprice Bohémien.

Rachmaninoff began planning what would become his First Symphony in September 1894, after he had finished orchestrating his Caprice Bohémien.

На торжественной церемонии присутствовали министр культуры Владимир Егоров, мэр Москвы Юрий Лужков, председатель Союза композиторов России Владислав Казенин, президент Рахманиновского общества профессор Виктор Мержанов, профессор Московской консерватории Алексей Кандинский и Юрий Рахманинов.

The ceremony was attended by Culture Minister Vladimir Egorov, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Chairman of the Union of Russian Composers Vladislav Kazenin, President of the Rachmaninov Society Professor Viktor Merzhanov, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Alexei Kandinsky and Yuri Rakhmaninov.

Биографии на английском

Сергей Рахманинов биография на английском изложена в этой статье.

Рахманинов биография на английском

Sergei Rachmaninoffwas a Russian pianist, composer, and conductor of the late-Romantic period

Rachmaninoff was born in 1873 in Novgorod, to an aristocratic family. His father drank and gambled away the family wealth, so the rest of the Rachmaninov clan had to run away when Sergei was young.

He was an enormously talented pianist as a child, and studied music and piano in St Petersburg and Moscow. But because everything came easily to him he got lazy and didn’t bother studying. He ended up failing most of his classes.

While he was a student he wrote the opera Aleka and the infamous Prelude in C Sharp minor, which he would eventually get seriously annoyed by even though it was hugely popular.

When Sergei Rachmaninoff was 24, his First Symphony was premiered. But it was a disaster, and completely unsuccessful. It may have been because Aleaxander Glazunov (the composer), was conducting it.

Glazunov didn’t actually like the piece so probably didn’t try very hard to make it sound good. Oh, and he might have been drunk as well…

Anyway, Rachmaninov fell into a severe depression for three years. He didn’t compose anything during this time. But after a course of pioneering psychological therapy, he recovered and went on to compose even greater works.

He turned out the Piano Concerto no 2, which had a successful premiere. It boosted his Reputation as a composer.

He toured the USA in 1909 with his devilish third piano concerto, which made him super-popular over there. After the catastrophic Russian Revolution in 1917, Rachmaninov fled to America with his family, and began an extremely lucrative career giving concerts and making recordings.

But he was deeply homesick for his native land, which had been lost forever. So he recreated Russia in his house, employing Russian servants and celebrating Russian festivals and traditions.

His fame grew and grew in America, although his composing slowed hugely. It was as if he had lost his inspiration. Instead he spent most of his time conducting and performing.

Sergei Rachmaninoff was a titan of early 20th century piano music, creating finger-breakingly difficult pieces and heart-meltingly dark, romantic music.

He was equally famous as a pianist and as a composer. I find Rachmaninoff's music sultry and passionate; most of it is very mysterious and gloomy - even old Rach himself said that he had trouble writing happy-sounding pieces!

His piano pieces are legendary. Rachmaninov had bizarrely large hands, which meant he could cover about 1.5 times the keyboard space a normal person could.

He also had an appetite for speed and a disregard for the safety of others. This scary combination means that a fair amount of his solo piano music requires superhuman skill to perform.

Let's have a look at Rach's life.

Sergei Rachmaninoff looking dapper

Sergei Rachmaninoff was born in 1873 in Novgorod, to an aristocratic family. His father drank and gambled away the family wealth, so the rest of the Rachmaninov clan had to run away when Sergei was young.

He was an enormously talented pianist as a child, and studied music and piano in St Petersburg and Moscow. But because everything came easily to him he got lazy and didn't bother studying. He ended up failing most of his classes.

While he was a student he wrote the opera Aleka and the infamous Prelude in C Sharp minor, which he would eventually get seriously annoyed by even though it was hugely popular.

When Sergei Rachmaninoff was 24, his First Symphony was premiered. But it was a disaster, and completely unsuccessful. It may have been because Aleaxander Glazunov (the composer), was conducting it.

Glazunov didn't actually like the piece so probably didn't try very hard to make it sound good. Oh, and he might have been drunk as well.

Anyway, Rachmaninov fell into a severe depression for three years. He didn't compose anything during this time. But after a course of pioneering psychological therapy, he recovered and went on to compose even greater works.

He turned out the Piano Concerto no 2, which had a successful premiere. It boosted his Reputation as a composer.

He toured the USA in 1909 with his devilish third piano concerto, which made him super-popular over there. After the catastrophic Russian Revolution in 1917, Rachmaninov fled to America with his family, and began an extremely lucrative career giving concerts and making recordings.

But he was deeply homesick for his native land, which had been lost forever. So he recreated Russia in his house, employing Russian servants and celebrating Russian festivals and traditions.

His fame grew and grew in America, although his composing slowed hugely. It was as if he had lost his inspiration. Instead he spent most of his time conducting and performing.

He died of skin cancer in 1943, in Beverley Hills, California.

Rachmaninoff's Lavish Music

Angry Rach

Rachmaninov's music has a unique flavor and sound.

He started out being influenced by Tchaikovsky's music, but soon created his own unique style full of lavish harmonies and emotional melodies. He was a master of complexity, and gave his music an almost modern feel.

Rachmaninov was also a skilled orchestrator, creating subtle textures and controlling instrumental combinations to stir the soul.

He liked to use widely-spaced chords to create bell-like sounds, both in his piano and orchestral music.

As a pianist he was famous for having a clean and almost impossibly precise sound, separating all the different textures in a piece so you could hear them individually. At the same time he breathed a lyrical spirit into his melodies so they still affected listeners.

Here's a list of some of Rachmaninov's famous pieces.

  • 2 sets of Etudes Tableaux. As you'd expect from such a supremely skilled pianist, his etudes (studies) are a glimpse at the extreme realms of piano potential. These are stamped with his trademark sound, and along with his concertos are primes examples of Rachmaninov's style of piano music.
  • Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini. This piece is from relatively late in Rach's life. It's a set of variations for piano and orchestra on a theme by Nicolo Paganini, the violin virtuoso. The 18th Rhapsody is especially popular, with a gloriously sweeping melody.
  • Piano Concerto No. 3. Worshipped by piano virtuosos, this concerto is probably one of the most difficult and extreme in existence.
  • The Bells. This orchestral choral piece, using words from a poem by the macabre poet Edgar Allan Poe, was one of Rach's favorite of his own pieces. The piece is grand, beautiful, and mournful all in one.
  • Symphonic Dances. Rachmaninoff's last piece, it shows us his highly advanced later style of composing.
  • Vespers, a collection of deeply moving choral works based on Russian Orthodox church traditions. The textures and chords Rachmaninoff creates using just human voices is unbelievable, and the pieces are powerfully moving.

Sergei Rachmaninoff

Rachmaninoff plays. Rachmaninov

Lucky for us, Sergei Rachmaninoff was alive during the start of the era of recordings. There's a fairly large collection of his performances, including many of his own compositions - we can hear how he intended them to sound!

So here's the virtuoso performing his own pieces.

First, a typically Rachmaninov-esque brooding piece, the famous Prelude in C Sharp minor:

And secondly, the beautiful song Lilacs:

Finally, I had to slip in my favorite Sergei Rachmaninoff piece, the astonishing Prelude in B minor (op. 32 no. 10). In my mind it's difficult to find a more perfect, more moving, more dramatic piece:

Сергей Рахманинов биография на английском изложена в этой статье.

Рахманинов биография на английском

Sergei Rachmaninoffwas a Russian pianist, composer, and conductor of the late-Romantic period

Rachmaninoff was born in 1873 in Novgorod, to an aristocratic family. His father drank and gambled away the family wealth, so the rest of the Rachmaninov clan had to run away when Sergei was young.

He was an enormously talented pianist as a child, and studied music and piano in St Petersburg and Moscow. But because everything came easily to him he got lazy and didn’t bother studying. He ended up failing most of his classes.

While he was a student he wrote the opera Aleka and the infamous Prelude in C Sharp minor, which he would eventually get seriously annoyed by even though it was hugely popular.

When Sergei Rachmaninoff was 24, his First Symphony was premiered. But it was a disaster, and completely unsuccessful. It may have been because Aleaxander Glazunov (the composer), was conducting it.

Glazunov didn’t actually like the piece so probably didn’t try very hard to make it sound good. Oh, and he might have been drunk as well…

Anyway, Rachmaninov fell into a severe depression for three years. He didn’t compose anything during this time. But after a course of pioneering psychological therapy, he recovered and went on to compose even greater works.

He turned out the Piano Concerto no 2, which had a successful premiere. It boosted his Reputation as a composer.

He toured the USA in 1909 with his devilish third piano concerto, which made him super-popular over there. After the catastrophic Russian Revolution in 1917, Rachmaninov fled to America with his family, and began an extremely lucrative career giving concerts and making recordings.

But he was deeply homesick for his native land, which had been lost forever. So he recreated Russia in his house, employing Russian servants and celebrating Russian festivals and traditions.

His fame grew and grew in America, although his composing slowed hugely. It was as if he had lost his inspiration. Instead he spent most of his time conducting and performing.

Перед самой войной я как-то обедал у Горовица — там были его жена, дочь Тосканини, Рахманинов и Барбиролли.

Интерьеры фешенебельного антиквариат-отеля 'Рахманинов' и номеров разного уровня комфортности переносят гостей гостиницы в бесценный и грандиозный Петербург 19 века.

The warm welcome and relaxed atmosphere coupled with the latest in-room facilities and modern exterior make the mini-hotel Sonata on Mayakovskogo street ideal even for the most discerning travellers.

Рахманинов годился только в музыкальную мусорку, а Чайковский не умел сочинять ничего, кроме балетов.

Rachmaninov was good only for the musical dustbin and Tchaikovsky was primarily a composer of ballet music.

Сергей Рахманинов добавил, что ни Аренский, ни профессор Сергей Танеев не были в восторге от работы, возможно по причине отсутствия индивидуальности.

Rachmaninoff added that neither Arensky nor fellow-professor Sergei Taneyev was enthusiastic about the work, perhaps because of its lack of individuality.

Русские композиторы, такие как Чайковский или Рахманинов, часто использовали лирические темы финалов в кодах, как апофеозы (например, в фортепианных концертах).

Russian composers such as Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninoff often restated the lyric theme of the finale movement as climactic coda (for example in the piano concertos).

Для музыкальной разработки спектакля был приглашен молодой композитор и начинающий дирижер С. В. Рахманинов.

In two years he came to Moscow together with some of the actors of the German troupe, they showed performances on Franco-Russian Exhibition and in summer German club in Petrovsky park.

Даже после успеха Второго фортепианного концерта, который выиграл премию имени М. И. Глинки и 500 рублей в 1904 г., Рахманинов ещё не был уверен в своих силах.

Even after the success of his Piano Concerto No. 2 (which won the Glinka Award and 500 rubles in 1904), Rachmaninoff still lacked confidence in his writing.

Rachmaninoff himself was in town during those days, performing his most recent composition, the Études-Tableaux, op. 39.

Many of these passports’ holders were outstanding people and the best representatives of our country, such as writers Ivan Bunin and Vladimir Nabokov, artists Ilya Repin and Zinaida Serebryakova and composers Sergei Rachmaninoff and Igor Stravinsky.

Сергей Рахманин выиграл титул в общей категории ФАИ Европейском чемпионатах по Аэробатике в 1999 году и fai мировых Пилотажных чемпионатах в 2003 и в 2005.

Sergei Rakhmanin won the title in the overall category of FAI European Aerobatic Championships in 1999 and FAI World Aerobatic Championships in 2003 and in 2005.

Рахманинов переписывался с хореографом Михаилом Фокиным, обсуждая возможность создания балета на основе произведения.

Rachmaninoff corresponded with choreographer Michel Fokine about possibly creating a ballet from the Dances.

В конце апреля 1935 года Рахманинов приехал в его недавно построенную виллу Сенар на берегу озера Люцерн в Швейцарии, задумав написать симфонию.

He arrived at his newly built Villa Senar on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland in late April 1935 with the prospect of writing a symphony in mind.

Вскоре было принято решение установить этот памятник в Москве на Страстном бульваре около дома No 5, в котором с 1905 по 1917 год жил Рахманинов.

Soon it was decided to install this monument in Moscow on Strastnoy Boulevard near House No. 5, where Rakhmaninov lived from 1905 to 1917.

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