Now write a diary about life on elephant island сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1)i am not interested in music.2) we donоt usually have lunch in the cafeteria.3) nathan doesnot often travel on business.4) sometimes i donot arrive at work before 85) the bank doesnot open on saturday at 10.6) she doesnot go to bed between 10 and 11.7) they donot employ a lot of people this year.8) naoko isnot japanese.

i am 15year old girl and i have very strict parents.they don*t like it when i go out to meet my friends.they know very well that i am a responsible child but they are always so overprotective.i love them but they kill my social life.i never have freedom.i always have to be there when they call me.i let my friends down.i don*t go to their birthday parties or to the cinema.i*m also afraid of losing them,i feel depressed and stupid over it.i can*t wait until i*m 18nto do what i want to.please help.

what*s ann*s problem? -she has strict parents.

what should ann do? -she should wait for her 18th birthday.she should to her parents about her social life.

sometimes school uniform is said to be compulsory as it learns people discipline. still, i do not share this point of view. in my opinion, school form limits pupils' freedom. from time to time i, personally, feel myself uncomfortable because of it. i can also say that such uniform makes teenagers doubt in themselves for they are so young and want to be bright and attractive, but school form, as a rule, doesn't allow this. how one wears is his individuality, and it's odd if he generally wears strict uniform. i believe that it's not a right way arisen by the pressure of social surroundings. and in the end i wanna add that my hopes are that school form should be taken away. yet, it's only what i think.

Моя писать сейчас пишу дневник о жизни на острове элефант. напишите, что произошло во вторник, среду и четверг.поскольку ты написал(а) my write это будет моя писать

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Перевести текст на "my goodness! " she said. "i forgot about my cream puffs. i must go back and fill them". amelia bedelia went back to the rogers' house. "i'll just make the choc.


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Моя писать
Сейчас пишу дневник о жизни на острове Элефант. Напишите, что произошло во вторник, среду и четверг.



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Узнай о чем jill спрашивала alice и запиши ее вопросы.jill? alice . ,yes,i do..i like to play with toys. 2)no i can*t play the guitar.3) yes ,she can.she can play the piano.4)no ,h.


Перевести на завтра надо =( барсик чёрный. у него пушистая шерсть и длинный хвост. ему 6 лет. барсик любит рыбку и молоко. он член нашей семьи.




Passive forms . yesterday when i returned home mr wilkins (to call ) by your secretary ,but unfortunately at that moment your partner was away.but dont you worry, sir .mr wilkins (.


Вcтавить is или are ! )there a kitchen and three bedrooms in the house. 2)there no picture in the hall. there a pantry in the house? there any books in the bedrooms.

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My write
Now write a diary about life on Elephant Island. Write what happened on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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  • 22.01.2018 14:07
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Моя писать
Сейчас пишу дневник о жизни на острове Элефант. Напишите, что произошло во вторник, среду и четверг.


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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

My write now write a diary about life on elephant island. write what happened on tuesday, wednesday and thursday.

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Моя писать
Сейчас пишу дневник о жизни на острове Элефант. Напишите, что произошло во вторник, среду и четверг.




One of my favorite things to do is watch tv. i watch it every night. in my opinion, the tv has many plus. thanks to television, we learn the news, weather can watch a variety of educational programs. most of all i like to watch comedy. it's really fun.

Другие вопросы по Английскому языку


Translate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined words: 1. he used to wander in the hills last summer. 2. the government has to do the best to revive the polluted environment. 3. a pleasant linden blossom smell could hear the rustling of the trees. 4. when walking throughthe park they could hear the rustling of the trees. 5. lost of people dislike the poplar in
blossom as it is very allergic. 6. they say that the free areas in moldova's codri will be planted with ash, maple and acacia. 7. the alleys in the park were lined with willows. 8. swallows and nightingales are the first birds to come from the south in spring 9. a gret number of birds like owls, eagles, larks, hawks are disappearing nowadays becaume of the polluted environment.


Закончить строку. дописать не менее 2-х слов. образец: dog, box, strong. not. : funny, are, my, horse.


Переведите : *( schools in britain ted and mark go to a typical british school. when they were eleven, they left their primary school and went to the secondary school. now they are thirteen and they are in year 8. british schoolchildren study the same subjects and have the same lessons until they are thirteen. at thirteen they choose the subjects they want to do for the national gcse (general certificate in secondary education) exams. they take these exams in year 11 (at the age of sixteen). british children should take national exams in six subjects, although they might take more. then they might stay at school for two more years and study for two or more 'a level exams. but they might leave school after their gcses. ted and mark are doing eight subjects. they have to study english and maths, and they have chosen french, physics, biology, chemistry, art and design, and information technology. their classmates i chose different subjects so they don't have many lessons together even though they are still in the same form. they're taking their gcse exams in june. they also do pe but there isn't a pe exam. ted and mark go to school from monday to friday. school starts at 9 o'clock. there is a 20 minute break at half past 10. they have lunch at one o'clock. a few people go home but most of them eat lunch in the canteen. afternoon lessons start at quarter to 2 and finish at quarter to 4. after school the boys do sport. in their school pupils can also join the music group or belong to a club. when they get home they have to do their homework. they like their school but ted hates the uniform they have to wear. after school the boys would like to go to a university but none of them decided what they want to study yet.



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