Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге помоги ей закончить предложения 3 класс

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

помоги ей закончить предложения.1. He is an elephant.2. His -------is Thomas.3.He is big.4.He isn't----------.5.He can -----------.6.He can't----------.7.We go to --------together.

1. He is an elephant. - Это слон.
2. His name is Thomas. - Его имя Томас.
3. He is big and fat. - Он большой и толстый.
4. He isn't angry. - Он не злой.
5. He can write and read. - Он умеет читать и писать.
6. He can't fly and jump. - Он не умеет летать и прыгать.
7. We go to school together. - Мы ходим в школу вместе.

School uniform of my dreams.
if someone asks me what school uniform I want, I always say that I like to have free uniform. but if it is a celebration we will wear our official uniform. our school uniform is very comfortable. I like wearing shirts but somedays I want to wear ordinary clothes

(Афте Каролин Грехем)

Фёст Ай келид май мазе

Ви толкд фо же хочу

Зэн плейд теннис,

Вентилятор хоум энд туук э шуве.

Ай вент ту зе китчен,

Мейд э кап оф тишина,

Туук аут май Инглиш буук,

Энд риид текст срии.

Ай финишд домен Инглиш

энд вотчед ТиВи

1. I've got a brother/a sister who I can't rely on.
2. My classmates are people who I can turn to for help.
3. I've got some frineds who fall out over with my parents.
4. My parents are people who I can share my secrets with
5. I've got some problems which I don't want to talk about.
6. I like reading books which I can learn something new from.
7. Our neighbours are people who I would like to make friends with.
8. I've got a pet that I am never bored with
9. The internet is a thing which I can learn something new from.
10. Sometimes I get marks that make my parents feel upset.

2)not sure
3)not sure

Для меня эти ответыкаждого мнения другой же)))

Вчера писал на эту тему.

In my opinion, in the future students will widely use computers for education. First of all, electornic books can store a lot of books in their memory. Moreover, modern information technology allows us to find the necessary information within seconds. It is much better than keeping all of that information in our bags placed on our backs.
Besides, modern interactive programmes make our studying much more interesting than a dull book without pictures.

On the other hand, lots of people think thatan electronic book will never replace a printed book because a printed book is better for humans eyes. What is more, a printed book doesn't require electricity.

However, I don't agree with this opinion because modern computer screens do not emit radiation and aren't harmful for human eyes as much as a printed book is. Of course we will need to pay for the electricity but I believe it is much cheaper than to pay for printed books that are very expensive nowadays.

C Обведите правильный вариант ответа. 1 Please don’t ______ with your sister. A bring up B argue C wonder 2 I ______ that Tamara

Какая форма глагола будет употреблена при переводе следующих предложений? 1. Памела пишет письмо своему брату. a) writes b) is w

Помогите 4класс даны слова после них многоточие что надо вписать спасибо . talk. play. phone. travel. help. paint.

Хоббит хочет найти друзей по переписке через газету?

Хоббит хочет найти друзей по переписке через газету.

Помоги ему рассказать о себе закончив предложения

A kangaroo can - ?

An elephant can - .

Bill has got a cat?

Bill has got a cat.

His cat can skip.

His cat can swim.

His cat is not big.

Придумать 15 предложений - cant и can?

Придумать 15 предложений - cant и can?

15 предложений cant и can?

15 предложений cant и can?

Прочитай рассказ Джейн о её друге вставь пропущенные слова : count, together, his, healthy, can?

Прочитай рассказ Джейн о её друге вставь пропущенные слова : count, together, his, healthy, can.

This bird is very big?

This bird is very big.

Fill in / can / cant / could / couldnt?

Fill in / can / cant / could / couldnt.

What can an elephant do?

What can an elephant do?

Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге?

Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге.

Помоги ей закончить предложения.

1. He is an elephant.

2. His - - - - - - - is Thomas.

7. We go to - - - - - - - - together.

На этой странице сайта вы найдете ответы на вопрос Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. Сложность вопроса соответствует базовым знаниям учеников 1 - 4 классов. Для получения дополнительной информации найдите другие вопросы, относящимися к данной тематике, с помощью поисковой системы. Или сформулируйте новый вопрос: нажмите кнопку вверху страницы, и задайте нужный запрос с помощью ключевых слов, отвечающих вашим критериям. Общайтесь с посетителями страницы, обсуждайте тему. Возможно, их ответы помогут найти нужную информацию.

1. We must do every exercises. We must do homework. We must read topics. We must speak on English. We must learn English words. 2. We must not speak with friends. We must not play with toys. We must not do everythink what we want. We must not..

I drank water this morning.

I living without TV several years and it is good life. I don't like TV programs, I think they are so boring! I like YouTube and computers, it is 2017 year and now people watching TV very rarely.

This flower is beautiful. This is a flower. That is dog. That dog is big. There is pencil. There are pencils sharp. Those are fruit trees. Those fruit trees are young.

This is a bad school.

Настоящее время прошедшее время всегда. Каждый день. Делать уметь am. Is. are(спряжение to be в present simple).

1 - f 2 - b 3 - e 4 - d 5 - a 6 - c aaaaāksjdjdjdjsjjsjsj.

1f 2d 3e 4a 5b 6c.

Largest , biggest, has built, didn't want, are а остальные ты неправильно перепечал(а) я не могу понять где точки и где скобки.

Сосчитай, сколько учеников на картинке. Скажи, кто они, как их зовут.
Не is a dog. His name is Jack.
She is a cat. Her name is Jane.
He is a pig. His name is Peter.
He is a bear. His name is Billy.
He is a rabbit. His name is Martin.
She is a monkey. Her name is Pam.
He is a cockerel. His name is Nick.
She is a fox. Her name is Bess.
She is a mouse. Her name is Mary.
He is an elephant. His name is Thomas.

Прочитай, что Билли написал о своем школьном друге. Догадайся, кто он.
У меня есть друг. Ему девять. Он стройный, но сильный. Он не ленив. Он может бегать и прыгать. У него есть большая красная книга. Он хорошо читает. Он не умеет плавать. Он живет в лесу. Мы вместе ходим в школу.
(Кролик Мартин)

Расскажи о своем школьном друге. Не называй его имени. Пусть твои одноклассники догадаются, кто он/она. Воспользуйся моделями:

1) I have got a friend.
2) He is nine. He is strong.
3) He is not lazy.
4) He can run. He can read well:
5) He can’t speak English well.
6) We go to school together.

Рабочая тетрадь

Соедини стрелками звуки и слова, в которых они встречаются.
[æ] sad
[eι] brave
[ι] big
[aι] nine
[α] long
[eu] nose

Вставь пропущенные буквы и прочитай объявление мистера Гринвуда.
Dear friends,
Welcome to Green School!
Let’s read and write in English.
Let’s run and jump in the forest!
Let’s go to school together!
Mr Greenwood and his pupils.

Обезьянка Пэм не успела дописать рассказ о своем друге. Помоги ей закончить предложения.
1) Не is an elephant.
2) His name is Thomas.
3) He isn’t angry.
4) He is big and fat.
5) He can write.
6) He can’t fly.
7) We go to school together.

Похожие ГДЗ Решебники

Мы подобрали похожие решебники по английскому языку, которые могут быть Вам интересны.

Проверьте свое домашнее задание вместе с нами.

Перепечатка информации возможна только при наличии согласия администратора и активной ссылки на источник!

Хоббит хочет найти друзей по переписке через газету?

Хоббит хочет найти друзей по переписке через газету.

Помоги ему рассказать о себе закончив предложения

A kangaroo can - ?

An elephant can - .

Bill has got a cat?

Bill has got a cat.

His cat can skip.

His cat can swim.

His cat is not big.

Придумать 15 предложений - cant и can?

Придумать 15 предложений - cant и can?

15 предложений cant и can?

15 предложений cant и can?

Прочитай рассказ Джейн о её друге вставь пропущенные слова : count, together, his, healthy, can?

Прочитай рассказ Джейн о её друге вставь пропущенные слова : count, together, his, healthy, can.

This bird is very big?

This bird is very big.

Fill in / can / cant / could / couldnt?

Fill in / can / cant / could / couldnt.

What can an elephant do?

What can an elephant do?

Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге?

Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге.

Помоги ей закончить предложения.

1. He is an elephant.

2. His - - - - - - - is Thomas.

7. We go to - - - - - - - - together.

На этой странице сайта вы найдете ответы на вопрос Мэри не успела дописать сочинение о своем друге?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. Сложность вопроса соответствует базовым знаниям учеников 1 - 4 классов. Для получения дополнительной информации найдите другие вопросы, относящимися к данной тематике, с помощью поисковой системы. Или сформулируйте новый вопрос: нажмите кнопку вверху страницы, и задайте нужный запрос с помощью ключевых слов, отвечающих вашим критериям. Общайтесь с посетителями страницы, обсуждайте тему. Возможно, их ответы помогут найти нужную информацию.

1. We must do every exercises. We must do homework. We must read topics. We must speak on English. We must learn English words. 2. We must not speak with friends. We must not play with toys. We must not do everythink what we want. We must not..

I drank water this morning.

I living without TV several years and it is good life. I don't like TV programs, I think they are so boring! I like YouTube and computers, it is 2017 year and now people watching TV very rarely.

This flower is beautiful. This is a flower. That is dog. That dog is big. There is pencil. There are pencils sharp. Those are fruit trees. Those fruit trees are young.

This is a bad school.

Настоящее время прошедшее время всегда. Каждый день. Делать уметь am. Is. are(спряжение to be в present simple).

1 - f 2 - b 3 - e 4 - d 5 - a 6 - c aaaaāksjdjdjdjsjjsjsj.

1f 2d 3e 4a 5b 6c.

Largest , biggest, has built, didn't want, are а остальные ты неправильно перепечал(а) я не могу понять где точки и где скобки.

Изображение Ответ

04: 05 its five past four 09: 55 its five to ten 07: 45 its a quarter to eight 01: 30 its half past one 09: 00 its nine o'clock 06: 35 its twenty five to seven. 11: 10 its ten past eleven 02: 50 its ten to three. 05: 20 its twenty to six.


Юхев э дейт ту селибрейт увич камс бат уванс э йеа енд сов тедей вед лайк ту сей фром ол оф ас ту ю хеппи бездей ту ю


1. He is an elephant. - Это слон.
2. His name is Thomas. - Его имя Томас.
3. He is big and fat. - Он большой и толстый.
4. He isn't angry. - Он не злой.
5. He can write and read. - Он умеет читать и писать.
6. He can't fly and jump. - Он не умеет летать и прыгать.
7. We go to school together. - Мы ходим в школу вместе.

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Сократит текст the newspapers announced a vacant post for a teacher at camford university. there were hundreds of candidates who applied for it, including pete. you know camford to be a very small town; there was only one hotel to stay at, and this was so full that they had to put many of the candidates two in a room. pete was one of these, and the man to share the room with him was a self-confident fellow called adams with a loud voice and a laugh that you could hear all over the hotel. but he was a clever fellow too. the dean and the committee interviewed all the candidates; and as a result of the interview, the number was reduced to two, pete and adams. the committee could not decide which of the two to take, so they decided to make their final choice after each candidate had given a public lecture in the lecture-hall. they were given the subject to speak on. the committee wanted the candidates to give the lecture in three days time. for three days pete never left his room. he worked day and night at that lecture, writing it out and memorizing it, almost without eating and sleeping. adams didn’t do any preparation at all. you could hear him talk and laugh in the bar where he had a crowd of people round him. he came to his room late at night, asked pete how he was getting on with his lecture, and then told how he had spent the evening playing billiards, or at the theatre or music-hall. he ate like a horse and slept like a log; and pete sat up working at his lecture. the day of the lecture arrived. they all went to the lecture-room and pete and adams took their seats at the platform. and then pete discovered, to his horror that the type-written copy of his speech had disappeared. the dean said he would call out the candidates in alphabetical order, adams first. and with despair in his heart pete watched adams calmly take the stolen speech out of his pocket and read it to the professor who gathered to hear it. and how well he read! even pete had to admit that he couldn’t have read it so well himself, and when adams finished, there was a great burst of applause. adams bowed and smiled, and sat down. now it was pete’s turn. but what could he do? he had to put everything he knew on the subject into the lecture. his mind was too much upset to put the same thoughts in another way. with the burning face he could only repeat, word for word, in a low dull voice the lecture adams had read so well. there was hardly any applause when he sat down. the dean and the committee went out to decide who the successful candidate was, but everybody believed adams to be chosen. then the dean and the committee came back. “gentlemen”, the dean said, “the candidate we have chosen is mr. pete hodbell”. pete had won. everybody was surprised. “i think”, the dean continued, “i ought to tell you how we came to that decision. we were all filled with the admiration at mr. adams learning and his manner of speaking. i was greatly impressed: i didn’t think mr. adams to have it in him. but you remember mr. adams read his lecture to us. when mr. hodbell’s turn came, he repeated, word for word from memory, though, of course, he couldn’t have seen a line of it before. now, a fine memory is absolutely necessary for this post; and what a memory mr. hodbell must have. this is why we considered mr. hodbell to be exactly the man we wanted”. as they walked out of the room the dean came up to pete, who was so happy that he hardly knew whether he was standing on his head or his heels; and he shook pete’s hand and said: “congratulations, mr. hodbell. but, my dear fellow, when you are on our staff, you must be more careful and not leave valuable papers lying about.”

Иконка предмета

Иконка предмета

Нужно написать сочинение на тему (как я проведу эти весенние каникулы) слов 100-130. на в будущем времени.

Иконка предмета

35 ! решите данное . ii. reading comprehension there are a lot of children’s books about friends and friendship. 1. here are two passages from one of them about a girl who had some problems with her friends. 1). what problem did the girl have? she had lots of friends. of course she had lots of friends at school. she had lots of friends at school but she had no friends in the neighbourhood. no sisters and brothers! she didn’t have any sisters and brothers. she didn’t have sisters or brothers and she didn’t have best friends to play with. 2. here is a short extract from the book ‘ellen tebbits’ by beverly clearly. 1). do you think the girl (from passage 1) and ellen tebbits are one and the same person? why? ellen tebbits ellen had no brothers or sisters. and since nancy jane had moved away, there was no one of her own age living on tillamook street. so she had no really best friend. she did not even have a dog or cat to play with. of course ellen had lots of friends at school, but that was not the same as having a best friend who lived in the neighbourhood and could come to play after school and on saturdays. today, however, ellen was almost glad she did not have a best friend, because best friends do not have secrets from one another. and she really had a secret. 2). which of the following questions can you answer? give short answers. where did ellen live? who was ellen’s girlfriend? who used to come to ellen after school and on saturdays? why was ellen glad she didn’t have a best friend? what secret did she have? iii. grammar 1. fill in the blanks with the words that fit (who, that, which, with whom, in which) where necessary 1). friends are people we share both good and bad times. 2). i have a friend is very good at repairing cars. 3). i don’t like people never stop talking. 4). friendship is a relationship people know, like and can rely on each other. 5). friendliness is a behaviour shows interest in another person.

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