Knowledge is power сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Wissen ist Macht в Германии

После объединения Германии в 1871 году лозунг Wissen ist Macht, geographisches Wissen ist Weltmacht

После Первой мировой войны немецкая география пыталась внести свой вклад в восстановление мировой державы. Такие учёные, как Карл Хаусхофер, бывший генерал, и его сын Альбрехт Хаусхофер (оба в тесном контакте с Рудольфом Гессом) смогли привлечь всемирное внимание к своей концепции геополитики. Объединения немецких географов и школьных учителей приветствовали приход к власти национал-социалистов и надеялись получить дополнительное влияние при новом режиме.

После Второй Мировой войны немецкая география стала несколько более осмотрительной, и до 1989 года концепции политической географии и проекции силы не были широко распространёнными научными темами в Германии.

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  • Знания действительно дают силу.
  • Черпая их из окружающего мира, образовательных источников, собственного опыта, человек становится мудрее, он осваивает новые виды деятельности, расширяет свои горизонты.
  • Мало того, в процессе обучения формируется и внутренний мир человека, повышается его интеллект, расширяется кругозор.
  • Образованного человека от неуча можно отличить сразу – и по манере речи и формулировкам, и по поведению, и по тому, как он ведет свой рассказ.
  • В человеческой жизни достаточно много событий, ситуаций, явлений и процессов, в которых эрудированный человек может применить свои знания.

Сочинение по пословице

На протяжении всей нашей жизни мы ежеминутно чему-то учимся, познаем этот мир во всех его красках. Процесс безгранично увлекателен, он неустанно погружает нас в круговорот бесценных и полезных знаний.

Где, как не в школе, мы начинаем наполнять свой рюкзак эрудицией, интеллектуальностью и любознательностью? В стенах, вдоволь пропитанных знаниями, мы активно накапливаем умные доводы, ценные умения и опыт наших преподавателей. Они – мудрые носители знаний, всегда готовы с радостью помочь нам в наших затруднениях. Мы довольно часто задаем вопросы учебникам, при должном упорстве и усидчивости получаем незамедлительные ответы, что нас бесспорно радует. Образовательные книги вобрали в свое содержание массу нужных знаний, которые мы используем в разных отраслях, в различных сферах деятельности.

Не следует себя жалеть, иначе начнем ослабевать, в результате чего наши знания будут терять силу, их процент оскудеет. Тот, кто владеет большим объемом знаний – несомненно богат, перед ним открываются новые горизонты, освещенные солнцем. Каждый человек желает быть отличным специалистом, высококлассным мастером своего дела, для этого необходимо постоянно усовершенствовать свой сейф знаний.

Такие примеры можно приводить бесконечно. Но для сочинения или доклада по теме, этого будет достаточно.

Популярные сочинения

Теперь вы поняли, как используется фраза в нашей повседневной жизни. Вы даже можете употреблять ее каждый день в своих диалогах с собеседниками.


Хотя смысл фразы меняется от автора к автору, она чаще всего означает, что знания или образование увеличивают потенциал или способности в жизни. Владение знаниями и приобщение к ним других широко признаётся как основа для улучшения своей репутации и влияния, и, таким образом, власти. Эта фраза также может быть использована в качестве оправдания для нежелания делиться информацией, когда человек считает, что сокрытие знаний может предоставить ему некоторые преимущества.

Согласно ещё одной интерпретации, знание

это единственная подлинная сила, так как буквально всё достигается с его помощью.

  • Учение свет, а неучение – тьма.
  • Чем больше языков ты знаешь – тем больше ты человек.
  • Знание — это то, что наиболее существенным образом возвышает одного человека над другим. Д. Аддисон.
  • Кто боится знания, тот пропал. В. Белинский.

Теперь вы знаете, какое происхождение у этой фразы. Это словосочетание, как и многие другие, впервые произнес великий и известный человек. И это правда, ведь знание действительно является великой силой и мощью. Поэтому нужно всегда учиться и набираться опыта. Только так вы сможете быть образованным и расти в своих глазах и глазах окружающих. Удачи!


Использованная литература и источники


  • Thomas Hobbes, Opera philosophica, quae latine scripsit, omnia in unum corpus nunc primum collecta studio et labore Gulielmi Molesworth
    , Bart. (London: Bohn, 1839-45).
  • Thomas Hobbes, The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury; Now First Collected and Edited by Sir William Molesworth
    , Bart. (London: Bohn, 1839-45). 11 vols.
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude. Twelve Chapters
    , Boston, The Riverside Press, 1892.

Кто сказал?

Фрэнсис Бэкон считается отцом эмпиризма – философского направления, признающего чувственный опыт главным источником знания. Он отстаивал позиции, кардинально противоположные Аристотелю и средневековым схоластам.

Главные положения философии Фрэнсиса Бэкона можно свести к следующим тезисам:

Кто сказал?

Фрэнсис Бэкон считается отцом эмпиризма — философского направления, признающего чувственный опыт главным Он отстаивал позиции, кардинально противоположные Аристотелю и средневековым схоластам.

Главные положения философии Фрэнсиса Бэкона можно свести к следующим тезисам:

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‘Knowledge is Power’ is a proverb refers that knowledge is a true power which always remains with the person in all good and bad times. Knowledge makes a person powerful and empowers to win over any condition.


‘Knowledge is Power’ is very famous and effective proverb. Students generally get this topic in their school during exam time or any essay writing competition to write something in their own words to express views and ideas on this proverb. We have provided here various ‘Knowledge is Power essay’ in very easy and simple words to help school students. Dear students, you can use any of the essay on Knowledge is Power given below according to your need and requirement.


‘Knowledge is Power’ is very famous and effective proverb. Students generally get this topic in their school during exam time or any essay writing competition to write something in their own words to express views and ideas on this proverb. We have provided here various ‘Knowledge is Power essay’ in very easy and simple words to help school students. Dear students, you can use any of the essay on Knowledge is Power given below according to your need and requirement.


The real meaning of proverb ‘Knowledge is Power’ (said by the Francis Bacon) is, knowledge is truly a power and power of knowledge is almost everything. Actually, that is the knowledge which has distinguished the difference in man from animals. Human beings cannot compare animals in the physical power however have been counted as the most powerful creature on the earth just because of the power of knowledge.

Human beings are physically weaker than animals yet they have managed things for years to become the most powerful creature on earth. Because they get power from knowledge and not depend on the physical strength. Human beings are clever creature of nature, they have ability to acquire knowledge and preserve their knowledge, research and experiences in the books in order to pass to the new generations. Knowledge gives them power to know how to control the forces of nature and then use them for getting benefited.


Knowledge is power is the famous proverb which means knowledge is very powerful and has ability to win over all other physical power in the world. Once a person gets power of knowledge, he/she do not need to fear from other power. Knowledge plays great role in all aspects of the life by let us know the easy and effective ways to solve the circumstances. Knowledge is a very powerful factor which helps us to easily get name, fame, success, power and position in the life. We can say that money and physical strength are also important tools of power; however both of them are not so powerful like knowledge. Money and physical strength cannot buy or steal the knowledge; it can only be achieved by the continuous practice, devotion, and patience.

Knowledge helps us to convert our planning into the right action and enables to get the difference between right or wrong and good or bad. It helps us to overcome our weaknesses and faults as well as makes us able to face the dangers and difficulties by giving lots of courage and confidence. It makes a person more powerful by giving him mental, moral and spiritual advancement in the life.


Knowledge is power which we can say that it is almost everything because it has ability to make a physically weak person a most strong person of the world. It gives everything in the life like money, power, name, fame, success and position. Knowledge gives a person ability to understand, analyze, make better decisions and evolve most intelligent thoughts. It gives us feeling of well being and helps to improve the lives of us and people in our surroundings.

A more knowledgeable person in the society becomes more valuable and respected. A knowledgeable person gets more fame very easily and people want to work with him. Knowledge is the way to more doors and opportunities in the life. Knowledge provides actual freedom in the life and opens all the doors of success. Knowledge provides power to speak through our mind which really helps people to understand who you truly are.

Knowledge is very important tool to get positive changes in the society and country. Knowledge helps us to absorb things from the genius people which have potential to improve the quality of life. Knowledge is the only precious thing which nobody can take away from us; it remains with us forever and increases if we distribute it among the needy people. It gives new and revolutionary ideas which help to alter the way of viewing the world. So, we can say that knowledge is pillar to the success and happiness.


Knowledge is power proverb is said by the Francis Bacon, a great essayist. He had given his opinion that knowledge is the source of power to man. The meaning of knowledge is power is that real power comes from the knowledge which distinguishes man from animals. It is very true that human beings are physically weak than animals however they are not so weak by mind because they have knowledge which gives them true power to handle almost everything in the world. Man is considered as the clever creature on the earth even after being weak physically than other creatures.

Man has a mind, full of knowledge and thus full of power which make them able to manage various up and down circumstances in the life. There are many things which man cannot do physically such as running on bare foot, see far like an eagle, run so fast like panther, fight with forest animals, carry heavy loads, smell fast like dog, etc; but he can do all things through the technologies developed by him by using his power of knowledge.

Man has ability to get knowledge (from books, research and experience), preserve into books and again pass on that knowledge to their successive generations. Knowledge is a power which can control nature’s forces as well as giving benefits. The use of knowledge depends on the man; he can use it in positive and negative ways too. The use of knowledge in positive ways give lots of benefits to the humanity however, in the negative ways, it may destroy the whole planet. Man has power to wisely use the knowledge for mankind in order to create a better and safer world.

True knowledge keeps people away from the fights, corruption and other social issues harmful for the humanity. Undoubtedly, we can say that knowledge is power which can bring countless happiness to the people if it is used in the right direction especially for the welfare of whole humanity. Knowledge opens the eyes of people and opens all the way to success.


Knowledge is power is the most famous and true proverb said by the famous personality named, Francis Bacon. Knowledge helps to differentiate between human beings and animals. Man has mind and ability to use the power of knowledge accordingly, that’s why man is called as the most powerful and intelligent creature on the earth by the nature. Knowledge helps in improving the personality of man; it creates self confidence and brings lots of patience to do most difficult tasks in the life. We can say godmother to the knowledge because it gives ways to all the discoveries, inventions, and explorations.

Knowledge gain is not limited to anything; it can be gained by the person all through the life of any age. Knowledge gain is a long process of dedication, patience and continuity. It is like unlimited money which can never be finished, however the level of knowledge of a person increases with the distribution among needy people. A person can gain some new knowledge through the regular observation and experimentation. Every person take birth with same quality, mind and power, however when he/she grows develops different quality, mind and power; all differences are just because of the knowledge level of every person. For example, Newton discovered theory of gravitation and there are other many famous scientists who have been discovered amazing things in life involving in making life easy and advance on the earth. All have been possible because of the power of knowledge.

All the modern technologies discovered in many countries individually have made countries so powerful economically and militarily than other countries, all are based on knowledge. The underlying secret of every success is the power of knowledge which ultimately gives a person name, fame and money. India has also done a lot in the field of science, research, medicine, education, etc; still developing continuously in various fields to be a powerful country on the basis of knowledge. The progress of human beings or any country is completely depends on the growth of knowledge in various fields in the positive and constructive ways. Use of knowledge in destructive and negative ways may hugely disturb the life existence on the earth.

Francis Bacon has said that knowledge is itself a power, having ability to change everything. Knowledge gives way to handle situation, to make plan, the way to implement plan and make impossible things possible. If one has complete knowledge, he/she is the luckiest and richest person in the world because knowledge can never be stolen or plundered and does not decrease even when it is given to others. In fact, knowledge is a power and we can say that the strongest power in the world is knowledge.

Essay on knowledge is power given above are written by the professional content writer especially to help students in their difficult times. All are easily worded and given under various words limit to fulfill the need of all range of students. Apart from knowledge is power essay, you can also get other related essays and related information such as:

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All of you know that knowledge is power. The more man knows, the greater power he has.

But how much knowledge do we need? Can we have too much knowledge?

Sometimes a boy or a girl says,’’ Why do I have to know this? I don’t need it’’.

Do you think that people should know only those things which they need for their work?

A person like that will be useful in this own limited field. But when he moves out of his own specialty he has nothing interesting to say to other people. We can not say such person as well-educated.

Today’s ideal is the all-around development of the individual.

To attain this ideal you must have all-around knowledge. We must always try to acquire knowledge.

In the modern age of electronics and computers, the road to knowledge is open to everybody.

But to have knowledge isn’t enough. We must know to use it. Man is proud when he can do something, for people because he knows how to do it. Yow will need it to enjoy the riches of the culture and art.

A person who has knowledge is useful to his country. Knowledge helps to ensure the all-round development of the individual. Without knowledge there is no progress. And to learn English language you must use free time on useful things such as listening to records, reading books. You can sing English songs, act in a school theatre.

In modern life it is difficult to learn foreign languages. One of the main reasons is to be able to communicate orally or in writing with others who use this language we may be planning to travel in one or more countries where the language is spoken; if we know the language of a foreign country we can talk to its people and understand what they are saying to us. If we are working in any branch of science we naturally wish to read scientific books and magazines in other languages. A more general aim is to make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider through contact with people of another culture. Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to develop mutual friendship and understanding. For learning foreign languages you should develop your will-power. Strong-willed people can achieve a lot.

In Mary Louise Pratt s Arts of the Contact Zone , she discusses the association of a less powerful civilization, the Andean s, and a powerful, dominant civilization, the Spanish. The Spaniards lack of knowledge of the Andean civilization prevented them from realizing their true culture and made them assume that the Andean s were an ignorant people. Poma s learning of the Spanish culture enabled him to act as a messenger between the two civilizations and thus gain more power in relating information between them. The Spanish had much power, but they did not know much about the Andean s, whereas Poma knew more about both cultures. In a sense, Poma had more power from his knowledge than the Spanish had knowledge from their dominant power. Therefore, knowledge is power, but knowledge does not always come with power.

Guaman Poma s letter to King Philip III shows that even though the Andeans were not as powerful as the Spanish, they were still able to develop the knowledge to communicate with people from another culture or who speak a different language. Without the ability to communicate, we feel we are lost and alone. The Spanish had no interest in learning the language of the Andeans; therefore, Poma was forced to learn Spanish. In learning about the Spanish and their language, Poma gains some power. He wanted to show King Philip III that the Andeans are not as ignorant as The Spanish thought them to be. Instead of writing a letter to the King in Spanish, he adapted it along Andean lines to express Andean interests and aspirations. (Pratt 532) The main purpose of this letter was to express that the Andeans were not as ignorant as the Spanish thought them to be.

The people or things we learn from either keep us ignorant or actually teach us and let us gain some power through what we learn. Everything we learn is presented to us in an educational package. Unfortunately, A student who has the desire to get at a dogfish or a Shakespeare sonnet may have the greatest difficulty in salvaging the creature itself from the educational package in which it is presented. (Percy 519) What we learn depends on the media in which the information is transmitted to us. The educators are the ones that choose what and how we are going to learn something. The educators are the ones who hold all of the power in this case. The students are the ones who are struggling to gain power through knowledge. Without this knowledge, we are nothing. The ignorant, or presumed ignorant are the people we enslave or take advantage of.

Usually, when the enslaved people understand what these other people are trying to do, such as the Andeans, they write an autoethnographic text to explain whom they are and what they stand for. They try to disinherit what other people think they are like. Basically, the letter that Poma wrote to King Philip III can be used as an example of an autoethnographic text. This letter proves that the Andeans were not as ignorant as they were first thought to be. Poma included a scene from the bible, Adam and Eve. Through this scene alone, Poma shows the King that he has read the bible and is able to understand the difference between the social status of men and women.

Even between men and women there is a contact zone .(Pratt 530) A contact zone is used to refer to social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other. (Pratt 530) Women are held on a lower level than men. Men are usually seen as having power and being dominant. You can compare the relation between men and women with that of Spain and the Andeans respectively. The King of Spain felt that since the Andeans were not the same, they did not act the same or worship the same things, they were a people that needed some kind of leadership. Right here we can see the potential for the two to clash. If only the King would have taken the time to learn about the Andeans, he would know that they are far more intelligent than one would think at first glance.

The King did not even see the Andeans for himself. Instead he sent a few men to look at the place and find out about the Andeans for him. When this information is given to the King, it is what the men saw and not what the King himself has seen. The relaying of information forms a symbolic complex for the King. Though he may have been a good King or not, he still has a preconceived notion of what the Andeans are like. Do to the lack of power the Andeans hold, it is not worth the time for the King to find out what these people are really like. Since the King is the one with the power, he chooses not to know about them.

Power dictates how much we need to learn. If you are people with little or no power, such as the Andeans, you are forced to learn about other cultures. The Spanish on the other hand, have more power and therefore feel they do not need to know about the Andeans. By learning about the Spanish, they slowly gain more and more power. Even though they do not have as much power as the Spanish, they continue to learn more about them in order to communicate and live with the Spanish without the Spanish looking down on and using them. Through power we become overconfident sometimes. Sometimes, as with the English and Scottish, the people that are being repressed gain enough knowledge of their opponents that they are able to overcome the power that was above them. True power is knowledge, but when we have the power we seem to stop learning or caring as much.

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