Карантин сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Во время изоляции все массово принялись поглощать новые знания: записываться на онлайн курсы, смотреть вебинары, участвовать в конференциях по zoom.

Мы подобрали 9 полезных фраз на английском, которые помогут рассказать о ваших новых навыках. И даже если вы совсем ничего не изучали последние пару месяцев, для вас тоже найдется пара нетривиальных фраз.

to teach someone a lesson - преподнести урок; показать, где раки зимуют

- They were not transparent about current situation with the virus, now it will teach them a lesson .
- Они не давали прозрачную информацию по поводу ситуации с вирусом, теперь это преподнесет им урок.

to learn a lesson - извлекать урок

- This situation showed many weak points in countries around the world, we hope that the governments will learn a lesson .
- Эта ситуация показала множество слабых точек в странах по всему миру, мы надеемся, что правительства извлекут урок.

food for thought - пища для размышлений

- That webinar was highly informative - it gave me a lot of food for thought .
- Этот вебинар был очень информативным - он дал мне пищу для размышления.

to get to grips with something - вплотную заняться

- We started building an online business, that is why we had to get to grips with different aspects of online promotion.
- Мы начали развивать онлайн бизнес, поэтому нам пришлось вплотную заняться различными аспектами продвижения онлайн.

to learn the ropes - освоить азы, изучить базу

- It was not difficult to learn the ropes at my new position.
- Было не сложно освоить азы на моей новой позиции.

to make head or tail of something - понять, разобраться

- I can't make head or tail of this new system.
- Я не могу разобраться в этой новой системе.

to know inside out - знать вдоль и поперек, собаку съесть

- Thomas knows this software inside out .
- Томас знает это программное обеспечение вдоль и поперек.

to brush up - освежить в памяти

- I needed some time to brush up my Excel skills.
- Мне потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы освежить в памяти мои навыки владения Excel.

head and shoulders above the rest - вне конкуренции

- Peter was head and shoulders above the rest in his language class.
- Питер был на голову выше всех остальных в своей языковой группе.

В видео объясняю специфические аспекты использования этих фраз:

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Quarantine & Education

Due to the corona virus, quarantine has forced most of families around the world to stay at home in self-isolation, including Kazakhstan. ( A . Bizhanova, 2020 ) All of a sudden millions of families were put into a situation where regular education changed to distance learning. No one knows when the pandemic will end and we can go back to the normal. However, it is already obvious that the education system will not be the same. Here are some observations about our education system: what went wrong, how other systems react and what we can collectively do to improve the situation. ( Frieden T. 2020-03-15 ) .

Many parents were shocked on April 6 th due to heavy information load that came from different sources – 15 messenger groups, large number of 10-minute TV lessons, 10 types of homework, etc – and this is only for one child. One can only imagine what happens with the families with more than one.
Another issue faced by teachers and parents living in rural areas is the limited access to broadband Internet (or absence thereof). Despite the fact that many have mobile Internet and a computer, this access is not enough to ensure high-quality viewing of video lessons and learning through online classes. As many know, we have 48% of children who live in rural areas. ( A . Bizhanova, 2020 )

Weak preparedness of all of us. Despite the fact that the spring break was extended and there was time for preparation, three weeks was still not enough to solve the short and long-term issues that have accumulated over the years of independence. Excessive bureaucracy, weak communication mechanisms between central and local authorities, and absence of a feedback system from the regions were stumbling blocks for sufficient preparation of all the stakeholders. ( Bao, Xue; Qu, Hang; Zhang, Ruixiong; Hogan, Tiffany P. 2020)

Our world will not be the same after COVID-19. Our expectations and aspirations for education will not be the same either. Despite all the difficulties, it is a great opportunity to make important conclusions what can be improved in our education. ( Jordan C (2020-03-22). If the virus did not take place, we would have probably stayed in our comfort zone and continued a regular routine. Virus came as a wake up all which uncovered weaknesses of our education system that need to be resolved in an urgent matter. ( Simon, Mallory , 2020)

We live in a difficult and unpredictable time due to COVID-19. Some people think that it is one of the major problems nowadays which can causes irreversible consequences, while other consider that Mass media make such a big deal about it.

In my opinion, COVID-19 is a serious problem. Firstly, the outbreak has speared around the world very quickly and has become an epidemic. That is why a lot of people were not ready to face this problem. A lot of workers have lost their jobs because government decided to seal borders and to shut non-essential business. Secondly, in many cases the virus runs with no apparent symptoms that makes COVID-19 hard to develop at an early stage.

If a person does not start to treat disease instantly, it can be fatal.

However, there are others who believe that there are a host other viral epidemics which can be more dangerous than COVID-19 and Mass media just creates an unnecessary panic among people.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with this point of view Coronavirus seems to be anew disease for modern scientists and now medicals does not know how to treat people, also COVID-19 causes more deaths among the elderly people than previous mass viral outbreaks.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of this problem being ambiguous, I strongly believe that Covid-19 is an urgent problem which should be taken seriously. People should reduce chances of catching the virus and I hope the situation would improve soon.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

В тексте присутствуют некоторые неточности, слегка искажающие его содержание.

1) become an epidemic [Речь в случае коронавируса должна идти не об эпидемии, а о пандемии, поскольку сам автор упоминает чуть ранее, что болезнь охватила весь мир];

2) hard to develop [Слово develop, по всей видимости, использовано ошибочно, т.к. автор рассуждает о диагностике/обнаружении вируса, а не о его развитии];

3) make such a big deal [Выражение относится к разговорному стилю].

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован в целом корректно.

К3 (лексика) – 1 балл

1) speared – spread [Допущена меняющая смысл слова опечатка];

2) become an epidemic – become a pandemic [Речь идёт о пандемии, а не эпидемии];

3) hard to develop at an early stage – hard to diagnose/detect at an early stage [Речь идёт об обнаружении вируса, а не о его развитии];

4) seems to be anew disease – seems to be a new disease [Слитное написание привело к построению не вписывающегося в контекст слова];

6) в последнем абзаце дважды повторяются слова problem и should, что может рассматриваться как тавтология.

К4 (грамматика) – 0 баллов

1) We live – We are living [Идею активно разворачивающегося действия лучше передаёт время Present Continuous];

2) can cause s – can cause [После глагола can используется инфинитив];

3) while other consider – while others consider [Местоимение должно стоять во множественном числе];

4) because government decided – because governments decided [Слово government нужно поставить во множественное число, поскольку подразумеваются все правительства мира];

5) non-essential business – non-essential businesses [Логичнее использовать множественное число, т.к. имеются в виду разнообразные предприятия, компании и т.д.];

6) symptoms that makes – symptoms, which makes [Придаточное относится ко всему идущему перед ним фрагменту, поэтому нужно использовать which и поставить запятую];

7) to trea t d isease – to treat the disease [Требуется артикль];

8) a hos t o ther viral epidemics – a host of other viral epidemics [Пропущен предлог];

9) mass media make ; mass media just creates [Желательно соблюсти единообразие в согласовании словосочетания mass media с глаголами];

10) medicals does not know – medicine does not know / medical workers do not know [Неверное согласование существительного с глаголом];

11) among the elderly people – among the elderly / among elderly people [Нужно выбрать один из предложенных вариантов];

12) situation would improve – situation will improve [Оснований для использования будущего времени в прошедшем нет].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) M ass media – mass media [Нет необходимости начинать словосочетание с заглавной буквы];

2) symptom s t hat makes – symptoms, which makes [Нужна запятая];

3) point of vie w C oronavirus – point of view. Coronavirus [Пропущена точка];

4) how to treat peopl e, also C OVID-19 – how to treat people. Also, COVID-19 [Рекомендуется произвести указанные изменения, т.е. разделить фрагмент на два предложения и использовать знаки препинания].

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Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



COVID-19 has been intensely discussed in Mass-media for the last few months. Some people say that it is really dangerous, whereas others are quite skeptical.

I think that COVID-19 is a real danger to society. First of all , COVID-19 works differently compared to previous major viruses. For example , it enters deep into humancells and the immune system notices it too late to fight off successfully. Secondly , the virus has quickly caused a Pandemic, “a world epidemic”, that has not happened with other viruses for overa 100 years. For instance , after only 2 months it is hard to find a country that has not yet been infected with COVID-19.
Moreover , it has already caused a huge economic collapse in a lot of countries.

At the same time , there are people who do not agree with this opinion. They say that the Coronavirus can be cured just like many other previous viral epidemics and Mass Media just creates an unnecessary panic among people.

I do not agree with the statement above. COVID-19 is a much more insidious virus. The number of deaths among elderly people from it, is much higher than for previousmass viral outbreaks .

In conclusion , I would like to say there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight Coronavirus seems to be just another virus, but in actual fact it produces a lot more disasters to already sick people thanprevious flu viruses. Thus , I strongly believe that it should be treated much more seriously and people should follow all the few basic rules of general safety.

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