Gm food advantages and disadvantages сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Genetically modified foods (GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had changes made to their DNA using genetic engineering. Currently, GM foods are produced in more than 28 countries and they are particularly popular in North America. There is a controversy whether such foods are safe or whether they pose risk to our health and the environment.

The first genetically modified food approved for consumption was the tomato developed by the American company Calgene and engineered to have a longer shelf life by introducing a special gene that delayed ripening. By 2015, 92% of corn, 94% of soybeans, and 94% of cotton produced in the US were genetically modified foods. In the same year, the first GM animal was approved for food use – salmon, which was transformed with a hormone that enables it to grow year-round instead of only during spring and summer.

Scientists believe that GM foods are as safe as conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before it is approved. Nonetheless, the general public is less likely to perceive GM foods as safe.

Establishing 100% safety of any foods is almost impossible, but all GM foods undergo detailed examination and testing. There has been not a single evidence proving harmful effects on human health. There were cases when the developed GM foods caused allergic reactions, but all of those foods were banned. Many people speculate about possible toxicity, but currently, there is no evidence of it either. However, there is a valid concern that GM foods can affect wild populations of plants via the migration of genes caused by pollination, which can lead to interference with the eco-system balance.

Overall, GM foods are recognized as safe by the scientific society, but there is an ongoing debate among the general population whether these foods are 100% safe. The legal status of GM foods varies by country with some nations, like Russia, restricting them, and others, like the US and Canada, permitting them.

Генетически модифицированные продукты (ГМО-продукты) – это продукты, произведенные из организмов, в ДНК которых были внесены изменения с помощью генной инженерии. В настоящее время ГМО-продукты производятся более чем в 28 странах, и они особенно популярны в Северной Америке. Существует спор о том, безопасны ли такие продукты или они представляют опасность для нашего здоровья и окружающей среды.

Первым одобренным к употреблению генетически модифицированным продуктом питания был помидор, разработанный американской компанией Calgene и созданный так, чтобы иметь более длительный срок хранения за счет введения специального гена, задерживающего созревание. К 2015 году 92% кукурузы, 94% соевых бобов и 94% хлопка, производимого в США, были генетически модифицированными продуктами. В том же году первое ГМО-животное было одобрено для употребления в пищу – лосось, который был преобразован с помощью гормона, который позволяет ему расти круглый год, а не только весной и летом.

Ученые считают, что ГМО-продукты так же безопасны, как и обычные продукты, но каждый ГМО-продукт необходимо тестировать в индивидуальном порядке, прежде чем он будет одобрен. Тем не менее, широкая публика cклонна сомневаться в безопасности продуктов, содержащих ГМО.

Установить 100% безопасность каких-либо продуктов практически невозможно, но все ГМО-продукты проходят детальное обследование и тестирование. Не было ни одного доказательства вредного воздействия на здоровье человека. Были случаи, когда разработанные ГМО-продукты вызывали аллергические реакции, но все эти продукты были запрещены. Многие люди размышляют о возможной токсичности, но в настоящее время доказательств этого также нет. Однако есть обоснованные опасения, что ГМО-продукты могут влиять на дикие популяции растений через миграцию генов, вызванную опылением, что может привести к нарушению баланса экосистемы.

В целом, генетически модифицированные продукты признаны безопасными в научном сообществе, но среди населения в целом продолжаются споры о том, являются ли эти продукты безопасными на 100%. Правовой статус ГМО-продуктов различается в зависимости от страны: некоторые страны, например, Россия, ограничивают их, а другие, например США и Канада, разрешают.

Genetically modified foods (GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had changes made to their DNA using genetic engineering. Currently, GM foods are produced in more than 28 countries and they are particularly popular in North America. There is a controversy whether such foods are safe or whether they pose risk to our health and the environment.

The first genetically modified food approved for consumption was the tomato developed by the American company Calgene and engineered to have a longer shelf life by introducing a special gene that delayed ripening. By 2015, 92% of corn, 94% of soybeans, and 94% of cotton produced in the US were genetically modified foods. In the same year, the first GM animal was approved for food use – salmon, which was transformed with a hormone that enables it to grow year-round instead of only during spring and summer.

Scientists believe that GM foods are as safe as conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before it is approved. Nonetheless, the general public is less likely to perceive GM foods as safe.

Establishing 100% safety of any foods is almost impossible, but all GM foods undergo detailed examination and testing. There has been not a single evidence proving harmful effects on human health. There were cases when the developed GM foods caused allergic reactions, but all of those foods were banned. Many people speculate about possible toxicity, but currently, there is no evidence of it either. However, there is a valid concern that GM foods can affect wild populations of plants via the migration of genes caused by pollination, which can lead to interference with the eco-system balance.

Overall, GM foods are recognized as safe by the scientific society, but there is an ongoing debate among the general population whether these foods are 100% safe. The legal status of GM foods varies by country with some nations, like Russia, restricting them, and others, like the US and Canada, permitting them.

Genetically modified foods (GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had changes made to their DNA using genetic engineering. Currently, GM foods are produced in more than 28 countries and they are particularly popular in North America. There is a controversy whether such foods are safe or whether they pose risk to our health and the environment.

The first genetically modified food approved for consumption was the tomato developed by the American company Calgene and engineered to have a longer shelf life by introducing a special gene that delayed ripening. By 2015, 92% of corn, 94% of soybeans, and 94% of cotton produced in the US were genetically modified foods. In the same year, the first GM animal was approved for food use – salmon, which was transformed with a hormone that enables it to grow year-round instead of only during spring and summer.

Scientists believe that GM foods are as safe as conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before it is approved. Nonetheless, the general public is less likely to perceive GM foods as safe.

Establishing 100% safety of any foods is almost impossible, but all GM foods undergo detailed examination and testing. There has been not a single evidence proving harmful effects on human health. There were cases when the developed GM foods caused allergic reactions, but all of those foods were banned. Many people speculate about possible toxicity, but currently, there is no evidence of it either. However, there is a valid concern that GM foods can affect wild populations of plants via the migration of genes caused by pollination, which can lead to interference with the eco-system balance.

Overall, GM foods are recognized as safe by the scientific society, but there is an ongoing debate among the general population whether these foods are 100% safe. The legal status of GM foods varies by country with some nations, like Russia, restricting them, and others, like the US and Canada, permitting them.

Генетически модифицированные продукты (ГМО-продукты) – это продукты, произведенные из организмов, в ДНК которых были внесены изменения с помощью генной инженерии. В настоящее время ГМО-продукты производятся более чем в 28 странах, и они особенно популярны в Северной Америке. Существует спор о том, безопасны ли такие продукты или они представляют опасность для нашего здоровья и окружающей среды.

Первым одобренным к употреблению генетически модифицированным продуктом питания был помидор, разработанный американской компанией Calgene и созданный так, чтобы иметь более длительный срок хранения за счет введения специального гена, задерживающего созревание. К 2015 году 92% кукурузы, 94% соевых бобов и 94% хлопка, производимого в США, были генетически модифицированными продуктами. В том же году первое ГМО-животное было одобрено для употребления в пищу – лосось, который был преобразован с помощью гормона, который позволяет ему расти круглый год, а не только весной и летом.

Ученые считают, что ГМО-продукты так же безопасны, как и обычные продукты, но каждый ГМО-продукт необходимо тестировать в индивидуальном порядке, прежде чем он будет одобрен. Тем не менее, широкая публика cклонна сомневаться в безопасности продуктов, содержащих ГМО.

Установить 100% безопасность каких-либо продуктов практически невозможно, но все ГМО-продукты проходят детальное обследование и тестирование. Не было ни одного доказательства вредного воздействия на здоровье человека. Были случаи, когда разработанные ГМО-продукты вызывали аллергические реакции, но все эти продукты были запрещены. Многие люди размышляют о возможной токсичности, но в настоящее время доказательств этого также нет. Однако есть обоснованные опасения, что ГМО-продукты могут влиять на дикие популяции растений через миграцию генов, вызванную опылением, что может привести к нарушению баланса экосистемы.

В целом, генетически модифицированные продукты признаны безопасными в научном сообществе, но среди населения в целом продолжаются споры о том, являются ли эти продукты безопасными на 100%. Правовой статус ГМО-продуктов различается в зависимости от страны: некоторые страны, например, Россия, ограничивают их, а другие, например США и Канада, разрешают.

There is no doubt that genet call modified food has become extremely papules so far. Some people think that this food is very harmful and should not be sold while other suppose that it does not harm people.

As for me, I support the first point of view Firstly, genetically - modified food has a bad effect on our health because it is not ordinary, fresh food. Secondly, this food is more expensive because goes through many treatments and contains a lot of chemical substances.

However, some other people think differently. They consider that genetically - modified food is our future and great achievement of science, scientific and technical progress. And, therefore, GMO is not harmful for people and even good for their health.

Unfortunately, I cannot share their point of view as they forget about the fact that not all achievements of science can have a good effect on our health because they may have a modern but bad composition.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many arguments on both side of the debate but personally.

I am sure that science should not harm people's health and GMO should be banned.

Нет никаких сомнений в том, что генетически модифицированная пища стала чрезвычайно популярной в наше время. Некоторые люди считают, что эта еда очень вредна и не должна продаваться, в то время как другие полагают, что она не наносит вреда людям.

Что касается меня, то я поддерживаю первую точку зрения. Во-первых, генетически модифицированные продукты питания плохо влияют на наше здоровье, потому что это не обычные, свежие продукты. Во-вторых, эта еда стоит дороже, потому что проходит много обработок и содержит много химических веществ.

Однако некоторые люди думают иначе. Они считают, что генетически модифицированные продукты питания — это наше будущее и большое достижение науки, научно-технического прогресса. И, следовательно, ГМО (генетически модифицированные организмы) не вредны для людей и даже полезны для их здоровья.

К сожалению, я не могу разделить их точку зрения, так как они забывают о том, что не все достижения науки могут оказать хорошее влияние на наше здоровье, потому что они могут иметь современный, но плохой состав.

В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что есть много аргументов с обеих сторон дебатов, и лично у меня их много. Я уверен, что наука не должна вредить здоровью людей и ГМО должны быть запрещены.

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Genetically modified food: danger or opportunity?
Genetically modified food (GM food) – one of the gifts of the progress. But it’s necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of GM food consumption.
On the one hand, GM food invention solved the problem of food shortage. Pasting pieces of genes from the one organism into the genetic code of another, scientists have managed to increase the crop yield and rate of maturation, raise its’ resistance to diseases, parasites and pests. Moreover, the time for selection has reduced. Some time ago, to breed new cold-resistant varieties decades were needed, but now the process takes only a year or two. Besides, now the humanity can get the desired amount of drugs, such as modified insulin, interferon, and others, which is really important fact.
On the other hand, GM foods were introduced into everyday people’s life without careful studies of their effect on the human body. For example, introducing a Brazil nut gene into soybean, has turned out that people with allergies to nuts, began to react to the soybeans in the same way.Also, long use of genetically modified food leads to the appearance of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, with unpredictable response to medicaments.Finally, an impact on the human’s body in the long terms of use still isn’t clear, and the impact on human’s reproductive function is unknown.
To sum up, the official sources don’t tell us that the GM food is dangerous. To clarify, useful the GM food or dangerous, 40-50 years is needed. So, at this stage of genetically modified food’s research it is hard to say whether the GM food the opportunity or danger.

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Урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Genetically Modified Food". Тема урока актуальна, интересна для обучающихся данного возраста.

Ход урока.

Организационный момент. Вводная беседа с учащимися о новых технологиях и изобретении генно-модифицированных продуктов. Постановка целей и задач урока. Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I’m very glad to meet you. My name is Olga Nikolayevna and I’m the English teacher of Kuganak high school. I’ll be teaching you English at this lesson. I hope everybody is OK and we can start now. At the previous lesson you have spoken about new world technologies and great inventions, also in producing foods. The English proverb says: “You are what you eat”. Do you agree with it? And one of the greatest human inventions is producing GM foods. Can you say what does this word mean? GM foods mean Genetically Modified foods. Can you imagine what are we going to speak about? Yes, you are right. The topic we are going to discuss is GM foods, their effect on our health and the environment. (слайд №1). Look at the board, please and define the aim of our lesson all together. What do you like to know about GM foods? May be what kind of food contains GM? What companies produce GM foods? I’m sure, during our lesson you will have some arguments for and against GM. So we can say that the aim of our lesson is to get more information about the origin of GM foods and their effects on the environment, to find arguments for and against GM, and we’ll see which of these arguments will be more convincing. (слайд 2).

Речевая зарядка. I’d like you to look at the third slide and answer the questions:

What do Genetically Modified foods contain?

When did the first GM foods appear?

As you can see, GM foods appeared in the world in 1970-s and in Russia only at the end of 90-s. So, look into your student’s books (page 104? Ex. 80 b) and unjumble the definition:

GM, is, a different organism, a gene, picking up, it, and, transporting, into:

GM is a gene picking up and transporting into a different organism.

3.Аудирование учащимися текста о достоинствах и недостатках генно-модифицированных продуктов, об их пользе и вреде для человека.

Let’s listen what the speaker thinks about GM foods and answer the questions in your books, page 104, exercise 81. Самоконтроль.

Now listen to the text once again and find the arguments of the speaker for and against GM food. Fill in the table on your sheets of paper. Name these arguments. Let’s check your answers.

Arguments for GM

Arguments against GM

5. Работа в группах. Чтение текста “A Change for the Better ”, обсуждение. Представление мини – проектов. The next question is: Which products , in your opinion, can contain GM genes? Look at slide 3 (слайд 3). And what do you think: can new technologies be dangerous for our environment? (слайд 9).

To find the right answer on this question I suggest you to be divided into groups. Each group has got a leader. You will get an article about advantages and disadvantages of GM foods. Read the article all together for 5 minutes and discuss it. Then I’d like you to compare the opinion described in this article with the opinion of your group. Do you agree or disagree? Use 3 -4 sentences.

Well, it’s time to finish. (Представление групповых мини-проектов).

6.Подведение итогов выступлений учащихся. Let’s sum up.

1) Does producing of GM food have many advantages? Which can you name?

2) Does it have any disadvantages? Which of them can you name?

3) Can GM food effect badly on the environment?

4) Can GM food cause any diseases?

5) What is your opinion: must GM food be produced or not?

So, write on the blackboard your results.. How many per cent of students are for and how many are against GM food? (Учащиеся пишут на доске процент тех, кто за производство продуктов с ГМО и тех, кто против).

Look at slides 10, 11, 13. You can see here which companies produce GM foods.

It’s interesting to know that the 15 th of March is the Day of Actions against GM foods. Did you know about this fact? (слайд 12).

7. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление и комментирование оценок. Домашнее задание. Let’s come to the conclusion. What have we learned about GM foods today?

Is this problem very actual nowadays?

Are there many debates about the safety of such food and its effect on the environment? (слайды 14, 15).

Only you can decide if you eat GM foods or not. There is a good English proverb:

“Who has health has hope, and who has hope has everything”. I wish you to be always healthy. Thank you and good-bye.

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