Charity begins at home сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The world would do nothing for her if she should come to want - charity begins at home. (T. Smollett, ‘Roderick Random’, ch. VI) — Люди не помогут ей, если нужда постучит к ней в дверь: ведь у каждого полно своих забот.

3 charity begins at home

4 charity begins at home

5 Charity begins at home.

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9 charity begins at home

10 charity begins at home

11 Charity: a thing that begins at home, and usually stays there.

<01> Благотворительность начинается дома и обычно там и заканчивается. Elbert Hubbard (Элберт Хаббард).

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charity begins at home кто ду́мает о родны́х, не забу́дет и чужи́х

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ˈtʃærɪtɪ сущ.
1) милосердие, милость, проявление милости (по отношению к кому-либо) Syn: mercy
2) благотворительный взнос;
милостыня to dispense, distribute, give charity to ≈ подавать милостыню to bestow charity on, upon ≈ совершать благотворительные поступки по отношению к кому-л. to accept charity ≈ принять подаяние to ask for, beg for, plead for charity ≈ просить милостыню an act of charity ≈ благотворительная акция Syn: alms
3) мн. благотворительные организации, благотворительные акции ∙ charity begins at home благотворительность;
филантропия благотворительное общество благотворительное учреждение;
- he left his money to * он оставил свое состояние на благотворительные цели милосердие;
- Brother of C. брат милосердия снисходительность;
- with * for all всем желая добра милостыня, подаяние (религия) любовь( к ближнему) ;
- to be in * жить в любви > * begins at home кто думает о родных, не забудет и чужих charity благотворительность, милостыня ~ благотворительность ~ pl благотворительные учреждения или дела;
charity begins at home = своя рубашка ближе к телу ~ милосердие ~ филантропия ~ pl благотворительные учреждения или дела;
charity begins at home = своя рубашка ближе к телу

15 charity

charity благотворительность, милостыня charity благотворительность charity pl благотворительные учреждения или дела; charity begins at home = своя рубашка ближе к телу charity милосердие charity филантропия charity pl благотворительные учреждения или дела; charity begins at home = своя рубашка ближе к телу

16 charity

Charity begins at home. — Благотворительность начинается (с) дома.

Это пословица, означающая, что прежде всего надо проявлять заботу о своей семье, друзьях, а уж потом о всех остальных.

At church the minister reminded us that charity begins at home, but that we must remember others as well. — В церкви священник напомнил нам, что хотя благотворительность начинается с дома, мы должны помнить также и о других.

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to dispense / distribute / give charity to — подавать милостыню

to ask / beg / plead for charity — просить милостыню

18 charity

she was active in several charities — она́ акти́вно рабо́тала в не́скольких благотвори́тельных о́бществах

"With malice toward none, with charity for all. " — "Никому́ не жела́я зла, проявля́я сострада́ние к ка́ждому. " (из речи президента А. Линкольна)

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(n) благотворительная деятельность; благотворительное общество; благотворительность; денежные пожертвования; раздача в благотворительных целях; филантропия

[ char·i·ty || 'tʃærətɪ ] n. благотворительность, благотворительные дела; милосердие, сострадание, отзывчивость; подаяние, милостыня; благотворительные учреждения

1) милосердие, милость, проявление милости (по отношению к кому-либо) 2) благотворительный взнос 3) мн. благотворительные организации, благотворительные акции

См. также в других словарях:

charity begins at home — Help, support, etc should first be given to one s own family, countrymen, etc before others, usu an excuse for not helping others • • • Main Entry: ↑charity * * * charity begins at home spoken phrase used for saying that you should look after… … Useful english dictionary

charity begins at home — ► charity begins at home proverb a person s first responsibility is for the needs of their own family and friends. Main Entry: ↑charity … English terms dictionary

charity begins at home — This idiom means that family members are more important than anyone else, and should be the focus of a person s efforts … The small dictionary of idiomes

charity begins at home — c 1383 in Wyclif English Works (EETS) 78 Charite schuld bigyne at hem self. a 1625 BEAUMONT & FLETCHER Wit without Money V. ii. Charity and beating begins at home. 1659 T. FULLER Appeal of Injured Innocence I. 25 Charity begins, but doth not end … Proverbs new dictionary

charity begins at home — first help the needy in your own community; then help others If you want to help the poor, remember that charity begins at home … English idioms

Charity begins at home. — something that you say which means you should try to help your family and friends before you help other people. You ought to stay in and look after your father. Charity begins at home … New idioms dictionary

charity begins at home — helping people begins with those who are closest to you … English contemporary dictionary

charity begins at home — This idiom means that family members are more important than anyone else, and should be the focus of a person s efforts. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

charity begins at home — spoken used for saying that you should look after yourself, your own family, friends, or country before you start helping other people … English dictionary

Charity begins at home — This idiom means that family members are more important than anyone esle, and should be the focus of a person s efforts … Dictionary of English idioms

charity — ► NOUN (pl. charities) 1) an organization set up to help those in need. 2) the voluntary giving of money or other help to those in need. 3) help or money given in this way. 4) tolerance in judging others. ● charity begins at home Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary

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Charity begins at home A charity an organization that благотворительная helps poor people организация A volunteer a person who helps добровольный without money помощник, волонтер Voluntary work without any добровольная money помощь Charity kindness in giving благотворительность help

Some of the most famous charity organizations are Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to help them run money. Many of these organizations run charity shops.

Charity shops sell goods at very bargain prices. The items for sale are usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. These include books, records, CDs, clothes, accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for special occasions such as Halloween.

The staff who work at charity shops are volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales go towards the charity.

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What is charity today? On TV and in other media, we often meet this word, and basically it is related to the activities of various rich people giving their money to help needy people (orphans, people with disabilities (old invalids), chronically ill, etc .). Or with the activities of various public organizations (charitable organizations) collecting this money. But is it always the news in the media related to "charity" that really is such? Unfortunately no. Everyone on the lips has a charity concert with the help of children with cancer, with Putin's participation. What ended this concert is known, no help was given to sick children. There are, of course, other examples, for example, with the Chulpan Khamatova Fund, which provides real support to the patients, the Raisa Maximovna Garbacheva Foundation, etc. but often all these organizations are not popular with television journalists. Their good deeds behind the scenes of the media. There is also such a question. Is charity the work of only wealthy people? Of course not! Let's think about the very word charity. Its direct meaning, to create, that is to do good, to bring people benefits. And should really do good only the strengths of this world? No. The welfare of society, its moral health, depends primarily on how much each of us is ready to bring good. Under my neighbors, of course, I understand not only relatives and friends, but in general people who live in the same country with me who breathe the same air with me, walk and rejoice with the sky alone with me. But to begin to bring good to neighbors, it is certainly from their loved ones. From mom and dad, brothers and sisters, from their grandparents. From his native home. Helping them, we first of all give them their duty to them, and secondly, if it concerns a student, we will learn how to bring people benefits. Taking care of them, listening to their good advice, helping parents in the household, bringing up a good example of their younger brothers and sisters - we will in the future be able to become full members of society. And when we enter adulthood, we can with good conscience do good deeds and just strangers to us.

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It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK seem to have put these words into practice. Their enthusiasm for helping others shows in the 187,000 charity organizations that exist in the country. Some of the most famous ones are Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to help them raise money. Many of these organizations run charity shops. The first charity shop in the United Kingdom was established by Oxfam in Broad Street, Oxford. Oxfam has the largest number of charity shops in the UK with over 800 stores.

Charity shops sell goods at very low prices. The items for sale are usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. These include books, records, CDs, clothes, accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for special occasions such as Halloween. There are bargains for everyone! Some charity shops also sell new goods that are somehow related to the cause they support. In Oxfam stores, for example, you can find fair trade food and crafts.

The staff who work at charity shops are volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales go towards the charity. In the US, where charity shops are called thrift stores, this kind of shopping is so popular that it has got it’s own word, it’s called thrifting.

Задание 1. Запишите слова и их перевод с объяснениями.

Задание 2. Выпишите все подчеркнутые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Укажите, чем является – s в конце каждого слова (окончанием множественного числа существительного или окончанием глагола в 3 лице единственного числа).

Например, shops – магазины, - s – окончание сущ. во мн.ч.;

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