Can people really do any job they like сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Every person at the age of 14 to 16 has to make an extremely stressful decision, to choose his or her own career. You might be wondering what the difference is between a career and a job. Basically a job is something you do, but don't expect to continue doing forever. A career is what you hope to do for a long time or even for your entire working life. Choosing a career is a difficult and challenging task: the decision once taken will influence your future life. There are, of course, a lot of examples when people have changed their career paths in their twenties, thirties and even forties but, of course, it is better to make the right choice at the very beginning. The earlier you decide on what profession is interesting and rewarding for you, the more you can achieve during your lifetime.
Choosing a career is a challenging task indeed. It is all about finding the perfect match between your personality, interests, and skills. On the one hand, modern society, with its hundreds of professions and jobs, presents a vast range of future job opportunities. Industry and business, farming, science and education, medicine, service, arts and journalism are just a few professional fields a young person can specialize in. On the other hand, modern society with its crises, unemployment and inflation, makes a poor choice of profession a really bad mistake. You can choose a profession you really like, and face problems when looking for a job. Or you can find a job you like, but it will be underpaid. Besides, a young person's parents usually have their own ideas of what career path to choose. Some parents are more democratic and let the child determine his future by himself. Some are oppressive and overprotective and try to force the child to make this or that career choice. In this case, they often try to compensate for their own dreams which have failed and the chances they have missed. Sometimes they see their child is gifted in some field and try to persuade him to choose this profession irrespective of the fact if he likes it or not.
In spite of all the problems mentioned above, the choice has to be made. To make it easier for the young people, there is some professional advice. It's best for the young man to start this process as early as possible, ideally in the tenth form. You should determine if you would like to continue in higher education, or to learn a trade and look for a job. It's up to the person to decide, but you should remember that to get more chances, you should strive for higher education which enables you to be qualified for skilled labour. You should determine what you might like to study or major in at college. You might like to try some of these career assessment tests to help with this step. You will surely also get suggestions from family, friends, and high school teachers and guidance counsellors. You also have to consider the demand for a particular career in the labour market. Choosing a career where there are limited job opportunities can greatly increase the challenges you will face.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Выбрать будущую профессию значит принять чрезвычайно трудное решение.
2. Выбор карьеры — это трудная и требующая напряжения задача, которая состоит в том, чтобы найти дело, идеально соответствующее вашему характеру, интересам и навыкам.
3. Современное общество предоставляет широкий выбор возможностей будущей работы в различных профессиональных областях, однако кризисы, безработица и инфляция делают выбор действительно трудным.
4. Интересная работа может быть плохо оплачиваемой или предоставлять мало возможностей для роста.
5. Некоторые родители разрешают своим детям самим определять свое будущее, другие деспотичны и слишком опекают своих детей.
6. Некоторые родители пытаются заставить своего ребенка выбрать ту или иную профессию, тем самым пытаясь реализовать свои несбывшиеся мечты.
7. Вам следует определить, хотите ли вы продолжить образование в вузе, что дает возможность получить подготовку для квалифицированного труда.
8. Чтобы выбрать профессию, можно попробовать пройти несколько тестов на профориентацию и послушать советы учителей и консультантов по профориентации.
9. Выбрать профессию, с которой трудно найти работу, значит создать для себя дополнительные трудности.

1. To choose one's future career is to make an extremely stressful decision.
2. Choosing a career is a difficult and challenging task of finding the perfect match between your personality, interests, and skills.
3. Modern society presents a vast range of future job opportunities in various professional fields, but crises, unemployment and inflation make the choice really difficult.
4. A rewarding job can be underpaid or have poor career opportunities.
5. Some parents let their children determine their future by themselves, some are oppressive and overprotective.
6. Some parents try to force their child to make this or that career choice, thus compensating for their own dreams that have failed.
7. You should determine if you would like to continue in higher education, which enables you to be qualified for skilled labour.
8. To choose one's career, one might try some of these career assessment tests and to get suggestions from the teachers and guidance counsellors.
9. Choosing a career with limited job opportunities will increase the challenges you will face.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Some people think that only high-paing job can get pleasure (Задание 40).

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In modern world a problem of enjoyment to reward ratio for work is being as highly discussed as it can get. Some people think that only high-paing job can get pleasure, while others think that money does not matter as long as you are enjoying your work. So where does the truth lie?

On one hand, a person can be pleased with their job even if he or she is paid much less than they should be, because they love what he or she is doing. What is more, ones who don't enjoy their job, even if it is well-paid, are at high risk of suffering from depression. Futhermore, though high-paying, the job can be extremely dangerous and difficult, and most of the people would not want to constantly risk their life, even if for money.

On the other hand, there is an oppposing point of view.

People believe that they can live richer and more comfortable lives due to big paychecks, and they can be pleased with their lives outside of work. Furthermore, it goes without saying that if a certain job is highly rewarding, it usually means that the job requires narrow-profile skills, and specialists are really demanded in this field, so they will never be left without work.

However, I still stand by the opinion that if you love what you are doing, you can be happy no matter the financial situation. As long as you get moral enlightment from your job, I believe that it is all that matters.

In conclusion, the perfect case would be a well-paid job that meets your interests and abilities. Therefore, you would not have had to worry about tearing between a work you love doing and a big paycheck. As the saying goes: "Do what you love, love what you do".

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In the life of every person there comes a moment when he has to decide on the choice of his future activities. Someone starts working at the age of 14 and he has already determined from his profession and someone will pass the way into a whole life and cannot decide on it. Find a job that you fall in love with and you won't have to work a single day in your life again.

So what is an ideal job? Each person will answer this question differently. For some people it is prosperity, splashing out creativity, communication with people. Others prefer to solve serious problems of humanity in the laboratories, for example, to find a cure for diseases. Personally, I would like to do business that will not only feed, but also will bring pleasure. For me, that kind of job is a panda hugger. Such employees are obliged to take care of the cubs which are kept separately from their parents in the zoos. The panda huggers are the cub nannies. They play and cuddle with the animals; this is a form of parenting necessary for the cubs to adapt to an independent life. In some zoos, panda huggers wear the costumes of these animals, thus imitating an adult bear. Plus, they carry out the usual duties of caring for animals, feeding them.

While this profession can be dangerous and time-consuming, I find it worth it. I am sure this job is for noble, kind, responsible and generous people and it is really an ideal job!

A dream job is a personal choice for each person, based on his preferences in everything: in life, hobbies, people and other things.

The first criterion for me will be the normalization of work and strict criteria for what I need to do and how I will be assessed. It will be much easier for me if I know what I should do and what I shouldn't do. I cannot call myself a creative person, so I prefer practicality.

The next criterion for me will be a good attitude towards employees, all modern social guarantees must be respected, wages must be paid on time, leave is not delayed, and much more. It is much better to work in comfort and be confident in the future than to sit and wait for the unknown.

And the last criterion for an ideal job will be the possibility of self-realization and development of my skills, through additional courses provided by the employer. The ability to reach your full potential in our time is a much more common practice than, for example, a century earlier, so why should I give it up?

The working day should not be too long; 8 hours a day will be enough. Work should not start too early and should not finish too late. I arrive : complete all my duties and return home, naturally including lunch breaks and some rest.

Thus, an ideal job for me is practicality, a guarantee of well-being and an opportunity for self-realization.

There are so many different professions and pupils today can choose whatever they like. Of course to get a good job you have to get education and finish university. Anyway today boys and girls can choose any profession and it’s really cool.

There are no men’s and women’s professions anymore. It really doesn’t matter if you are a boy or a girl, you can work in police, bank, hospital. You can be a teacher, a pilot, a captain or a florist. I believe that people can do any job. They just need time and some practice. Today girls can do programming and engineering and boys are good in cooking. Maybe 20-30 years ago it was strange, but today men and women are equal.

From other side every job has pluses and minuses. There are the professions that girls will never do. For example girls are not so strong as boys. So they will never be able to carry heavy stuff. At the same time women can understand and work with children. Of course there are men who can also handle with them. But at school and in the kindergartens you will see more women than men.

Many people think that women can cook so well. But in many restaurants you will find a man who is a chef.

In general everything depends on our preferences. We are born with different abilities and talents. Someone likes to build, other people like to destroy. The most important thing is that in future everyone can do whatever he or she likes. It’s important if you love your job and if you feel happy and active every morning. And then it really doesn’t matter if you are man or woman. You can be the best in sales or maybe your heart belongs to the ocean. Do whatever you feel and nothing else is important. I have already chosen for me and I hope in future I will become the best in my job.

Нет мужских или женских профессий

Сегодня существует много разных профессии и ученики могут выбрать то, что им больше нравится. Конечно, чтобы получить хорошую работу, вам необходимо получить образование и окончить университет. В любом случае сегодня мальчики и девочки могут выбрать любую профессию и это очень здорово.

Я считаю, что не существует больше ни мужских, ни женских профессий. Не имеет значения, мальчик ты или девочка, ты можешь работать в полиции, банке или больнице. Вы можете быть учителем, пилотом, капитаном или даже флористом. Я уверена, что люди сегодня могут делать абсолютно любую работу. Просто иногда нужно немного времени и практика. В наши дни девушки занимаются программированием и инженерией, а парни хороши в кулинарии. Может, лет 20-30 назад это было странно, но сегодня мужчины и женщины равны.

В общем все зависит от ваших предпочтений. Мы все родились с разными способностями и талантами. Кому-то нравится строить, а другие привыкли разрушать. Самое главное- это, чтобы в будущем каждый мог делать то, что ему или ей нравится. Важно лишь то, чтобы вы любили свою работу, чувствовали себя счастливым и активным каждое утро. А там уже не имеет значения, мужчина вы или женщина. Вы можете быть лучшим в сфере продаж, а может, вообще сердце принадлежит океану. Делайте то, что чувствуете, а остальное не важно. Я уже решил для себя и надеюсь, в будущем я стану лучшим в своей работе.

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