Брсм на английском языке сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

BOY SCOUTS is an organization that teaches boys to be good citizens and trains them to become leaders. More than ten million boys and Scout leaders belong to Boy Scout units in the 95 countries belonging to the Boy Scout World Conference. Boy Scouts in all these lands are taught to do their duty to God, to their country and to other people. Their motto is "Be Prepared, and learning by doing is the method used to teach them. Boy Scouts practice citizenship by electing their own boy leaders and by learning to work together. As Scouts work and play outdoors, they acquire skills in camping, first aid, mapmaking, outdoor cooking, signalling, swimming and woodcraft.

Sir Robert Baden-Powell of Great Britain started the Boy Scout movement in 1907, when he organised a camp for 20 boys. In 1908 he published the first Boy Scout manual. The movement spread to the United States as the result of a good turn performed for William D. Boyce, an

American businessman, in 1909. A British Boy Scout помог положить Boyce find his way in a London fog. Boyce and others founded the Boy Scouts of America in 1910. Today, more than six million boys and adult leaders belong to the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts of Canada has about 350 000 участников.

boy scout [skaut] - бойскаут

citizenship ['sɪtɪznʃɪpj - гражданство

to elect [ɪ'iekt] - выбирать

to acquire [ə'kwaɪə] - приобретать

skill [skɪl] - умения; опыт

woodcraft ['wudkra:ft] - умение мастерить из дерева

manual ['mænjuəl] - учебник, пособие

turn [tə:n] - услуга

1. What organization is Boy Scouts?

2. How many boys and Scout leaders belong to Boy Scout units?

3. What are Boy Scouts taught to do ?

4. What is their motto?

5. What skills do Scouts acquire ?

6. Who and when stalled the Boy Scout movement?

7. Have you got similar organization for children in your country?

Молодежная организация. Бойскауты

Сэр Роберт Баден-Пауэлл из Великобритании начал движение бойскаутов 1907 p., когда он организовал лагерь для 20 мальчиков. В 1908 г. он опубликовал первое руководство для бойскаутов. Движение распространилось в Соединенных Штатах благодаря доброй услуге, которую оказали Вильгельму Д. Бойсу, американскому предпринимателю, 1909 г. Английский бойскаут помог Бойсу найти путь в лондонском тумане. В. Д. Бойс и другие основали движение бойскаутов в Америке 1910 г. Сегодня более шести миллионов мальчиков и взрослых лидеров входящих в организацию бойскаутов Америки. Количество бойскаутов Канады составляет около 350 000 членов.

" Belarusian Republican youth Union" educational institutions Belarusian Republican youth Union ( BRYU) - youth public organization in Belarus. Is the largest youth Association of the country and supported by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. Public Association "Belarusian Republican youth Union" (hereinafter - the NGO "Belarusian Republican youth Union") is a youth organization in the Republic of Belarus. Is the largest Republican youth public Association of the country (the number of members is about 500 000 people). The organization was established September 6, 2002 by the merger of the public Association "Belarusian Patriotic Union of youth" and public Association "Belarusian Union of youth". Is the successor of the public Association "Belarusian Patriotic youth Union, "the Belarusian youth Union, Lenin Communist Youth Union of Belarusian youth Union of Belarus.

The flag of the Public association "Belarusian Republican Union of Youth" (further the Flag) — is an official symbol of OO "BRSM", serves as a distinction and accessories to the Union of youth. The flag represents a rectangular bilateral panel of red and green flowers. On the Flag face on the middle of a panel BRSM abbreviation written by capital gold letters is placed. The green part of a panel is decorated by a gold laurel branch. On the back the Flag, in the center of red part of a panel – a gold inscription the Public association "Belarusian Republican Union of Youth". The red field of the Flag – symbolizes the heroic past of Komsomol. The bow-shaped green strip located below, symbolizes the present younger generation. The laurel branch a victory symbol, bears information on successorship of generations. The flag is used during Congresses, Plenums, Central Committee Bureau OO "BRSM", official festive events connected with celebration, rewarding of members of the Belarusian republican union of youth, reception in ranks of OO "BRSM" at implementation of projects and programs OO "BRSM".

History The youth Union was established in 2002 by the Association of public organizations "Belarusian youth Union and the Belarusian Patriotic youth Union". Organization is the successor of the public Association "Belarusian Patriotic youth Union, "the Belarusian youth Union and the Lenin Young Communist League of Belarus (Komsomol), partially altered its logo and saving influence, and organizational structure.As part of the youth Union of the restored children of the pioneer organization, with a new logo and the name "Belarusian Republican pioneer organization" (BCA), as well as the traditions of TNS. Color pioneer tie "red-green" - symbolizing the state Flag of the Republic of Belarus.According to an opinion research poll indicated that 63.7 % of the population aware of the existence of the organization, 37 % appreciate its activity positively, 20 % agreed to participate in its activities

Goals The stated objectives of the youth Union is the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, to discover their creative potential, promoting development in the Republic of Belarus civil society, based on Patriotic and moral values of the Belarusian people. In accordance with the definition of objectives are defined and the basic directions of activity. Our organization all the time supported the ideas of the President and government. During the election campaign, our members have demonstrated their activity at polling stations, to collect signatures at public events. We are applying for planning grants from the state. It concerns the allocation of money for targeted projects to support veterans, talented youth, sports and entertainment events. - first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican youth Union Igor Buzovsky

Financing In 2011, the funding organization allocated 20.5 billion rubles, which is 98% of all funds allocated by the state to youth policy [2] [3]. In 2010, the organization has been allocated 14.78 billion rubles [4]. In 2009, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union has received from the state 17.54 billion rubles, in 2008 - 13.12, in 2007 - 10.15, in 2006 - 7.74 in 2005 - 5.26 billion rubles [5]. The organization also owns radio Pilot FM, a travel company "Belarusian satellite" and produces a lottery " Youth“.

Our motto Be uneasy! Don't consider as a joy of wellbeing own paradise! Dare! Work! Be mistaken! And at first start everything over again ! We are citizens of the Republic. We are proud of the Homeland and we think of it, We don't need others, magnificent earth – Our precepts - Do good - Be afraid to offend the person - Love and forgive people - Protect honor from the youth - Find the purpose in life - Give the better, than you will take the others Our principles - Humanity - Patriotism - Voluntariness - Care - Trust - Integrity

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The most popular children organization is the Woodcraft Folk, founded in Britain in 1925. It joins children of three groups: Elfins, Pioneers and Venturers. Elfins, the youngest members of the Woodcraft Folk Organization, play different games, go in for sports, sing and dance. Pioneers live in camps in the country. They learn how to make a fire and make tea on it, how to find their way in the forest, they study trees, flowers. There are ten members in a section of Pioneers or Elfins. The leader of the section is a Venturer, who organizes children and helps them in their games and studies.

But the largest youth organizations in the UK are the associations of the Boy Scouts and the Girls Guides. They unite about 1,5 million boys and girls. The movement of Boy Scouts was founded in 1908. A scout must be able to handle sails, to use a compass, to make a fire out of doors, he must know the first aid and develop his interest in music, literature, drama, arts and films.

The Girl Guide Association, founded in 1910, is divided into three sections: Brownies, Guides and Rangers. The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills including cookery, needlework and childcare. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides aim to develop into good people and useful citizens. They must be friends with animals. They must be loyal to God and the Queen. Their motto is "to be pure in thoughts, words and deeds".

Самой популярной детской организацией является Woodcraft Folk, основанная в Великобритании в 1925 году. Она объединяет детей трех групп: эльфов, пионеров и авантюристов. Эльфины, самые молодые члены Народной организации Вудкрафта, играют в разные игры, занимаются спортом, поют и танцуют. Пионеры живут в лагерях на природе. Они учатся разводить костер и заваривать на нем чай, находить дорогу в лесу, изучают деревья, цветы. В секции пионеров или эльфов десять человек. Лидер секции - Авантюрист, который организует детей и помогает им в их играх и учебе.

Но крупнейшими молодежными организациями в Великобритании являются ассоциации бойскаутов и девочек-гидов. Они объединяют около 1,5 миллионов мальчиков и девочек. Движение бойскаутов было основано в 1908 году. Бойскаут должен уметь управлять парусами, пользоваться компасом, разводить огонь, он должен знать, как оказать первую помощь, и развить свой интерес к музыке, литературе, драме, искусству и фильмам.


Молодежные организации в Великобритании (Youth Organizations in Great Britain) - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

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