Бразильский карнавал сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Brazilian Carnival - the largest folk festival, carnival analogue, introduced to the Portuguese Brazil held forty days before Easter, before the beginning of Lent. During festivals joked poured water on each other, showered with flour, they threw rotten eggs and other Portuguese Carnival imported to Brazil in the 17th century and in the 19th century took over from the European fantastic masks and costumes, parades of decorated cars.. At the same time, there were festive group lined rectangle, rope, stylized pirate, Indian philosopher adherents of the teachings of Gandhi. It is celebrated in all parts of Brazil, dances and songs become brighter and richer with each passing year, new melodies, rhythms. In 1928 there was the first dance the samba school in Rio de Janeiro, from which spread throughout Brazil. Brazilian Carnival - samba schools parade dance, carnival ball, furious energy of musical rhythms, beauty gestures of dancers, almost naked, bright feathers, bright eyes, a whirlwind of emotions. Not disappeared and the tradition of a street carnival, it shall take all interested. The streets are decorated beyond recognition. A wave of joy, enthusiasm and music covers all residents of Brazil. For four days, the mayor of the city of Rio de Janeiro city transfers the right of the Board to the King of Carnival. Brazilian Carnival - a bright, spectacular, colorful, great show.

Карнавал в Бразилии — один из главных национальных праздников. Он проходит ежегодно в течение 4 дней (с субботы по вторник) в феврале-марте: даты карнавала подвижные и каждый год меняются. Карнавал заканчивается в ночь на пепельную среду, когда начинается Великий Пост по католическому календарю.

Carnival in BrazilCarnival in Brazil is one of the major national holidays. It takes place annually during 4 days (from Saturday to Tuesday) in February-March: the Carnival dates movable and change every year. The carnival ends in the night on Ash Wednesday, when lent begins on the Catholic calendar.Carnival in Brazil comes from the Portuguese Carnival is "èntrudo" which was celebrated in Portugal even with 15 century. During this holiday, people poured over each other with water, thrown rotten eggs and tomatoes, peppered flour. The ritual itself has pagan roots and symbolized the emancipation and saturation before Lent.By the end of the 19 century the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro became very popular and was manifested in three main forms: kordau ("rope", where Carnival participants lining up narrow close), street or Carnival block (lining up a rectangle) and ranšu (fashion shows with elements of African rites). Interestingly, Brazil carnival incorporates elements from other countries, particularly France (used masks as the Parisian balls).

Carnival in Brazil Carnival in Brazil - one of the major national holidays. It is held annually during 4 days (Saturday to Tuesday) in February-March: Carnival date mobile and change every year. Carnival ends on the night of Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins in the Catholic calendar. Carnival in Brazil is derived from Portuguese Carnival - "entrudo", which was celebrated in Portugal since the 15th century. During this holiday people poured water on each other, threw rotten eggs and tomatoes, covered with flour. The very ritual has pagan roots and symbolized the liberation and saturation before Lent. By the end of the 19th century Rio de Janeiro carnival has become very popular and was manifested in three basic forms: Kordan ( "rope" when the participants of the carnival line up the narrow side by side), street or carnival block (aligned rectangle) and ranshe (fashion show with elements of African rites). Interestingly, the Carnival in Brazil has incorporated elements of other countries, particularly France (steel use the mask as in the Parisian balls).

Brazilian carnival (port. Carnaval do Brasil) is an annual festival in Brazil, which is held for forty days before Easter and notes the beginning of the Great Post. During the Great Post, Roman Catholics should abstain from all bodily pleasures, in particular - from consumption of meat. Carnival, which is believed to be comes from pagan saturnal, can be considered acts of farewell with meat pleasures. The Brazilian carnival is the largest folk country holiday and has some differences from carnivals both in Europe and in other countries of Latin America. In addition, there are regional variations of carnival in the Brazil. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, according to the booklet, RAO participated in 4.8 million, of which 400 thousand were tourists

Бразильский карнавал (порт. Carnaval do Brasil) — ежегодный фестиваль в Бразилии, который проводится за сорок дней до Пасхи и отмечает начало Великого поста. В течение Великого поста римо-католики должны воздержаться от всех телесных удовольствий, в частности — от потребления мяса. Карнавал, который, как считается, происходит от языческих сатурналий, может считаться актом прощания с мясными удовольствиями.

Бразильский карнавал является крупнейшим народным праздником страны и имеет некоторые отличия от карнавалов как в Европе, так и в других странах Латинской Америки. Кроме того, существуют региональные вариации карнавала в самой Бразилии. Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро, согласно книгеле в Рио участвовали 4.9 млн человек, из которых 400 тыс. были туристами

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Rio carnival <

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Rio carnival <

Carnival in Brazil it`s very famous celebration in the world. Сountry fully i.

Carnival in Brazil it`s very famous celebration in the world. Сountry fully immersed in holiday atmosphere, receiving visitors and locals.

Rio Carnival is a wild 5-day celebration, 40 days before Easter. It officiall.

Rio Carnival is a wild 5-day celebration, 40 days before Easter. It officially starts on Friday and finishes on Fat Tuesday. It is usually in February, the hottest month in the Southern Hemisphere, when summer in Rio is at its peak.

Rio Carnival is the result of months of preparation, it`s very important for.

Rio Carnival is the result of months of preparation, it`s very important for Brazilians. During the carnival samba schools demonstrate their skills. There you can feel hot rhythm, see original participants and bright costumes from different regions of Brazil.


Adults and children of all ages also participate in these parade, so this is.

Adults and children of all ages also participate in these parade, so this is the ideal time for the whole family to have a good time together.

One of the greatest elements of Rio Carnival is that it not only provides ent.

One of the greatest elements of Rio Carnival is that it not only provides entertainment for many people around the world but it also gives a chance to learn about the true culture of Brazil.

Coming to Rio Carnival means a bit of preparation. Buy your Rio carnival tick.

Coming to Rio Carnival means a bit of preparation. Buy your Rio carnival tickets,try to organize your accommodation well in advance and get your costumes for the Samba Parade. After all the preparation work just come and enjoy it all!

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Thanks for attention

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