Белорусские праздники сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

People in Belarus celebrate New Year’s Day. It is one of the most favourite holidays for both children and grown-ups.

On this day people see the old year out and the new year in. Traditionally it is a family holiday and family members get together at holiday dinner.

A fortnight before the New Year there is rush and bustle in shops and in the streets. Everyone is busy on these days. A lot of decorations are put up everywhere. Streets and squares in big cities are decorated with coloured lights and ornaments. New Year trees are put up in central squares of all small towns and big cities. In schools and kindergartens there are concerts with Father Frost and Snowmaden prepared by children and pupils . Festive atmosphere is everywhere.

People usually have a New Year tree at home, too. They also buy presents and food, send cards to their relatives and friends. Children decorate their rooms with pictures, baloons and paper snowflakes. They help parents to get ready for the holiday: clean the flat, decorate a tree and help mother with cooking. A lot of delicious food is cooked on New Year’s Eve which is eaten at night. Of course, eating at night is not good for health but such is a custom.

At about 9 p.m. everything is ready and the families are at holiday table. They eat a bit, play games, watch TV and wait for the main celebration which starts at midnight. Sometimes it is not easy to stay up so late, but it is believed that as you see the New Year in, so you will live up to the next year. Nobody wants to oversleep the New Year to come!

Five minutes before midnight all listen to President’s speech on TV, and when the clock strikes 12, people congratulate each other on the New Year, drink a toast and wish each other happiness, health and wealth. Everyone hopes the wishes will come true.

An hour or so after midnight most people go out into the street to the fir tree in their town or village. They join hands, sing and dance around the tree. Others stay at home and watch a holiday programme on TV.

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Throughout many centuries of history, the Belarusian people created its unique and original culture. Traditional folk customs and rites harmoniously interlace with Christian traditions.

The Belarusian people are proud of the country’s past and its traditional culture.

Презентация рассказывает о праздниках Беларуси, уходящих корнями к временам язычества и до современных фестивалей, о праздниках религиозных и светских, отмкчаемых в тихом семейном кругу и на республиканском уровне.

Every country has customs and traditions. I want to tell you about some holidays and traditions of my country.

Belarusian people really love holidays. We usually celebrate them with a lot of food, presents and in big companies of relatives and friends.

There are three types of holidays in Belarus. They are family holidays, state holidays and religious holidays. Family holidays. I like my birthday very much.

State or public holidays in Belarus include New Year's Day, the International Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day and so on. During these holidays, people do not work. They spend time with their families and friends or go to the center of big cities to celebrate there. Banks, companies and some shops do not work on these days either.

New Year's Day is the major holiday in Belarus. We put up a New Year tree and decorate it with colorful toys and glass balls. Small fir trees are put up in shop windows, in streets and squares, even on roofs of buildings. Children like the holiday a lot. They can stay up late and then get their presents.

Victory Day is a very important holiday for Russian history. On this day we remember those who protected our country from the German invaders during World War II. A great parade is held on this day in Minsk. Numerous war and patriotic films are shown on television. On this day people congratulate veterans and give them flowers.

The so-called religious holidays include Christmas, Easter and others. IlikeBelarusianholidays.

Белорусские традиции и обычаи

У каждой страны есть обычаи и традиции. Я хочу сказать Вам о некоторых праздниках и традициях моей страны.

Белорусские люди действительно любят праздники. Мы обычно празднуем их с большим количеством еды, подарков и в крупных компаниях родственников и друзей.

Есть три типа праздников в Белоруссии. Они - семейный отдых, праздники национальные и религиозные праздники. Семейный отдых. Мне нравится мой день рождения очень.

Праздники национальные или выходные дни в Белоруссии включают Новый год, Международный Женский День, Первый Май, День Победы и так далее. Во время этих праздников не работают люди. Они проводят время со своими семьями и друзьями или идут в центр больших городов, чтобы праздновать там. Банки, компании и некоторые магазины не работают в эти дни также.

Новый год - главный праздник в Белоруссии. Мы поднимаем Новогоднюю елку и украшаем ее красочными игрушками и стеклянными шарами. Маленькие ели подняты в витринах, на улицах и квадратах, даже на крышах зданий. Дети как праздник много. Они могут не лечь спать поздно и затем получить свои подарки.

День победы - очень важный праздник для российской истории. В этот день мы помним тех, кто защитил нашу страну от немецких захватчиков во время Второй мировой войны. Большой парад устроен в этот день в Минске. Многочисленную войну и патриотические фильмы показывают по телевидению. В этот день люди поздравляют ветеранов и дают им цветы.

Так называемые религиозные праздники включают Рождество, Пасху и других. МненравятсяБелорусскиепраздники.

Тема 10 .

The progress in the field of transport.

Speaking aboutthe progress in the field of transport. I'd like to mention solar cars

A solar vehicle is an electric vehicle powered by a type of renewable energyby solar energy obtained fromsolar panels on the surface (generally, the roof) of the “vehicle”.

A solar vehicle is an electric vehicle powered by a type of renewable energy by solar, energy obtained from solar panels on the surface (generally, the roof) of the vehicle. Photo voltaic (PV) cells convert the Sun's energy directly" into electrical energy. Solar vehicles are hot practical day-to-day-transportation devices at present.

Like many race cars, the driver's cockpit usually only contains room for one person.

A solar bicycle has the, advantage of very low weight and can use the riders foot power to supplement the power generated by the solar panel roof vehicle can be driven without the use of any fossil fuels.

The first solar “cars” were actually tricycles built with bicycle technology.

Today highly developed electric bicycles are available and these use little power.

The same system also works for electric motorcycles, solar ships and solar airplanes.

One-practical application for solar powered vehicles is possibly golf carts.

An interesting variant of the electric vehicle is the triple hybrid vehicle that has solar panels as well to assist.

This type of vehicles no doubt is environment friendly and will find more and more sheers of practical application.

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Как празднуют Рождество в Белоруссии, напишите около 10 предложений на английском языке.

How to celebrate Christmas in Belarus?

Mistress necessarily decorate the house and preparing holiday meals, fasting, first, because the night before Christmas last post.

Youth preparing for the festivities : making masks and costumes, learn Christmas songs and old Christmas carols.

Theatrical performances are held in the Gospels.

The city hosts Christmas markets and festivals with concerts, contests and performances.

On Christmas Day in the temples and services held festive liturgy.

The Catholic church is going on 25 December and in the Orthodox churches - January 7.

After the celebration of the church people go home and set the table.

On the tablecloth or under it put a bit of hay as a symbol of the fact that Jesus was born in a manger, the table should be a candle, symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem.

On the table was traditionally kutia and a lot of meat dishes for the breaking.

If you look at how Christmas is celebrated in Belarus, it is obvious that in a country tolerant of all faiths, and people kept their ancient traditions and rituals.

Как отмечают Рождество в Беларуси?

Хозяйки обязательно украшают дом и готовят праздничные блюда, сначала постные, ведь до Рождественской ночи длится пост.

Молодежь готовится к гуляниям : делают маски и костюмы, учат рождественские песни и древние колядки.

Проводятся театрализованные представления на евангельские сюжеты.

В городах проводятся рождественские ярмарки и гуляния с концертами, конкурсами и представлениями.

В день Рождества в храмах проводятся праздничные службы и литургии.

В католических костела это происходит 25 декабря, а в православных церквях – 7 января.

После церкви люди продолжают празднование дома и накрывают стол.

На скатерть или под нее кладут немного сена, как символ того, что Иисус родился в яслях, на столе должна быть свеча, символизирующая Вифлеемскую звезду.

На столе по традиции была кутья и много мясных блюд для разговения.

Если посмотреть, как празднуют Рождество в Беларуси, то очевидно, что в стране терпимо относятся к представителям всех конфессий, а люди сохранили свои древние традиции и обряды.

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