World english in the 21st century реферат

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

I feel I am a happy person because I was born in 21st Century. This is age of new technologies and inventions. We get used to simple things although 20 years ago such things like computer, mobile phone or coffee machine were unavailable. My mom says that my generation was born in good time. Some years ago people had problems to buy bread and milk for children. And we today can buy anything from Europe, America and Cina through internet in 5-10 minutes.

I can’t imagine my life without computer and internet. I am communicating with my friends in the whole world. And my mom and granny had to send the letters with a postman. If I want to watch some movie in any language I download it from YouTube and can have a nice evening with popcorn. My mom says that in past they were happy to go to the cinema or theatre at least twice a year.

I find many things so different in 20th and 21st century and feel little bit sorry that my generation doesn’t appreciate everything they have.

Some people of my age start to smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. They don’t take care about the health. I think it’s happening because teenagers are losing the interest for life.

On the other side many of my friends are very interesting and smart people. We like to read, we have time to study foreign languages, we like to travel and meet new people. My parents are sure that I have carefree life. But my answer is usually so: “ Mom, I am so happy that you and dad are my parents. I don’t know what life was in past, but time flies. We must except the changes and move on. In future I will do everything to succeed in life to take care about you, how you were caring about me all my life.”

I hope one day they will understand that 21st Century will not wait and maybe in future I will have same conversation with my daughter. Time flies and our life is changing every moment. We must keep up with the time.

21 век

Я чувствую себя счастливым человеком, потому что родилась в 21 веке. Это век новых технологий и изобретений. Мы привыкли к простым вещам, хотя, 20 лет назад такие простые вещи как компьютер, мобильный телефон или кофе машина казались недоступными. Мама говорит, что мое поколение родилось в очень счастливое время. Несколько лет назад люди не могли купить хлеб и молоко для своих детей. А мы сегодня купить можем что угодно в Европе, Америке или Китае через интернет всего за 5-10 минут.

Я не могу представить свою жизнь без компьютера или интернета. Так я общаюсь со своими друзьями по всему миру. А моим маме и бабушке нужно было писать настоящее письмо и отправлять по почте. Если я хочу посмотреть фильм на иностранном языке, я загружаю его с ютуба и провожу прекрасный вечер с попкорном. А мама говорит, что в прошлом им за радость было сходить в кино или театр хотя бы дважды в год.

Я нахожу множество полезных вещей каждый день в 21 веке, которых не было в 20 веке. И иногда я испытываю сожаление, ведь мое поколение не ценит того, что имеет.

Некоторые ребята моего возраста начинают курить, употреблять алкоголь и наркотики. Они совершенно не заботятся о здоровье. Я думаю, что эти ребята просто теряют интерес к жизни.

Надеюсь, однажды они поймут, что 21 век не будет ждать и, возможно, в будущем меня ожидает такая же беседа с моей дочерью. Время идёт и наша жизнь меняется каждую секунду. И мы должны идти в ногу со временем.

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The twenty-first century is the century of globalization - the process of world economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification. The English language became the subject of this process. English is studied at different stages of modern human development. We study it at school, in universities, every day we come across words that have come into use. Knowledge of the language is also tested when hiring. All large firms, especially those that work with foreign companies, consider this language as the criterion for hiring.

Nowadays, English is gaining more and more popularity. English is spoken almost all over the world. English is the language of politics and economics, study and entertainment, travel and business, music and art. We are everywhere surrounded by English, it has penetrated into our everyday life. One has only to go out into the street: in a large metropolis or a small regional center, as you see the inscriptions in English. These are the names of companies, firms and organizations, advertisements, courses, etc. There are signs on the doors of shops and firms notifying that "open" or "closed" are in English. In case you know English, you have the opportunity to read and understand them. Therefore, no educated person will argue that knowledge of the English language is now simply necessary. But lack of knowledge of the English language can lead to a dead end or a difficult situation.

English is the working and official language of the United Nations. Every world act, technical publication, book, instruction, song, poster, letter will be read and understood by different nations and peoples if they are presented in English. And, of course, it is natural that English in today's world has become the language of international communication. Turks and Finns, Czechs and Hungarians, Italians and Russian, not knowing each other's language, will be able to communicate with each other in that language. Learn more about "education"

English is so popular that it has become the standard language of international communication. Currently, 75% of world mail is in English, 60% of radio programs are broadcast in English, more than half of the world's periodicals are printed in English.

This spread of the English language around the world is due to the fact that Great Britain was and is a world maritime power. She had colonies, and then dominions around the world. Therefore, many countries currently use English on an equal basis with their official language: India, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the Federated States of Micronesia and a number of others. Some countries choose this language as their official language: USA, Antigua and Bahamas, Barbados, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Nigeria, Solomon Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and others.

English is so popular that it has become the standard language of international communication. Currently, 75% of world mail is in English, 60% of radio programs are broadcast in English, more than half of the world's periodicals are printed in English.

The need to introduce new information technologies in all spheres of human life is becoming more and more obvious. It's hard to imagine modern life without a computer. It has become as much a necessity as a calculator, notebook, typewriter, music center, a device for accessing and storing information. The world of computer science "speaks" English. A billion sites on the Internet in English. Mastering modern computer technology and, especially, the Internet is also impossible without knowledge of English. I was personally convinced of this when I prepared materials for reports. I found the answers to most of the questions using the Internet, but without knowing the English language, I would not be able to read or understand the required text.

English became the "new Latin". In the area of ​​scientific know-how and technological development, everyone needs to know English to be part of the 21st century. It is not hard to see why in Italy, for example, English is required for many technical professions. And in China, it is the main language taught in schools.

Nowadays, a huge number of people around the world are studying English, as they realize that only with knowledge of the language can you become successful in one area or another, if you use it in conjunction with your skills. All communication between people is built in English. From the elementary grades at school, children begin to learn English.

Of course, there have been repeated attempts to create a replacement for the English language, in order to simplify the study and level the capabilities of all nationalities for mutual interaction. They led to the formation of several "common" languages, the most effective of which was Esperanto. But, having designated a certain circle of admirers, he stopped developing. Numerous experts have publicized the idea that Esperanto has no history and roots, while English is the language of Dickens, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and many other great musicians and writers.

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Teaching in the 21 st century: challenges and opportunities.

I have been examined the theory, ideas and skills covered in the two weeks English courses “Teaching in the 21st Century”. The readings have confirmed, strengthened and challenged my views formed over the last thirteen years during which I have been engaged as a teacher in the vocational education and training sector. I will reflect upon the three concepts covered that resonate most deeply with my own teaching philosophies; 21st Century learning, personalized learning, and curriculum that uses deep knowledge. Body 21st Century Learning “In 21st Century Learning, students use educational technologies to apply knowledge to new situations, analyze information, collaborate, solve problems, and make decisions.” I believe that 21st Century learning is independent of technology because it is a set of ideas that bring about a change in education from schools of the industrial age to a world where “the typical teenager has at least as much access to knowledge about the world as parents and teachers have”. Senge (2012) describes the industrial age school as a “school system fashioned in the image of the assembly line, the icon of the booming industrial age” (p.35) , where the school had the monopoly on information (Senge, 2012, p.59). The cultivation of independence and active learning encourages students to develop problem solving and metacognitive skills.

I agree that adopting a 21st Century learning approach is a matter of urgency to bring about this revolution. Human resources are like natural resources. They're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves. And you might imagine education would be the way that happens, but too often it's not. Every education system in the world is being reformed at the moment and it's not enough. Reform is no use any more, because that's simply improving a broken model. What we need – and the word's been used many times during the course of the past few days – is not evolution, but a revolution in education. This has to be transformed into something else. A vast increase in human knowledge along with significant social, economic and technological changes is creating unique and complex future problems. We need a change in the education paradigm in order to successfully challenge these problems.

In my teaching I reduce the emphasis on teacher-led learning. I am trying to adopt the role of coach or facilitator, providing the students with the opportunity to guide their own learning independently or in a socially collaborative context. Students are able to personalise and develop ownership of their learning. I believe that 21st Century learning is at its best when students are engaged in personalised learning where the teacher is not a font of knowledge, but a facilitator there to guide and encourage students to learn in a way that explores their environment and helps them identify and embrace their talents. Personalised learning embraces several key concepts:

• putting the learner at the centre of the system

• having high expectations of every child

• shaping teaching around the way young people learn

• promoting learning beyond the classroom

• focusing on developing learning skills and strategies

• providing clear pathways through the education system, whilst retaining a core entitlement

• planning for a combination of independent and collaborative learning

• using the learning needs and talents of young people to guide decision making

• allowing for individual interpretations of the goals and values of schooling

I believe that the importance of personalised learning is that it is in direct opposition to the industrial age model where students were taught in an assembly line manner using a teacher-centric focus, delivering the same content to all students.

I disagree that the use of technology should be moderated without good cause, and I did not read any evidence to validate the notion of moderating the use of technology in creating a personalised learning environment. I do not suggest that technology should be adopted for the sake of technology, however if there is a demonstrable case for the adoption of technology for the purpose of fostering personalised learning I think it should be adopted without hindrance.

I would like to conclude with a quote from the closing remarks of Robinson (2010). I believe that it beautifully illustrates the importance of embracing a new education paradigm. I wanted to read you a quick, very short poem from W.B. Yeats, who some of you may know. He wrote this to his love, Maud Gonne, and he was bewailing the fact that he couldn't really give her what he thought she wanted from him. and he says, “I've got something else, but it may not be for you.” He says this: “Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with gold and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” And every day, everywhere, our children spread their dreams beneath our feet. And we should tread softly. Robinson (2010).

3D Bolstad, R., Gilbert, J., McDowall, S., Bull, A., Boyd, S., & Hipkins, R. (2012). Supporting futureoriented learning & teaching -- a New Zealand perspective. New Zealand Ministry of Education. Brady, L. & Kennedy K.J. (2010).

Department for Education and Skills: Five year strategy for children and learners ; putting people at the heart of public services. London: Stationery Office. Hoy, A. W. (2005). Educational psychology (9th ed.).

Stenhouse, L. (1975). An introduction to curriculum research and development. London: Heinemann Educational Books.

Презентация на тему: " English – the Latin of the 21 st century МБОУ СОШ 34 пгт. Джубга." — Транскрипт:

1 English – the Latin of the 21 st century МБОУ СОШ 34 пгт. Джубга

2 The aims of the lesson: расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетентности; развитие умения преодолевать трудности, связанные с использованием нового лексического материала; воспитание культуры общения..

3 CONVERSATION BRICKS I agree with you. - Я согласен с вами. I dont agree with you. – Я с вами не согласен. I think so too. - Я тоже так думаю. I am afraid thats wrong. – Боюсь, что это не так. Thats very true. – Именно так. Do you really think so? – Вы действительно так думаете?

4 CONVERSATION BRICKS Thats exactly what I wanted to say. – Вот именно это я и хотел сказать. Yes, but dont you think…- Да, но не кажется ли вам… I can prove it. – Я могу это доказать. Could I say something here? – Можно мне здесь сказать? May I interrupt for a moment? – Позвольте мне перебить?


7 SOME ARGUMENTS English words dont change so much: I read this book. читаю We read this book. читаем You read this book. читаешь They read this book. читают He (she) reads this book. читает You read this book. читаете

8 The language of Great literature Shakespeare Byron Conan Doyle

9 Standard language of UNO Green Peace UNESCO International Olympic Commitee

10 The language of popular music Madonna Elton John Paul McCartney Britney Spears

11 80% of all information in the worlds computers is in English. 75% of the worlds letters and faxes are in English. 60% of all international telephone calls are made in English. More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.


13 find a job abroad go on holiday abroad earn a lot of money travel everywhere in the world watch films in the original language go abroad on an exchange programme get access to the Internet communicate with people from other countries

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