Реферат water is life

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Тема по английскому языку: Загрязнение водоемов

Вода – это жизнь

Вода повсюду. Она является неотъемлемой частью всех живых существ, но нет в целом мире моря или океана, которые бы не использовались как помойная яма. Загрязнение водоемов не только уничтожает крупные популяции птиц, рыб и животных, но также в ряде направлений негативно влияет и на человека. Через несколько лет на Земле не останется пляжа или зоны отдыха, а также воды, которую было бы безопасно пить.

Виды загрязнителей


Существует несколько видов загрязнения водоемов. Самый опасный – нефтепродукты, такие как нефть, топливо и пластик, которые попадают в воду с кораблей и танкеров в результате протечки. Они чрезвычайно опасны для морского мира и зачастую приводят к гибели огромного количества морских обитателей.

Ядовитые химикаты

Следующий вид загрязняющих веществ – ядовитые химикаты. Попадая в реки и озера, они отравляют рыбу и животных, которые представляют серьезную угрозу для здоровья человека, когда их употребляют в пищу.

Промышленные предприятия

Промышленные и горнодобывающие предприятия и выхлопные газы автомобилей выбрасывают в атмосферу и водоемы такие тяжелые металлы как уран, радий, селен и т.д. Когда их концентрация в организме человека достигает высокого уровня, они способны вызывать хронические заболевания.

Болезнетворные микроорганизмы

Еще одной угрозой являются болезнетворные микроорганизмы, попадающие в воду с бытовыми и сельскохозяйственными сточными водами, а также ливневой канализацией.

Температурный режим

И наконец, большое беспокойство вызывает нарушение температурного режима. Зачастую вода, используемая на заводах и электростанциях, сливается обратно в озера и моря, будучи гораздо теплее, что некомфортно для многих видов рыб, поэтому они уплывают из этих мест. В результате, нарушается природный баланс.


Если люди хотят спасти водные ресурсы планеты, они должны принять срочные меры по их защите.

Water pollution

Water is life

Water is everywhere. It’s an integral part of all living beings but there is no ocean or sea in the whole world which wouldn’t be used as a dump. Water pollution not only damages large populations of birds, fish and animals but also affects people in different ways. In several years there will be no beaches and recreational zones to have a rest and no safe water to drink.

Type of pollutants

Petroleum products

There are different types of water pollution. One of the worst ones is petroleum products such as oil, fuel and plastic which are accidentally spilled from ships and tankers as a result of the leak. They are very dangerous for our sea world and often cause massive death.

Poisonous chemicals

Another type of pollutants is poisonous chemicals. When they get into rivers and lakes they may infect fish and animals and when harvested they become a serious threat to people’s health.

Heavy metals

Pollutants represented by heavy metals such as uranium, radium, selenium and some others result from industry, car fumes and mines. When their concentration in the organism reaches quite a high level they may cause long-term health problems.


One more class of harmful pollutants is pathogens which penetrate into water by means of sewage, storm drains and runoff from farms.

Thermal pollution

Finally, thermal pollution is a great concern. Very often water used in factories and power plants is poured back into lakes and seas being much warmer which is not optimal for many species of fish, so they go away from those places. As a result, the whole balance is broken.


If people want to save our planet’s water resources, urgent measures must be taken to protect it.

Water is the natural resource we all know very well. We know its many forms – rain, snow, ice, hail, vapor, fog. Yet, water is the natural resource we least understand.

How does water get into the clouds? What happens when it reaches the Earth? Why is there sometimes too much and other times too little of it? And, most important, is there enough water for all the plants, and all the animals, and all the people?

Water covers nearly three fourth of the Earth, most being sea water. But sea water contains various salts, including those that are harmful to most land plants and animals. Still, it is from the salty seas and oceans that most of our fresh water comes-no longer salty and harmful. Water moves from clouds to land and back to the ocean in a never-ending cycle.

Ocean water evaporates into atmosphere leaving salts behind, and moves across the Earth as water vapor. Water in lakes and rivers also evaporates and rises into the air. Having cooled in the air the water vapor condenses and falls to the Earth as rain, hail or snow, depending on region, climate, season and topography. This part of the cycle is very important because man can use water stored in the atmosphere only when it falls to the land.

Every year about 450,000 cubic kilometers of water evaporates from the oceans and about 61,000 cubic kilometers from land sources.

Water is an unchanging and ever renewing resource, but its distribution on the surface of the globe varies greatly - there is either too little or too much water. Many problems are caused by too much water when we do not need it or too little when we want it.

No natural resource on our planet has so many uses as water. We need water to support our lives, to grow our crops, to water our stock, to power our industries and for many other purposes.

Our water needs are great and they continue to grow. Agriculture requires great quantities of water to provide food and raw materials for industry. Industry consumes not less water than agriculture. Per capita use of water is increasing rapidly in the world.

There is plenty of water on the Earth. Man’s activity accelerating the process of water pollution, the amount of fresh water available to use is decreasing rapidly.

Measures must be taken against waste of water and pollution of water. We have to improve methods of irrigation in order to use water more efficiently.


1. Find in the text the sentence in which it is said that…

1) …вода – это природный ресурс, который мы недостаточно осознаём.

2) …именно из солёных морей и океанов поступает пресная вода – уже не солёная и не вредная.

3) …охлаждаясь в воздухе, водяной пар конденсируется и выпадает на Землю в виде дождя, града или снега.

4) …человек может использовать воду, содержащуюся в атмосфере, только тогда, когда она выпадает на Землю.

5) …промышленность потребляет не меньше воды, чем сельское хозяйство.

6) …количество пресной воды, доступной для пользования, быстро сокращается.

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Подготовила: Пуголовко И.Н. Учитель английского языка. Water is life!

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Подготовила: Пуголовко И.Н. Учитель английского языка. Water is life!

Подготовила: Пуголовко И.Н. Учитель английского языка. Water is life!

Aim: To consider the importance of water in nature and in human life; to iden.

Aim: To consider the importance of water in nature and in human life; to identify environmental problems and ways to protect water; to develop speech, attention; to foster respect for water, water bodies, the desire to save fresh water.

Water Have you heard of water? They say it is everywhere! In a puddle of, in.

Water Have you heard of water? They say it is everywhere! In a puddle of, in sea, in ocean and in water tap tap. As icicle freezes, building a mist creeping towards us, On the stove we have is boiling, the kettle hisses Steam, Dissolve the sugar in the tea, We don't see, We've learned that water is Our companion always! We can't wash without it. Don't get drunk, don't get drunk! I dare you to report – Without water we can not live.

Since 1993, the world Water Day has been celebrated in many countries of the.

Since 1993, the world Water Day has been celebrated in many countries of the world at the initiative of the international water supply Association and UNESCO on March 22.

In the history of our planet, water is also extremely important. Perhaps no o.

In the history of our planet, water is also extremely important. Perhaps no other substance can be compared with water in its influence on the course of those great events that the Earth has undergone for many hundreds of millions of years of its existence. Where there is life, there is always water. Life without water is impossible. Whatever animal or plant we take, it includes water as one of the main components.

What will you choose? Why?

What will you choose? Why?

The importance of water in nature and human life… The water was given the mag.

The importance of water in nature and human life… The water was given the magical power to become a juice of life on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci Thousands of people live without love, but no one lives without water. Wystan Hugh Auden

Water is an ancient universal symbol of purity, fertility and the source of l.

Water is an ancient universal symbol of purity, fertility and the source of life itself.

Water resources and places of rest of the world

Water resources and places of rest of the world

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Arctic Ocean

commandment: 1. Our planet is our home, and each of us is responsible for its.

commandment: 1. Our planet is our home, and each of us is responsible for its future. 2. If you find a spring in the woods, keep it. Maybe it's the beginning of a big deep river. 3.Listen to the sound of the river. Maybe she's asking for help from you and she needs your caring hands.

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Water is the most important substance in our evolution and our daily lives. Without water, life as we know it would not have been possible. It’s important to understand and examine the water molecule in order to ascertain how it brought about Earth’s thriving ecosystem and how important it is for us today.

Water is a strong solvent, it’s a very unique molecule that can breaks and reforms constantly. Each water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The oxygen atom also called the “apex of the water molecule” bears a slight electronegative charge while hydrogen possesses a more positive one (Kirk 225). Because of the opposite charges attract, the water molecules are drawn together. When an oxygen atom is linked to a molecule’s hydrogen atom, a bond called a hydrogen bond is formed (Kirk 256).

There are several types of water molecule such as liquid water, ice and water vapor. These are all as important as we need in our daily lives. In a liquid form of water it has no such spaces because hydrogen bonds constantly breaks and reforms. Thus ice is stable hydrogen bonds that bonded together, it’s less dense and will float on liquid water. If it’s not this reason, the great bodies of water would freeze from the bottom up without the insulation of a top layer of ice, and all life in the water would all die (Bio; notes)

Water is a very small molecule that has its own unique properties therefore it behaves like a larger one. The bonds between water molecules are the covalent bonds; these bonds are so strong that water resists changes in its state. For example, solid, liquid and gas. Thus water has a higher melting point and a higher boiling point than any other molecule of similar size (Kirk 256).

When heat is applied to solid water, some hydrogen bonds get so much kinetic energy that they break and the ice melts. Whereas liquid water does not necessarily have all four hydrogen bonds present at all times but it must somehow retain some of them so if any object penetrates water, it must be able to break the hydrogen bonds on the surface of the water. These bonds normally resist breaking but forming a “skin” that allows small insects to walk on the surface of the water, and without this cohesiveness of water, those insects would not have survived (Science 309).

All plant life on Earth benefits from the ability of water to make a hydrogen bond with another substance of similar electronegative charge. Cellulose, is the substance that makes up cell walls and paper products, it is a hydrophilic substance also known as the “water-loving”. This substance interacts with water but it will not dissolve in it, unlike other hydrophilic substances. Cellulose can also form strong hydrogen bonds with water molecules. This explains why a paper towel will “wick” water upwards when it comes in contact with it. Each water molecule will make a hydrogen bond with cellulose and pull another water molecule up from down below and so on (Kirk 259). Without this feature plants would find it more difficult to transport water up their stems to the leaves in order to make food through photosynthesis. These transpiration leaves creates tension that pulls on the water column (Bio; notes).

Water has a very high heat capacity. Most of the heat introduced to water is used not to set water molecules in motion (giving them kinetic energy and causing their temperature to rise), but to move hydrogen atoms around between neighboring oxygen atoms (Science 308&309). In order for us to make water to evaporate from the surface of liquid water, a certain amount of energy must be expended to break its hydrogen bonds. Because these hydrogen bonds are so strong, water requires a lot of heat to boil. When water vaporizes, it takes along all of the heat energy required to break its bonds thus having a powerful cooling effect on the original body of water. It takes very little water loss to cool water substantially. If humans had no way of perspiring, our body temperatures would rise about 70?C in one single day (Kirk 257-259).

Water is very essential for life because it is as close as we can get to a “universal solvent.” It is apparent that water is the most important substance ever to have been created because it is so vital to our race. Its unique properties help all the living things to survive in the scheme of nature on our planet Earth.

1. “Biology Today”, Kirk David : Third Edition, Random House Publishers, 1980

2. General Biology,: Chemical Foundations of Life or “Asking about Life”, Tobin and Dusheck, 1998.

3. “Concepts and Challenged in Life Science”, Stanley Wolfe: Second Edition,

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