Реферат на английскому языку на тему транспорт

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Ничто так не сближает людей как транспорт. Особенно общественный. И хотя, теперь, когда люди перестают любить друг друга, предпочитая проводить пару часов в одиночестве в своих клетках на колёсах, нежели полчаса в автобусной давке, именно транспорт, являясь одним из движущих сил глобализации, стирает расстояния между странами и народами за считаные часы. Если бы это также быстро стирало и все разногласия. Жить, возможно, было бы легче и дружнее, как дружно все выходят на конечной остановке. What kind of transport is your favourite?

Essay on Future transport

There is no doubt, that transport plays a significant role in our everyday life. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the majority of people have never dared to think and dream about traveling farther than a few miles. A great bulk of humans, wherever they would like to go, had to reach their destinations on horseback or by carriage. Nowadays, nobody is able to imagine our modern world without different means of transport. Hundreds and thousands of people travel every day either on business or simply for pleasure. These humans have a possibility to travel by air, rails, road or by sea. Unfortunately, if supplies of oil run out in the nearest future, it will be pretty much impossible to do.

So, what will transport be like then? In any case, this topic is utterly disputable though curious. To my mind, human beings will have to tackle this obstacle by using an electric engine, for instance, and by implementing sophisticated technology, which is based on alternative energy sources. It includes wind, ocean, solar, geothermal and bio energy. It gives an opportunity to evolve compact vehicles that don't damage the ecology of the planet. Anyway, there is no point to use vestiges of the past and rely on that old transportation forms, because they don't meet the requirements of humanity in general.

Frankly speaking, in conclusion, I could admit, there is probably no clear–cut answer to this question, 'cause there is a variety of choices and options. Nonetheless, everyone could agree, those future ways of transportation depend on many factors like government, the welfare of one particular nation, development level etc. So many men, so many minds. Our future is a great mystery and nobody knows what will be tomorrow.

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Сочинение на тему Транспорт будущего

Нет никаких сомнений, что транспорт играет важную роль в нашей повседневной жизни. В XVII и XVIII веках большинство людей никогда не осмеливались думать и мечтать о путешествиях не дальше, чем на несколько миль. Большая часть людей, куда бы они не направлялись, вынуждены были добираться до места назначения верхом на лошади или в карете. В настоящее время никто не может представить наш современный мир без различных транспортных средств. Сотни и тысячи людей путешествуют каждый день из–за работы или просто для удовольствия. У этих людей имеется возможность путешествовать на самолете, поезде, машине или морем. К сожалению, если запасы нефти истекут в ближайшем будущем, то это окажется практически невозможным.

Итак, что же будет с транспортом? В любом случае, эта тема обсуждения является спорной, хотя и любопытной. На мой взгляд, людям придется преодолевать это препятствие, используя, например, электрический двигатель и внедряя передовые технологии, основанные на альтернативных источниках энергии. Они включают в себя: энергию океана, энергию ветра, солнечную энергию, геотермальную энергию и биоэнергию. Это позволяет создавать малогабаритные транспортные средства, которые не наносят ущерб экологии планеты. Во всяком случае, нет смысла использовать пережитки прошлого и полагаться на старые транспортные средства, потому что они не отвечают требованиям человечества в целом.

Честно говоря, в заключение я могла бы признать, что, вероятно, нет однозначного ответа на вопрос, потому что существует множество альтернатив и вариантов. Тем не менее, каждый может согласиться с тем, что будущие способы транспорта зависят от многих факторов, таких как правительство, благосостояние какой–то одной конкретной нации, уровень развития и т.д. Сколько людей, столько и мнений. Наше будущее — великая тайна, и никто не знает, что будет завтра.


Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Я от души рекомендую Foxford . Там будут рады помочь сдать любой экзамен на максимум! Записывайтесь к лучшим преподавателям по английскому (и не только!) и готовьтесь качественно!


There are as many means of transport as you can only imagine. They are a bus, a bicycle, a car, a ship, a train, a plane and so on. And today I want to discuss all of them.

The most popular means of transport is a car. Nowadays there are so many car producers and brands that a car becomes the most popular and comfortable type of transport. You can travel by car everywhere. The only thing that can stop you is your driving license and the foreign country rules. А dream of many people is to buy a car and for most of them it comes true.

Another popular transport is a bus. Not everyone can drive or many people just want to enjoy the view and concentrate on their thoughts while travelling. And the bus allows all these. The cost of travelling by bus is much lower than that of a car.

Bicycle is popular among young people. They use it during the warm seasons to travel around the city or the nearby places. It’s healthy and affordable for most of people.

Train is popular for its low cost and cozy atmosphere. You can make a long travel on the train and don’t need to pay a lot for it.

Planе is popular for its speed but the cost is quite high. It is thought to be the safest means of transport among all. The most luxurious means of transport is a ship. I mean not those small ordinary ships, but the ones that travel across the oceans with thousands of tourists. They are often called liners.

So we just need to pick up the one we like and completely enjoy it.


Существует столько видов транспорта, сколько вообще можно вообразить. Это автобус, велосипед, автомобиль, корабль, поезд, самолет и так далее. И сегодня я хочу обсудить их.

Самым популярным средством передвижения является автомобиль. В наше время существует так много производителей автомобилей и так много марок, что автомобиль становится наиболее популярным и комфортным видом транспорта. Вы можете путешествовать на машине везде. Единственное, что может остановить вас — это ваше водительское удостоверение и правила вождения в другой стране. Покупка автомобиля — это мечта многих людей, и у большинства она сбывается.

Еще одним популярным транспортом является автобус. Не каждый может водить или многие люди просто хотят насладиться видом и сконцентрироваться на своих мыслях во время путешествия. И автобус позволяет все это. Стоимость проезда на автобусе значительно ниже, чем стоимость использования автомобиля.

Велосипед популярен среди молодых людей. Они используют его в теплое время года для поездок по городу или в близлежащие места. Это полезно и доступно для большинства людей.

Поезд пользуется популярностью благодаря низкой стоимости и уютной атмосфере. Вы можете устроить долгое путешествие на поезде и за это не надо много платить.

Самолет пользуется популярностью благодаря его скорости, но стоимость его довольно высокая. Он считается самым безопасным видом транспорта среди всех.

Транспортное средство из высшего класса – это корабль. Я говорю не о тех маленьких обычных кораблях, а о тех, что путешествуют через океаны с тысячами туристов. Их часто называют лайнерами.

Ну вот, нам просто нужно подобрать тот, который нам нравится и полностью наслаждаться им.

car producers and car brands производители машин и бренды машин

a driving license права (автомобильные)

the cost of travelling стоимость путешествия

travel around the city — путешествовать по городу

to be affordable быть позволительным (в денежном отношении)

don’t need to pay a lot — не нужно много платить

travel across the oceans путешествовать через океаны

to pick up sth — выбрать что-либо

Мои рекомендации при подготовке к ЕГЭ!

You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane. London has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city by underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton, the smallest, used for charter flights.
If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south-east of England.

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Транспорт Великобритании.doc


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You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane. London has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city by underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton, the smallest, used for charter flights.

If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south-east of England.

People in Britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour (50 km/h) in towns and cities and 70 m.p.h. (110 km/h) on motorways.

When you are in London you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. The typical bus in London is a red double-decker. The first London bus started running between Paddington and the City in 1829. It carried 40 passengers and cost a shilling for six kms.

The next to arrive were the trains; now there are twelve railway stations in London. The world's first underground line was opened between Baker St. and the City in 1863. Now there are ten underground lines and 273 underground stations in use. The London underground is also called the Tube, because of the circular shape of its deep tunnels.

The first bicycles were introduced into Britain from France. There was a great craze for the hobby-horse or dandy-horse, though it was little more than a scooter. In 1839 a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, added pedals that drove the back wheel. But an invention in France in 1865 produced the more popular 'bone-shaker' bicycle, driven by pedals attached to the front wheel. To increase speed, the front wheel was made bigger and bigger until it measured five feet across with a back wheel of only 14-18 inches in diameter. This was known as the penny-farthing.

On a penny-farthing a rider perched five feet up on his saddle could have a nasty fall so it was the chain driven safety bicycle with wheels of equal size that became popular. Today's bicycle is very similar, with the addition of Dunlop's air-filled tyres, better brakes, a free wheel, three-speed gears and various types of handlebars.

Nowadays you can take your life in your hands and cycle around Britain. There are many cycle lanes set aside for this use, but don't be surprised if they run out in the middle of three lanes of traffic.

With the Industrial Revolution in the UK there was a need to transport coal more quickly and efficiently, efforts were made to improve water transport. The Duke of Bridgewater commissioned The Bridgewater canal, the first of its kind, so that large quantities of coal could be transported from his mines in Worsley, Lancashire, to Manchester, seven miles away (11 km). His engineer, James Brindley, designed a waterway that went to the very coalface of the mines and included an aqueduct across the River Irwell. The canal was so successful that on its opening, the price of coal in Manchester halved.

As factory and mine owners realized the value of water transport, the great canal age began. Between 1760 and 1840 nearly 4,000 miles (6,400km) of canal were built. These canals were vital to the new industries because they carried materials for building factories, for making cotton, iron or pottery goods, and then took these goods away to be sold once they were made.

The success of the railway saw the demise of Britain's canals, however interest in their maintenance has been revived recently as they now attract holiday makers.

It is usually agreed that a German, Carl Benz, built the first motor car in 1885. It was really a tricycle with a petrol motor at the rear. Members of the Royal family and other wealthy people took up motoring as a sport; they were pleased when the Red Flag Act was removed in 1896.

Many of the early cars were two seaters, steered by a tiller, not a wheel. They had no hoods, so motorists wore goggles, hat-veils and short leather coats. There were no petrol pumps and few garages, so every driver had to be his own engineer for the frequent breakdowns which occurred.

By 1905, cars began to look like cars today, with headlamps, bonnet, windscreen, rubber tyres and number plates. Roads were sprayed with hot tar to ensure a smoother ride and fewer punctures. Henry Ford's 'Model T', introduced in America in 1909, was cheaper because it was made on assembly line. It brought cars closer towards the reach of 'ordinary people'.

The popularity of the car meant that registration was introduced in 1903 with the Motor Car Act. Competency tests were introduced in 1935. Today the legal driving age for a car or van in the UK is seventeen. You are not allowed to drive a car unsupervised until you have passed a driving test, which involves three sections: a theory test, a hazard perception test and a supervised driving examination.

Forty years ago, Britain celebrated the opening of its first motorway, the Preston bypass, just one month before the M1. Until then, no one really understood what a motorway was, not even the labourers who were building it. The bypass hailed a new era in motor travel and was greeted with excitement and optimism.

Nowadays we have the M25 – affectionately known as the largest car park in the world.

Service stations came with the motorway and the legend of the transport café was born. Of course, the service station has diversified greatly since the days of chip butties and grey tea, but - whether it's an English cooked breakfast or a cappuccino and croissant - one thing has remained the same: the prices.

In 1852, Henri Giffard made the first powered airship flight in France. But it was Count von Zeppelin's rigid airship of 1900 that proved air travel was possible.

Powered aeroplane flight began in 1903 when the Wright Brothers flew their first machine in America. In 1919, a passenger service began between London and Paris and the first regular Atlantic crossings were made in 1937. The jet engine was successfully tried out during the Second World War.

The most famous British aeroplanes of all time have to be the Comet and Concorde. Even now, Concorde excites much admired for its beautiful design. It took its first ever commercial flight in 1976, with two planes taking off simultaneously from Paris and London. But the plane was just too costly and Concorde was doomed almost from the start.

The first man to combine the steam engines and wagon-ways was Richard Trevithick. An engineer, he designed a steam engine that could run on wheels in 1803. In 1804, his engine pulled wagons carrying 18 tonnes of iron ore and 70 men for five miles (14km) in South Wales, but it was so heavy that the track broke when it reached five miles per hour (8kph).

The rail transport system in Great Britain developed during the 19 th century. Britain's railways were initially owned by four companies, then during WWII they were taken into state control and they were nationalized in 1947. It wasn't until 1996 that they were privatized again!

The growth in road transport during the 1920s and 1930s greatly reduced revenue for the rail companies. Rail companies accused the government of favouring road haulage through the subsidized construction of roads. The railways entered a slow decline owing to a lack of investment and changes in transport policy and lifestyles. During the Second World War the companies' managements joined together, effectively forming one company. A maintenance backlog developed during the war, and the private sector only had two years to deal with this after the war ended. After 1945, for both practical and ideological reasons, the government decided to bring the rail service into the public sector.

Today there are 25 train operators who run the services. One infrastructure company – Network Rail. Three rolling stock companies. And all sorts of companies who do maintenance work on the 13,000 miles of track. There are also a number of government organizations like the Strategic Rail Authority and the Health and Safety Executive which are involved in running the railways, making the whole structure extremely complicated.

Broken tracks, leaves or the wrong type of snow on the line and trains past their sell by date are a feature of rail travel in the UK nowadays where, according to statistics, only two out of ten British trains are late, the main problem is they always seem to be my trains! If you have a problem when travelling by train in Britain there is a very good network called the Rail Passenger Council which deals with complaints and will also give a lot of advice on any problems you might have had.

After the Hatfield crash, speed limits were drastically reduced throughout Britain and train travel was seriously disrupted for months. Railtrack came close to bankruptcy due to the enormous cost of additional safety measures and was effectively re-nationalized when ownership of the railway system was transferred to the newly-created "not for profit" company limited by guarantee, Network Rail on October 3, 2002. Most of the private rail companies are heavily subsidized but much of the investment has not gone into regeneration or modernization. However, the government has resisted public pressure to return the network to the public sector.

To my mind the best way to travel along the city is to walk. When you go on foot, you do not depend on any kind of transport. You can observe the beauty of the buildings and landscapes wandering along the streets, you can go anywhere you like. These are the advantages. But, of course, the disadvantages of foot walks are the time you spent while walking.
If you are short of time and you are in a hurry, it is better to take advantage of any means of public transport. If you live not far from the underground, I advise you to use this mean of transport. First of all it's the fastest. Underground trains run every 3 to 5 minutes. It is also the most reliable type of transport.
With trams, trolley-buses and buses, there are lots of things that may interfere with their normal operations. But all years I have been travelling by underground it has never let me down.
As for the fare, its a little more expensive than trams and trolley-buses but cheaper than most buses and shuttle minibuses (route taxis). The only problem with the underground that it does not cover the whole city. But every metro station has good trolley-bus, bus and shuttle minibus connections.
You can also travel along the city by car if you have one. But the traffic in the city is very heavy, especially during the day time. There are a lot of traffic jams on the roads, so maybe it is more convenient to go by underground.
If you want to reach the place of destination without any problems and in a short period of time you can order a taxi by telephone. But bear in mind that it can be rather expensive. I wish you to have a good time and nice impressions of the city.

Общественный транспорт

На мой взгляд, лучший способ путешествовать по городу — это ходить пешком. Когда вы ходите пешком, вы не зависите ни от какого вида транспорта. Вы можете любоваться красотой зданий и пейзажей; идя вдоль улиц, вы можете пойти, куда вам нравится. Это все преимущества. Но, конечно, неудобство пешеходных прогулок — это время, которое вы на них тратите.
Если вам не хватает времени, и вы спешите, лучше воспользоваться любым видом общественного транспорта. Если вы живете недалеко от метро, я советую вам пользоваться этим видом транспорта. Прежде всего, он является самым быстрым. Электрички ездят каждые 3-5 минут, Это также самый надежный вид транспорта.
Что касается трамваев, троллейбусов и автобусов, есть много факторов, которые могут помешать их нормальному функционированию. За все годы моих поездок в метро, оно никогда меня не подводило.
Что касается платы за проезд, то она немного дороже, чем в трамвае и троллейбусе, но более дешевая, чем в большинстве автобусов и микроавтобусов (маршруток). Единственный недостаток метро — это то, что его линии не покрывают весь город. Но возле каждой станции метро есть троллейбусы, автобусы и микроавтобусы.
Вы можете также путешествовать по городу на машине, если она у вас имеется. Но передвигаться по городу очень тяжело, особенно в дневное время. На дорогах много пробок, поэтому более удобно ездить на метро.
Если вы хотите прибыть на место назначения без каких-нибудь проблем и за короткое время, вы можете заказать такси по телефону. Но примите во внимание то, что это может быть довольно дорого. Я желаю вам хорошо провести время и получить хорошие впечатления от города.

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