Presentation and protection of the main results of design activity in the specialty реферат

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

Современный период развития цивилизации характеризуется процессом информационных технологий во всех отраслях народного хозяйства.
На сегодняшний день наблюдается тенденция по увеличению роли информационно-социальных технологий в системе образования. Благодаря этому обеспечивается всеобщая компьютеризация учащихся и преподавателей на уровне, который позволяет решать ряд задач:
Информационные техноло.

Таким образом, моделью является подобие изучаемых объектов (макет, изображение, схема, словесное описание, математическая формула, карта и т.д.), которое создает человек.
Моделирование облегчает изучение объекта для его создания, дальнейшего изменения и развития. Моделирование бывает двух основных видов: аналитическое и имитационное.
Методы имитационного моделирования используют в современных систем.

В ходе решения задач системного анализа сначала применяют декомпозицию, включающую следующие функции:
В ходе решения этих задач осуществляются следующие функции анализа:
В ходе решения сформулированных задач системного анализа осуществляются следующие функции синтеза:
Любой метод хорош при возможности его эффективного применения. Такое практическое применение целесообразно для решения целого ряда раз.

Комплексный системный анализ любой сложной системы практически невозможен без применения самых современных научно-технических достижений во всех областях науки и техники. Системный анализ и моделирование основных процессов при нынешнем развитии производительных сил особенно актуальны в "техносфере", когда из-за трудно предсказуемых вредных последствий негативных воздействий поставлено под сомнение.

Современный период развития цивилизации характеризуется процессом информационных технологий во всех отраслях народного хозяйства.
На сегодняшний день наблюдается тенденция по увеличению роли информационно-социальных технологий в системе образования. Благодаря этому обеспечивается всеобщая компьютеризация учащихся и преподавателей на уровне, который позволяет решать ряд задач:
Информационные техноло.

Таким образом, моделью является подобие изучаемых объектов (макет, изображение, схема, словесное описание, математическая формула, карта и т.д.), которое создает человек.
Моделирование облегчает изучение объекта для его создания, дальнейшего изменения и развития. Моделирование бывает двух основных видов: аналитическое и имитационное.
Методы имитационного моделирования используют в современных систем.

В ходе решения задач системного анализа сначала применяют декомпозицию, включающую следующие функции:
В ходе решения этих задач осуществляются следующие функции анализа:
В ходе решения сформулированных задач системного анализа осуществляются следующие функции синтеза:
Любой метод хорош при возможности его эффективного применения. Такое практическое применение целесообразно для решения целого ряда раз.

Комплексный системный анализ любой сложной системы практически невозможен без применения самых современных научно-технических достижений во всех областях науки и техники. Системный анализ и моделирование основных процессов при нынешнем развитии производительных сил особенно актуальны в "техносфере", когда из-за трудно предсказуемых вредных последствий негативных воздействий поставлено под сомнение.

Главная Лента заказов Рефераты Информационные технологии Presentation and protection of the main results of design activity in the specialty.РЕФЕРАТ

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Theme:Presentation and protection of the main results of design activity in the specialty.

Theme:Presentation and protection of the main results of design activity in the specialty.

Prepared by:Balnur Zhaksybek.
Group: 148
Checked by:Mukhamedzhanova Asel Uzbekovna

Department of biostatistics, bioinformatics and information technologies

Содержание1….3The 4 Basic Principles of Presentation Design4….. How to make a presentation?5….. Project presentation plan6….. Presentation design7….

1….3The 4 Basic Principles of Presentation Design
4….. How to make a presentation?
5….. Project presentation plan
6….. Presentation design
7…. Presentation Background Color
8…. Making the title (first) slide

The 4 Basic Principles of Presentation Design

The 4 Basic Principles of Presentation Design

1. BalanceThere are two types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical.2. EmphasisIt is important to have some element

There are two types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical.

It is important to have some element of your design that stands out and grabs the attention of your audience. You can do this by using the size, color or placement of the object to increase the focus on a certain part. To select the element of design to emphasize, ask yourself: What is the most important feature of this slide?Tip: In order to add emphasis, make your text bolder, an image larger or use a color brighter than your base.

3. UnityYour design should always feel unified so that all of your slides are connected together visually,

3. UnityYour design should always feel unified so that all of your slides are connected together visually, and your deck has a consistent look and feel. The elements on your page must relate to one another through design elements such as color, shape, texture and so on. For example, if the elements on the page feel like they were placed without purpose, then your design will feel scattered, and your audience will likely be confused about the tone of your message.Tip: Study color theory, typography and the balance principles detailed above to ensure that all of the elements flow together to create a cohesive design.

4. MovementDesigners often use curved lines to instill a sense of motion, and to encourage the eye to move sequentially from one point to the next. This can be an important tool when you are trying to move an audience through a story, or present a series of information on a slide.Tip: Try using a curved line that moves through your text, from image to image or even slide to slide. Curved lines are also great for creative chart layouts. Ditch the standard chart designs for a layout that utilizes curved lines to draw eyes to your various points.

How to make a presentation? No matter what the purpose of your presentation is, it can

How to make a presentation? No matter what the purpose of your presentation is, it can be: Protection of abstract, term paper or thesis; Report on events or achievements; Product OverviewAdvertising company.For any task, the basic principles of proper presentation design are always the same!

Project presentation plan Consider a presentation plan in advance. Do not forget about the required sections:Cover page

Project presentation plan
Consider a presentation plan in advance. Do not forget about the required sections:
Cover page (first slide);Introduction;The main part of the presentation (usually contains several subsections);Conclusion
The main part of the presentation is the most important.When creating it, imagine that people who are new to the topic of the report will listen to you. They should understand what your report is about and what your role is in what you describe.

Presentation designMake out the text and headings of different slides in the same style.If you choose blue

Presentation design
Make out the text and headings of different slides in the same style.If you choose blue for the headings and the Cambria font, the headings should be blue and Cumbria on all slides. We chose the font “Calibri” for the main text, you will have to use it on all slides.
Quotes and notes can be distinguished in a different font and color (but there should not be too many of them).Do not get carried away by excessive highlighting, italics and color text.

Presentation Background ColorMake sure that the text does not merge with the background, keep in mind that

Presentation Background Color
Make sure that the text does not merge with the background, keep in mind that the projector will have less contrast than your monitor.

The best background is white (or close to it), and the best text color is black (or a very dark shade of the desired color).

A little test!Compare these three examples by clicking on the first picture and scrolling with the arrows on the keyboard:

Making the title (first) slideFrom the contents of the first slide, it should be clear what it

Making the title (first) slide
From the contents of the first slide, it should be clear what it is about, who it refers to, who the author is. To do this, do not forget to specify:
Organization (educational institution, enterprise, etc.);Report topic (title);Surname, name and patronymic of the speaker (in full);
Your leader (if the work is done under someone else's guidance);Contact information (e-mail, website address, phone).

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Theme:Presentation and protection of the main results of design activity in the. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 11 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


Theme:Presentation and protection of the main results of design activity in the specialty. Prepared by:Balnur Zhaksybek. Group: 148 Speciality:GM Checked by:Mukhamedzhanova Asel Uzbekovna

How to make a presentation? No matter what the purpose of your presentation is, it can be: Protection of abstract, term paper or thesis; Report on events or achievements; Product OverviewAdvertising company.For any task, the basic principles of proper presentation design are always the same!

Making the title (first) slide Making the title (first) slide From the contents of the first slide, it should be clear what it is about, who it refers to, who the author is. To do this, do not forget to specify: Organization (educational institution, enterprise, etc.);Report topic (title);Surname, name and patronymic of the speaker (in full); Your leader (if the work is done under someone else's guidance);Contact information (e-mail, website address, phone).

Presentation design Presentation design Make out the text and headings of different slides in the same style.If you choose blue for the headings and the Cambria font, the headings should be blue and Cumbria on all slides. We chose the font “Calibri” for the main text, you will have to use it on all slides. Quotes and notes can be distinguished in a different font and color (but there should not be too many of them).Do not get carried away by excessive highlighting, italics and color text.

Presentation Background Color Presentation Background Color Make sure that the text does not merge with the background, keep in mind that the projector will have less contrast than your monitor. The best background is white (or close to it), and the best text color is black (or a very dark shade of the desired color). A little test!Compare these three examples by clicking on the first picture and scrolling with the arrows on the keyboard:

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It is presentation of our project. Friendship in our life.

Project title: “ Importance of friendship in our life ” Participants: Dmitry Boltushenko (33ER) Alexander Sukhanov (33ER) Date: 29.05.2017 School: Kostanay State Pedagogical University

Project title: “ Importance of friendship in our life ”


Dmitry Boltushenko (33ER)

Alexander Sukhanov (33ER)

Date: 29.05.2017

School: Kostanay State Pedagogical University

Content: -Information about participants: Business cards Monitoring of our work on the website -Essential question: Requerements for an essential question; our essential question -Planning stage: Plan of the project -Rubrics Process stage -Photos of creating project Protocol -Our product Handout; videos; brochure


-Information about participants:

Monitoring of our work on the website

Requerements for an essential question; our essential question

Plan of the project

-Photos of creating project

Handout; videos; brochure

Information about participants

Information about participants

Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

Faculty: philological

Profession: foreign language: two foreign

Dmitry Boltushenko

I’m smart, I’m funny, I’m a great team leader, I work well with others, I’m never late , I enjoy work that challenges me.

I am interested in music;

My interests include reading, cinema.

Being too critical of myself;

Attempting to please everyone.

Monitoring of our work on the website All results were posted on in time

Monitoring of our work on the website

Essential question

Essential question

Planning stage

“ Importance of friendship in our life ”

Project Plan

Project title

Importance of friendship in our life

Essential question

Who will lend a helping hand in difficult situation?

  • To create and produce Power-Point presentation, creating video, a poster with the results of the work.
  • To encourage creative and critical thinking, to make project participants to be responsible, to respect the work of others, and to encourage on the collaboration
  • To determine what knowledge students need to acquire to understand the problem, and others like it.
  • To develop independent learning and social skills of learners.
  • Defining possible sources of information
  • Selecting ways of analysis
  • Defining assessment criteria of the project
  • Students will be able to find and use appropriate resources for problem solving.
  • Students will be able to solve relevant and contextual problems congruent with workplace skills, develop initiative, performance ability and enthusiasm.
  • To work in collaboration with each other in friendly atmosphere
  • Students will find out what does it mean to be a truly friend

1. To practice all four language skills (reading, speaking, listening, writing)

2. To extend topic-specific vocabulary

Stages Students’ actions Stage 1: Setting the Stage with Real-Life Examples Teacher’s actions -Defining the Essential Question Stage 2: Taking on the Role of Project Designers -Teacher makes definition of friendship according to the opinion of the students. Then they read the story about Winnie-the-Pooh. - Students make definition of friendship - Students articulate the goals and objectives of the project based on the Essential question - After reading teacher asks Essential question -Teacher introduces students to the Project-Based Learning -The students distribute responsibilities among them. -Creating the title of the Project -Motivates students - Helps students to state objectives

Students’ actions

Stage 1: Setting the Stage with Real-Life Examples

Teacher’s actions

-Defining the Essential Question

Stage 2: Taking on the Role of Project Designers

-Teacher makes definition of friendship according to the opinion of the students. Then they read the story about Winnie-the-Pooh.

- Students make definition of friendship

- Students articulate the goals and objectives of the project based on the Essential question

- After reading teacher asks Essential question

-Teacher introduces students to the Project-Based Learning

-The students distribute responsibilities among them.

-Creating the title of the Project

- Helps students to state objectives

Stage 3: Discussing and Accumulating Necessary Background Information - Students discuss and analyze information on the example of animated films, movies - Share information based on personal experience. Stage 4: Negotiating the Criteria for Evaluation - The students establish clear requirements and evaluation criteria in collaboration with the teacher -Teacher sometimes participates in discussion, discuss possible sources of information with students. -Teacher distribute responsibilities among students -Teacher observes and gives advice then confirms the criteria. -Also promote to create a rubric for peer assessment.

Stage 3: Discussing and Accumulating Necessary Background Information

- Students discuss and analyze information on the example of animated films, movies

- Share information based on personal experience.

Stage 4: Negotiating the Criteria for Evaluation

- The students establish clear requirements and evaluation criteria in collaboration with the teacher

-Teacher sometimes participates in discussion, discuss possible sources of information with students.

-Teacher distribute responsibilities among students

-Teacher observes and gives advice then confirms the criteria.

-Also promote to create a rubric for peer assessment.

- Gathering the necessary material to create the project Stage 5: Accumulating the Necessary Materials Stage 6: Creating the Project - Students in each group worked on preliminary sketches and graphic organizers until they decided on a final design. -Teacher always consults and guides students -Select the desired or appropriate information based on the criteria -Teacher serves as coach, moving from group to group to guide the students

- Gathering the necessary material to create the project

Stage 5: Accumulating the Necessary Materials

Stage 6: Creating the Project

- Students in each group worked on preliminary sketches and graphic organizers until they decided on a final design.

-Teacher always consults and guides students

-Select the desired or appropriate information based on the criteria

-Teacher serves as coach, moving from group to group to guide the students' work. As he did so, he asked himself the following questions

Stage 7: Preparing to Present the Project

- The students in each group prepared for the presenting of report of the work and the poster with the result of the work

-Monitoring the project's progress

-Teacher observes and gives advice

-Do the students have a clear understanding of the task?

- Discussing whether or not the presentations needed to be rehearsed, or whether display cards had to be written.

Stage 8: Presenting the Project

-During this stage, students become aware of the ways their presentations meet the criteria of assessment.

Stage 9: Reflecting on the Process and Evaluating the Process

- The students discussed what they enjoyed about working in pairs or small groups, and how one student's idea would spawn another student's idea.

-The teacher-coach observes how engaged the students in presenting their projects.

-They discuss what they liked about the materials and what they found to be frustrating.

-The teacher controls the process of presentation

-Students share their reflections to note what they had in common and what was special to each pair or to each individual personally.

- Evaluates the work of students

- Explains what were the advantages and disadvantages of the work done.

Process stage

Process stage

During our investigation we relied on the

During our investigation we relied on the "Winnie-the-Pooh" cartoon

What does the word “friend” mean?

What does the word “friend” mean?

Do you have any long distance friends? How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?

Do you have any long distance friends?

How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?

What makes a good friendship? Shared Interests? Honesty? Respect? Support? Understanding?

What makes a good friendship?

What do you usually do with your friends?

What things should friends never do?

What things should friends never do?

Have you made any friends over the Internet?

Have you made any friends over the Internet?

Where is a good place to meet new friends?

Where is a good place to meet new friends?

Can men be friends with women and vice versa?

Can men be friends with women and vice versa?

What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?

What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?

“ You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

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PRESENTATION An ICT role in key sectors of society development. Standards in.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

PRESENTATION An ICT role in key sectors of society development. Standards in.

PRESENTATION An ICT role in key sectors of society development. Standards in the field of ICT. Definition of ICT. Subject ICT and its purposes. An ICT role in key sectors of society development. Standards in the field of ICT.

І. Introduction ІІ. Main part The strategic and effective use of ICT ICT in E.

І. Introduction ІІ. Main part The strategic and effective use of ICT ICT in Education ICT in Health ІІІ. Сonclusion ІV. Bibliography PLAN

The potential of ICT as a development tool rests on its ability to improve th.

The potential of ICT as a development tool rests on its ability to improve the way people do things. The rapid changes and advancements in modern technology present a unique opportunity for developing countries to leapfrog intermediate steps in development while improving the quality and broadening the reach of public services. introduction

An ICT role society development

An ICT role society development

IT Strategy

The strategic and effective use of ICT—combined with a reform-oriented mindse.

The strategic and effective use of ICT—combined with a reform-oriented mindset, necessary set of skills, institutional structure and capacity, appropriate business models, as well as policy and regulatory environments—can facilitate fast and efficient delivery of public services in key sectors. The strategic and effective use of ICT

ICT can improve the efficiency and quality of education at all levels. Part o.

ICT can improve the efficiency and quality of education at all levels. Part of ADB's strategy to support itseducation policy principles is promoting "experimentation with, and dissemination of, innovative strategies and technologies in education." This involves developing appropriate e-applications to help DMCs leapfrog conventional means of learning and teaching. ICT in Education

ICT in Education

ICT in Education

ADB encourages governments to adopt both innovative approaches and modern tec.

ADB encourages governments to adopt both innovative approaches and modern technologies to promote good governance. This is done not just by shifting from manual, paper-based processes to automated systems, but also by creating new skills, building human and institutional capacity, and creating an enabling policy and regulatory environment to facilitate public sector reforms. ICT in Public Sector Management

ICT in Public Sector Management

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ICT can be a powerful tool for improving health and related services. ADB pro.

ICT can be a powerful tool for improving health and related services. ADB projects are helping to improve dissemination of public health information, bridge the gap in consultation, diagnosis, and treatment between resource-rich and resource-poor hospitals, facilitate learning, enhance the ability to monitor diseases and other health issues, and make health administration more efficient. ICT in Health

ICT in Health

The paper discusses the foundations for establishing a viable and sustainabl.

The paper discusses the foundations for establishing a viable and sustainable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry and the opportunities it offers against the challenges many African countries face in their concerted efforts to participate fully in the information society and knowledge economy. Key ICT Policy thrusts are discussed focusing on the ICT as a sector, egovernment, e-governance and the education and training sectors. СONCLUSION

Zimbabwe National ICT Policy – December 2005 Partnership Framework for ICT In.

Zimbabwe National ICT Policy – December 2005 Partnership Framework for ICT Infrastructure development in Africa ‘S M Kundishora at World Congress on ICT for Knowledge Society, Seoul, July 2006 Information Kerala Mission – e-Governance with people at the centre Afrosoft Corporation Limited Bibliography

Thank you for attention.

Thank you for attention.

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