Modern cities реферат по английскому

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Most of them are in developing countries where thousands of people migrate from the countryside to the cities every day.

Modern cities all over the world face the same problems. One of them is poor housing. People often live in old houses or huts that don‘t have electricity or sanitation. As city population grows governments don‘t have the money to build modern apartment buildings.

Cars and industries are polluting city air and rivers more and more. Waste that people throw away is burned or ends up in landfills. All of this makes modern cities an unhealthy place to live in.

Especially during morning and evening rush hours cities become packed with vehicles. Daily traffic jams make it impossible for people to get to work in time. City authorities are spending more and more money on public transportation and are talking other steps to reduce traffic in cities. A few years ago the London mayor made people pay to drive their cars into the city centre.

Cities of today face many social problems. Crime, alcoholism and drug addiction is especially high in cities. Many young people are unemployed.

Larger multiethnic cities face conflicts between groups with different cultural backgrounds. Blacks and whites in the USA and South Africa had a violent history in the 20 th century.

Even though residents of cities have a higher standard of living there remain many poor people. Government organizations work hard to get rid of poverty. They try to give such people better education and jobs.


As the world‘s population is constantly on the rise more and more people are moving to cities. Some local governments are trying to relieve cities of overpopulation by building new towns outside city areas.

Cities will have to become greener. Modern buildings will rely on new energy forms. Traffic will have to change drastically.

1. Why do so many people want to live in cities?

2. What would an optimistic/ a pessimistic city-dweller say about shopping?

3. What would an optimistic /a pessimistic city-dweller say about traffic?

4. What would an optimistic /a pessimistic city-dweller say about schools?

5. What would an optimistic /a pessimistic city-dweller say about the police?

6. What would an optimistic /a pessimistic city-dweller say about parks?

7. Which is the biggest city you have ever been to? Did you like it? What did you do there?

8. Do you like where you live? Why?

9. Which is better: to live in a city or to live in the countryside? Why?

10. What do you know about these cities: New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Bangkok, Paris, London, Toronto, Hong Kong, and Singapore?

11. Which of these cities would you like to visit? Why?

12. Which of these cities would not you like to visit? Why?

Exercise 2. Match the words and phrases listed below to their Russian equivalents.

1. cutting edge issues;

2. to affect sb‘s life;

3. an advocate for sth;

c. невысокий жизненный

4. at an unchecked pace;

d. пригодный для жилья;

e. актуальные вопросы;

7. affordable housing;

f. разрастание города;

g. влиять, отражаться на чем-

9. mediocre quality of life;

10. livable ( city );

h. необузданно ( нар .), ничем не

11. against their will;

12. concrete blocks;

i. сторонник чего-л.;

j. доступное (по цене) жилье;

14. out-of-town shopping

k. запретить автомобили в

16. to ban cars from the centre;

17. traffic congestion;

18. road maintenance;

o. скопление машин, пробки на

20. high-rise buildings;

21. pass for sth.

p. торговые зоны за пределами

q. сходить за что-либо, слыть

r. престижный, элитный,

s. бетонные здания; t. бельмо на глазу,

отталкивающее зрелище; u. недоступный (по цене).

b) match a word from the box with one of the definitions below:

to charge to integrate to escape congestion

1) to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with smth else in this way –

2) the state of being crowded and full of traffic –

3) to get away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation; to avoid smth unpleasant or dangerous –

4) to ask an amount of money for goods or a service –

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases given.

1. The ……. of life in the village is slow and easy.

2. The whole urban ………… of Ankara contains over 2.6m people.

3. Orlando itself is vibrant, full of affordable …… and great places to eat.

4. All successful business people know how …… life at the top is.

5. Mark wanted to move from the downtown to a smart ………. area.

6. For those living at ………… level, even buying essentials is a struggle.

7. Penniless students in large cities try to save money by living in …….,

that is, houses which they find to be empty.

8. Financial problems can lead to stress within the family and ………

between family members.

9. Taiwan is the most …………. city in South-East Asia.

10. A poor, densely populated area of a town or city lived in mainly by one

racial group is called a(n) …………. .

11. In Third World countries ………. have grown up on the outskirts of major cities to house poor workers who have migrated from the countryside.

12. In the developed world run-down and derelict housing in the inner city where people still live is called a(n) ………

13. People working in large cities often like to live away from the center in pleasant …………

14. People who work in the city center but live outside have to ……… to work every day.

15. In some countries, you don't qualify for ……… benefit if you own your house.

Answer the following questions using words in italics :

a. What difficulties may people living in the suburbs face?

b. What makes life in a big city so alluring to lots of people?

c. What essentials can you buy if you live at subsistence level?

d. Is it easy for you to adjust to fast pace of life in Moscow?

e. What are the most attractive residential areas in your city?

f. Do you think that accommodation in your city is affordable?

g. Do you/your relatives have to commute to work?

h. Why is the problem of unemployment so acute in big cities?

i. Is violence on the streets a big issue in your city?

j. In what countries are shanty towns widespread?

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences below with forms of the words on the

1. The number of …… to London has dropped by 100,000.

2. During one period, a person might be backwoodsy and rural, testing the simple life, and in another take on the fast-…… challenge of a city.

3. He was in his late twenties, married and living in a

4. The 18th century was a period of rapid ……… .

5. Some local …………… joined the students' protest.

6. Jealousy causes …………… and painful emotions.

7. A quarter of current inmates have committed

8. Homes are more …………… than at any time in the past five years.


Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я бы ходила на работу пешком, если бы жила недалеко.

2. В каких городах лучше всего жить?

3. Можно приобрести один проездной билет, который будет действовать на все виды транспорта в течение одного дня.

4. Если бы автобусы и поезда приезжали по расписанию, люди бы не проявляли такое недовольство.

5. Большее число людей ездили бы на работу на велосипедах, если бы были уверены, что это безопасно.

6. Чтобы уменьшить количество пробок в шотландской столице Эдинбург была введена система, в соответствии с которой несколь ко людей едут на свою работу на одной машине.

7. Если бы я общался с клиентами только по телефону и электронной почте, я бы потерял весь свой бизнес.

8. Что бы произошло, если бы проезд в общественном транспорте стал бесплатным?

9. Для велосипедистов на проезжей дороге имеются специальные велосипедные полосы или дорожки.

10. В 1991 году правительство норвежского города Тоддлхайм стало взимать плату за проезд по центру города. Это была одна из мер по уменьшению пробок на дорогах.

11. В некоторых городах и странах мира система общественного транспорта очень эффективна и развита настолько, что для проезда по городу нет необходимости использовать собственные авто.

Exercise 6. Complete the text using the words and phrases given.

A View of the City

If you grow up in the …………… (1) then capital cities have a very special …………… (2). They represent sophistication, choice and freedom. When you've settled in the city, you can think of the people back home as 'country cousins' who 'live in the …………… (3). They haven't

…………… (4) life as it should be, in the city.

And what have you gained by moving to the …………… (5)? First, a major change in …………… (6).

You're one of the special ones, you've the break. All those famous places that were previously just names read in the paper or seen on TV become familiar personal landmarks glimpsed as you go to work or explore the capital developing your self -image.

You're never …………… (7) for something to do - everything's there, on your new doorstep: discos, night-clubs, pubs. If you're culturally

…………… (8), there are museums, cinemas, theatres, concerts. And then the people! You never know who you will meet and where. Their status and lifestyle are something you want to …………… (9).

Of course, there are shocks. The cost, for one thing, of things like

…………… (10), transport and entertainment. The crowds, especially

during the …………… (11). The fast …………… (12) at which everyone lives. But you soon learn to keep your wits about you and develop the special …………… (13) that city living requires.

Exercise 7. Imagine you are writing an article to a travel magazine. Make up a review of one as you think the best cities to live. Explain why this city is considered the best to live in.

Exercise 8. Read the text, translate and make a list of pros and cons for people wishing to change the city life for the life in the country or vice versa.


Cities grew over the centuries because they served aims that could not have been served otherwise. Two thousand years ago most people lived in the countryside. It was not their choice. Today, almost half of humanity lives in cities. Man has always lived in groups. It makes life safer and easier. Geography – rich soil, a safe navigable river, ample fresh water, easy defense, coal – was the start of many towns. In Europe towns grew over the strongholds of a local lord. Most of them developed as buying and selling centres; trade needed a market, and markets neede d people.

Towns served their citizens very well if they in turn were served by them. During the Middle Ages when harvest failed, the nearby town offered hope of survival. All successful towns satisfied economic needs. For a peasant town was the only place where he might make a fortune. In

the new industrial order, the city was the nerve centre, brining to a focus all dynamic economic forces: vast accumulation of capital, business and financial institutions, spreading railroad yards, factories, and armies of manual and clerical workers. For example, in the USA villages, attracting people from the countryside and from the land across the seas, grew into towns and towns into cities almost overnight.

Life in the city is much easier than in the country – developed transport system, sewerage system, information, sports, shopping malls, etc. Modern men are too sophisticated for simple country pleasures. There is far more entertainment in the city than in the country. Cities offer high concentration of good things in life: big stores, restaurants, theatres, cinema, art galleries. Life is more convenient in a city: services are always better here. In the city people are more open-minded. It is possible to go out, make friends and never be cut off from them by weather conditions. Generally, people do not mind what you do in the city. In the country everybody knows you and expects you to live and behave in a certain way. Moreover, life is never dull in the city, people always have something to do here.

It is needless to say that the citizens are more advantaged in education. The students have museum classes and excursions. They can attend lectures and preparatory courses and therefore have more chances to enter this or that university. After graduating from the university the residents of big cities and more likely to find a prestigious and well-paid job, than the outsiders. They are more communicative, more experienced and have more friends and relatives to help them. In the city people have more chances to succeed.

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Бесплатные доработки и консультации

Исполнитель внесет нужные правки в работу по вашему требованию без доплат. Корректировки в максимально короткие сроки

Если работа вас не устроит – мы вернем 100% суммы заказа

Техподдержка 7 дней в неделю

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Строгий отбор экспертов


Требуются доработки?
Они включены в стоимость работы

Работы выполняют эксперты в своём деле. Они ценят свою репутацию, поэтому результат выполненной работы гарантирован





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Module 8 Our neighbourhood Theme: A description of a modern city

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Module 8 Our neighbourhood Theme: A description of a modern city

Module 8 Our neighbourhood Theme: A description of a modern city

The aim of the lesson: 6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and ot.

The aim of the lesson: 6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics 6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

New words Amazing – удивительный, таңқаларлық Luxury – роскошь, молшылық Eno.

New words Amazing – удивительный, таңқаларлық Luxury – роскошь, молшылық Enormous – громадный, огромный, зор Incredible – невероятный, удивительный, нанғысыз, сенбейтін Fantastic – причудливый, кірпияз Tiny – крошечный, кип кишкене Fast быстро, шапшан, жылдам

Task 1 Look at the photos and choose six words that you can use to describe t.

Task 1 Look at the photos and choose six words that you can use to describe the building. Then read and check your answers. Lift, museum, stairs, lake, skyscraper, mountains, modern

Task 2 Read the text on p.94 I your book and write true or false. Correct the.

Task 2 Read the text on p.94 I your book and write true or false. Correct the false sentences. Send your answers. 1.The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is 100 km away from Dubai. 2.The skyscraper is a very old building. 3.The are 800 flats in the skyscraper. 4.There is a place for visitors on floor 124. 5.The lifts in the tower are quite slow.

Task 3 Find the plural forms of these words in the text. When do we form a pl.

Task 3 Find the plural forms of these words in the text. When do we form a plural with -ies? Office, city, flat, park, street, library Task 4 What do these adjectives describe? Find them in the text and check. Amazing, luxury, enormous, incredible, fantastic, tiny, fast

Home task: Learn the words and gr.rules Answer the questions 1. Is the Burj K.

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The purpose: The main tasks

№ слайда 2

The purpose: The main tasks

The modern city

№ слайда 3

The modern city

Life in the cites

№ слайда 4

Life in the cites

The most big cities:1.Tokyo, Japan 2. Mexico City, Mexico 3. New York, United St

№ слайда 5

The most big cities:1.Tokyo, Japan 2. Mexico City, Mexico 3. New York, United States 4. Sao Paulo, Brazil 5. Mumbai, India 6. Delhi, India 7. Shanghai, China 8. Kolkata, India 9. Jakarta, Indonesia 10. Buenos Aires

The largest cities:New York Metro areaTokyo/YokohamaChicagoAtlantaPhiladelphiaBo

№ слайда 6

The largest cities:New York Metro areaTokyo/YokohamaChicagoAtlantaPhiladelphiaBostonLos AngelesDallas/Ft. WorthHoustonDetroit

Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia

№ слайда 7

Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia

Transport CultureEntertainment

№ слайда 8

Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city

№ слайда 9

Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city

Advantages offer how to spend free time a lot of theatres, concerts and other wa

№ слайда 10

Advantages offer how to spend free time a lot of theatres, concerts and other ways of entertainment a lot of possibilities of shopping a lot of working places in a city public transport

Arguments Against: Large modern cities are too big to control. Trains are packed

№ слайда 11

Arguments Against: Large modern cities are too big to control. Trains are packed; streets are crowded; busses are full. There is always noise and traffic, everywhere. Rents are high; buying a house of your own for average people is impossible. The cost of living is higher in big cities. Cities breed crime and violence; houses are often burgled; bicycles and motorcycles are stolen. Tension in big cities shortens people's lives. Pollution in big cities is dangerous to your health. Contagious diseases become a serious health hazard. Noise from neighbors make quiet living impossible. Children have too many distractions from their studies. Too many bad temptations present potential trouble for young people.

Problem: The cities are not safety, but people want to live there. 1. Large mode

№ слайда 12

Problem: The cities are not safety, but people want to live there. 1. Large modern cities are too big to control2. The cost of living is higher in big cities. 3. Pollution in big cities is becoming impossible and dangerous to your health. 4. Too many evil people flock to the cities for better opportunities for their crimes.

1. Large modern cities are too big to control If you are lost, you should :Phone

№ слайда 13

1. Large modern cities are too big to control If you are lost, you should :Phone to local familiar Ask the locals Look for big landmarks Go to police

2. The cost of living is higher in big cities. Economy of: Meal Clothes Light

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2. The cost of living is higher in big cities. Economy of: Meal Clothes Light

3. Pollution in big cities is becoming impossible and dangerous to your health.

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3. Pollution in big cities is becoming impossible and dangerous to your health. Ways to improve the immune system Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.Exercise regularly.Maintain a healthy weight.Get adequate sleep.Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.Manage stress. Drink a lot of water

4. Too many evil people flock to the cities for better opportunities for their c

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4. Too many evil people flock to the cities for better opportunities for their crimes. You should: Always look through your peephole and put the door chain on the door before answering Keep mobile phone switched on Check a stranger`s ID. If you aren`t sure, don`t let them. Don`t leave your keys next to doors and windows Fit an alarm system Don`t carry a lot of money Walk in well-lit areas Keep your bag close to you Don`t communicate with suspicious people on the street

The conclusion

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Thank you for your attention

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