Межличностные отношения реферат по английскому

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

В английский межличностные отношения означает: interpersonal relations, interpersonal relationship (мы нашли 2 переводов). Есть не менее 637 примеров предложений с межличностные отношения . Среди прочего: И межличностные отношения для него всё ещё проблема. ↔ And interpersonal relationships would still be a problem for him. .

межличностные отношения

переводы межличностные отношения

interpersonal relations

Эти подходы предполагают инвестиции в здоровые, ненасильственные и уважительные межличностные отношения.

These approaches point to an investment in healthy, non-violent and respectful interpersonal relations.

interpersonal relationship

en strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people

И межличностные отношения для него всё ещё проблема.

And interpersonal relationships would still be a problem for him.


But “freedom” refers to absence of molestation by other persons; it is purely an interpersonal problem.

Эти меры защиты направлены на предупреждение насилия в отношении женщин, в семье и в сфере межличностных отношений.

These protection measures are designed to prevent violence against women, within families and in interpersonal relationships.

Он утверждал, что если нарушены отношения человека с самим собой, нарушаются также все его межличностные отношения.

As he put it, when one’s relations with oneself are disturbed, all interpersonal relations are likewise disturbed.

В течение вечера отчетливо проявились различные стороны межличностных отношений между членами группы.

Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes focuses on psychological and structural features of interaction in dyads and groups.

Изучение этой темы ставит нас перед необходимостью исследования многогранного характера межличностных отношений.

Об использовании языка для поддержания межличностных отношений см.: Gabriele Kasper, Can Pragmatic Competence Be Taught?

11On using language to maintain interpersonal relationships, see Gabriele Kasper, Can Pragmatic Competence Be Taught?

The simplest way of understanding this connection is to visualize a conflict in terms of interpersonal relations.

поддерживать гармоничную связь с физическим миром в личностном и межличностном отношении на основе принципов здоровья и качества жизни.

Have a harmonious corporal relationship with space, in a personal and interpersonal perspective, promoting health and quality of life.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Types of Relationships

Why are we so attached to our parents and siblings? Why people trust their spouses more than anyone else? What attracts us towards just one colleague, while we keep distance from others? It’s because we share some kind of relation and bonding with all these people. Common interests, likes, dislikes, blood, bonding, and attraction are some factors that keep us glued to some people compared to others. As such, we establish relationships with many people, like family members, neighbors, cousins, partners, spouses, friends, and so on. Remember, the experience of love is the same, what changes are our preferences. Thus, the kind of love we receive from different relationships classifies them into different categories. Find out the various kinds of relationships that exist by glancing through the following text.

Different Kinds Of Relationships

Family Relationships

Family relationships involve people to whom you are related in some way or the other. They usually include people whom you live with in your household, your immediate family, and your distant relatives. As such, you share a strong bond with your mother, father, and siblings. Further, you are linked to your uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and other distant family relations. The bond that you share with your family plays a major role on your overall being. While some people are closely attached to their relations, others prefer to maintain distance from the same members. As such, these affect a person in numerous ways.

Friendly Relationships

Relations that we share with our friends, peers, fellow workers, and other acquaintances are termed as friendly relationships. Next to our family, these friendly people play a major role in directing our lives towards a correct or wrong track. Further, the type of bonding we maintain with our associates and friends draft us into the person we are. Though many people depend on these relationships for taking important decisions of our lives, each of us is affected by them in some way.

Romantic Relationships

A romantic relationship is the most beautiful and rewarding yet complex relationship that one can indulge in. Boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses are the people who share such relations. These relationships are filled up with lots of love, trust, and understanding as these are the parameters that are responsible for the success or failure of the same. Depending upon the relationship, the two partners can either build a healthy bond or end the relationship in a disaster, if they do not handle the ongoing challenges properly.

Professional Relationships

People develop successful, productive, and satisfying relationships at their workplaces as well. Colleagues, clients, seniors, customers, and subordinates are some people with whom these relationships are likely to trigger off. Whether it is clearing an interview, increasing your chances of getting a promotion, or expanding your spiritual awareness on a personal level, work relationships are of paramount importance. Because if you do not meet the right people or build successful relations, you’ll not be able to accomplish your dreams and goals. Thus, apart from knowing these people, it is highly significant to create healthy networks for their continuous help and support.

Pet Relationships

These days, owning a pet has become a necessity for almost every family. In fact, pets have become a part of our lives, as the kind of relationship we share with them largely influences our well being and happiness. You can find kids playing and snuggling with cats and dogs to find pleasure and pass their leisure time. For adults, these family pooches serve as companions, especially for disable individuals and people with special needs. Pets bring a smile on the faces of millions of traumatized and emotionally challenged children and lonely senior citizens. That’s not all. By caring for the emotional and physical needs of these furry friends, we contribute to a healthy society.

These are a few types of relationships that we human beings are involved with, in our daily lives. With some love, care, affection, and commitment, these different relationships can make us happy and relaxed. Along with the above facts, these valuable sayings about relationship will also help you value your relationships more.

ОГЭ 9 Тема: Б (Межличностные) взаимоотношения с друзьями и в школе

School students are taking it easy in a park near their school. Some of them are revising their notes.

о чём говорить в этой теме :

Making Friends – Дружба

Do you have many friends?

Do you have many friends on Facebook or Vkontakte?

Do you think your friends on Facebook or Vkontakte are real friends?

Who is your best friend?

Why are you friends?

How did you become friends?

Do you have a girl-/boy-friend?

Is it easy to make friends at school?

Can your family members be your friends?

Should friends agree about everything?

Do remember all your friends’ birthdays?

What kind of present is the best for somebody’s birthday?

How will you make new friends if you change schools or leave school and go to work?

Is it easy to make new friends?

Why is it important to have few best friends?

Can you give an example of real friendship from films or from books?

Can you give an example of real friendship from real life?

тексты на эту тему :

Making Friends

I have loads of friends. There are two hundred friends on Facebook. But I don’t know if all of them are real friends. I was friendly with most people in my year in my old school. Then I changed schools last year and so I know a lot about making new friends. Firstly, if you want to make friends in a new school, you should start by making friends in your class. Start with the boy or girl you sit next to at school. My best friend now is Seamus. I sit next to him during most of our lessons. It is not very easy to make friends with the students from other classes. There is a lot of competition between different classes in the same year. I decided to join the school football team and I met some people from other classes there. I have a very busy social life at my new school as well. I try to keep a low profile however I don’t want to be too popular. I am not a rock star after all.

I think it is very important to remember your friends’ birthdays. Everybody loves to get presents for their birthday. But I don’t. I like giving presents. I remember all my friends’ birthdays. Sometimes it is hard to know what present your friends want. I usually try to think of something unusual. I know they will get many computer games or music CDs from everyone. I always try to think of something funny or personal. I am very good at photography and sometimes I put some of my best pictures in frames and give them to my friends. If they like the picture they will remember me and my present better than somebody’s CD.

I don’t know why I need friends. Maybe I need somebody to talk to about my problems. Friends can understand my problems. My parents can’t understand me very well. They are thirty-five years old! I don’t mind having very many friends. But I think it is important to have just a few good friends. Like Harry Potter had Ron and Hermione. Real friendship takes a lot of time and I can’t do it with many people.

Parents can’t be real friends. They are older. They don’t know much about school life today. But your siblings can be your friends because my siblings and I experience a lot of the same things together.

I do not know how much real friends must have in common to become friends in the first place. My best friend Seamus is very different from me. I like football and he likes chess. We like different music. His favourite band is Rammstein and my favourite band is Depeche Mode. We are still friends though.

Parents can’t be real friends but I think it is good to know older teenagers and adults. When you know many people of different ages you can learn from them. It is also important to keep up with younger children. Sometimes they need help I think I can also learn a little about how to be an adult when I am with them. I don’t think I can learn anything practical from my grandparents but they are very kind and they are fun too. Oh yeah, my grandfather took me fishing with him once and he taught me everything about fishing. The problem is that I don’t usually go fishing. Adults are very different because they have many responsibilities. They must always think about their job, their house and their children. They have to pay all the bills and go shopping for food. It makes them boring sometimes. When I grow up I will still have a young mind. I will never become boring and I will always listen to Depeche Mode and my own children will be my best friends.

выучите 38 слов и выражений для этой темы

to split up with smb phrasal verb intr - расстаться с кем-то, прекратить дружить
to fall out with smb phrasal verb intr - ссориться с кем-то
to get on with smb phrasal verb intr - уживаться, ладить с кем-то
to go out with smb phrasal verb intr - встречаться с кем-то (в т.ч. романтически)
to let smb down . phrasal verb intr - подводить кого-то, разочаровывать кого-то
to look after smb phrasal verb intr - заботиться о ком-то
to be by myself phrasal verb intr - быть в одиночестве
to have something in common with smb adj phrase - - иметь что-то общее, чем-то быть похожим с кем-то
to be in contact with smb adj phrase - - поддерживать контакт, связь с кем-то
to be in love with smb adj phrase - - быть влюблённым в кого-то
to do smt on purpose . adv phrase - - сделать что-то (обычн. нехорошее) специально
to make friends with smb phrasal verb intr - подружиться с кем-то
to sit next to smb adv phrase - - сидеть (за партой) рядом с кем-то
. best friend . noun phrase count - лучший друг
. during our English lessons . adv phrase - - во время уроков английского
to meet people . verb phrase tr - знакомиться с людьми
to join a football team . verb phrase tr - записаться в футбольную команду, секцию
to have a pretty busy social life . verb phrase tr - быть очень общительным, (зд.) иметь много друзей и знакомых
to be very popular with your classmates . adj phrase - - быть популярным среди ваших одноклассников
. friends on VKontakte . adv phrase - - друзья в социальной сети ВКонтакте
. in my year at school . adv phrase - - из параллельных классов
to change schools . verb phrase tr - переходить в другую школу
competition n uncount [ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ᵊn] соревнование, конкуренция
to keep a low profile . verb phrase tr - не выделяться; быть скромным
popular adj - [ˈpɒp.jə.ləʳ] популярный, известный
to get presents . verb phrase tr - получать подарки
to give presents . verb phrase tr - дарить подарки
present n count [ʹprezənt] подарок
computer game n count [kəmˈpjuː.təʳ geim] компьютерная игра
CD n count [ˌsiːˈdiː] аудио диск
understand v tr [ˌʌn.də|ˈstænd] понимать
school life n count ['skuːllaɪ|f] школьная жизнь
different adj - [ˈdɪf.ᵊr.ᵊnt] другой, отличающийся
similar adj - ['sımılǝ] похожий, подобный
party n count [ʹpɑ:tɪ] вечеринка
to have a party . verb phrase tr - устраивать вечеринку
cafe n count [ˈkæf.eɪ] кафе
to go to a cafe . adv phrase - - ходить в кафе

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ОГЭ 9 Тема: Б (Межличностные) взаимоотношения с друзьями и в школе

School students are taking it easy in a park near their school. Some of them are revising their notes.

о чём говорить в этой теме :

Making Friends – Дружба

Do you have many friends?

Do you have many friends on Facebook or Vkontakte?

Do you think your friends on Facebook or Vkontakte are real friends?

Who is your best friend?

Why are you friends?

How did you become friends?

Do you have a girl-/boy-friend?

Is it easy to make friends at school?

Can your family members be your friends?

Should friends agree about everything?

Do remember all your friends’ birthdays?

What kind of present is the best for somebody’s birthday?

How will you make new friends if you change schools or leave school and go to work?

Is it easy to make new friends?

Why is it important to have few best friends?

Can you give an example of real friendship from films or from books?

Can you give an example of real friendship from real life?

тексты на эту тему :

Making Friends

I have loads of friends. There are two hundred friends on Facebook. But I don’t know if all of them are real friends. I was friendly with most people in my year in my old school. Then I changed schools last year and so I know a lot about making new friends. Firstly, if you want to make friends in a new school, you should start by making friends in your class. Start with the boy or girl you sit next to at school. My best friend now is Seamus. I sit next to him during most of our lessons. It is not very easy to make friends with the students from other classes. There is a lot of competition between different classes in the same year. I decided to join the school football team and I met some people from other classes there. I have a very busy social life at my new school as well. I try to keep a low profile however I don’t want to be too popular. I am not a rock star after all.

I think it is very important to remember your friends’ birthdays. Everybody loves to get presents for their birthday. But I don’t. I like giving presents. I remember all my friends’ birthdays. Sometimes it is hard to know what present your friends want. I usually try to think of something unusual. I know they will get many computer games or music CDs from everyone. I always try to think of something funny or personal. I am very good at photography and sometimes I put some of my best pictures in frames and give them to my friends. If they like the picture they will remember me and my present better than somebody’s CD.

I don’t know why I need friends. Maybe I need somebody to talk to about my problems. Friends can understand my problems. My parents can’t understand me very well. They are thirty-five years old! I don’t mind having very many friends. But I think it is important to have just a few good friends. Like Harry Potter had Ron and Hermione. Real friendship takes a lot of time and I can’t do it with many people.

Parents can’t be real friends. They are older. They don’t know much about school life today. But your siblings can be your friends because my siblings and I experience a lot of the same things together.

I do not know how much real friends must have in common to become friends in the first place. My best friend Seamus is very different from me. I like football and he likes chess. We like different music. His favourite band is Rammstein and my favourite band is Depeche Mode. We are still friends though.

Parents can’t be real friends but I think it is good to know older teenagers and adults. When you know many people of different ages you can learn from them. It is also important to keep up with younger children. Sometimes they need help I think I can also learn a little about how to be an adult when I am with them. I don’t think I can learn anything practical from my grandparents but they are very kind and they are fun too. Oh yeah, my grandfather took me fishing with him once and he taught me everything about fishing. The problem is that I don’t usually go fishing. Adults are very different because they have many responsibilities. They must always think about their job, their house and their children. They have to pay all the bills and go shopping for food. It makes them boring sometimes. When I grow up I will still have a young mind. I will never become boring and I will always listen to Depeche Mode and my own children will be my best friends.

выучите 38 слов и выражений для этой темы

to split up with smb phrasal verb intr - расстаться с кем-то, прекратить дружить
to fall out with smb phrasal verb intr - ссориться с кем-то
to get on with smb phrasal verb intr - уживаться, ладить с кем-то
to go out with smb phrasal verb intr - встречаться с кем-то (в т.ч. романтически)
to let smb down . phrasal verb intr - подводить кого-то, разочаровывать кого-то
to look after smb phrasal verb intr - заботиться о ком-то
to be by myself phrasal verb intr - быть в одиночестве
to have something in common with smb adj phrase - - иметь что-то общее, чем-то быть похожим с кем-то
to be in contact with smb adj phrase - - поддерживать контакт, связь с кем-то
to be in love with smb adj phrase - - быть влюблённым в кого-то
to do smt on purpose . adv phrase - - сделать что-то (обычн. нехорошее) специально
to make friends with smb phrasal verb intr - подружиться с кем-то
to sit next to smb adv phrase - - сидеть (за партой) рядом с кем-то
. best friend . noun phrase count - лучший друг
. during our English lessons . adv phrase - - во время уроков английского
to meet people . verb phrase tr - знакомиться с людьми
to join a football team . verb phrase tr - записаться в футбольную команду, секцию
to have a pretty busy social life . verb phrase tr - быть очень общительным, (зд.) иметь много друзей и знакомых
to be very popular with your classmates . adj phrase - - быть популярным среди ваших одноклассников
. friends on VKontakte . adv phrase - - друзья в социальной сети ВКонтакте
. in my year at school . adv phrase - - из параллельных классов
to change schools . verb phrase tr - переходить в другую школу
competition n uncount [ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ᵊn] соревнование, конкуренция
to keep a low profile . verb phrase tr - не выделяться; быть скромным
popular adj - [ˈpɒp.jə.ləʳ] популярный, известный
to get presents . verb phrase tr - получать подарки
to give presents . verb phrase tr - дарить подарки
present n count [ʹprezənt] подарок
computer game n count [kəmˈpjuː.təʳ geim] компьютерная игра
CD n count [ˌsiːˈdiː] аудио диск
understand v tr [ˌʌn.də|ˈstænd] понимать
school life n count ['skuːllaɪ|f] школьная жизнь
different adj - [ˈdɪf.ᵊr.ᵊnt] другой, отличающийся
similar adj - ['sımılǝ] похожий, подобный
party n count [ʹpɑ:tɪ] вечеринка
to have a party . verb phrase tr - устраивать вечеринку
cafe n count [ˈkæf.eɪ] кафе
to go to a cafe . adv phrase - - ходить в кафе

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