Индия реферат на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Successors of Greeks in a history of mathematics were Indians. Indian mathematics were not engaged in proofs, but they have entered original concepts and a number of effective methods. They have entered zero as cardinal number and as a symbol of absence of units in the corresponding category. Moravia (850 AD) has established rules of operations with zero, believing, however, that division of number into zero leaves number constant. The right answer for a case of division of number on zero has been given by Bharskar (born In 1114 AD -?), he possesses rules of actions above irrational numbers. Indians have entered concept of negative numbers (for a designation of duties). We find their earliest use at Brahmagupta’s (around 630). Ariabhata (born in 476 AD-?) has gone further in use of continuous fractions at the decision of the uncertain equations.

Our modern notation based on an item principle of record of numbers and zero as cardinal number and use of a designation of the empty category, is called Indo-Arabian. On a wall of the temple constructed in India around 250 AD, some figures, reminding on the outlines our modern figures are revealed.

About 800 Indian mathematics has achieved Baghdad. The term "algebra" occurs from the beginning of the name of book Al-Jebr vah-l-mukabala -Completion and opposition (Аль-джебр ва-л-мукабала), written in 830 astronomer and the mathematician Al-Horezmi. In the composition he did justice to merits of the Indian mathematics. The algebra of Al-Horezmi has been based on works of Brahmagupta, but in that work Babylon and Greek math influences are clearly distinct. Other outstanding Arabian mathematician Ibn Al-Haisam (around 965-1039) has developed a way of reception of algebraic solvings of the square and cubic equations. Arabian mathematics, among them and Omar Khayyam, were able to solve some cubic equations with the help of geometrical methods, using conic sections. The Arabian astronomers have entered into trigonometry concept of a tangent and cotangent. Nasyreddin Tusy (1201-1274 AD) in the "Treatise about a full quadrangle” has regularly stated flat and spherical to geometry and the first has considered trigonometry separately from astronomy.

And still the most important contribution of arabs to mathematics of steel their translations and comments to great creations of Greeks. Europe has met these jobs after a gain arabs of Northern Africa and Spain, and later works of Greeks have been translated to Latin.

My name is Jeff Eagar. I'm from Canada but I just spent six months in India and I love India. I think India is my favorite country in the whole world.

Меня зовут Джефф Игар. Я из Канады, но я провёл шесть месяцев в Индии, и я люблю Индию. Я думаю, что Индия - моя любимая страна из всех стран мира.

India is very interesting. It's real life. It's the good and the bad, and the rich and the poor, and the happy and the struggling, all together in one country.

Индия очень интересная [страна]. Там настоящая жизнь. Там и хорошо, и плохо, там есть и богатые, и бедные, и счастливые, и те, кто испытывает трудности, - всё вместе в одной стране.

And when you go to India, you feel a lot of emotion, you feel a lot of sadness and happiness and joy and that's why India is my favorite country.

И когда вы приезжаете в Индию, вы испытываете много эмоций, вы чувствуете много грусти, счастья и радости, и именно поэтому Индия - моя любимая страна.

It takes a little bit of time for you to get used to India when you go there. They go things differently from other countries.

Когда приезжаешь в Индию, требуется некоторое время, чтобы привыкнуть к ней. Там действуют иначе, чем в других странах.

I was eating with my hands in India. You eat with your right hand and your left hand acts as toilet paper, because they don't have toilet paper in India.

В Индии я ел руками. Вы едите правой рукой, а левую руку используете в качестве туалетной бумаги, потому что у них в Индии нет туалетной бумаги.

And they are mostly Hindu and they believe in the Hindu, Hindu religion, and it's a very old religion.

And it's very colorful and they do lots, lots of religions ceremonies with fire and with bells, and with holy priests.

И всё это очень красочно, и они проводят много религиозных церемоний с огнём, с колоколами и со священниками.

И это очень зрелищно, радует ваш глаз, это интересное зрелище, очень интересное действие, которое вы можете посмотреть.

It takes a little bit of time for you to get used to India when you go there.

В данном контексте выражение "a little bit" схоже по смыслу со словом "some", то есть "требуется некоторое время (it takes some time ), чтобы привыкнуть к Индии". Примеры:

You eat with your right hand and your left hand acts as toilet paper.

"Acts" в данном контексте означает "используется как", "используется в качестве", "служит" или "заменяет". Примеры:

  • The waterfall acts like a natural shower.
    Этот водопад используется как естественный душ.
  • These games act as entertainment for the village.
    Эти игры служат развлечением для деревни.

They have many gods and many deities.

Deity - бог, божество. Примеры:

  • There is a deity for luck and another one for love.
    Есть одно божество для удачи и ещё другое для любви.
  • There are sculptures and images of deities all over the house.
    Скульптуры и изображения божеств размещены по всему дому.

And it's very colorful.

Colorful - красочный, яркий, колоритный, разноцветный. Примеры:

  • Choose an image for the background: something bright and colorful.
    Выберите изображение для фона: что-нибудь яркое и красочное.
  • Jack is a colorful character.
    Джек - колоритный персонаж.

They are very happy and very fun, and very welcoming people even though Indians are poor, many Indians are poor, they're still very nice.

Они очень радостные и очень весёлые, и очень гостеприимные люди, хотя индусы бедные, многие индусы бедны, они остаются очень славными людьми.

And they're very happy that you're in their country, and you feel this happiness and it makes you happy, and it's a great place.

И они очень счастливые, и когда вы находитесь в их стране, и вы чувствуете это счастье, это делает вас [тоже] счастливыми, - это прекрасное место.

India is full of surprises. When you are in India you see many things that are very shocking and very strange to your culture.

Индия полна сюрпризов. Когда вы находитесь в Индии, вы видите много такого, что очень шокируют и что является очень странным для вашей культуры.

For example, the cow is a very holy animal there. It's part of the religion so you don't eat meat in India, and the cows are allowed to go free and go wherever they want.

Например, корова там является священным животным. Она - часть религии, поэтому в Индии не едят мясо [коров], и коровам разрешено свободно разгуливать и ходить куда им угодно.

So maybe when you are driving down the street there will be a cow standing in the middle of the road and you have to drive around him, so this is very, very strange sight.

Поэтому, когда вы едете по улице, может случиться такое, что посреди дороги стоит корова, а вы должны объезжать её, так что это очень, очень странное зрелище.

You'll never see a cow in New York city, but you will see a cow in the middle of New Delhi city and it's very surprising at first .

Вы никогда не увидите корову в Нью-Йорке, но не редкость увидеть корову в центре Нью-Дели, и поначалу это очень удивляет.

И, вероятно, ещё одно удивительное явление - это святые люди, индийские аскеты-мудрецы или индийские святые.

Они отказались от всего. Они отказались от своей семьи, они отказались от всего, что им принадлежало.

They give up their car, their money, and they just wander around the country, from religious site to religious site.

Они отказались от своих машин, от денег, и они просто бродят по стране, от одного религиозного объекта до другого религиозного объекта.

And they all wear orange, orange robes. And many of them have big long beards and long hair, and they are very distinctive looking. And they're very wonderful people, very kind and very nice.

И все они одеты в оранжевое, оранжевые одеяния. И у многих из них большие длинные бороды и длинные волосы, и они выглядят очень своеобразно. И они совершенно замечательные люди, очень добрые и очень милые.

The cows are allowed to go free and go wherever they want.

Wherever - везде, повсюду, где бы ни, где угодно, всюду. Примеры:

  • Find them, wherever they are.
    Найдите их, где бы они ни были.
  • These calls haunt me wherever I am.
    Эти звонки преследуют меня повсюду.

And it's very surprising at first.

At first - сначала, поначалу, вначале, сперва, в начале, по началу, во-первых, сразу, в первый раз, в первую очередь, прежде, первое время, в первое время, на первых порах. Примеры:

  • There was bad at first, but it's getting better.
    Сначала было плохо, но становится лучше.
  • Naturally, he resisted at first.
    Естественно, сначала он сопротивлялся.

They give up everything.

Give up - сдаваться, сдаться, отказаться, отбросить, отдать, отказываться от, сдать, бросать, оставить, отдавать, пожертвовать, уступить, прекращать, завязать. Примеры:

  • We cannot give up what is intended.
    Мы не можем отказаться от того, что задумано.
  • She was being forced to give up control.
    Она была вынуждена отказаться от управления.

They are very distinctive looking.

Distinctive - отличительный, особый, характерный, своеобразный, самобытный. Примеры:

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

A country I’d like to visit: India

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

A country I’d like to visit: India

A country I’d like to visit: India

The republic of India - a country in south Asia. India is ranked seventh in t.

The republic of India - a country in south Asia. India is ranked seventh in terms of area, the second largest population. India borders Pakistan to the west, with china, Nepal and Bhutan to the north-east, Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. In addition, India has a maritime border with the Maldives in the south-west of Sri Lanka in the south, and Indonesia in the south-east.

The Capital Of India Delhi

The Capital Of India Delhi

India is a multinational state. It is inhabited by great Nations whose repres.

India is a multinational state. It is inhabited by great Nations whose representatives differ from each other and external appearance, language, and customs.

The Constitution of India as an official recognized 21 languages. However, li.

The Constitution of India as an official recognized 21 languages. However, linguists distinguish at least 24, each spoken by at least 1 million people, and many dialects. The official language is Hindi, the widely accepted is English. Other official languages: Bengali, Urdu, Oriya, Punjabi, Assami, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Marathi is distributed mainly in the Northern and Central regions; Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada in the southern States. In the former colonies of Goa, Daman and DIU in the course of Portuguese language, in Puthussery French

India — multinational and multicultural state, so there are celebrated the ho.

India — multinational and multicultural state, so there are celebrated the holidays of different religions. In addition to religious, in India, there are three official national holiday: independence Day of India, Republic Day and Gandhi's birthday. Among the holidays that directly Express the vivid cultural and religious flavor of the Indian Republic, are distinguished (in order of popularity at the national level): the Hindu Diwali, Ganesh-Chaturthi, Holi, Ugadi, Dussehra (Dassera, Durga-Puja), Sankranti (Pongal), as well as the Muslim Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-ATX, Muharram and Ramadan.

India is very very diverse – probably the most diverse of countries that You.

India is very very diverse – probably the most diverse of countries that You will find on this planet. In Kashmir is one of the coldest places on earth. A place where sees the largest rainfall – Cherrapunji. One of the most arid places of the Thar Desert. On top of that, it is worth noting that more than half of the Indian border stretches along the shoreline, which has a huge number of beaches. And don't forget that in Northern India are snow-covered Himalayas.

Located in Agra, the Taj Mahal, is one of the most visited places in the worl.

Located in Agra, the Taj Mahal, is one of the most visited places in the world. It is also known as mausoleum of his beloved wife Shah Jahan – Mumtaz Mahal. This building is one of the new Seven Wonders of the world. Executed in marble, the Taj Mahal, perhaps the most fascinating and beautiful monument of India. The construction of this incredible monument took 22 years (1630-1652).

The capital of India has many attractions like mosques, FORTS and other monum.

The capital of India has many attractions like mosques, FORTS and other monuments of architecture, which embodies the history of India. The location for visiting the majestic Red Fort. If you want to get away from the past and to look at modern India, head to New Delhi, which houses many government buildings and embassies.

Mysore is the most frequently visited places among tourists in the state of K.

Mysore is the most frequently visited places among tourists in the state of Karnataka. The largest number of tourists is collected during the ten-day festival of Dasara. One of the most visited monuments in the Indies, the Palace of Mysore is the center of the festivities of Dasara.

India, a country that I want to visit, called the country of a thousand wonde.

India, a country that I want to visit, called the country of a thousand wonders. Indeed, around every corner you will find an amazing discovery! And yet India is a country of contrasts. Here you will find mountains with snow-capped peaks and deserts, where the sun mercilessly scorches. Grand palaces coexist with miserable slums. Noise, noise and chaos in the streets gives way to reverent silence of Hindu temples. But one thing remains the same – it's a kind of reverence that is in the air and gives peace and rest.

Слайд 2

The geographical position The official name of India - is the Republic of India, a country in South Asia. India shares borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. India has sea borders with Maldives, Sri Lanka, Indonesia.

Слайд 3

Indie is a one of English-speaking countries. Hindi, the most common language in India, the official language of the government in India . English, which is widely used in business and administration, has the status of "subsidiary official language" , it plays an important role in education.

Слайд 4

India is the seventh largest country by area(3 287 263 km²), the second largest by population(1.22 billion people in 2010) and the most largest democratic country in the world .The Capital of India is New Delhi.

Слайд 5

India is a federal republic consisting of twenty-nine states, six union territories and the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Symbols The national animal of India is a tiger . Tiger symbolizes power, strength, grace, vivacity, intelligence and endurance of the Indian nation. Since time immemorial, the Tigers were royal animals. The territory of India is home to more than half population of tigers in the world.

Слайд 8

In India, all animals are sacred, but cows take the main place. Hindus Cow is equal to the status of the mother, because the mother cow has such qualities as humility, kindness, wisdom and serenity.

Слайд 9

SIGHTS Taj Mahal This huge mausoleum is located in Agra and built of white marble on the orders of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. Lotus Temple Lotus Temple - the main Baha'i Temple in India and neighboring countries, built in 1986. Located in New Delhi - capital of India. The huge building of the white Pentelic marble in the form of blossoming lotus flower - one of the most popular tourist attractions of Delhi.

Слайд 10

Harmandir Sahib He is known in the world as the Golden Temple. In reality, the temple is covered with a real gold. The temple of the goddess Meenakshi, the symbol of love between Shiva and Meenakshi . The temple has 14 towers, which reach height of 50 meters. The heart of the temple is hall with a thousand columns, the center of which is a pool of holy water.

Слайд 11

Palace Lake Pichola in Udaipur This palace was built in the middle of the lake in the 18th century as a royal summer palace. Today it is a luxury 5-star hotel. Ajanta Caves Ajanta caves were carved in the rock in the second millennium BC. These caves were abandoned and forgotten until 1819. You can see there a lot of ancient frescoes, carved into the rock.

Слайд 12

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Слайд 16

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Слайд 18

Слайд 19

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1 Екатерина_Пашкова • 13:24, 10.07.2015

Наталья Александровна, спасибо за публикацию презентации! Но прошу обратить внимание на фотографии со слайдов 2 и 4 — пропорции изображений искажены очень сильно, и впечатление о презентации сразу портится. Нужно подбирать изображения таким образом, чтобы их не пришлось искажать. Для 4 слайда можно было найти большую фотографию и лишнюю часть просто отрезать.

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India is a unique country with a thousand years of history and culture. Homeland to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization and four religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism are originally from India. One of the most colorful and happiest festival Diwali takes part in India every autumn.

Diwali is an important festival that is celebrated by the Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and some Buddhists. It's also known as the festival of light. Every autumn the date of this holiday is calculated by the Hindu Luni-solar calendar.

There are so many curious facts about Diwali. Here are some of them.

  1. The main idea of the festival is the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.
  2. Celebrated over five days, Diwali became the biggest and the brightest festival in India and South Asia.
  3. Before Diwali all people should clean and renovate their houses and offices and make them spotless.
  4. Even in businesses it's the time to start a new accounting book.
  5. People dress up in their best outfits. It's time for the biggest shopping season in India, so usually people buy new clothes, home stuff, jewelries, gifts for family members and other purchases.
  6. Oil and light lamps are lit up in high numbers everywhere, at homes and outside them. Huge amount of lamps makes India clearly visible from Space!
  7. On these days people wish each other an “auspicious Diwali”. This phrase is widely used by Hindus.
  8. More than one billion dollars is the total cost of the firecrackers. Now many people protest against such amount of money spending on Diwali, because this money could be used for other purposes, like better health care and education

Diwali is the festival everybody must see, even once in a life, to feel this energy of lights and positive emotions!


Индия — это уникальная страна с тысячелетней историей и культурой. Родина древней Индской цивилизации и четыре религии - Индуизм, Буддизм, Джайнизм, и Сикхизм — родом из Индии. Один из самых красочных и счастливых фестивалей Дивали проходит в Индии каждую осень.

Дивали — главный праздник, который отмечают Индуисты, Сикхи, Джайны и некоторые буддисты. Он также известен как праздник света. Каждую осень дата этого праздника рассчитывается по индуистскому лунно-солнечному календарю.

Существует множество любопытных фактов о Дивали. Вот некоторые из них.

  1. Главная идея фестиваля — это победа света над тьмой, добра над злом.
  2. Благодаря празднованию в течение 5 дней Дивали считается самым продолжительным и красочным фестивалем в Индии и Южной Азии.
  3. Перед наступлением Дивали все люди должны прибраться и отремонтировать свои дома и офисы, сделать их безупречными.
  4. Даже в бизнесе в это время начинают новую бухгалтерскую книгу.
  5. Человек должен одеть свои лучшие наряды. Это время крупнейшего сезона покупок в Индии, так обычно люди покупают новую одежду, домашнюю утварь, украшения, подарки для членов семьи и другие покупки.
  6. Масляные лампы и огни загораются в больших количествах везде, в домах и за их пределами. Огромное количество света делает Индию отчетливо видимой из космоса!
  7. В эти дни люди желают друг другу “благоприятный Дивали”. Эта фраза широко используется Индусами.
  8. Более чем один миллиард долларов — это общая стоимость фейерверков. И сейчас много людей протестуют против такого количества потраченных денег на Дивали, ведь эти деньги могли бы быть использованы для других целей — на улучшение медицинского обслуживания и образования.

Дивали — это такой праздник, который нужно увидеть хотя бы раз в жизни, чтобы почувствовать эту энергию света и положительных эмоций!

Полезные слова и выражения по теме:

Indus Valley Civilization — Индская цивилизация (дословно: Цивилизация долины реки Инд)

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