Прочитайте текст и кратко ответьте на вопросы famous people

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

1. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. How many people live in London?
2. What is the East End famous for?

1. London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on the river Thames. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is about 9 million people.
2. In the West End there are many famous museums, theatres, palaces and parks. The British Museum is one of the most famous museums in the world. It contains the most important collection of things from Greece and Egypt, including the famous Egyptian mummies. The West End includes Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and the main shopping areas of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street.
3. The Houses of Parliament built in the 19th century, are the place where the English Government sits. Big Ben is the name given to the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. The great bell weighs thirteen and a half tons. Buckingham Palace is the home of Britain's Kings and Queens. Every day a lot of tourists come to see the ceremony of Changing the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace.
4. The East End grew with the spread of industries to the east of the City, and the growth of the port of London. It is one of those areas of London where people from abroad have come to find work. The East End is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry in London.
2. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 2, 4.
3. а) Назовите номер абзаца, в котором Participle I (причастие I) является определением. Выпишите это предложение и переведите его на русский язык.

б) В каких функциях употреблено причастие I в приведенных ниже предложениях? Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The Houses of Parliament, standing on the left bank of the river Thames, are not very old buildings.
2. Being situated on the river Thames, London is also a large port.
3. All around London there are plaques marking houses where famous people lived.
4. Выпишите предложение, глагол-сказуемое которого стоит в Past Continuous Tense (прошедшее длительное время) , и переведите его на русский язык:
1. They went to Hyde Park last Sunday.
2. Crowds of people were listening or asking questions at the "Speaker's Corner" when we came.
3. They are going to visit the British Museum.
5. Выпишите предложение, в котором Participle II (причастие II) является определением, и переведите его на русский язык:
1. The City occupied by many banks and offices is the financial centre of London.
2. Trafalgar Square was made to commemorate the victory of Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar.
3. Many famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey.
6. Выпишите предложение, глагол-сказуемое которого стоит в Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время) , и переведите это предложение на русский язык:
1. Last year I spent two weeks in London.
2. I have just come from London.
3. I was in London two years ago.
7. Выпишите предложение, эквивалентное данному русскому предложению:
Он только что приехал из Лондона.
1. Не arrived from London a few minutes ago.
2. He had arrived from London by 6 o'clock.
3. He has just arrived from London.
8. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения:
1. Oxford Street is (popular, more popular, the most popular) shopping centre in London.
2. The City is (old, older, the oldest) part of London.
3. London is (large, larger, the largest) than Liverpool.

1. How many people live in London? ---Its population is about 9 million people.
2. What is the East End famous for? ----In the West End there are many famous museums, theatres, palaces and parks.
а дальше нехуя непомню как. грамматику забыл у меня разговорный

Назовите номер предложения, в котором Participle 1 (причастие 1) является определенным.
The East End is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry in London - Ист-Энд особенно славится как центр легкой промышленности в Лондоне
1.Здания Парламента Великобритании, расположенные на левом берегу реки Темзы, не слишком старинные.
2. Будучи расположенным на реке Темзе, Лондон также является огромным портом.
3.Повсюду в Лондоне есть таблички, отмечающие дома, где жили знаменитости.
4.Present Perfect Tense:
Crowds of people were listening or asking questions at the "Speaker's Corner" when we came.
Толпы людей слушали или задавали вопросы в Уголке ораторов, когда мы пришли.
5. Trafalgar Square was made to commemorate the victory of Admiral Nelson af Trafalgar - Трафальгарская площадь была построена в честь победы адмирала Нельсона на Трафальгаре.
6.A have just come from London
7.He has just arrived from London.
8.1.Oxford Street is а popular shopping centre in London
2.The City is the oldest part of London.
3.London is larger than Liverpool.

4. Role play in pairs. One of you is Walt Disney’s great grandson/daughter, the other is a journalist. Use information from the text to talk about him. — Ролевая игра в парах. Один из вас — внук/внучка Уолта Диснея, второй — журналист. Используйте информацию из текста, чтобы поговорить о нем.

5. Think of a famous person of the past and make notes under the headings: — Вспомни известного человека из прошлого и сделай заметки по плану.

  • name — имя
  • date of birth — дата рождения
  • place of birth — место рождения
  • early years — ранние годы
  • later years — поздние годы
  • famous for — чем известен
  • date of death — дата смерти

6. Portfolio: Write a short biography about this person. (60-80 words) Use the text in Ex. 2 as an example. — Портфолио: напиши короткую биографию этого человека. В качестве образца используй текст из упр. 2

Возможный ответ:

William Shakespeare was one of the greatest and famous writers. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. I was a small English town. His father wanted William to be an educated person and send him to the local grammar school. When the boy studied at school he had no free time. But When William had a rest he liked to go to the forest and to the river Avon. At that time actors and actresses visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them. He was fond of their profession and decided to become an actor.

He went to London and became an actor there. He began to write plays too. Shakespeare was both an actor and a playwright. In his works Shakespeare described important and dramatic events of life. His plays were staged in many theatres, translated into many languages and they made Shakespeare very popular. His most famous plays are Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet. He created thirty seven plays. Also William Shakespeare wrote a lot of poems. They are well known all over the world.

We don’t know a lot of facts of Shakespeare’s life. We can only guess what kind of man he was, that’s why there are a lot of legends about his life. William Shakespeare died in 1616. But his plays are popular now and millions of people admire them.

Уильям Шекспир был одним из величайших и знаменитых писателей. Он родился в 1564 году в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне. Я был маленький английский город. Его отец хотел, чтобы Уильям был образованным человеком и отправил его в местную гимназию. Когда мальчик учился в школе, у него не было свободного времени. Но когда Уильям отдыхал, он любил ходить в лес и к реке Эйвон. В то время Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне посещали актеры и актрисы. Уильям любил наблюдать за ними. Он увлекся их профессией и решил стать актером.

Он отправился в Лондон и там стал актером. Он также начал писать пьесы. Шекспир был и актером, и драматургом. В своих работах Шекспир описывал важные и драматические аспекты жизни. Его пьесы ставились во многих театрах, они были переведены на многие языки и сделали Шекспира очень популярным. Его самые известные пьесы — Отелло, Король Лир, Гамлет, Ромео и Джульетта. Он создал тридцать семь пьес. Также Уильям Шекспир написал много стихов. Они хорошо известны во всем мире.

Мы не знаем многих фактов из жизни Шекспира. Мы можем только догадываться, каким он был человеком, поэтому о его жизни есть много легенд. Уильям Шекспир умер в 1616 году. Но его пьесы популярны и сегодня, и миллионы людей восхищаются ими.

Johnny Depp (born on the 9th of June, 1963, in Owensboro, Kentucky, the USA) has Irish and German ancestors . His great-grandmother was a real Cherokee ! Johnny doesn't know the origin of his surname but he often jokes that Depp means 'an idiot' in German.

He has one brother, Danny, and two sisters, Christie and Debbie. Christie is now Depp's personal manager.

When Johnny Depp was a child his family was always on the move so the boy lived in more than twenty different places!

When Johnny was twelve his mother bought him a guitar. The boy wanted to learn to play the guitar so much that he shut himself in his bedroom for two years in order to do so.

Johnny says that when he was a school boy he often copied test answers from his classmates.

At the age of sixteen Johnny decided to drop out of school to become a rock musician. He joined the band called The Kids and even married the sister of the drummer , Lori Anne Alison. In 1985, Depp and Allison divorced.

Depp is now in a long-term relationship with Vanessa Paradis, a famous French singer and actress. The couple has two children, a daughter and son.

Johnny's first important role was in the 1984 horror film Nightmare on Elm Street.

The director of Pirates of the Caribbean says that Depp's Jack Sparrow character closely resembles the actor's own personality. But Johnny Depp says that he based the character on the Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Johnny believes that Keith Richards is the coolest musician in the history of rock and roll.

Johnny likes art. One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. When Johnny was young he didn't have posters of rock stars in his room, instead he had Van Gogh reproductions.

In 1999, Depp was arrested for being in a fight with the paparazzi in front of a restaurant in London.

Johnny wears a silver skull ring on the ring finger of each hand. The skull ring is a constant reminder that life is short and each moment should be lived to the fullest.

Johnny Depp has lots of hobbies. He plays the guitar, draws, paints and does sword fighting. He is also fond of collecting things. He has a bug collection, and a gun collection.

Johnny loves animals very much. A few years ago he saved and adopted a horse.

Johnny Depp's quotes:

"I'm not a 'blockbuster boy'. I never wanted to be."

"I'm going to do only the things that I want to do, interesting things and things that stimulate me."

Prince William is from the United Kingdom. Prince William’s date of birth is 21st June, 1982. His full name is William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor. His father is Prince Charles. His younger brother is Prince Harry. His grandmother is the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth! Prince William’s hobbies are playing football and swimming. He can paint, ski and ride motorbikes. He’s a great athlete.

Принц Вильям из Соединенного Королевства (Великобритании). Принц Вильям родился 21 июля 1982 года. Его полное имя Вильям Артур Филлип Луис Виндсор. Его отец — Принц Чарльз. Его младший брат — Принц Гарри. Его бабушка — Королева Англии, Королева Елизавета! Хобби Принца Вильяма — игра в футбол и плавание. Он умеет рисовать, бегать на лыжах и ездить на мотоцикле. Он хороший атлет.

  1. Prince William is from the United Kingdom — Принц Вильям из Великобритании
  2. His birthday is on 21st June — Его день рождения — 21 июля.
  3. His brother is Prince Harry — Его брат — Принц Гарри
  4. Queen Elizabeth is his grandmother — Королева Елизавета — его бабушка.
  5. His hobbies are playing football and swimming — Его хобби — игра в футбол и плавание
  6. He can paint, ski, and ride motorbikes — Он умеет рисовать, бегать на лыжах и ездить на мотоцикле.

2. Ask questions about Prince William. Use what, when, where, who, can. Answer them. — Задай вопросы о принце Вильяме. Используй what, when, where, who, can. От­веть на вопросы.

  • A: Who’s Prince William? — Кто такой Принц Вильям?
    B: He’s the Prince of Wales. — Он Принц Уэльса
  • A: Where is he from? — Откуда он?
    B: He’s from the United Kingdom. — Он из Великобритании.
  • A: What date is his birthday? — Когда у него день рождения?
    B: His birthday is on 21st June. — Его день рождения 21 июня.
  • A: What is Prince William’s full name? — Какое полное имя Принца Вильяма?
    B: His full name is William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor. — Его полное имя Вильям Артур Филлип Луис Виндсор.
  • A: Who is his father and his younger brother? — Кто его отец и младший брат?
    B: Prince William’s father is Prince Charles and his younger brother is Prince Harry. — Отец Принца Вильяма — Принц Чарльз, а его младший брат — Принц Гарри.
  • A: Who is Prince William’s grandmother? — Кто бабушка Принца Вильяма?
    B: Prince William’s grandmother is the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth. — Бабушка Принца Вильяма — Королева Англии, Королева Елизавета.
  • A: What are Prince William’s hobbies? — Какое хобби у Принца Вильяма?
    B: Prince William’s hobbies are playing football and swimming. — Хобби Принца Вильяма — игра в футбол и плавание.
  • A: What other things can he do? — Что он еще умеет делать?
    B: He can paint, ski and ride motorbikes. — Он умеет рисовать, бегать на лыжах и ездить на мотоцикле.
  • A: What is he like? — Какой он?.
    B: He’s a great athlete and a nice guy. — Он хороший атлет и приятный парень.

3. Listen and tick (✓) the correct answer. — Послушай и отметь галочкой правильный ответ.

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