Мэрилин монро биография кратко на немецком языке

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Перевод и определение Marilyn Monroe, словаря немецкий - русский в Интернете. Мы нашли как минимум 88 переведенных предложений с Marilyn Monroe .

Marilyn Monroe

переводы Marilyn Monroe

Мерилин Монро

In Rays Wohnung, das riesige Foto von Marilyn Monroe.

В квартире Рэя висит огромное фото Мерилин Монро.


Im Kino gibt‘s Marilyn Monroe, und im Hafen liegt ein Schiff, das – merkwürdiger Zufall – Juan Belmonte heißt.

В конце концов, никто не ожидает от нее, что она будет выглядеть как ярко розовая версия Мэрлин Монро.

За исключением цвета волос, она напоминает ему Мэрилин Монро на классическом постере, особенно щиколотками.

Und es war ganz ausgesprochen merkwürdig, Marilyn Monroe in der Hauptrolle von Fäuste des Zorns zu sehen.

Virgil war ein großer Fan von Filmklassikern und Starlets wie Marilyn Monroe und Sophia Loren gewesen.

In diesem Film spielte sie eine größere Rolle, und er konnte feststellen, daß die Schauspielerin Marilyn Monroe hieß.

Тут у нее уже была более заметная роль, и Крису удалось выяснить, что ту актрису звали Мэрилин Монро.

Er erhielt eine wunderbare Gegenüberstel ung: Jack und Marilyn Monroe, Fernsehschirm an Fernsehschirm.

напишите пожалуйста биографию Мерлин Монро на английском языке с переводом на русский.Маленько(кратко и главное) 60 слов.даю 60 баллов.

Marilyn Monroe (real name Norma Jeane Mortenson) was an American actress, who became an idol for millions of people. She was considered to be the major sex symbol of the 20th century. Apart from being an actress, she was a singer and a model. She was born on June 1st, 1926, in Los Angeles. She was the third child of a film installer Gladys Baker. Her biological father was unknown. When she was six months old, she was baptized and named after her mother Baker instead of Mortenson. Norma’s mother had a number of financial and mental problems. That’s why the girl spent most of her childhood in foster families and orphanages. For some time she lived with the neighboring family of Della Monroe. Her tough childhood helped her to mature quickly and to take independent decisions. One of her adolescent decisions was to marry James Edward Doherty. She met him, while studying at high school. She was only 16, when she left the school and started living with this guy. After their wedding James got a job in the merchant navy, while she went to work at the aircraft factory. She met a prominent photographer there, who offered her to become a model. Soon she began to gain popularity and worldwide fame as a sex symbol. The image of sexy blonde as well as her new name was made up by a 53-year-old film agent John Hyde. He also persuaded her to make a few small cosmetic surgeries. However, the main thing that he did for Marilyn was the arrangement of the contract with “20th Century Fox”. At first she went there to work at the statistics department, but a year and a half later everyone in the USA knew her name. By that time Hyde already died of a heart attack. She was doing her own steps in cinematography. Her first major role was in “Ladies of the Chorus” (1948). Two years later two more successful films were shot: “All about Eve” and “The Asphalt Jungle”. Her roles weren’t highly paid at first. But starting with “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”(1953) her fee had grown to thousands of dollars. Soon Marilyn got divorced and fell in love with a famous baseball player Joe DiMaggio. They got married in 1954, but this marriage didn’t last a year.

Мэрилин Монро (Marilyn Monroe, Norma Jeane Baker Mortensen) фотографии

Урождённая Норма Джин Мортенсен (англ. Norma Jeane Mortensen), в крещении Норма Джин Бейкер (англ. Norma Jeane Baker).

Легендарная американская киноактриса, певица.

Мэрилин Монро родилась 1 июня 1926 года в Лос-Анджелесе (США). Её мать, Глэдис Монро Бейкер, назвала девочку в честь популярной тогда актрисы Нормы Толмэдж. Отцом Глэдис назвала Мартина Мортенсена, но к тому времени они расстались, и это отцовство вызывает сомнения. В возрасте двух недель Норма была отдана в приёмную семью, где прожила 6 лет.

В январе 1954 года она вышла замуж за звезду бейсбола Джо Ди Маджо. Этот брак продержался всего 9 месяцев.

Ещё в 1950 году Мэрилин познакомилась с драматургом Артуром Миллером, но потом они расстались и вновь встретились в 1955 году. К тому времени он был разведён, и от прежнего брака у него было двое детей. Летом 1956 года они сыграли свадьбу. Этот брак был самым длительным: они прожили вместе четыре с половиной года и развелись 20 января 1961 года.

В 1951 году Мэрилин познакомилась с Джоном Кеннеди, который впоследствии стал президентом США. С 1954 года они вступили в любовную связь и были близки до 1960 года.

Мэрилин Монро скончалась в ночь на 5 августа 1962 года в Брентвуде (Калифорния, США) в возрасте 36 лет от смертельной дозы снотворного (по официальной версии). Похоронена актриса на Мемориальном Кладбище Вествуд Вилладж в Западном Лос-Анджелесе.

Премия "The Best Young Box Office Personality", 1952

Премия "Давид ди Донателло" (1958):
Специальный приз за лучшую женскую роль ("Принц и хористка")

Премия "Золотой глобус":
1959 - Лучшая актриса, комедия/мюзикл ("В джазе только девушки")
1961 - Мировой кинофаворит среди женщин

Премия Генриетта "Worlds Favorite Female Star" - "Золотой глобус", 1962, США.

Номинация на "Золотой глобус" (1956):
Лучшая актриса, комедия/мюзикл ("Автобусная остановка")

Номинация на "BAFTA":
1955 - Лучшая иностранная актриса ("Зуд седьмого года")
1957 - Лучшая иностранная актриса ("Принц и хористка")

Биографии на английском

Мерлин Монро биография на английском языке представлена в этой статье.

Краткая биография Мерлин Монро на английском

She was born on 1 June 1926 in the Los Angeles County Hospital, the third child of Gladys Baker. She lived with a number of foster parents, as her mother was mentally unstable, until her mother’s best friend Grace McKee became her guardian.

McKee was inspired by Jean Harlow and allowed the nine-year-old Norma to wear makeup and curl her hair, until McKee married and sent Norma Jean to an orphanage.

The young girl was then sent to live with her great aunt Olive Brunings, where it is thought she was sexually assaulted by Olive’s son. At 16, she escaped her old life by marrying a 21-year-old aircraft plant worker, Jim Dougherty. The couple divorced four years later. By this time she had begun modelling bathing suits and, after bleaching her hair blonde, was posing for pin-ups and glamour photos.

Howard Hughes tried to get her a screen test but was beaten to the punch by 20th Century-Fox, who signed her to a contract — at $125 per week for six months — and changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

After appearing in small parts in films including ‘Love Happy’ and ‘All About Eve’, Monroe found fame in 1953 with ‘Niagara’, ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ and ‘How To Marry a Millionaire’. That same year, she began dating baseball player Jo DiMaggio, and a nude spread of her appeared in the debut issue of Playboy magazine. Monroe had hit stardom. The nude spread caused a scandal with her studio, so she agreed to admit she had posed for the photo as she was struggling to pay her rent. The resulting publicity created some sympathy for the struggling actress.

In 1954, she eloped with DiMaggio — a union which was only to last eight months — before filming ‘There’s No Business Like Show Business’ and ‘The Seven-Year Itch’, the latter featuring the classic scene in which she stood over a subway grating, skirt billowing. She applied for divorce from DiMaggio on the grounds of mental cruelty. Despite this, he secured her release from the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Mental Clinic in 1961.

Monroe’s work began to slow down, but critics praised her acting in 1956 film ‘Bus Stop’. She married playwright Arthur Miller the same year, divorcing him four years later. In the meantime, she fell prey to alcohol and pills, and suffered two miscarriages.

After a year off in 1958, Marilyn returned to the silver screen for smash comedy ‘Some Like It Hot’. In 1960, she appeared in ‘Let’s Make Love’, with Yves Montand, with whom she had an affair.

‘The Misfits’, written by husband Miller, was to be her final film. Work was interrupted by exhaustion, and she was then fired from ‘Something’s Got to Give’ for not turning up for filming.

On 19 May 1962, the actress attended the early birthday celebration of John F Kennedy at Madison Square Gardens, singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ in a performance that became legendary.

She went into seclusion and on 5 August 1962, she was found dead at her home of an overdose of sleeping pills, aged 36. The verdict was suicide but has always been disputed, with countless conspiracy theories triggered by alleged affairs with brothers John F and Robert Kennedy.

Monroe has been portrayed by a number of actresses over the years, including Michelle Williams in 2011’s ‘My Week With Marilyn’.

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