Columbus day in the usa кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Good morning, boys and girls! Today we are having an unusual lesson. You know that there were a lot of great voyages in the history, but none of them had such a great influence on the whole world as the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. And today we are going to celebrate the Columbus Day.

1. Фонетическая зарядка

Let's start our lesson with a poem. Take the sheets of paper.

In three little ships

Land in the view!

In fourteen – hundred

And ninety – two!

We stand on America

Smiling in the sun

You are the one!

Учащиеся читают и переводят стихотворение

2. Речевая зарядка

· What do you know about Christopher Columbus and his voyages?

· When did he start his voyage to America?

· How many ships were there in his expedition? Etc.

Let's try to answer the questions of the quiz.

Read the first question. What do you think?

Columbus Day Quiz

1. What nationality was Christopher Columbus?
a) Spanish b) Portuguese c) Italian d) Norwegian

2. On what island did Columbus land on October 12, 1492?

a) the Bahamas b) Cuba c) the Hawaii d) Tahiti

3. In which countries is Columbus Day celebrated?

a) Italy b) Spain c) France d) Great Britain

4. What was the name of the ship on which Columbus sailed?

a) the Nina b) the Pinta c) the Santa Maria d) the Titanic

5. When did Columbus discover America?

a) in 1486 b) in 1492 c) in 1594 d) in 1582

6. What title did Columbus get after the voyage?

a) Admiral b) Captain c) Marshal d) Lieutenant

7. When is Columbus Day celebrated?

a) October, 12 c) the second Monday in October

b) the last Monday in October d) October, 31

8. What country provided Columbus with money and ships for is voyage?

a) Portugal b) Italy c) Spain d) Great Britain

4. Обучение чтению

So now we are going to read a text about this historic event and then we'll be able

to answer all the questions. I give you 3 minutes to look through the text and find

the correct answers.

Fill in the blanks with the words

Sail Expensive Asia Rank Admiral Rulers

Supplies Refused Cheaply Sea Spain Route

Chance Land Fiancé West Discovered Money

Columbus had a dream. His dream was to reach Asia by sailing 3,000 miles (1) ______. If could reach (2) ______ by sea, he could transport Asian spices, silks, and other valuable products by (3) ______ . At this time, the products had to be transported over a long and dangerous (4) ______ route. This made the products scarce and (5) ______. A sea route would mean the goods could be transported more (6) _______ and in greater quantity.

Anyone who could find this sea (7) _____ would receive great honours and become very wealthy.

Columbus needed someone to help (8) _____ the trip if he was to turn his dream into reality He asked the (9) _______ of Portugal, Spain, and England for financing backing. They all (10) __________ to help. They thought the plan had little (11) _______ of success and would cost too much (12) _____.

Finally, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of (13) _______ changed their minds. They provided Columbus with three ships and all the necessary (14) _______ In addition, they promised to make him governor of any new lands that he discovered, to make him an (15)______, and to grant him a noble (16)________ if he was successful.

On August 3, 1492, Columbus set (17) ________. On October 12, 1492, he landed in America. He was convinced that he had (18) ______ the sea route from Europe to Asia. He believed this to his dying day.

Answers: 1 West 2 Asia 3 sea 4 land 5 expensive 6 cheaply 7 route 8 fiancé 9 rulers 10 refused 11 chance 12 money 13 Spain 14 supplies 15 admiral 16 rank 17 sail 18 discovered

5. Тренировка навыков использования лексики

a)There are also some questions after the text. We are going to answer them.

b)The next task. How are these proper names connected with the discovery of

America? Queen Isabella, Amerigo Vispucci, Guanahani, Franklin Roosevelt, Santa Maria

с)Find the expressions and words in the text: принимать как должное, из гордости за, рассуждать, полагать, неосведомленный, выдвинуть свои идеи, поддерживать, последующий, завоевывать, континент, материк, мореплавание, провозглашать, на рассвете, полушарие, убедить, в форме шара, рискованное мероприятие, угрожать, маршрут, путь

Today we take for granted that the world is round. In the fifteenth century, however, people believed that the world was flat. They laughed at or jailed those who dared think that the world was in the shape of a globe.

There were educated persons, however, who reasoned that the world must be round. An Italian named Christopher Columbus was bold enough to push his notion, and ask for money to explore the seas, and find what he thought would be the other hemisphere of the earth. Portugal, Italy and England refused to support such a venture.

Christopher Columbus convinced Queen Isabella of Spain that there was a new, easier route to Asia and possible new lands for Spain. Columbus first asked Queen Isabella for help in 1486, but it was years before she agreed….provided that he conquer some of the islands and mainland for Spain. Columbus would also be given the title of "Admiral of All the Ocean Seas".

Finally, on August 3, 1492, he and ninety men set sail on the flagship Santa Maria. Two other ships came with him. Three long months went by. His men became tired and sick, and threatened to turn the ships back. On October 11 th , ten o'clock at night, Columbus saw a light, which, in fact, was land. The next morning at dawn they landed.

Christopher Columbus and his crew had expected to see people native to India that's why they called the first people they saw "Indians". From the "Indians" they learnt that the island was called Guanahani (The Bahamas Island). When they landed on the island that is now Cuba, they thought they were in Japan. After three subsequent voyages Columbus was still unenlightened. He died a rich and famous man, but he never knew he discovered new lands.

Few celebrations marked the discovery until hundreds of years later. The continent was not even named after Columbus, but an Italian explorer Amerigo Vispucci. Out of pride for their native son, the Italian population of New York City organized the first celebration of the discovery of America on October, 12, 1866. Later they called it Columbus Day. In 1937 president Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed every October 12 as Columbus Day. Since 1971, it has been celebrated on the second Monday in October. Columbus Day is also celebrated in Italy and most Spanish-speaking countries.

Answer the questions.

1. What did people think about the world in the past?

2. How did Columbus convince the Queen of Spain to give him ships and money?

3. Why did Columbus call the people he saw "Indians"?

4. Who was the new continent named after?

5. What is the history of Columbus Day?

How are these proper names connected with the discovery of America?
Queen Isabella Amerigo Vispucci
Santa Maria Franklin Roosevelt

Find these expressions and words in the text: приниматькакдолжное, изгордостиза, рассуждать, полагать, неосведомленный, выдвинутьсвоиидеи, поддерживать, последующий, завоевывать, континент, материк, мореплавание, провозглашать, нарассвете, полушарие, убедить, вформешара, рискованноемероприятие, угрожать, маршрут, путь

Say in a different way:

Idea, thought- Taking place after sth-
Unknowing, ignorant- To assume; accept without thinking-
Half of a sphere or ball- To maintain, to help-
Undertaking- Way-

d)Say it in a different way: idea, thought.

(задания выполняются в группах)

Areyouready? Let's come back to our quiz again. So number one.

So the discovery of America was really a big event in the history of the world and

no wonder that so many films have been made and so many books have been

written about it. Now we are going to listen to an interview with an author of the

book about Christopher Columbus. Take these sheets of paper. While you are

listening you will try to find the answers to the questions. Let's read them.

Listen to an interview with the author of a book about Christopher Columbus. Answer the questions .

1. How many voyages did Columbus have?

2. Which voyage is described in the film? What kind of adventures did he have?

3. What was Columbus's goal?

4. What does the author of the book think about Columbus as a person?

5. Were Columbus's voyages important for the whole world? Prove that he was a bold man.

We are going to listen to it once so be very attentive.

So let's answer the questions. (Проверка задания во фронтальном режиме)

Thank you for your work. Surely enough such a great event as the discovery of

America was staged a lot of times. Now we are going to stage it too. I am going to

be your director and you are actors. I need Christopher Columbus, Donia Felipa,

Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand, Diego, 2 sailors and 2 Native Americans.

Listen to me. I am going to read you a story and your task is to show it with your gestures, facial expression but without words. Clear? Let's start

Hello! I am Christopher Columbus. I grew up thinking and dreaming about great sea adventures.

When I was 191 started my travels by ships. Once in a battle our ship sank and I was wounded. I

grabbed a large oar and jumped into the sea. How luck I was to stay alive!

Then I moved to Liaison, a sea port in Portugal. There I met a beautiful woman named Donia Felipa and soon married her. We were really pleased when our little son Diego was born. But I was still thinking about sailing west to the Indies and that's why I took my plans to Queen Isabella and king Ferdinand of Spain. Although they showed interest they were busy at war. Finally Queen Isabella sold her crown jewels to buy my ships. And on August, 3, 1492, 1 sailed from Spain.

My sailors feared that we wouldn't be able to find a way back home. On the 13 th of October I

saw land! My dream came true. My sailors were very happy. We were given grand reception by the local people. As soon as I got back home I was made an admiral.

Учащиеся с помощью мимики и жестов изображают услышанное.

And now we have some extra time. Take these sheets of paper with tasks.

Unscramble these words.

Columbus Day is celebrated in the United States on October 12th Unscramble these words that have to do with Columbus Day.

1. ssihp _______________

2. hcritpsoehr ocumblsu _______________

3. atsna aamir _________________

4. nspia ________________

5. itnap ________________

6. irsloa _________________

7. nocae ________________

9. Igdo ________________

10. eiscsp _________________

Answers: ships, Christopher Columbus, Santa Maria, Spain, Pinta, sailor, ocean, route, gold, spices

Thank you very much for your work. I hope that you have learnt a lot of new things about Christopher Columbus and his great voyage. For our lesson I am giving the following marks. . .

The lesson is over. You may be free, good bye

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

The Discovery of America: Christopher Columbus is not only a sailor but a famous explorer

Данную презентацию можно использовать в качестве дополнительного материала к теме "The Discovery of America" в 5 классе с целью расширения страноведческого кругозора и познавательного интереса у.

Christopher Columbus. The Discovery of America

текст о путешествии Колумба.

Christopher Columbus. The Discovery of America

текст о путешествии Колумба.

Columbus Day.

Данный материал представляет разработку урока в 8 классе по теме "The traditions of the United States of America/ Columbus day" по учебнику "English 8" В.П.Кузовлева.

Одним из национальных американских праздников является День Колумба (Columbus Day). Считается, что Христофор Колумб прибыл к берегам Америки 12 октября 1492 года. И хотя он плыл в Индию, а попал в Новый Свет, в его честь учредили государственный праздник. В некоторых городах в этот день проходят очень большие парады и организуется много других мероприятий. Госучреждения и школы не работают.

Особенно популярен этот праздник в тех городах США, где много итальянцев.

Известная американская благотворительная организация названа в честь Христофора Колумба и принимает участие в торжествах в День Колумба.

День Колумба в Сан Франциско (Columbus day)

Рыцари Колумба (The Knights of Columbus) — благотворительная организация с очень сильными итальянскими католическими корнями. Они участвуют практически во всех празднованиях дня Колумба. Конечно их можно обнаружить марширующими среди участников любого большого парада!

В итальянско-американских общинах, особенно в крупных городах США, День Колумба привязан к празднованию итальянского наследия (Italian Heritage Festival), в дополнение к празднованию прибытия Колумба в Америку. Парады Колумба изобилуют культурными и религиозными образами и символами, характерными для итальянских американцев.

Парад — это главное мероприятие, которое определяет празднование Дня Колумба в США. Нью-Йорк особенно известен своим большим парадом Колумба. А в Сан-Франциско этот день празднуют дольше всего — с 1868 года.

Однако не в каждом штате США отмечают День Колумба. Некоторые штаты вообще не признают этот праздник, и многие школы остаются открытыми в этот день. Существуют споры вокруг этого праздника, и в некоторых штатах он был изменен на празднование индейских культур.

Columbus day — текст на английском

Columbus day текст на английском

Перевод текста про День Колумба (Columbus Day)

12 октября 1492 года Христофор Колумб открыл Новый Свет, проложив морской путь к огромным неизведанным территориям. Спустя столетия последующая культурная миграция завершилась рождением и взрывным ростом величайшей нации в истории: Соединенными Штатами Америки.

Весьма разумно, что мы выделили день, чтобы почтить Великого Первооткрывателя. Колумб был человеком независимого ума, который упорно продолжал свой смелый план путешествия в Индию, несмотря на мощную оппозицию. Колумб отправился в безлюдный океан без уверенности, что он когда-нибудь достигнет земли.

В День Колумба мы празднуем цивилизацию, чьи предприниматели, такие как Рокфеллер, Форд и Гейтс, превратили неприветливую пустыню, населенную испуганными дикарями в богатую страну уверенных производителей, обслуживаемых автомагистралями, электростанциями, компьютерами и тысячами других продуктов, улучшающих жизнь.

В День Колумба мы отмечаем западную цивилизацию, как величайшее культурное достижение истории.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Columbus Day in the United States

  • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
  • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

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Columbus Day in the United States

Columbus Day in the United States

Columbus Day, which is annually on the second Monday of October, remembers Ch.

Columbus Day, which is annually on the second Monday of October, remembers Christopher Columbus' arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492.

Background Columbus Day originated as a celebration of Italian-American herit.

Background Columbus Day originated as a celebration of Italian-American heritage and was first held in San Francisco in 1869. The first state-wide celebration was held in Colorado in 1907. In 1937, Columbus Day become a holiday across the United States. Since 1971, it has been celebrated on the second Monday in October. Columbus Day celebrations are controversial because the settlement of Europeans in the Americas led to the deaths of the native people. It has been argued that this was a direct result of Columbus' actions. It is clear that the arrival of the European settlers led to the demise of a large proportion of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. It has also been argued that Columbus should not be honored for discovering North America, as he only went as far as some islands in the Caribbean and never got as far as mainland America.

What do people do? Officially, the people of the USA are invited to celebrate.

What do people do? Officially, the people of the USA are invited to celebrate the anniversary of the discovery of their country with church services and other activities. In some towns and cities, special church services, parades and large events are held. Most celebrations are concentrated around the Italian-American community. The celebrations in New York and San Francisco are particularly noteworthy. In Hawaii Columbus Day is also known as Landing Day or Discoverer's Day.

On Columbus Day you can go here to learn more about the explorer Christopher.

On Columbus Day you can go here to learn more about the explorer Christopher Columbus. You can also try some crafts including making a map of his travels or drawing a picture of his three ships; the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. A lot of people like to shop on this day as there are many great sales. Not all parts of the United States celebrate Columbus Day. It is not a public holiday in California, Nevada and Hawaii. Moreover, Native Americans’ Day is celebrated in South Dakota, while Indigenous People’s Day is celebrated in California.

Columbus day is a public holiday in many parts of the United states, but is n.

Columbus day is a public holiday in many parts of the United states, but is not observed or is not a holiday in some states. Government offices and schools are generally closed, but businesses may be open. The flag of the United States is displayed on Government buildings.


On October 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. Since 1937 this day has been celebrated as a U.S. national holiday.

Почему же Америка не носит имя своего превооткрывателя? Одну из версий читайте здесь: How America was named .

Интерактивную историю открытия Америки в виде грамматической игры на Past Simple смотрите здесь .

Подсказка: я оформил текст по больше части в виде списка — для удобства восприятия. Если оформить его не списком, а просто абзацами, получится сочинение про праздники 😉

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

  • On New Year’s Day (January 1), Americans have parties, invite their friends, make New Year resolutions, and have much fun.
  • Martin Luther King Day (the 3rd Monday of January) is the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., an African-American activist and the leader of the American civil right movement in 1950s – 1960s. His actual birthday is January 15, but the holiday is observed on the third Monday of January.
  • President’s Day (the third Monday of February) is a holiday when people honor all U.S. presidents. Officially, it’s dedicated to George Washington’s Birthday.
  • On Independence Day (July 4), people commemorate the Declaration of Independence of 1976 as a formal document that announced a new country’s creation. Traditionally, there are spectacular fireworks on that day.
  • Columbus Day (the 2nd Monday of October) is the day when Christopher Columbus landed in America (October 12, 1492). In the USA it’s observed on the second Monday of October.
  • Thanksgiving (the 4th Thursday of November) is a big family holiday, American families follow their tradition, and have dinner with a roasted turkey.
  • As for Christmas (December 25), most people stay at home with their families, they have a special dinner, give gifts to one another, little children are looking forward to gifts from Santa.

Other public holidays are younger, they reflect the nation’s colorful history.

  • On Memorial Day (the last Monday of May) people honor the military personnel who died while serving in the military.
  • Juneteenth Independence Day (June 19) is aimed at the celebration of slavery’s end.
  • Veterans Day (November 11) is dedicated to military veterans.
  • Labor Day (the 1st Monday of September) pays tribute to all workers and their activities.
  • Inauguration Day is observed once in four years after the new election of the President.

Some holidays are celebrated, but usually people still work on those days.

  • Valentine’s Day (February 14) is a holiday of those who are in love.
  • Easter (the date is determined each year) is a day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Traditional Easter gifts are Easter eggs of different colors which symbolize new life.
  • Halloween (October 31) is a unique day when people, especially kids, dress up as ghosts and witches. Children are “trick-or-treating”, which means they are asking grown-ups for candies, and they happily treat them. A pumpkin lantern is a famous symbol of Halloween.

Американские праздники — текст на английском языке с переводом

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