Биография анджелины джоли на английском кратко

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

1. Angelina Jolie is a world famous actress and one of the most beautiful women in the world.

2. She is also known as a model and Goodwill Ambassador.

3. She was born on June 4th, 1975, in Los Angeles, in the family of actors.

4. Her first leading role was in the low budget film Cyborg 2.

5. But a real popularity she gained after such films as “Lara Croft” and “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”.

6. Jolie has been married three times and the longest marriage was with an actor Brad Pitt.

7. Angelina has three adopted and three biological children.

8. Jolie is also famous as an active participant in charity and social activity.

9. She is a winner of award Oscar, has three awards of Golden Globe Award and two awards of Screen Actors Guild Award.

10. Several times Forbes magazine recognized Angelina the highest paid actress of Hollywood.


Angelina Jolie today known as actress, movie director, screenwriter, winner of many awards is popular and attractive public figure not just in a Hollywood. She is often taken as an example as a woman who has made a career as well as realized herself as mother of a big family.

She was born in the family of a famous actor Jon Voight, but then legally dropped a surname because of antipathy to her father. On the TV screen, she first appeared in music clips of Lenny Kravitz and The Rolling Stones when she was only 14 years old.

The actress is the wife of one of the most coveted men in the world - Brad Pitt and brings up 6 children. Rumor has it that she suffers from mental disorders and anorexia.

Ангелина Джоли сегодня известна как актриса, кинорежиссер, сценарист, лауреат многих наград популярный и привлекательный общественный деятель в Голливуде и не только. Ее часто приводят в качестве примера женщины, которая сделала одновременно и карьеру, реализовала себя в качестве матери большого семейства.

Она родилась в семье известного актера Джона Войта, но затем официально отказалась от фамилии из-за своей нелюбви к отцу. На телеэкране она впервые появилась в музыкальных клипах Ленни Кравица и Rolling Stones, когда ей было всего 14 лет.

Актриса является женой одного из самых желанных мужчин в мире - Брэда Питта и воспитывает 6 детей. Ходят слухи, что она страдает психическими расстройствами и анорексией.

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Angelina Jolie (Анджелина Джоли)

angelina jolie
angelina jolie
Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie

In they picture you can see a woman with expressive facial features.

На снимке вы можете видеть женщину с выразительными чертами лица.

She is around 40 years old.

Ей около 40 лет.

Her hair is hazelnut-brown, curled and falling down on her shoulders.

Ее волосы каштаново-коричневые, вьющиеся и падающие на ее плечи.

Her forehead is curved.

She’s got a large mouth and beautiful almond-shaped green eyes.

У нее большой рот и красивые миндалевидные зеленые глаза.

Her nose is straight.

У нее прямой нос.

Her lips are oval and are considered "bee-stung".

Ее губы овальные и считаются "припухшими".

The shape of her face is square and her complexion is ruddy.

Форма ее лица квадратная, а цвет лица - румяный.

Her ears are high-set with rhombus earrings.

Ее уши высоко посажены с серьгами в форме ромба.

She has a little protruding chin.

У нее немного выпуклый подбородок.

She looks beautiful and noble.

Она выглядит красивой и благородной.

About Angelina Jolie (краткие биографические сведения)

Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight) is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian (1) . Angelina was born on the 4 th of June, 1975 into the family of the famous American actor John Voight and French Canadian actress Marcelin Bertrand. Angelina has an older brother, James Haven.

Jolie's parents divorced in 1976. Her mother with year-old Angelina and her brother moved to New York City. Her mother had to abandon (2) her dreams of a successful acting career and devote (3) all her time to raising her children. She often took them to the movies, which woke Jolie’s interest in acting.

When Angelina was 11 years old, the family returned to Los Angeles. There, Jolie studied for two years at the Lee Strasberg Film School, as well as Beverly Hills High School.

Angelina was not the only student with acting ambitions in her high school. She always felt like an outsider because of her unusual appearance. Her habit (4) of dressing up in second-hand clothes and her skinniness (5) separated her from her classmates. Her self- confidence (6) suffered (7) even more after all her attempts (8) to become a model failed.

Her film break-through started with the film "Hackers", 1995, which was well received by many major film critics. Despite (9) its financial failure it became a cult film favorite after its video release.

Finally, in 1999, Jolie stared in "Girl, Interrupted" that turned out to be a real triumph for her. Most leading film critics applauded Angelina’s performance, who after that instantly (10) acquired (11) star status in Hollywood.

In 2001, Jolie starred in the TV mini-series "Lara Croft:Tomb Raider" where she received $12 million dollars for the second installment (12) of the series.

In "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" (2005) Jolie played Jane Smith, a professional killer, who in every possible way hides her real occupation with a boring marriage to John Smith, played by Brad Pitt, who is doing the same hit man (13) cover-up (14) . During the filming both actors were repeatedly (15) recognized in movie magazines as the most beautiful and sexy people of their gender (16) . Soon after the filming they got married.

They have 3 children together and Brad adopted Jolie’s three children for a total of six children. Brad and Jolie established their charitable organization "Jolie-Pitt Foundation" to help people around the world. In 2016 they divorced.

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Angelina Jolie Voight (4 June 1975) was born in Los Angeles (California, USA), the son of the famous American actor Jon Voight and actress Marcheline Bertrand French Canadian. Angelina Jolie Voight (4 June 1975) was born in Los Angeles (California, USA), the son of the famous American actor Jon Voight and actress Marcheline Bertrand French Canadian. By virtue of its origin Jolie inherited the blood of several nations from the father - Slovak and German (paternal) on the part of the mother - the French Canadian, and Dutch and German Angelina Jolie's mother Marcheline died on January 27, 2007 Angelina is very close with her brother James Haven

Two-time winner of the "Oscar", three "Golden Globe" (the first actress in history, for three consecutive years won the award) and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Two-time winner of the "Oscar", three "Golden Globe" (the first actress in history, for three consecutive years won the award) and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. She made her debut in film in 1982, playing the role in the comedy film "Seeking a way out" (also starring her father and mother). But fame had once played a video game heroine Lara Croft in the film "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" and "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. The Cradle of Life. " In 2009, 2011 and 2013 according to the magazine Forbes Jolie has been named the highest paid actress in Hollywood. Her most commercially successful side of the films were "Maleficent" (collected in worldwide box office - 758 million US dollars), "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" (collected in worldwide box office - 478 million US dollars), "Wanted" (341 million US dollars ), "Salt" (293 million USD), as well as the "Tourist" (278 million US dollars), "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" (274 million US dollars) and a picture starring Nicolas Cage's "Gone in 60 seconds" ( 237 million US dollars)

Parameters and dimensions (girth) of the bust: Parameters and dimensions (girth) of the bust: Bust 92 cm Waist 70 cm Hips 92 cm toe shoes Size 40 The color green eye Hair color dark brown (brunette)

2000 to 2003 was married to Billy Bob Thornton, and since 2006 lives with Brad Pitt. She has six children. The body has various tattoos. Some, however, had already deduced.

In general, Angelina Jolie, one of the most beautiful girls (yes, it is right that word) in Hollywood today. At his age, it looks great. In general, Angelina Jolie, one of the most beautiful girls (yes, it is right that word) in Hollywood today. At his age, it looks great.

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