План конспект урока английского языка по теме путешествие

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку

( Travelling )

Учитель английского языка:

английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №27 г.Белгорода

2018 год

2) развитие языковой, речевой и социокультурной компетенции;

3) развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков (чтения, аудирования, говорения, лексико-грамматических навыков);

4) развитие интереса к предмету.

Задачи урока:

1) совершенствование навыков говорения (монологической и диалогической речи);

4) развитие навыков аудирования на понимание основного содержания и детальное понимание содержания прослушанного текста (диалога);


2) аудиодиск (приложение к учебнику);

4) CD-ROM Round-U p4 ;

5) фотографии, таблица по грамматике;

6) дополнительный раздаточный материал (тест по грамматике и задание по аудированию);

7) интерактивная доска;

We’ll try to find out what countries people prefer visiting and why. We will listen to the dialogues and do some tasks to check your listening skills, read and discuss the dialogue, check your grammar skills and do a grammar test.

First of all, I’d like to tell you that nowadays millions of people all over the world are fond of travelling. People began to travel ages ago. The first travellers were explorers who wanted to discover new lands and to find wealth. Their journeys were rather dangerous. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. International travel these days has become cheaper, quicker and more convenient for many people.

II. Речевая разминка.

First of all, I’d like you to answer my questions and express your personal opinions giving the arguments.

1) Nowadays travelling is one of the most popular hobbies. What makes people travel? Why do they want to visit new places?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.

People travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns. They want to meet different people and make friends with them, to try local food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

It is very interesting and exciting to travel and to discover new things, different ways of life. We can visit different places of interest and see ancient palaces and churches, wonderful castles and famous monuments.

In my opinion, travelling broadens the mind. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of interesting things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books.

From my point of view, some people travel to explore nature, to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene.

e) I think that travelling is a good way to practice foreign languages. If you are fond of travelling abroad, it is necessary to know English. In this case it is easier for you to communicate, to understand people and to be understood. English will help you to learn more about new customs and traditions, to understand the culture of a foreign country better.

2) What ways of travelling do you know?

a ) People can travel by plane, by train, by sea, by car or on foot. Nowadays some young people spend their holidays hiking as it helps them to become strong and healthy. It also teaches them how to survive.

3) What ways of travelling do you prefer ? Why?

As for me, I prefer travelling by plane because it is the quickest way of travelling and I don’t want to waste my time on holiday.

b) I enjoy travelling by car because you don’t have to buy tickets and carry your heavy luggage. You can stop at any place you like, enjoy the beauty of nature and take pictures.

You see that “Tastes differ “. But I’m sure everybody likes to travel because it is an amazing experience. But different people spend their time on holiday in different ways. And now let’s talk about different types of holiday activities.

III .Повторение и закрепление лексики по теме “Путешествие”. Развитие навыков говорения.

А) Проверка домашнего задания ( Workbook ).

Now we will check your homework and revise the vocabulary . It will help you to take part in discussing the topic of our lesson.

Рабочая тетрадь упр.2,4 (стр.54) (закрепление лексики по теме).

В) Развитие умений монологического высказывания с использованием тематической лексики

Выполнение упр.1 (стр. 91).

С) Развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-обмен мнениями).

Выполнение упр.5 (стр.91)

D ) Развитие умений монологического высказывания – описание картинок с опорой на тематическую лексику.

While travelling people can have some holiday problems. Describe the pictures. What has happened to the people?

Выполнение упр.1 (стр. 92).

IV . Развитие умений аудирования ( развитие умения понимать основное содержание). ( См . Приложение 1)

Now you will listen to Ann, Laura and Tony. They are talking about their problems. You should match the problems to the names.

Выполнение упр . 2 ( стр . 92)

V . Развитие навыков чтения (диалог).

Isabelle went backpacking across Europe last summer. Which countries did she visit?

Выполнение упр.4 (стр. 92).

Ключи :

Isabelle visited Greece, Italy and Spain.

B ) Развитие умений поискового чтения.

Read the dialogue. What good and what bad experiences did Isabelle have while she was travelling?

Good experiences:

Greece was beautiful,

Italians were friendly,

Italian cuisine was great.

Bad experiences:

Got sunstroke in Greece,

Got seasick on the ferry to Italy,

Got purse stolen in Barcelona while waiting for a bus.

O тветы на вопросы по содержанию представленного материала.

VII . Закрепление грамматических навыков (- ing form / Infinitive ).

I would like to say that if you want to travel abroad, you should know English well. And if you want to communicate with people, you should learn the grammar rules and speak English correctly. Let’s revise the grammar rules.

Choose the right variant. 8 th form

Choose the right variant. 8 th form

1) I am looking forward to seeing/see my friend tonight.

2) The teacher made him writing/write his essay again.

3) Ann suggested going/go to the cinema on Sunday.

4) His brother denied breaking/break the window.

5) Nick forgot calling/to call his friend and he was very upset.

1) Tom doesn’t mind closing/close the window.

It’s rather cold.

2) Let me carrying/carry your heavy bags.

3) Nick would like visiting/to visit Spain in summer.

4) I was busy doing/do my English homework.

5) I think you should stop eating/to eat so many sweets. It’s bad for your health.

A. Выполнение упражнений из CD-ROM Round-Up 4.

В . Проверочная работа : тест по грамматике . (C м . приложение 1)

VIII . Домашнее задание.

WB ex .1-3 p .55

IX . Подведение итогов.

Подводятся итоги урока.

1) Учащиеся на уроке были очень активны и показали хорошие знания лексики и грамматики.

2) Учащиеся выполняли задания по аудированию, чтению.

3) Учащиеся показали хорошие навыки говорения (монологической и диалогической речи).

metodicheskaya_razrabotka_uroka.doc 896.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

на заседании МК преподавателей ООД

Протокол №____ от _______________ 2019 г.

Председатель МК:_____________ Захарова Н.В.

Методическая разработка урока


Полякова Галина Владимировна,

преподаватель английского языка

Задача преподавателя на данном этапе - формирование коммуникативной компетенции и расширение знаний, развитие речевой активности; формирование умения анализировать, систематизировать, обобщать полученные знания; формирование навыков самоконтроля, повышение ИКТ - компетентности обучающихся.

Урок проводится с использованием традиционных методов обучения (объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный) и информационных технологий: самостоятельно созданных презентаций.

Практическая значимость заключается в том, что ее результаты могут быть использованы как на тематических уроках, так и на внеклассных занятиях..


Дата проведения: 20.12.2019 г.

Преподаватель: Полякова Г.В.

Предмет: английский язык

Продолжительность: 45 минут

Профессия: Повар, кондитер

Место проведения: учебный кабинет № 209

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Задачи урока: обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний, умение употреблять пройденную лексику в высказываниях, в беседе.

Образовательные – продолжать совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки и умения студентов в чтении и говорении по теме, формировать навыки активного

речевого поведения, развития творческих способностей.

Развивающие - развивать мышление, память, самостоятельность, совершенствовать

навыки связной речи, развивать интеллект и познавательные способности.

Воспитательные - воспитывать любовь, желание путешествовать всеми видами транспорта, повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививать интерес к путешествиям.

Формы обучения : фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Вид урока: урок самореализации

Методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, информационный.

Межпредметная связь : география, русский язык и литература.

Виды и средства контроля : вопросы, упражнения, чтение

расширение словарного запаса обучающихся,

извлечение информации из предоставленных источников.

проявление интереса к изучению иностранного языка,

усвоение и применение правил коллективной работы,

уважительное отношение к однокурсникам

применение изученного языкового материала в речевой ситуации,

умение самостоятельно вести поиск информации.

умение работать в парах, выражать свою мысль, умение слушать других.

I. Introduction ( Слайд1) (2 min)

Teacher : Good morning, my dear students.

I`m glad to see you.

Student: Glad to see you too

Teacher : Take your seats, please

How are you today?

Student: I am fine, thanks.

Student: I am OK. And how are you?

Teacher : I`m very well, thank you.

Teacher : What season is it now?

What is the weather like in winter?

Student: It is cold (snowy, slippery, windy)

Teacher : My dear students, we have an unusual lesson today.

Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.

Teacher : My dear students? Say welcome to our guest.

Are you ready for the lesson?

And now it`s time to start our lesson.

II. Warm-up activities ( Слай 2) (8 min)

Ввод в тему урока

Teacher: Let's practice our tongue. Well, friends to begin with, have a look at the screen, please. (Отдельные звуки, проговаривание слов)

And now listen and repeat the poem .Read after me.

Take a bus or take a train,

Take a boat or take a plane,

Take a taxi, take a car,

Maybe near or maybe far,

Take a rocket to the moon,

But be sure to come back soon.

Teacher: Who wants to read the poem? (Несколько учеников читают стихотворение)

Teacher: I like your reading very much!

Here is a puzzle for you. Some words are missing in the next words. Try to read this poem without mistakes and then try to guess what our topic is today? ( Cлайд 3) ( Приложение 1)

Teacher: What do you think after reading the poem, what's our topic today that we will be with you to pass.

Students: Travelling ( Cлайд 4)

Teacher: Right you are. Open your exercise book and write the date and our topic today.

What date is it today?

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling.

( Cлайд 5) And we are going to speak on this topic today as much as possible, to memorize the new words, to read texts about travelling, ask and answer the questions, do exercises .You will be doing a lot of different things.

Teacher: Our topic is travelling. But what kind of question do we answer? ( Cлайд 6)

III . Phonetic Drill( Cлайд 6) ( 8 min)
Фонетическая зарядка Взаимодействие учитель –> класс

Teacher: Before we continue our lesson let`s do some exercises.

Look at the screen, please and let’s read after me.

  • a bicycle- [‘baısıkəl]- велосипед
  • a boat- [bəυt]- лодка
  • a car- [ka:]- легковая машина
  • a double-decker bus- [‘dΛbl’deke‘bΛs]- двухэтажный автобус
  • a helicopter- [‘helıkσptə]- вертолет
  • a horse- [‘ho: s]- лошадь
  • a hot-air balloon – воздушный шар
  • a motorcycle – [‘məυtə ‘saıkəl]- мотоцикл
  • a plane -[‘pleın] - самолет
  • a ship- [‘∫ıp] - корабль
  • a spaceship - [‘speıs∫ıp] – космический корабль
  • a train- [‘treın]- поезд
  • underground- [‘Λndə’ graυnd] - метро
  • a van- [‘væn]- микроавтобус

Teacher: The task for you. Work in three groups. You must match the words to their transcription.

IV.Speech Drill ( Cлайд 9-10) (5 min)

T: Today we’ll find out how people usually travel.

I want you to answer some questions:

-Do you like to travel?

- Have you ever been to Moscow?

- Have you ever been to Britain?

-Do you like to travel by bus (by plane , on foot )?

- When do people travel?

-Why do people travel in summer?

Student1 : They travel in summer because it is warm and sunny.

Student2: They go to the sea and they must to swim in the sea.

Teacher: But some people like to travel in winter. Are you agree with me?

-Why do people travel in winter?

Student3: They travel in winter because they can ski

Teacher: Which is the most popular means of transport?

What means of transport do you prefer?

-Is travelling your hobby?

T. Oh, me too! Thank you for your answers, look at the blackboard.

V. Speaking. ( Cлайд 11) (5 min)

Формирования навыков говорения.

Teacher: - Imagine you are going to travel. First you should pack your things. But what are you going to take? Start your answer with the phrase: “I`m going to take. ”. Ask any person in your group. Follow this model as an example:

P1: I`m going to take a camera, a swimming costume, sunglasses, money with me. What are you going to take?

P2: I`m going to take a passport, a phrase book and money.

I’m going to take… ( Приложение2 )

Teacher: Well done.

VI. Relaxation ( Cлайд 12) (2 min)

Teacher: Are you tired? Let’s have a rest and do some exercises. Stand up, please. It’s just the time to do some physical exercises.

Up and down, up and down

Clap your hands and turn around.

Hands up clap clap clap

Hands down shake shake shake

Hands on hip jump jump jump

Hop hop hop stop standl .Good sit down please.

VII. Reading ( Cлайд 13) (12 min) (Now pay attention to the Board , we are working with the text . We have some new words about the trip. Let's read

Развитие навыков чтения

to meet different people – знакомиться с разными людьми

to try different food попробовать разную пищу

to listen to different music послушать разную музыку

to visit museums and art galleries посещать музеи и картинные галереи

to look at shop windows рассматривать витрины магазинов

to dine at exotic restaurants обедать в экзотических ресторанах

to laze in the sun нежиться на солнце

a traveller путешественник

to take pictures делать снимки

Teacher: Great guys, now let's read the text

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and towns. It is always interesting to discover new things , to meet different people, to try different food , to listen to different music.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries , looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants .

People like to walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

Most travelers take a camera with them and take pictures - lakes; waterfalls , different kinds of trees, flowers and plants; animals and birds.

People travel by train, by boat and by car.

All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.

Teacher: Well done guys, now on work with text , please answer the questions

  1. What do people travel for?
  2. How do people living in the country spend their holidays?
  3. What do city people like?
  4. What do most travelers take a camera with them for?
  5. How do people travel?
  1. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and towns
  2. Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants .
  3. They usually like to walk and bathe and laze in the sun .
  4. Most travellers take a camera with them and take pictures: lakes , waterfalls , forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants; animals and birds.
  5. People travel by train, by boat and by car.

Teacher: Thank you for your answers, you were very active

VIII. Reflection( Cлайды 14-16) ( 3 мin)

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

T. Our lesson is going to the end. You worked well. Well done, my friends! At home you can write about your travelling. Use ex. on Page123 and use our scheme .Be creative!

Did you like our lesson? Was the lesson interesting?

T. And now I want you to what do you feel about the lesson? It was … ( Приложение 3 )

Well. In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s very useful and interesting to travel.

В конце урока можно дать ребятам небольшую анкету , которая позволяет осуществить самоанализ, дать качественную и количественную оценку данного урока. Некоторые пункты можно варьировать, дополнять, это зависит от того, на какие элементы урока обращается особое внимание. ( Приложение 4)

T: Well. You’ve done everything perfectly! Thanks a lot to everybody. Your marks are the following: …

The lesson is over. Stand up. Good-bye. Thank you for the lesson.

Педагогическое мастерство основано на единстве знаний и умений, соответствующих современному уровню развития науки, техники и их продукта – информационных технологий.

Широкое использование ИКТ открывает преподавателям новые возможности в преподавании иностранного языка .

Традиционно изучение темы или раздела заканчивается повторением, закреплением и обобщением. Все эти элементы можно объединить, предложив обучающимся на завершающем каждую тему этапе, создать мультимедийную презентацию.

Использование компьютерных технологий позволяет обучающимся лучше усвоить материал на основе наглядности, что в дальнейшем поможет им в составлении устных высказываний и подготовит к свободной беседе по предложенным темам.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Образовательная - формирование целостного представления о мире;
- приобщение к другим культурам, традициям, реалиям;
- сопоставление своей и иных культур, и познавательного интереса;
- расширение страноведческих и лингвострановедческих знаний.

Развивающая - развитие воображения, речевых способностей, лингвистического мышления

- умения анализировать, выделить главное

- тренировка памяти, обогащение словарного запаса

Воспитательная - воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей, толерантности и уважения к другим нациям и культурам;
- воспитание культуры общения, правового самосознания, чувства гражданской ответственности.

Практическая - формирование коммуникативной компетенции во всех ее составляющих: языковой, речевой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной.

ТИП УРОКА: комбинированный


Образовательная - формирование целостного представления о мире;
- приобщение к другим культурам, традициям, реалиям;
- сопоставление своей и иных культур, и познавательного интереса;
- расширение страноведческих и лингвострановедческих знаний.

Развивающая - развитие воображения, речевых способностей, лингвистического мышления

- умения анализировать, выделить главное

- тренировка памяти, обогащение словарного запаса

Воспитательная - воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей, толерантности и уважения к другим нациям и культурам;
- воспитание культуры общения, правового самосознания, чувства гражданской ответственности.

Практическая - формирование коммуникативной компетенции во всех ее составляющих: языковой, речевой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной.


Good morning! Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson.

Today the theme of our lesson is "Travelling “

We've spoken a lot how to spend free time. Travelling is considered to be one of the ways of spending holidays and it plays an important part in the entertainment of people.

2. Warming-up

Для настройки учащихся на беседу по теме используются пословицы.

Teacher: To begin with let's remember proverbs about travelling. Match two parts and translate them. Repeat it after me, please:

Every country has its customs. Каждая страна имеет свои обычаи. (Слайд 2-3)

There is no place like home. Там нет места как дома

East or West, home is best. Восток или Запад, а дома лучше.

3. Развитие речевых навыков.

Teacher: Why do people travel? Give your reasons: Now look at the scheme.

(Слайд 4)

4. Активизация лексических навыков.

Trip- поездка , путешествие business trip – деловая поездка

Journey- going from one place to another place- путешествие

Tour поездка , путешествие, гастроли

Hike поход

Sightseeing- осмотр достопримечательностей

Voyage- морское путешествие

5. Основная часть.

Т- P-s

What ways of travelling do you know? (Слайд 5)

- Travelling by train

Why do people travel by plane? (Слайд 6)

At the airport.

5. Аудирование с целью понимания общего содержания.

Текст по учебнику Ex. 2b. on page 71

6. Развитие навыков монологической речи. – (Слайд 7-8)

7. Совершенствование речевых навыков. Ролевая игра. (диалог) -

Проверка домашнего задание.

Teacher: Well, thank you for your dialogues.

Teacher: Read the text and fill in the blanks the suitable words from the box. - 5 мин.

I like traveling because it (1) _______ my outlook and helps me to understand other cultures. I think that I'm already an experienced traveler. First of all everything should be well planned. I'm not an adult yet so I travel with my parents. This year we decided to go to Britain. At first we went to a (2) _______ that helped us to arrange our journey. They (3) ________ for us an (4) _______ in a British hotel and booked us a (5) ________ ticket. Then we packed our (6) ________ and (7) ______ at the airport. We stayed in a small hotel near London. It offered us a wide range of different activities: (8) _______ and (9) ________ for those who (10)________. (11)_______ is offered for those who want to get to remote places and are fond of scenic routes

(Учащиеся заполняют пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами и выражениями из рамки).

Key: 1) broadens, 2) travel agency, 3) arranged, 4) accommodation, 5) return, 6) luggage, 7) arrived, 8) cycling, 9)canoeing, 10) are young at heart, 11) boating,

9. Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

Teacher: Now let's improve your grammar.

Have a great trip to Australia.

How was the flight to Las Vegas?

I took lots of photos during the bike ride.

Lucy wants to leave her job and be a travel writer.

The holiday package included two nights in a luxury hotel and all our meals.

There’s plenty of time for sightseeing, so take your camera.

It’s a long journey by bus and it can be very uncomfortable.

Visitors can take a tour of the museum with a trained guide.

№ 2. Кроссворд ; 1. trip, 2/ land, 3. catch, 4. park, 5. travel, 6. flight, 7. journey.

10. Закрепление. Match the words and their descriptions (Слайды 9-11)

11. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.-2 мин.

Teacher: Now, I see that you like travelling very much and know a lot of interesting things about it. Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following. (Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке.)

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цели урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся.


повторить и активизировать в речи учащихся изученные ЛЕ по теме “Travelling”;

развивать умения учащихся в монологической речи, а также устной неподготовленной речи;

отрабатывать навыки аудирования, чтения

продолжить развитие навыков диалогической речи.


способствовать развитию интеллектуальной, эмоциональной, мотивационной сферы личности учащихся;

развивать познавательную активность учащихся;

развивать внимание, воображение и логику.


формировать у учащихся интерес к культуре разных стран мира;

формирование навыков и умений интеллектуального труда ( поиск информационных источников, навыков самостоятельной и групповой работы).

Тип урока: Урок-экскурсия

Средства обучения и оборудования

презентация в Power Point

I Этап. Организационный момент.


T: Hello, my dear friends! Nice to see you again!

Cl: Hello, teacher!

T: Sit down, please! How are you today?

P1: P2: P3:

T: I am glad you are fine! Let’s start our English lesson.

Введение в тему.

T: Let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by car. (ticket)

A grey animal, likes cheese, but it’s bigger than a mouse. ( rat)

Where can you see a lot of planes? ( airport)

Tomato, cucumbers are… (vegetables)

If you are bird.you have it, if you are man you eat it (egg)

Name the antonym to the world “hate”. (love)

I’s a sour yellow fruit. (lemon)

You can find it in winter, you can skate on it, cold thing ( ice)

It is part of our body, face (nose)

Football, tennis are… (games)

T: Now you see that the topic of our lesson is:”Travelling”.

We are going to speak on this topic as much as possible, to remember the new words, to read texts, to listen and do many other interesting things. Look at the blackboard and read the motto of our lesson:

“The More we learn different lands, the more we know each other”

II Этап. Речевая зарядка.

T: What’s the weather like today?

T: Great! And what season is coming? What is your favorite season? When do you prefer to travel? Lets start our travelling from weather forecast.

III Этап. Активизация лексики по теме урока.

Let’s revise words and expressions on the topic “Travelling”.

Now you will receive a sheet of paper with words

Your task is to make sentence

Next is to fill in

1. travel - путешествовать

6. arrivals- прибытие

2. journey- путешествие

7 . gate – ворота, выход, вход

3. passenger - пассажир

8. delay -задержка

4. luggage - багаж

9. depart – отбывать, уезжать, уходить

10. suitcase- чемодан

Task 1 Make the sentence

1/ At the station there is a lot of________ with children. (

2/ We lost our ____________at the train station

3/We like to _______a lot around the world

4/ Our _________________ was sent to a different address

5/We do not know the time of __________of our plane

6/Near the airport ___________ there are a lot of people

7/Flight ___________ caused excitement of people

T: We know that many people are fond of traveling

1. Why do people like to travel?

St.1: They want to learn about different countries, culture and sightseeing’s.

St.2: Travelling is good because you meet new friends.

St3.: You can visit famous museums, galleries, buy souvenirs.

St4.: You can learn about national traditions of many countries.

2. How can people travel?

St.1: They can travel by car, by sea, by plane, by bus, on foot.

3. What means of transport do you prefer to travel?

St.1: I prefer to travel by car because I can stop when and there I want and enjoy nature.

St.2: I prefer to travel by sea because I enjoy the wind and the sea.

St3: I prefer to travel by plane because it’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable

St4. I prefer to travel by train because it’s the most convenient and not expensive.

IV Этап. Ролевая игра. Чтение.

St. 1. Dear guests! Welcome to our Tour Agency. I am a manager of our tour agency and these are my agents. Our tour agents have prepared some information about four places of interests

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