Конспект урока по английскому языку 9 класс кузовлев good news bad news

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

2) Расширение и активизация лексики по теме с использованием аудирования и чтения.

4) Развитие умения аудировать (с извлечением конкретной информации).

5) Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием.

Урок английского языка в 9 классе 55 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Автор: Степанова Марина Ивановна

Место работы: ГБОУ СОШ № 276 г. Москвы

Должность: учитель английского языка

1) Развитие устной речи.

2) Расширение и активизация лексики по теме с использованием аудирования и чтения.

4) Развитие умения аудировать (с извлечением конкретной информации).

5) Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием.

1) Развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков.

2) Развитие логического мышления, опоры на догадку.

3) Развитие слуховой памяти.

4) Развитие умения классифицировать, систематизировать, выделять главное.

1) Воспитание умения слушать собеседника, умения высказывать своё мнение.

2) Воситание культуры общения.

3) Расширение кругозора и страноведческих знаний учащихся.

Средства и оборудование урока: учебник Кузовлева В.П. 9 класс, раздаточный материал, наглядные пособия, доска, магнитофон.

Примерные ответы учащихся

II Проверка домашнего задания

III Основная часть

1) введение в тему

2) лексическая работа

4) применение знаний

5) аудирование 1

7) аудирование 2

  1. Good afternoon, students! Sit down. I am glad to see you. Is everybody ready for the lesson?
  2. Today we are going to continue discussing the topic “Mass Media”.
  3. Your homework was to speak about advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. Open your books at page . Some of the ideas written there may help you.
  4. So, let’s start with good features.

(Do you agree, Kate?)

(Do you agree, Alex?)

- And what about news? Where can we learn different news?

- Do news interest you? And you? And

  1. Today we are going to talk about different kinds of news. News are usually divided into categories. Look at the blackboard. Read the categories.
  1. Thank you, Dasha. Sergey, read the next, please.
  2. What do you think the news can be about?
  1. And what can the next news be about, Diana?

(Таким образом прорабатывается каждая категория новостей.)

  1. And now let’s play with words. You have to write your associations from the words of all these news categories.
  2. Alina, will you be the first, please? Go to the blackboard. Write your associations with “accidents or incidents”.
  1. Thank you, Alina! Danila, please, write your associations with “economy”.

(Ребята пишут свои ассоциации на все категории новостей. На доске по одной категории пишет один ученик, а класс помогает подобрать слова.)

  1. - I’ll give a newspaper headline to each of you. Try to match the news category with its headline. But also try to explain why you think your headline matches this category. Look at the blackboard. These words will help you to begin your explanation. Read them.
  1. You’re right. Now, please, Ira, go to the blackboard, read your headline, attach it with a magnet and give your explanation.

(И так каждый ученик подбирает категорию под свой заголовок.)

b) (учитель раздаёт карточки)

- Look at your papers. There you have some short news. Which category does each of them refer to? Look only for key-words and say them.

  1. And now you will listen to the news program on the radio. Your task is: 1) to tick the news headlines that you hear and 2) to say which news they give in details.
  1. Read one news in details and try to remember as much information as you can.

- How did he escape?

  1. Was he recaptured?
  2. Where did they catch him?

- Now listen to the news, find some wrong information in the text and correct it.

  1. I want you to find news of different categories according to this list (on the blackboard) in newspapers and bring them for our next lesson. Please, try to translate them into English. It will be your homework.

(Учитель выставляет оценки за урок.)

  1. You all worked very well! Thank you. Our lesson is over. Good-bye!
  1. Watching TV is entertaining, informative etc.
  2. It’s bad for eyes, there are too many advertisements, etc.
  1. We can watch news on TV, hear them on the radio, read them in newspapers, find them in the internet.
  2. (their own opinions)
  1. Celebrity and entertainment.
  2. They are about singers, movie stars, concerts etc.

  3. Sport.
  1. About sportsmen, matches, World Cups etc.
  2. Natural disasters. They are about floods, earthquakes etc.

(прикрепляет магнитом напротив “politics”)

  1. I suppose this news is about politics because Prime Minister is a political position.
  1. “Luxembourg Wins The World Cup!” I think it’s a sport news. A sport team wins the match and gets The World Cup.

I guess it’s an economy news.

  1. The Prime Minister, European leaders. I think it’s a political news.
  1. Band, nationwide tour. I suppose it’s a celebrity and entertainment news.
  1. Headlines number 1, 3, 4, 6,7, 8.
  2. Information in details for number 1, 8.
  1. Crime.
  2. A prisoner escaped from the prison.
  3. He used a cleaner’s clothes.
  4. Yes, he was.
  5. At his mother’s house.
  1. “Appeared” should be “disappeared”. “Years” should be “months”. “Mother” should be “home”. “An examination” should be “shower”. “A holiday” should be “questioning”.

- We have learned different news, categories of news.

Урок был ориентирован на устную речь и аудирование с полным пониманием услышанного (аудирование 1) и извлечением конкретной информации (аудирование 2). Также на уроке присутствовал этап чтения в качестве prelistening exercise, и этап письма, цель которого была активизация словарного запаса учащихся.

Урок спланирован с учётом личностно-ориентированного подхода в обучении и воспитании учащихся. Этапы и задания отобраны таким образом, чтобы все учащиеся могли активно участвовать в уроке. Этап письма был специально выбран для слабых учащихся, так как говорить полными предложениями им трудно, а с отдельными иностранными словами они справляются. Сильные учащиеся хорошо проявляют себя при аудировании больших текстов. На доске были выписаны слова-помощники, которыми пользуются учащиеся, чтобы выразить свою точку зрения на какую-либо проблему.

Активная лексика урока используется при выполнении различных заданий, что обеспечивает хорошее закрепление изученных слов и постоянное употребление их в ответах учащихся.

Место разминки в ходе урока было специально выбрано перед этапами применения знаний и аудирования, так как слова-ассоциации, которые учащиеся выписывают на доску, содержатся в текстах последующих заданий и тесно с ними связаны.

На уроке присутствуют и отрабатываются все четыре вида коммуникативной деятельности – устная речь, письмо, аудирование и чтение.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации изученного материала.

Длительность: 45 минут.


  • Образовательные: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи. Практиковать учащихся в чтении, письме и аудировании. Систематизировать учебный материал.
  • Развивающие: расширять общий кругозор, развивать умения высказываться логично и связно, развивать умения анализировать, сравнивать, делать самостоятельные выводы.
  • Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к речи партнера, повышать общую культуру общения.

Оформление и оборудование: оформленная доска, изображение земного шара на большом листе, магнитофон с аудиозаписью, экран для показа слайдов, проектор.

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями на знание лексики и соотношение слов с их понятиями, самоклеющиеся листочки (стикеры) для письменного задания, листы с текстом.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (3 мин.)

1. Приветствие (1 мин.)

Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. Today we’ll try to make our lesson useful and interesting. Take your seats.

2. Объявление темы и цели урока (2 мин.)

Look at the screen. Out theme is “The best way of getting information about the world. Mass media”. Today we are having our last lesson on Mass Media. You have already learnt a lot of interesting things about different ways of exploring the world. Today we are going to revise all we’ve learnt. So, let’s start. Getting information is a daily necessity for all people and there are many ways how to do it. Let’s find out what are the best ways to learn about the world. Which ways of getting information do you know? Ученики перечисляют способы познания мира (слайды 1 и 2).

II. Основная часть урока (37 мин.)

1. Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин.)

Let’s get down to phonetic practice at first and revise some difficult words and word combinations. Repeat after me (слайд 3).

Expand outlook Advertising
Improve knowledge A great variety
Source of information Opportunity for education
Possibility for entertainment Escape from reality
Shape our views Arguments
Advantages Disadvantages
Broader our mind

2. Речевая разминка.

a) Работа по цепочке (2 мин.)

Ask each other in a chain how your classmates get information about the world.

P1-P2-P3…How do you get information about the world?

b) Работа с карточками 1 (3 мин.)

How do you understand the word “Mass media”? There are several means of communicating with large numbers of people. They are traditionally called the media. But what are their definitions? Your task is to match the words and their definitions. Take these cards and let’s work with them.Work in pairs, help each other. (слайд 4)

Карточка 1. Your task is to match the words and their definitions.

  • Television
  • Newspaper
  • Tabloid
  • The Internet
  • Radio
  1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;
  2. the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
  3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;
  4. a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;
  5. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

3. Проверка домашнего задания (12 мин. )

Now it’s time to check up your homework. You’ve prepared your own dialogues about the ways of exploring the world (слайд 5).

4. Развитие навыков чтения. Работа с текстом (4 мин.)

So, as far as you see there are a lot of ways of getting information. Let’s read the text about the past and the present of them. Before you read let’s have a look at the words after the text.

Now it’s time to read the text. And now your task is to answer the questions after the text.

Текст для чтения.

Ways of exploring the world

Ways of exploring change in the course of time. Previously they were confined to reading books and meeting other people. For centuries the poorly developed transport did not allow people to travel freely. Although technical progress of today has made our planet a small world, books remain our main guide into the world of the unknown. They help people to learn about the world. They tell about a lot of things and events of the past, the present and the future. Nowadays young people derive information not only from books but from the Internet as well. The Internet is the wonder of our time. With its help people get any information they need. The Internet, the global communication system, breaks the traditional notions of space and time. People can move anywhere they want in a twinkle of an eye. TV, radio and newspapers also help people to explore the world. The most ancient way of exploring the world is travelling. It is very useful to visit new places and meet new people. Travelling is the best way of learning foreign languages. (120 topics. Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку, Миньяр-Белоручева А. П.)


  • To explore – исследовать
  • To confine – ограничивать
  • To remain – оставаться
  • Communication system – коммуникационная система
  • To derive – получать, извлекать
  • In a twinkle of an eye – в мгновение ока


  1. What ways of exploring the world do you know?
  2. From what sources do people derive information today?
  3. How does the Internet help to explore the world?
  4. What is the most ancient way of exploring the world?
  5. How do you prefer to explore the world?
  6. How did people explore the world in the past?
  7. What has technical progress made?
  8. What is the most popular source of information nowadays?

5. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. Прослушивание аудиозаписи (4 мин.)

Nowadays the leader is TV. How can you explain this?

You’ll hear three opinions on British television. Which of these belongs to: a pupil, a teacher, a politician?

Ps: the 1st/2nd/3rd opinion belongs to…

T: what opinion do you agree with?

Ps: I agree with the 1st opinion.

– We need more channels and more broadcasting.

– Television should be entertaining.

– Kids spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the telly.

– Television is a great way to learn.

– Some of the programmes are really violent.

– We try to entertain and educate.

6. Здоровьесберегающие технологии. Ответы на вопросы учителя в виде зарядки.

I think you want to have a rest, to move. Let’s play, you should agree or disagree with me. If you agree with me, you should stand up. If you disagree, you just sit still. 2 мин.

  1. Teenagers enjoy soap-operas.
  2. Old people think soap-operas are exciting.
  3. Little children like dramas.
  4. Businessmen are interested in cartoons.
  5. A lot of people watch TV programmes.
  6. People like advertising very much.
  7. There is a lot of news about fashion in magazines for teenagers.
  8. Teenagers don’t like reading serious newspapers.

7. Работа с раздаточным материалом (карточки 2) на знание лексики. Развитие навыков письменной речи (4 мин.)

You know a lot of words on this topic. In order to revise them I give you these cards. You should put down the words. They are connected with Mass media. You have 2 minutes to look through the text.

Карточка 2. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word has been given.

The m___ m____ refers to the people and organizations that provide news and i_________ for the public. Until recently these were mainly n__________, t_____________, and r_______. Today, c__________ play a very big part. The I__________ is a computer system that allows millions of people around the world to receive and exchange i___________ about almost everything. Ordinary post has been taken over by e_______ which stands for e___________ mail because it is sent and received via a computer. It is a system that allows people to send m____ to each other quickly and cheaply. So one wonders if the p_________ is a job in danger of extinction!

8. Развитие навыков монологической речи: высказывания со зрительной опорой (4 мин.)

Once again look at the screen. How can we get information? (слайды 6-13). I am sure you are ready to speak about getting information about the world. Answer my questions. Try to use these phrases. (слайд 14)

  1. Why is visiting museums and galleries useful and interesting?
  2. Do you think TV programmes can help you to learn better at school? In what way?
  3. Do you like listening to the radio? Why?
  4. What sort of information do you get from newspapers and magazines?
  5. What can help you to learn better at school?
  6. How often do you use the Internet? For what purpose?
  7. What can books tell you about the world?
  8. Can travelling help you to get information about the world?
  9. How can people communicate? How do you prefer to communicate with other people?
  10. What is the best way of getting information about the world?

III. Подведение итогов (5 мин.)

1. Объявление домашнего задания (1 мин.)

Open your diaries and write down your homework. Your home task is to fill in the table “The effects of Mass media”. You should make a table in your exercise books. (слайд 15)

2. Рефлексия. Учащиеся пишут ответы на 2 вопроса на разноцветных стикерах в виде ладошек и приклеивают их на изображение земного шара на доске (3 мин.)

To sum up try to answer my questions.

  1. How do you get information about the world most often?
  2. Which way of getting information is the best?

Write down your answers on these funny orange hands and stick them to this picture. Next time we’ll speak about the results of this questioning. I’m sure it’ll be very interesting for you.

3. Выставление оценок. Конец урока (1 мин.)

You’ll get such marks for the lesson…

You’ve worked hard at the lesson, thank you. At the end of the lesson I want you to read the quotation of Stevenson (слайд 16). I wish you to use different sources of information, not only TV, know much and be as happy as kings. (слайд 17) The lesson is over, goodbye.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


Тема: Школьное образование. Проблемы выбора профессии. Пути получения образования. Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков.

I. Организационный момент

- Good morning, children!

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find,

Eat breakfast, dinner too,

Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!

Today we shall remember the names of different professions and find out what qualities are necessary for these jobs.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

- Let’s learn the new tongue twister. It will help us to pronounce the English sounds and words better. Listen to the poem, please. Do you like it? Repeat the poem after me. новоестихотворение

Say this sharply,

Say this sweetly,

Say this shortly,

Say this softly,

Say this sixteen times

Примерные загадки для учащихся:

1. A person whose job is to work with electricity. (An electrician.)

2.A person who owns a travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange travels. (A travel agent.)

3.A person who makes and sells medicine. (A chemist.)

4.A person who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical or books. (An editor.)

5.A person who helps people with the law or talk for them in court. (A lawyer.)

6.A person who works at school and whose job is to teach children. (A teacher.)

7.A person trained to look after sick animals. (A veterinarian.)

8.A person who welcomes people arriving at a hotel, at a place of business, visiting a doctor. (A receptionist.)

9.A person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help people in need. (A social worker.)

10. A person who works in a hospital and helps doctors. (A nurse.)

11. A person whose job is to stop a fire. (A fireman.)

12. A person who makes a plan of a house you are going to build. (An architect.)

Выполнение упр. 1, стр. 153

упр. 2, стр. 153. Перед прослушиванием текста необходимо прочитать и перевести вопросы


- It’s time to have a rest. Let’s recite the poem and do exercises together.

I want you to look at the blackboard. We shall learn the modal verbs must, may, can and can’t. We use these modal verbs to say that something is possible or impossible. Let’s read and translate the examples. Look at the examples of exercise 3, page 153 in your textbooks.

exercise 4, page 154 and fill in the modal verbs.

Первичное закрепление введенного материала

упр. 5, стр. 154 устно, по очереди зачитывают вслух и перефразируют по одному предложению, выражают согласие или несогласие с вариантами одноклассников.

VI.Развитие навыков устной речи

- I am sure, you know what your future professions require. It is interesting to listen to your opinion and find out what qualities are necessary for different jobs.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

2. Развивать навыки чтения, говорения

3. Прививать любовь к книге и потребность в чтении.

I am glad to see you and our guests. I congratulate you with your first school day. We will work with Student’s book by Kuzovlev V.P. and Activity Book.

[i] – active, activity, visit, visiting

[d] – do, did, done, doing

[ w] – swim, swimming, walk, walking

Answer the questions:

-Where did you spend your summer holidays?

- What TV programmes did you watch?

- Where did you go? What places did you visit?

- Who do you spend your holidays with?

- Did you read books, newspapers, magazines?

Do you like reading?

Today we’ll speak about reading and reading tastes. Some people prefer romance, the other fantasy. So, what are the genres of the book?

Работа с новой лексикой

Fiction – художественная литература

Science fiction – научная фантастика

Romance – любовный роман

Reference book - справочник

Classic – классика, классический

Horror book –книга ужасов

Explain in your own words: reference book, science fiction, biography, autobiography, etc…

Now let’s read it in your books on the page 7.

Развитие навыков чтения.

-During Teen Read Week in the USA young people express their opinion about their attitudes towards reading.

Do all the teenagers enjoy reading?

b) after-reading activities

Answer the questions:

Why does John like reading?

What are John’s favourite genres?

What genres does Beth like? Why?

What does Emma think about romances and poetry?

Have books influenced Sally’s life? In what way?

Why does Sally prefer non-fiction books?

Which book does Nancy recommend? Why?

What is Sam’s opinion about reading?

4.Первичное закрепление лексического материала

Game “How well do you know new words”

Try to choose one word to the following definitions:

Books, films or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets. (science fiction)

A long printed story about imaginary characters and events. (novel)

The life story of a person written by someone else. (biography)

A book of facts, such as a dictionary or an encyclopedia, which you look at to discover particular information . (reference book)

A story about love . (romance)

5.Развитие навыков говорения

-Express your opinion: What are your reading tastes? What do you like reading?

*6.Повторение грамматического материала. Порядок слов в предложении.

- Many famous people said a lot of beautiful words about books. You should make up quotations from the following words.

1. without / live / cannot /I/ reading ( I cannot live without reading. Thomas Jefferson)

2. the voice / Words / are / heart / of the (Words are the voice of the heart. Confucious)

3. to the body / Reading /is / to the mind / what exercise / is (Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Richard Steel)

4. in order to / Read / live (Read in order to live. Custavo Flaubert)

5. is / learning / Reading / the best. (Reading is the best learning. A.Pushkin)

Is it important to read books?

Why is it important?

Your home task will be to write new words into the dictionary on p. 7 and learn it; Activity Book Ex 1 p 5-6 (in written form)

Thank you for the lesson.

Тема: What are teens reading tastes? / Читательские вкусы подростков № 2

Цели: воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей, развитие у школьников инициативности и самостоятельности, толерантности и уважения к другим нациям и культурам к успешной самореализации, обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка.

I'm very glad to see you!

First of all I want you to ask some questions!
What day of the week is it today?
What date is it today?
Is anybody absent today? …is/are absent.

Look at the blackboard and read the theme of the lesson. Today we are going to learn some pieces of information about some famous British writers.

2. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядки: Boys and girls let’s answer my questions!

1. Do you like reading?

2. Why do people read?

3. Where do you take books from?

4. Have you got a large collection of books at home?

5. What British poets and writers do you know?

Now look at the blackboard and repeat after me: a famous writer, a famous person, a well-known writer, an outstanding poet, a favourite screenwriter, a remarkable playwright, a notable diarist, a best – loved novelist, fantasy, crime, modern.

3. Основной этап урока (презентация):

Look at the screen! Now we’ll get acquainted with some British writers and their works. (Учащиеся совместно с учителем изучают информацию о писателях, записывают имена, даты, названия книг).

4. Чтение текста с последующим пониманием прочитанного:

Before reading the text, let’s listen to the words from the text and repeat them.
Amuse, autobiographical, governess, imaginary, incorporate, parson, poetic, portrait, pregnancy, tuberculosis.
And now I want you to read the text about the Bronte Sisters.

Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte.

Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte, daughters of Yorkshire parson, were three English novelists. Initially they published their works under pseudonyms as at that time it was impossible for a woman to show that she could write. Charlotte, the eldest, was the author of the famous Jane Eyre and Villette a novel where she incorporated autobiographical elements. Emily is the best known for Wuthering Heigths and had a uniquely poetic style. The youngest sister, Anne Bronte, is least known. She wrote Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

Questios about the text:

What were the Bronte sisters’ names?
Who was the most poetic writer?
Who was the least known?
What was their brother known for?
Who raised all the Bronte children?

4. Домашняя работа:

At home you have to choose one of the British writers and write more details about his or her biography.

5. Подведение итогов урока: We have done much today. What new information have you learnt?
What new words do you remember now? Can you name all the names of the British writers mentioned today? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, good bye. See you later.

Тема: What writers is your country famous for? / Какими писателями знаменита ваша страна?

Цели: развивающие – развитие внимания, памяти, мышления и речи школьников;

учебные - формирование лексических навыков говорения; активизация грамматических навыков использования прошедшего времени; развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью полного понимания прочитанного / услышанного и с целью извлечения конкретной информации; развитие навыков письма (написание биографии с помощью речевых опор);

познавательные -знакомство с биографиями известных писателей (Ч. Диккенс, А. Кристи, А. Пушкин);

1. Организационный момент (Good morning me dear boys and girls. I’m glad to see you!)

2. Речевая зарядка: How are you? What date is it today?

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

4. Проверка домашнего задания Рабочая тетрадь, упр.2; Книга для чтения, упр. 1., рассказывают слова.

Ключи к упражнению 2 из Рабочей тетради:

Reading is a nice way to spend time. My favourite genre is fantasy, as long as it is good. But I also love historical, realistic, and classic novels.” “I have learned to read early and books have influenced all my life. Books have helped me to succeed in school and to use my imagination.

Books have encouraged me to learn and explore new things, and to understand different people. I love reading non-fiction and reference books, biographies, and autobiographies. When I want to relax I read crime fiction and science fiction. I have been reading Science Fiction by Boris Akunin this week. I enjoyed the book and I would recommend it to those who love really good fiction.”

Ключи к упражнению 1 из Книги для чтения:

1.1) 1) — B; 2) — D; 3) — A; 4) — E; 5) — C.

1.2) A — b); B — c); C — d); D — e); E — a).

5. Выполнение упражнения в учебнике упр. 1.1. стр. 10. Чтение осуществляется под фонограмму, особое внимание при этом уделяется произношению новых ЛЕ. Семантизация новых ЛЕ осуществляется на основе перевода на родной язык. О значении слов, выделенных курсивом, учащиеся могут догадаться по составляющим частям.

6. Выполнение упражнения в учебнике направленного на развитие навыка чтения упр. 1.2) стр. 11.

Упражнение предполагает обращение учащихся к тексту, нахождение и чтение ответа на каждый вопрос. При этом следует обратить внимание на то, как учащиеся поняли значения новых слов, какова начальная форма глаголов. При необходимости отрабатывается произношение новых слов.

7. Выполнение упражнения в учебнике направленного на развитие навыка говорения упр.1.3) стр. 11

Перед выполнением упражнения необходимо повторить правила употребления видо-временных форм глаголов, использующихся в этом упражнении. В случае необходимости для получения дополнительной информации учащиеся обращаются к грамматическому справочнику.


Past Simple Active: was, learned, read, saw, wrote, performed, came, left, became, married, published, began, made, described, gave, had, developed, seemed, died;

Past Simple Passive: was born, was inspired, was sent, were written, was/were published, were set, was honoured, were translated;

Past Progressive: was writing;

Past Perfect: had worked, had learned.

После этого упражнения рекомендуется выполнить упражнение 1 из Рабочей тетради.


8. Выполнение упражнения в учебнике направленного на развитие навыка говорения упр. 2.1). стр. 12 Упражнение подстановочного характера. Учащиеся восстанавливают биографию Агаты Кристи, заполняя пропуски подходящими ЛЕ.

Ключи (слова следуют в том порядке, в котором они появляются в тексте упражнения):novelist, childhood, age, married, was published, success, powerful, inspired, vivid, plots, described,were set, birthplace, honoured, contemporaries, remarkable, died.

9. Физкультминутка (Are you tired? OK. Let’s have a rest. Stand up please. Repeat after me. All together)

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips! Sit down!

Hands up! To the sides!

Bend left, bend right!

One, two, three, four, five, six Hop!

One, two, three, four, five, six Stop!

Выполнение упражнения в учебнике направленного на развитие навыка говорения упр. 2.2) стр. 12

— учащиеся индивидуально или в парах составляют список вопросов к тексту, используя в качестве образца вопросы упражнения 1.2), а также придумывают свои, выстраивают последовательность вопросов и отвечают на них всем классом.

Примерные варианты вопросов: What is Agatha Christie famous for? Where did she get her education? When did she write her first story? Who were the main characters of her detective stories? Are her works still popular today?

Выполнение упражнения в учебнике направленного на развитие навыка говорения упр.3 стр. 9.

Учащиеся составляют собственное высказывание, используя вопросы как план. Информация в “Fact File” служит содержательной основой для высказываний учащихся об А. С. Пушкине. Тексты данного урока могут служить стимулом и образцом для построения собственных высказываний учащихся. При выполнении данного упражнения учащиеся могут запрашивать новые ЛЕ, пользоваться русско-английским словарем. Работа может быть организована в парах, группах или индивидуально. Следует дать учащимся некоторое время (3—4 минуты) на подготовку высказываний.

Объяснение домашнего задания Рабочая тетрадь, упр.2; Книга для чтения, упр. 2.

Ключи к упражнению 2 из Рабочей тетради: 1 — a; 2 — b; 3 — b; 4 — c; 5 — a; 6 — b; 7 —c; 8 — b; 9 — c; 10 — a; 11 — b; 12 — a; 13 — b; 14 — c.

Ключи к упражнению 2 из Книги для чтения:

an English teacher, a French

7 Harry Potter books

a petrol pump attendant,

a post office clerk,

a railway ticket office salesF

Martyn Pig, Lucas, Kissing

a librarian, a teacher of EngF

lish and Literature,

The Ruby in the Smoke,

His Dark Materials

grew up, left, started, dreamed,

was, married, moved, returned,

went, worked, made, studied,

tried, failed, gave up, won, pubF

lished, became, taught, wrote

was published, was

born, was listed for,

15. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

16. Рефлексия. It brings us to the end. What new information have we learnt today? What new facts were interesting for you? Thank you for your work.

Тема: Видовременные формы для выражения прошедшего времени

12. Участники митинга обсудили важные вопросы к 6 часам вечера два дня тому назад.
1. Present Continuous.
2. Present Simple.
3. Past Simple.
4. Past Perfect Continuous.
5. Present Perfect Continuous.
6. Future Perfect.
7. Future Continuous.
8. Present Perfect.
9. Future Perfect Continuous.
10. Past Continuous.
11. Future Simple.
12. Past Perfect.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Закрепление грамматических навыков
- Let's read the examples from the table "Grammar Focus". Exercise 13, page 12-13 from your textbooks will help us brush up the tenses of the English language.
Учитель предлагает учащимся прочитать и обсудить примеры из упр. 13, стр. 12-13 из учебника. После чтения и обсуждения образца из таблицы ученики выполняют упр. 14, стр. 14 из учебни¬ка. Данное упражнение выполняется учащимися в устной форме.
VII. Тренировка грамматических навыков в письменных упражнениях
- Exercise 15, page 15 is to be written. You will read the story to yourself, then put the numbers from 1 to 12 and write the correct forms of the verbs. You can see the examples of different sentences in your textbook, page 12, "Grammar Focus".
Ученики выполняют упр. 15, стр. 15, в письменной форме. Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на то, что предложения из рассказа переписывать не нужно. Учащиеся записывают в тет-
ради номера с 1 по 12 и соответствующие формы глагола. Про-ш'рка данного упражнения может быть проведена различными способами:
1 - проверка всем классом в конце урока: один ученик читает рассказ, остальные ученики выражают свое согласие или несогла-
по с формами глагола;
2 - учитель собирает тетради в конце урока и осуществляет ндивидуальную проверку работы каждого ученика.
III. Подведение итогов урока
- It's time to say "good-bye". You worked well during the lesson. Will you stand up?
Mind the clock And keep the rule: Try to come In time to school.
- Our lesson is over. Good-bye, boys and girls!
Домашнее задание
Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3, 5, стр. 4-5.

Урок 4. Различные виды отдыха

Организационный момент
- Good morning!
- I am glad to see you.
- How are you?
- So, let's start our lesson.

Тема: Who is your favorite writer / Любимый писатель

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