Great british sporting events конспект

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока : Спортивные события в Великобритании .

Гороховская Зинаида Викторовна,

учитель английского языка


Предмет: Английский язык

Тема: Спортивные события в Великобритании.

  • Активизация речевой и мыслительной деятельности учащихся.
  • Расширение потенциального словаря учащихся и их общего кругозора.
  • Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся

Оборудование ; магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, телевизор, DVD.

1.Predicting the content of the text.

- Good morning! Glad to see you. Today we’ ll talk about Great British Sporting

Events. But first of all look at the screen. I'll show you some pictures. I ask you

to think of some questions for each picture.

Слайд №1 Сambridge University

Слайд №2 Oxford University.

Слайд №3 The Boat Race

Слайд №4 The London Marathon

Слайд №5 Wimbledon

- Thank you. Now open your textbook, listen and read the texts. Elicit whether

your questions were answered.

2. Reading for specific information

- Read the questions of the Exercise 2 carefully and scan the texts for the information you need. I'd like to advise you to underline parts of the text related to the questions.

Answer Key: 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A

- Guess the meaning of the words in bold from the context before using your

dictionaries. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

Competitors – people taking part in a contest

Extremely – very much

Get out of breath – breath very quickly and with difficulty

Take put in – be involved in

Raise money for charity – make money for those less fortunate

Race course – a place where horses run against each other

Presenters – people who introduce a TV programme

Comment on – talk about, give an opinion on

Championship – a competition to find the best player(s) in a sport

Spectators – people who watch a sporting event

Queue – wait in a line to be served/for your turn

Compete – play against each other

3. Revising vocabulary

- Now do Exercise 3. Read the sentences, choose the correct word. Check in your

Answer Key: 1 presenters 2 spectators 3 competitors

4. Making a presentation

- Choose one of the events A-D. Make your presentation in front of the class.

5. Writing a short article about famous sporting events in our country.

- Write down your hometask. Brainstorm with your classmates for sporting events in Russia.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Проверка знаний учащихся по теме "Великобритания".

В статье представлен анализ урока английского языка в 11 классе по составлению поэтических четверостиший и предложены образцы получившихся работ учащихся.

В доступной для учащихся форме проходит знакомство с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании и России. Закрепление полученных знаний происходит в ходе выполнения конкурсных заданий.

урок-защита проектов по теме "Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии" в 6 классе (Учебник М. Биболетовой, 6 класс)

Данный урок это урок обобщения знаний по теме. Он проводится как защита проектов учащихся , собравших и представивших материалы о Шотландии, Уэльсе, Англии и Северной Ирландии.В ходе урока развиваются.

Конспект урока по теме "Спортивные события в Великобритании" в 10 классе (по УМК "Spotlight")

Данный материал предназначен в помощь учителю,работающему в 10 кл. по УМК "Английский в фокусе" при освоении темы "Спортивные события в Великобритании".

Научимся строить высказывания с использованием введенных лексических единиц.

Сможем употреблять введенные лексические единицы в речи

Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

Sport plays a very important role in the every person’s life nowadays. International sporting events such as the Olympic Games or the Football World Cup make people from all over the world come to one place where this event is held.

Глоссарий по теме

Sport is something that unites people from all over the world. Gender, age, political preferences do not make any sense when you are at the stadium supporting your favourite team.

Event - событие
Boat -лодка
Race -гонка
Competitors - участники соревнований
To train - тренироваться
Extremely - чрезвычайно
Hard - усердно
Race course - ипподром
Ticket -билет
Be popular with - быть популярным среди
Fashion show - модный показ
Presenters - ведущий, диктор
Comment -комментировать
Smart hats - изящные, нарядные шляпки
Especially - особенно
Snack - перекус, закуска
Attend - посещать
Audience - зрители
Rowing - гребля
Marathon - марафон
Get out of breath - выдохнуться, выбиться из дыхания
Imagine - представлять
Exactly - точно
Around - вокруг
Take part in - принимать участие в
Serious - серьёзный
Athlete - атлет
Offer - предлагать
Prize money - призовые деньги
Majority - большинство
To raise money for charity - собирать деньги на благотворительность
Championship - чемпионат
Tournament - турнир
Spectators - зрители
Queue - очередь
Top players - лучшие игроки

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 39, WL7

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения

- Sam, hi, how are you?

- I’m fine, and you?

- Me too, thanks. Are you going to support our football team tonight.

- I think I will, you know, I like football and I try not to miss any games of “The Tigers”.

- Yes, you are a keen fan indeed. And what about tennis? Did you know, that Louis Federiko will take part in Wimbledon this year.

- Are you kidding? No way! He’s a real legend of tennis.

The British Grand Prix, Silverstone. This year the Formula 1 race will start on 08.07. The competition which was first held in 1950 has the amazing 306198 km of race distance with 5.891km circuit length.

Golf. The 147 th Open Carnoustie will be held this year 15 th - 22 nd July. Last major Golf Open event was held in Carnoustie which is located in Scotland in 2007. It first hosted The Open Championship in 1931. You can buy tickets online with the price for the day ticket starting from 75 £.

Hockey – Women’s World Cup will be held this year in the UK. According to the schedule it will take place from 21 July to 5 August at the Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre in London. First matches will be played on July, 22 . The Chinese team will play against the Italian team, while the Netherlands will play against South Korea.

Sport is something that unites people from all over the world. Gender, age, political preferences do not make any sense when you are at the stadium supporting your favourite team.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

План – конспект урока английского языка для учащихся 10 класса

Автор: преподаватель английского языка

Пояснительная записка

Данный урок английского языка может быть предложен для обучающихся 10-х классов средней общеобразовательной школы. Урок составлен на основе УМК Spotlight авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, Д. Дудли и др.

Урок построен в форме экскурса по знаменательным спортивным событиям Британии. Каждый ученик может принять участие в данном уроке, рассказать о том или ином спортивном мероприятии, а также выявить свои спортивные наклонности исходя из своей психофизической характеристики.

План - конспект урока .

Тема урока : “Great British Sporting Events”

Цели: - речевая компетенция- развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме)

-совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков


- Познакомить со спортивными событиями: The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race , The London Marathon , Royal Ascot , Wimbledon .

- Формировать умения составлять устно-речевые высказывания по изучаемой теме.


-Приобщить к самостоятельному умению сравнивать, сопоставлять, работать в режиме поиска необходимой информации в тексте.

-Развивать речь обучающихся, умение высказывать свое мнение, доказывать его, обобщать и систематизировать материал.

- Развить умение выступать перед аудиторией


- Способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

- Расширить знания о значимости спорта в жизни человека.

Тип урока : применение предметных знаний, умений и навыков

Использованы: видео htts :// youtu . be / yJeSsUJYRTU

I Орг. момент. Введение в языковую среду (2 мин)

Преподаватель приветствует, проверяет готовность обучающихся к уроку. Учитель вводит обучающихся в языковую среду, спрашивает про настроение и погоду

- Hello, students! Sit down, please. I am very glad to see you.

-How are you today?

-Who is on duty today?

II Мотивационно-целевой этап (10 мин)

Создание ситуации, направленной на вызов у учащихся уже имеющихся знаний по изучаемой теме.

a ) Просмотр фильма-заставок по теме спорт

Т : It was said “Britain be a part of it…”. Be a part of what?

S: Britain is a part of sport….

б ) Озвучивает тему урока .

T: So the theme of our lesson is Sport and we are going to learn about British sporting event

-What kind of sport do you know? And what kind of people enjoy this or that kind of sport?

в) Показ слайдов на тему спорт.

S: 1. Fit people enjoy swimming.

2. Determined people enjoy boxing.

3. Strong people enjoy football.

4. Ambitious people enjoy windsurfing.

5. Brave people enjoy skydiving.

6. Outgoing people enjoy cycling.

7. Relaxed people enjoy golf.

8. Active people enjoy jogging.

9. Determined people enjoy tennis.

10. Sociable people enjoy aerobics.

г ) T: What kind of person are you? What kind of sport do you like?

S : I ’ m …. I like …

III Поисково-исследовательский (15мин)

T : So look through the texts. What events are mentioned in the text?

S : They are about the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, the London marathon, Royal Ascot, Wimbledon.

б) Прослушивание и чтение текстов.

в) Работа с лексическим материалом по тексту.

T : Explain the words and phrases in bold. Consult your word list.

S 1. Competitors are people who takes part in competitions.

S 2. Extremely- very much

S 3. Get out of breath- breath with difficulty

S 4. Take part in- be a part of the game or competition

S 5. Majority- most in numbers

S 6. Race course- the place where horses are competitors

S 7. TV presenters- a person who introduces a TV channel

S 8. Comment on- to talk about

S 9. Smart- fashionable

S 10. Championship- a competition

S 11. Spectators- a person who is taking part in a competition

S 12. Compete- playing against each other

IV Практический этап (13мин)

Учитель дает установку и мотивирует обучающихся на поиск новой информации.

T : Which event offers a cash prize?

S : The London Marathon offers big prize money for the winners.

T: Which event lasts the longest?

S: Wimbledon lasts for two weeks.

T: Which event is attended by British royalty?

S: Ascot is very popular with members of the royal family.

T: Which event is a competition between two teams?

S: The Oxford and Cambridge boat race. There are 18 competitors (9 in each boat) in this race.

б ) Учащиеся пересказывают тексты .

T: Imagine you are a radio presenter. Choose one of the events and present it to the class.

V Рефлексивно-оценочный этап (5 мин)

Объясняет домашнее задание .

Your home task is to collect information using the Internet, then, write a short text about sporting event in our country. Use a plan:

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цель: Знакомство со знаменитыми спортивными событиями страны изучаемого языка.

Задачи: обучающая: ознакомить с видами спорта страны изучаемого языка, ознакомиться с лексикой по теме.

Практическая: научить применять знания на уроке и во внеурочное время.

Воспитательная: воспитывать чувство уважения к спортивным событиям страны изучаемого языка.

Оснащение: учебник, тетрадь, плакат, DVD, телевизор.

Х о д у р о к а:

The teacher greets the pupils.

Актуализация знаний:

 Let’s start the lesson with associations. On the blackboard you can see the word SPORT .Your associations, please. (Pupils name people, places, equipment, etc.). Can you guess what we are going to talk about today? Right, about sport. By the end of the lesson you will have learned about:

Famous British sporting events,

The time and place of these events,

The number of participants,

What else people can do except doing and watching sport,

Celebrities’ attitude to these events.

Создание проблемной ситуации:

 Max is going to tell you about the British and their attitude to sport. (Suggested answer: The British are a sport-loving nation. Both young and old people are sportsmen. Many sports and games were born in Britain: football, cricket, soccer, rugby, tennis, squash, badminton, canoeing and snooker were invented in Britain. Boxing , golf, hockey, yachting, horse- racing also originated from Britain, etc.)

Самостоятельное открытие знаний:

 You see that the British like sport and competitions. From ex.1, page 39 you will learn about world famous competitions. Listen and follow in your books. While listening underline unusual facts which impressed you a lot. Answer the questions of ex. 2, page 39.

Now tell me what these figures stand for:

18 competitors must be students at Oxford or Cambridge University

42 km – Marathon distance

40,000 people take part in the Marathon

300,000 people buy tickets to watch the races

28,000 kilos of strawberries and

7,000 liters of ice cream are sold.

T. Now a minute of relaxation. Let’s organize our own competition. On the blackboard you can see a tongue twister. Who will read it better than the others?

Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

Применение новых знаний:

 I want you to fill in the tables in your exercise-books. Let us see what you knew before reading the text, what you have learned and what else you would like to know.

T. Irina has got some extra information about famous British sport events. He’ll show you a presentation. Maybe it will help you learn something new about Britain.

T. Now you know a lot about sport events in Britain. Read the sentences and change the words using suffixes and prefixes.

Britain does not often produce sportsmen who are successful in world (CHAMPION), but it has been good at inventing sports. In towns and cities space for team sport is (LIMIT). To keep fit, most people take part in individual sports. They (USUAL) go walking, swimming or cycling. Taking part in all these sports is (FORMAL) and relaxing. Although many British people want to be (HEALTH), not many people do very much about it. A recent study proved that many people were not as active as they thought and (CORRECT) believed that they did enough exercise to keep fit.


 Now look at the blackboard. At the beginning of the lesson I wrote some aims for us to achieve. Let us see what we have learned today. Answer my questions.

1. What famous British sporting events do you know?

2. When and where are they held?

3. How many people take part in them?

4. What else do people do except watching events?

5. Do celebrities participate in these events?

(Pupils answer the questions)

Домашнее задание. Творческое:

Our lesson is over. Thanks for being active at the lesson. Your marks are… Your homework is creative. Make a computer presentation about great Russian sporting events.

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( Спортивные события в Великобритании.)

Назарова Людмила Валентиновна,

учитель английского языка

Предмет: Английский язык

Тема: Спортивные события в Великобритании.

Активизация речевой и мыслительной деятельности учащихся.

Расширение потенциального словаря учащихся и их общего кругозора.

Совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся

Ознакомить учащихся со спортивными событиями в Великобритании.

Развить навыки аудирования (основное понимание текста)

Развить навыки чтения с полным пониманием текста (выбор нужной информации)

Формирование и развитие языковых речевых умений в устной речи на базе прочитанного текста

Воспитание чувства гордости за родную страну.

Оборудование ; магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, компьютеры с выходом в интернет.

WikipediA . English The Free Encyclopedia

Ссылки на иллюстрации :

Ссылка на видео:

1)-Good morning! Glad to see you. I've prepared for you short texts taken from the Wikipedia English free encyclopedia. Please match them with their headings. Two headings are odd. (Attachment 1 )

Answer Key: 1A 2E 3F 4C

-What is the topic of today's lesson? ( Great British Sporting Events)

2.Predicting the content.

- So today we’ ll talk about Great British Sporting Events. But first of all look at the screen. I'll show you some pictures. Think of some questions for each picture.

Слайд №1 С ambridge University

Слайд №2 Oxford University.

Слайд №3 The Boat Race

Слайд №4 The London Marathon

Слайд №5 Wimbledon

Thank you. While doing your first task I'll make a list of questions which you are going to answer at the end of the lesson. One list for each pair.

Listening for specific information

- Read the questions of the Exercise 2 (Attachment 2) carefully and watch and listen to the videos for the information you need. You'll watch once.

Answer Key: 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A

(compare your answers with your partner )

4. Reading for understanding unknown words.

1) - Open your books on page 39. Read throw the texts which you have already watched and listened and guess the meaning of the words in bold from the context. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning. (Attachment 3)

Competitors – a) a competition to find the best player(s) in a sport

Extremely – b) most

Get out of breath – c) breath very quickly and with difficulty

Take part in – d) talk about, give an opinion on

Offers – e) people taking part in a contest

Majority – f) fashionable

Raise money for charity – g) people who introduce a TV programme

Race course – h) be involved in

Presenters – I) wait in a line to be served/for your turn

Comment on – j) play against each other

Smart – k) people who watch a sporting event

Championship – l) make money for those less fortunate

Spectators – m) gives

Queue – n) a place where horses run against each other

Compete – o) very much

11-f), 12-a), 13-k), 14-i), 15-j)

Competitors – people taking part in a contest

Extremely – very much

Get out of breath – breath very quickly and with difficulty

Take put in – be involved in

Raise money for charity – make money for those less fortunate

Race course – a place where horses run against each other

Presenters – people who introduce a TV programme

Comment on – talk about, give an opinion on

Championship – a competition to find the best player(s) in a sport

Spectators – people who watch a sporting event

Queue – wait in a line to be served/for your turn

Compete – play against each other

(exchange and check your partner's work)

– Work with the new words and their definitions. Memorize them. After one minute you'll work with your partner asking him (her) definitions.

5. Making a presentation

Imagine you are a radio presenter. Choose one of the events A-D. Make your presentation to your partner.

Put a mark for your partner's presentation.

So your marks for today are.

1) - Now let's answer the questions you 've put at the beginning of our lesson.

What are these places in Britain famous for? (London, Oxford, Cambridge, Ascot, Wimbledon)

What river is the race along?

What must the competitors be?

How long is the distance of the London marathon?

How many people usually take part in the event?

What event is so popular with members of the royal family?

What else is the event famous for?

What is the oldest tennis championship in Britain?

7. Writing a short article about famous sporting events in our country.

- Write down your hometask. Brainstorm with your classmates for sporting events in Russia.

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