Алиса в стране чудес сценарий для школьного театра на английском языке

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Сценарий театральной постановки


(Alice is sitting and reading a book.)

Alice: It is so boring! What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations? ( зевает ) If I make a daisy-chain… Would it be worth trouble of getting up and picking the flowers? ( засыпает )

( пробегает кролик )

Rabbit : Oh dear! Or dear! I shall be late!

Alice (просыпается) : What a curious thing! Hey, Mr Rabbit, wait for me!

(кролик убегает от Алисы, прыгает в нору, Алиса заглядывает туда, зовет кролика. Он появляется у нее со спины, вместе с ней начинает звать)

Alice : Oh, you're here.

Rabbit : I shall be late! Oh dear!

I’m late, I’m late

To a very important date.

I have no time to say “Good-bye”

I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.

Alice : It is very important, I guess. He may be invited to a party. Mr.Rabbit, wait!

Rabbit : No, no, no. I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.

( кролик убегает в нору )

Alice : They invited guests to a very strange place.

(Алиса падает в нору)


Rabbit: Oh my whiskers and ears! How late it’s getting!

Alice: Hello! Hello! Anyone there? (finds a bottle “Drink me”, drinks) It’s only a dream. (becomes small). I am opening like the biggest telescope ever! Good-bye, feet!

Alice : That’s curious. If this is the prank, I’m not amused. (eats the cake “Eat me”) I must be shutting up like a telescope! Curiouser and curiouser. (sees the flowers) Excuse me, could you… Oh, that’s nonsense, flowers can’t talk.

Flowers: Of course we can. We can tell you a story.

Flower 2: Let’s tell her about tulips.

Flower 3: Oh, no. Violets – she’d like them better.

Flower 4: What about daisies?

Flower 5: Girls, stop arguing, let’s dance. It’s about all of us.

Alice: Thank you, my dear. I wish I could be just like you.

Flower 4: We are pretty.

Flower 3: We are great.

Flower 2: And you are not from our garden.

Flower 1: For what did you come?

Alice: I didn’t come for your garden.

Flower 2 : Is she a wild flower?

Alice: Oh, no, I’m not a flower.

Flower 3: Just what species or, shall we say, genes.

Alice : I don’t know what genes humans are. I’m a little girl.

Flower 1 : Violets, she said she’s just a little girl.

All flowers: Ee-ooo.

Alice: I’m not a flower.

Flower: Aha! She is a common weed.

Alice: I’m not a weed!

Flower: Well, you wouldn’t expect her to admit it.

Flower: Whatever.

Alice: Stop talking to me like that! It’s my dream!

Flower: But you are in our garden.

Flower 1 :Oh, and isn’t it from petals?

Flower: And no fragrance.

Flower: Girls, she might have bugs.

All flowers: Ee-ooo.

Alice: If I were my right size, I could pick every one of you if I wanted to! And I'd guess that would teach you! Oh, they make me so mad! They call me a weed, because I am as small as a snail. I should find someone normal if I want to get back home.

SCENE 3 Caterpillar

Caterpillar: Who are you ?

Alice: I—I hardly know, sir, just at present—at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

Caterpillar: What do you mean by that? Explain yourself!

Alice: I can't explain myself , I'm afraid, sir, because I'm not myself, you see.

Caterpillar: I don't see.

Alice: I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly, for I can't understand it myself to begin with; and being so many different sizes in a day is very confusing.

Caterpillar: It isn't.

Alice: Well, perhaps you haven't found it so yet, but when you have to turn into a butterfly, I should think you'll feel it a little queer, won't you?

Caterpillar: Not a bit.

Alice: Well, perhaps your feelings may be different, all I know is, it would feel very queer to me .

Caterpillar: You! Who are you ?

Alice: I think, you ought to tell me who you are, first.

Caterpillar: Why?

(Alice turned away)

Caterpillar: Come back! I've something important to say! Keep your temper.

Alice: Is that all?

Caterpillar: No. So you think you're changed, do you?

Alice: I'm afraid I am, sir, I don't keep the same size for ten minutes together!

Caterpillar: What size do you want to be?

Alice: Well, I should like to be a little larger, sir, if you wouldn't mind.

Caterpillar: One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter.

Alice: One side of what ? The other side of what ?

Caterpillar: Of the mushroom.


Alice: And now where shall I go?

Alice: Goodness! If the people here are like that I must try not to upset them.

Mad Tea Party

(Hatter, Dormouse, March Hare, dancing and jumping)

All: A very merry unbirthday to us, to us!

A very merry unbirthday to us, to us!

Hatter: To who?

Hatter: Oh you!

Hatter: Who, me?

Hatter: Oh, me!

A very merry unbirthday to you!

Hatter: To me!

(sitting at the table, Dormouse falling asleep)

(Alice is going to join the party)

March Hare & Mad Hatter : No room, no room, no room, no room, no room, no room, no room!

Alice: But I thought there was plenty of room!

Mad Hatter: I say it's rude. Its very very rude, indeed!

Dormouse: Very very very rude, indeed.

Alice: Oh, I'm very sorry, but I did enjoy your singing and I wondered if you could tell me.

Mad Hatter: Oh, what a delightful child! Hah! I'm so excited, we never get compliments! You must have a cup of tea!

Alice: That would be very nice. I'm sorry I interrupted your birthday party. uh, thank you.

Mad Hatter: Of course not! Hehehe! This is an unbirthday party!

Alice: Unbirthday? Why, I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand.

Mad Hatter: How silly! Ha ha ha ha! Ah-hum. Now statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday.

Mad Hatter: Ahhh, but there are 364 unbirthdays!

Alice: Why, then today is my unbirthday too!

Mad Hatter: What a small world this is.

Alice: To me?

Mad Hatter: To you!

March Hare : A very merry unbirthday.

Alice: For me?

Mad Hatter: For you! Now blow the candle out, my dear and make your wish come true! Hihihi!

March Hare & Mad hatter: A very merry unbirthday to you!

Dormouse: Twinkle, twinkle, little bat, how I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, like a tea-tray in the sky!

Alice: Oh, that was lovely!

Mad Hatter: And uh, and now my dear, hehe, uh. you were saying that you would like to sea.. uh. You were seaking some information some kind. hehe!

Alice: Oh, yes. You see, I'm looking for a.

Mad Hatter : Clean cup, clean cup! Move down!

Alice: But I haven't used my cup!

Mad Hatter: Would you like a little more tea?

Alice: Well, I haven't had any yet, so I can't very well take more.

Mad Hatter: Yes! You can always take more than nothing!

Alice: But I only meant that.

Mad Hatter: And now, my dear, something seems to be troubling you. Uh, won't you tell us all about it?

March Hare : Start at the beginning.

Mad Hatter: Yes, yes! And when you come to the end, hehehe, stop! See?

Alice: Well, it all started while I was sitting on the riverbank with Dinah.

Alice: Why, Dinah is my cat. You see.

Dormouse: Cat?

Mad Hatter: On her nose, on her nose!

Dormouse: Where's the cat.

Mad Hatter: Oh. Oh, my goodness! Those are the things that upset me!

Alice: But really, I didn't think.

Mad Hatter: Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down, move down, move down!

Alice: But I still haven't used.

Mad Hatter: Move down, move down, move down, move down. And now my dear, as you were saying?

Alice: Oh, yes. I was sitting on the riverbank with uh. with you know who.

Mad Hatter: I do?

Alice: I mean my C - A - T.

Mad Hatter: Tea?

Mad Hatter: Come, come my dear. hehehe! Don't you care for tea?

Alice: Why, yes, I'm very fond of tea, but.

Alice: Well, I've been trying to ask you.

Mad Hatter : Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Alice: Riddles? Let me see now. Why is a raven like a writing desk? A silly riddle! You just said.

Alice: A nice cup of tea, indeed! Well, I'm sorry, but I just haven't the time!

White Rabbit: No, no, no, no! No time, no time, no time! Hello, goodbye! I'm late! I'm late!

Alice: The white rabbit!

White Rabbit: Oh, I'm so late! I'm so very very late!

Mad Hatter: Well, no wonder you're late! Why, this clock is exactly two days slow !

White Rabbit: Two days slow?

Mad Hatter: Of course you're late. Hahaha! My goodness. We'll have to look into this. A-ha! I see what's wrong with it! Why, this watch is full of wheels!

White Rabbit: Oh, my poor watch! Oh, my wheels! My springs! But- but- but- but, but- but- but.

Mad Hatter: Butter! Of course, we need some butter! Butter!

March Hare : Butter!

White Rabbit: But- but- butter?

Mad Hatter : Butter, oh, thank you, butter. Ha ha. Yes, that's fine.

White Rabbit: Oh no no, no no no you'll get crumbs in it!

Mad Hatter: Oh, this is the very best butter! What are you talking about?

Mad Hatter: Tea! Oh, I never thought of tea! Of course!

White Rabbit: No!

Mad Hatter: Tea! hehehe

White Rabbit: No! Not tea!

Mad Hatter: Sugar. Two spoons, yes, ha, two spoons. Thank you, yes.

White Rabbit: Oh, please! Be careful!

Alice: Oh, my goodness!

White Rabbit: Oh dear!

Mad Hatter: I don't understand, it's the best butter.

Mad Hatter: Oh, look! Oh my goodness!

Mad Hatter : Two days slow, that's what it is.

White Rabbit: Oh, my watch.

Mad Hatter: It was?

White Rabbit: And it was an unbirthday present too.

March Hare & Mad Hatter: A very merry unbirthday to you!

Alice: Mister Rabbit! Oh, mister Rabbit! Oh, now where did he go to?

March Hare & Mad Hatter: A very merry unbirthday to us, to us. A very merry unbirthday to us, to us.

Alice: Of all the silly nonsense, this is the stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life. I'm going home. Straight home.

Painting the Roses Red

Cards: Painting the roses red

We're painting the roses red

We dare not stop

Or waste a drop

So let the paint be spread

We're painting the roses red

We're painting the roses red

Oh, painting the roses red

And many a tear we shed

Because we know

They'll cease to grow

In fact, they'll soon be dead

And yet we go ahead

Painting the roses red

Painting the roses red

We're painting the roses red

Alice: Oh, pardon me

But Mister Three

Why must you paint them red?

Card 1: Huh? Oh! Well, the fact is, Miss, we planted the white roses by mistake and.

Cards: The Queen she likes 'em red

If she saw white instead

She'd raise a fuss

Would quickly lose his head

Alice: Goodness!

Cards: Since this is the part we dread

We're painting the roses red

Alice: Oh, Dear! Then let me help you.

All: Painting the roses red

We're painting the roses red

Cards: Don't tell the Queen what you have seen

Or say that's what we said

But we're painting the roses red

Yes, painting the roses red

Card 1: Not pink

Card 2: Not green

Card 3: Not aquamarine

All: We're painting the roses red!

Card 1 : Hush! Silence! The Queen and her cards.

Cards and the Queen of Hearts

(dance of the cards)

Cards: The Queen! The Queen!

Alice: The Queen!

Queen: Cards, halt!

Alice: The rabbit!

White Rabbit : He. he. her imperial highness, he. her grace, her excellency, her royal majesty, the Queen of Hearts!

A card : Hurray!

Queen: Hum. Who's been painting my roses red? Who's been painting my roses red? Who dares to taint, with vulgar paint, the royal flower bed? For painting my roses red, someone will loose his head!

Three: Oh, no! Your majesty! Please, it's all his fault!

Two: Not me, your grace! The Ace, the Ace!

Ace: No, Two!

Queen: The Two you say?

Two: Not me, the Three!

Queen: That's enough! Off with their heads!

Alice: Oh, please, please! They were only trying to.

Queen: And who is this?

Alice: My name is Alice.

Queen: Look up, speak nicely, and don't twiddle your fingers! Turn out your toes. Curtsey. Always say 'yes, your majesty'!

Alice: Yes, your majesty!

Queen : Hm. Now, um, where do you come from, and where are you going?

Alice: Well, um, I'm trying to find my way home.

Queen: Your way? All ways here are my ways!

Alice: Well, yes, I know, but I was just thinking.

Queen: Curtsey while you're thinking, it saves time.

Alice: Yes, your majesty, but I was only going to ask.

Queen: I warn you child, if I loose my temper, you loose your head, understand?

Alice: Oh, pooh. I'm not afraid of you! Why, you're nothing but a pack of cards! And as for you, your majesty! you're not a queen, but just a fat, pompous, bad tempered old tyrant.

Queen: What. Off with her head! Off with her head! Off with her head! Don't let her get away!

(all run away)

(Alice alone on the stage. Sits down: “Alice, wake up! Wake up! Alice! Alice…” Falls asleep)

Misha: Wake up! Wake up!

Alice: Mr Rabbit! It’s you!

Misha: Uliyana, are you OK? (finds the book “Mathematics”). Everything is clear. You should have some rest. What about a cup of tea?

Alice: Oh, no! Not again!

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Предварительный просмотр:

ГБОУ Школа №2073 г.Москва

на английском языке

Составила учитель английского языка

White Rabbit Caterpillar

The Duchess Cook

March Hare Dormouse

Cards The Queen of Hearts

Сцена 1. Лужайка.

Please, Alice, be attentive!

No pictures, no conversations!

What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations!

Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I shall be late!

A rabbit! With a watch!

Strange, very strange!

I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Oh! It’s really is a crime!

I’m always in a hurry

But I never quite on time!

I’m going to be in trouble,

The duchess hates to wait!

She’s going to be so angry,

Cos I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Mr. Rabbit! Wait, please, wait!

Сцена 2. Комната с дверями.

What a strange place! Let me out! Let me out!

What a beautiful garden! But I am too big!

Oh my! What’s happening?

Now for the garden!

The key! The key is on the table!

Curiouser and curiouser!

Oh, the Duchess, the Duchess! She will punish me. She is so strict. Ah!

Mr. Rabbit! Please, wait, please…

It’s a magic fan!

How queer is everything today! Let me think.

I am not the same. And …who am I?

Сцена 3. Гусеница.

What do you mean by that. Explain yourself.

I can’t explain myself, because I’m not myself, you see.

Well, you know, TRANSFORMATIONS.

- I know transformations, and so what?

I’ve been constantly changing but I never forget who I am.

You, who are you?

That’s enough. Everybody is teaching me here! I’m leaving!

Come back. I have something important to say.

Keep your temper!

No. So you think you’re changed, do you?

I am, sir. I don’t keep the same size for 10 minutes together.

What size do you want to be?

Well, I don’t like changing so often, you know.

One side will make you grow taller,

and the other side will make you grow shorter.

One side of what?

The other side of what?

Of the mushroom…

Сцена 4. У герцогини.

For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.

From the Queen. An invitation for the Duchess to play croquet.

It’s no use in knocking!

Pepper! I want more pepper! Pepper! I need more pepper!

Please, would you tell me why your cat smiles like that?

It’s a Cheshire cat and that’s why.

I didn’t know that cats could smile.

You don’t know much and that’s a fact.

Pepper! More pepper!

Please, be careful!

Speak roughly to your little boy,

And beat him when he sneezes:

He only does it to annoy,

Because he knows it teases.

I speak severely to my boy,

And beat him when he sneezes:

For he can thoroughly enjoy,

The pepper when he pleases! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Here! You may nurse it a bit, if you like. I must go and get ready

to play croquet with the Queen.

Don’t grunt! Oh, it’s a pig!

Сцена 5. Чеширский кот.

Cheshire Puss, would you tell me, please,

which way I ought to go from here?

That depends on where you want to get to.

I don’t much care where.

Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.

What sort of people live about here?

- In that direction lives a Hatter.

And in that direction

lives a March Hare.

They are both mad.

We are all mad here.

Do you play croquet with the Queen today?

But I haven’t been invited yet.

You’ll see me there. By the by, what became to the baby?

It turned into a pig.

Did you say pig or fig?

I said pig. Will you be so kind not to vanish so suddenly?

Well, I’ve often seen a cat without a smile,

but a smile without a cat…

It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!

Сцена 6 Сумасшедшее чаепитие.

Hatter- March Hare

No room, no room! No room, no room!

There’s plenty of room!

I don’t see any wine!

It wasn’t very polite of you to offer it.

It wasn’t very polite of you to sit down without being invited.

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

What day of the month is it?

Two days wrong. I told you butter wouldn’t suit it.

- It was the best butter. It was the best butter, you know.

What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month

Have you guessed the riddle?

No, and what’s the answer?

Hatter --- March Hare

- I haven’t the slightest idea --- Nor I.

Clean cups! Clean cups!

We have quarreled with Time.

It’s always 6 o’clock now.

It’s always tea-time.

We have no time to wash the cups.

Tell us a story, please.

I’m afraid , I don’t know any.

The Dormouse is asleep again. Wake up, Dormouse. Tell us a story.

Once upon a time there lived three little sisters…

Wake up, Dormouse, wake up!

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! -------- How I wonder what you are at!

Up above the world you fly --- Like a tea-tray in the sky,

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! --- How I wonder what you are at!

Clean cups! Clean cups!

- It’s the stupidest tea-party --I ever was at --in all my life! --They are absolutely mad!

Сцена 7. У королевы.

Would you tell me please, why you are painting roses?

You see, Miss, it’s a terrible mistake. The queen likes red roses.

The Queen, The Queen!

-Who painted my roses red? You? You? You?

Off with his head! Off with his head! Off with his head!

Who is this? Idiot! What’s your name, child?

My name is Alice, your Majesty.

Can you play croquet?

Yes, your Majesty.

Come on then. Take your places!

It’s… It’s a very fine day.

Very fine. Where’s the Duchess?

Oh, hush, hush… The Queen will here you. The Duchess is in prison.

How are you getting on? How do you like the queen?

Who are you talking to?

It’s my friend-a Cheshire cat, your Majesty.

I don’t like it. But it may kiss my hand if it likes.

Off with his head! Off with his head!

No head! your Majesty.

Сцена 8. Суд королевы.

The king calls you all - To the courtroom today -

The trial is starting - So come right away!

Come to the trial -Come and see the show

- Stop what you are doing -Because it’s time to go

Come to the courtroom - For a little while

-Come everybody - Come to the Trial!

Someone is guilty - Someone must pay

- So come to the courtroom - The trial starts today!

Silence in the court!

Herald, read the accusation.

The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,

All on a summer day,

The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts and took them quite away.

Call the first witness!

First witness! The Hatter.

Give your evidence.

- I am a poor man, your Majesty… And the March Hare said…

- No, no! I didn’t! I deny it!

Well, the Dormouse said… I can’t remember…

You must remember. Call the next witness.

Next witness! Alice!

What do you know about this business?

Off with her head! Off with her head!

Who cares for you! You are just a pack of cards!

Wake up, Alice dear! What a long sleep you’ve had!

Oh! I’ve had such a curious dream!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Белоснежка и семь гномов" (внеурочная деятельность).

Предложенный Вашему вниманию сценарий спектакля я придумала, написала и опробировала на городском конкурсе спектаклей на иностранных языках. Костюмы для участников мы брали в местном Драмматическом те.

Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Спящая красавица" ( внеурочная деятельность).

Предлагаю Вашему вниманию разработку сценария спектакля на английском языке "Спящая красавица". Его можно использовать во внеурочной деятельности, творческих конкурсах.

Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Волк и три маленьких котенка" (внеурочная деятельность).

Предлагаю Вашему вниманию сценарий на английском языке для учащихся 5х классов. Его можно использовать в конкурсах , на родительских собраниях как творческий отчет по предмету.

Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Musical. The Best"

Рекомендуемый уровень 10-11 классМузыка окружает нас повсюду, она может создавать настроение, расслабить или наполнить энергией, вызвать дорогие воспоминания. Кроме того, музыка может способствовать а.

Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "The magic gift". Сценарий спектакля "Волшебный дар"

Сценарий подходит для проведения предметных недель на тему Хеллоуин, Рождество, День Святого Валентина.Мы поставили спектакль силами учащихся 7, 2, 3 классов. Выступили перед начальной школой на.

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– Hello, my name is Alice. I follow the White Rabbit down the rabbit house. Oh, What is it? It is a cat. It is a strange cat. He is sitting on a bough of a tree and grinning.
Alice: Hello! You are…
Cat: Yes, I’m Cheshire cat!
Alice: Would you tell me, please, where am I ? And what is the way?
Cat: Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…?
Alice: What sort of people live about here?
Cat: In that direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad.
Alice: But I don’t want to go among mad people.
Cat: Oh, you can’t help that we are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad.
Alice: I’ve often seen a cat without a smile, but a smile without a cat…It is the most curious thing. I’ve ever seen in all my life.

Около дома под деревом стоял накрытый стол, а за столом пили чай Мартовский Заяц и Болванщик, между ними крепко спала Мышь-Соня. Болванщик и Заяц облокотились на нее, словно на подушку, и разговаривали через ее голову. — Бедная Соня, — подумала Алиса. — Как ей, наверно, неудобно! Впрочем, она спит значит, ей все равно.

There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it: a Dormouse was sitting between them, fast asleep, and the other two were using it as a cushion, resting their elbows on it, and talking over its head.

The table was a large one, but the three were all crowded together at one corner of it

Технология театральной педагогики на уроках английского языка.

Счень интересная статья "Школьный театр на английском языке: что, да как!"

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Книга из серии "Библиотечка "Первого сентября"" (№4(10)/2006) содержит

два сценария на английском языке для школьного театра:

по повести Д.Барии "Питер Пэн и Венди" и по пьесе Л.Кэролла "Алиса в стране чудес".

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