Роберт кох доклад на английском языке

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Robert Koch is a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843, died in 1910. When Koch became a doctor he carried on many experiments on mice (мышах) in a small laboratory. In 1882 Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin Physiological Society Koch described in detail the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. Due to his discovery Koch became known all over the world. In 1884 Koch published his book on cholera. This book included the investigations of his research work carried out during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India. From the intestines of the men with cholera Koch isolated a small comma-shaped (в виде запятой) bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.

1. Прочтите данные предложения, обращая внимание на то, чем затеняются модальные глаголы. Запомните эти заменители-эквиваленты:

A. Не can do this work. = Не could do this work. =

Б. He may do this work. =

B. He must do this work. =

He is able to do this work. He was able to do this work. He will be able to do this work. He is allowed to do this work. He will be allowed to do this work. He has to do this work. He had to do this work. He will have to do this work.

I.Чем могут быть заменены модальные глаголы can, may, must? 2. Как изменяются эквиваленты по временам? 3. Как строятся отрицательная и вопросительная формы при эквиваленте to have to?

II. Поставьте сказуемые в будущем времени (письменно):

1. The scientist can prove his investigations. 2. The patient may walk. 3. The nurse must feed the infant.

III. Поставьте предложения в отрицательной, а затем в вопросительной форме (письменно):

1. The patient was able to fall asleep after taking the medicine. 2. We had to summarize and analyse all the findings of our observations. 3. The fifth-year students will be allowed to operate on the patients by themselves.

IV. Напишите сложные слова путем сочетания неопределенных мес­тоимений 'some', 'any', 'no', 'every' со словами 'thing', 'body' '(one)', 'where'. Переведите их и проверьте себя по таблице 9.

V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. "Somebody has just come to see you," said the nurse. 2. Something new

has been found out during this experiment. 3. We shall go somewhere on Sunday. 4. Have you discovered anything new during the examination? 5. Has the doctor seen anybody already? 6. Did you go anywhere last summer? 7. The scientist did not observe anythingnew. 8. My friend did not see anybody there. 9. Someone must count the number of the red blood cells. 10. Has anyone already accomplished the research work? 11. Nobody was discharged from the hospital yesterday. 12. Nothing interesting was proved. 13. He could find this book nowhere.

VI. * Переведите слова, данные в скобках, а затем переведите предложения:

1. (Все) understood well the significance of this problem. 2. (Никто) felt tiredness after a long walk. 3. Can you see (что-нибудь) on the lateral surface of the right lower extremity? 4. Does the pain spread (куда-нибудь) when you breathe in? 5. There is (ничего) new about the process of inhibition in the report.

VII. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Найдите и переведите а) незнакомые слова (выучите их); б) предложения с заменителями модальных глаголов и в) предложения с производными от неопределенных местоимений. 3. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

чтобы доказать это явление; во много раз меньше, чем; немногим более 70 лет тому назад

Robert Koch is a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843, died in 1910. When Koch became a doctor he carried on many experiments on mice (мышах) in a small laboratory. In 1882 Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin Physiological Society Koch described in detail the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. Due to his discovery Koch became known all over the world. In 1884 Koch published his book on cholera. This book included the investigations of his research work carried out during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India. From the intestines of the men with cholera Koch isolated a small comma-shaped (в виде запятой) bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.

1. Прочтите данные предложения, обращая внимание на то, чем затеняются модальные глаголы. Запомните эти заменители-эквиваленты:

A. Не can do this work. = Не could do this work. =

Б. He may do this work. =

B. He must do this work. =

He is able to do this work. He was able to do this work. He will be able to do this work. He is allowed to do this work. He will be allowed to do this work. He has to do this work. He had to do this work. He will have to do this work.

I.Чем могут быть заменены модальные глаголы can, may, must? 2. Как изменяются эквиваленты по временам? 3. Как строятся отрицательная и вопросительная формы при эквиваленте to have to?

II. Поставьте сказуемые в будущем времени (письменно):

1. The scientist can prove his investigations. 2. The patient may walk. 3. The nurse must feed the infant.

III. Поставьте предложения в отрицательной, а затем в вопросительной форме (письменно):

1. The patient was able to fall asleep after taking the medicine. 2. We had to summarize and analyse all the findings of our observations. 3. The fifth-year students will be allowed to operate on the patients by themselves.

IV. Напишите сложные слова путем сочетания неопределенных мес­тоимений 'some', 'any', 'no', 'every' со словами 'thing', 'body' '(one)', 'where'. Переведите их и проверьте себя по таблице 9.

V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. "Somebody has just come to see you," said the nurse. 2. Something new

has been found out during this experiment. 3. We shall go somewhere on Sunday. 4. Have you discovered anything new during the examination? 5. Has the doctor seen anybody already? 6. Did you go anywhere last summer? 7. The scientist did not observe anythingnew. 8. My friend did not see anybody there. 9. Someone must count the number of the red blood cells. 10. Has anyone already accomplished the research work? 11. Nobody was discharged from the hospital yesterday. 12. Nothing interesting was proved. 13. He could find this book nowhere.

VI. * Переведите слова, данные в скобках, а затем переведите предложения:

1. (Все) understood well the significance of this problem. 2. (Никто) felt tiredness after a long walk. 3. Can you see (что-нибудь) on the lateral surface of the right lower extremity? 4. Does the pain spread (куда-нибудь) when you breathe in? 5. There is (ничего) new about the process of inhibition in the report.

VII. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Найдите и переведите а) незнакомые слова (выучите их); б) предложения с заменителями модальных глаголов и в) предложения с производными от неопределенных местоимений. 3. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

чтобы доказать это явление; во много раз меньше, чем; немногим более 70 лет тому назад

Robert Koch is a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843, died 1910. When Koch became a doctor he carried on many experiments on mice in a small laboratory. In 1882 Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin physiological society Koch described in detail the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. Due to his discovery Koch became known all over the world. In 1884 Koch published his book on cholera. This book included the inverstigations of his research work carried out during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India. From the intestines of the men with cholera Koch isolated a small comma-shaped bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.

Роберт Кох — выдающийся немецкий бактериолог, основатель современной микробиологии. Он родился в 1843 году, умер в 1910. Когда Кох стал доктором он нес на многие эксперименты на мышах в небольшой лаборатории. В 1882 году Кох открыл микобактерий туберкулеза. В своем докладе в Берлине физиологического общества Кох подробно морфология микобактерий туберкулеза и способы их раскрывать. Из-за его открытие Кох стал известен всему миру. В 1884 году Кох опубликовал свою книгу на холеру. Эта книга включает inverstigations его исследовательской работы, проведенной во время эпидемии холеры в Египте и Индии. Из кишечника мужчин с холерой Кох изолированные небольшие запятая образный бактерии. Он определил, что эти бактерии распространяются через питьевую воду. В 1905 году Кох получил Нобелевскую премию для его важных научных открытий.

Роберт Кох является известный немецкий бактериолог, основоположник современной микробиологии. Он родился в 1843 году, умер 1910. Когда Кох стал доктором он нес на многих экспериментах на мышах в маленькой лаборатории. В 1882 Кох обнаружил туберкулеза микобактерии. В своем докладе, достигнутом в физиологическом обществе Берлин Кох подробно описал морфологию туберкулеза бацилл и способы их выявление. Благодаря его открытию Кох стал известен во всем мире. В 1884 Кох опубликовал свою книгу о холере. Эта книга включала inverstigations его исследовательской работы, проведенной во время эпидемии холеры в Египте и Индии. Из кишечника мужчин с холерой Кох изолировал маленькую форме запятой бактерии. Он определил, что эти бактерии распространяются через питьевую воду. В 1905 Кох получил Нобелевскую премию за его важных научных открытий.

роберт кох - известный немецкий bacteriologist, основателя современной микробиологии.он родился в 1843 году, умер в 1910 году.когда кох стал врачом, он продолжал много экспериментов на мышах, в маленькой лаборатории.в 1882 году кох обнаружили туберкулез палочки.в своем докладе, сделанные в берлине физиологического общества кох, подробно морфологии туберкулезом палочки и путей их раскрывать.из - за его открытие кох стал известен во всем мире.в 1884 году кох опубликовал свою книгу о холере.эта книга включает в себя inverstigations его исследовательской работы, проведенной в эпидемии холеры в египет и индия.из кишечника от мужчин с холерой кох изолированных небольшой запятая форму бактерии.он решил, что эти бактерии распространился в питьевой воде.в 1905 году кох получил нобелевскую премию за его важные научные открытия.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:




Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (it. Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch; December 11.

Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (it. Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch; December 11, 1843, Clausthal-Zellerfeld - may 27, 1910, Baden-Baden) - German microbiologist. Opened the Bacillus of anthrax, Vibrio cholerae and the tubercle Bacillus. For research of tuberculosis awarded the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine in 1905.

Robert Koch was born on December 11, 1843 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, in the fam.

Robert Koch was born on December 11, 1843 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, in the family Herman and Matilda Henrietta Koch. Was the third of thirteen children. Father - mining engineer, I worked in the local mines. The mother, the daughter of an official of Henry Andreas Bevanda, chief inspector of the Kingdom of Hanover. He saw a curious grandson makings of a researcher. In 1848 went to the local primary school. At this time, already knew how to read and write. Well after school, Robert Koch in 1851 entered the gymnasium of Clausthal.

In 1862 Koh graduated from high school and then arrives at the famous scient.

In 1862 Koh graduated from high school and then arrives at the famous scientific traditions of the Gottingen University. There he studies physics, botany, and then and medicine. The most important role in shaping the interest of the future of the great scientist to research played many of his professors, including anatomist Jacob Henle, physiologist Georg Meissner and Clinician Charles of Hesse. Гёттингенский университет имени Георга-Августа

In 1866 Robert finished her studies in the University and receive a diploma.

In 1866 Robert finished her studies in the University and receive a diploma. From this time he starts working in various hospitals, and at the same time, unsuccessfully trying to organize a private practice in five different cities of Germany. Later he wants to become a military doctor or to travel around the world as a ship's doctor, while finally are not established in the city Require, where he began his medical practice as an assistant in the hospital for the insane. In 1867, he married Emma Adelfina Josephine Fraz.

In 1870 begins the Franco-Prussian war, and work Koch in the hospital is int.

In 1870 begins the Franco-Prussian war, and work Koch in the hospital is interrupted. Koh voluntarily becomes a doctor field hospital, in spite of strong short-sightedness. The new service, he gets a big practical experience in dealing with the treatment of infectious diseases, in particular cholera and typhoid. At the same time studying under a microscope algae and large microbes, improving his skills in microphotography.

In 1871 Koch was demobilized. On dvadtsatisemiletny wife presented him with.

In 1871 Koch was demobilized. On dvadtsatisemiletny wife presented him with a microscope, and since then Robert whole days spent at him. He loses all interest in private medical practice, and began to carry out research and experiments, which gets a large number of mice. In 1872 Koch is assigned to the district health officer in Wolstein. He found that around Volshteyna among cattle and sheep disseminated endemic disease, anthrax, which affects the lungs, causes carbuncles skin and change the lymph nodes.

SIBERIAN ULCER Knowing about the experiences of Louis Pasteur on animals, pat.

SIBERIAN ULCER Knowing about the experiences of Louis Pasteur on animals, patients with anthrax, Koh using a microscope studies of pathogen, which, presumably, causes anthrax. After a series of experiments, he States that the only cause of the disease is the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, and examines its biological cycle of development. Sets the epidemiological features of the disease. This research was first proved bacterial origin of the disease.

In 1876 and 1877, with the assistance of botany Ferdinand Cohn and the patho.

In 1876 and 1877, with the assistance of botany Ferdinand Cohn and the pathologist Julia Congame at the University of Breslau (now the Polish city of Wroclaw) publishes articles Koch on problems of anthrax. These works brought him fame. Koh publishes a description of their laboratory methods, including painting bacterial culture and microphotographs of its structure. The results Koch were presented to the scientists of the laboratory of Konheim, including Paul Ehrlich. Work Koch bring him fame and in 1880, thanks to the efforts of Konheim, Koh becomes a government adviser in the Imperial Department of health in Berlin. Paul Ehrlich

In 1881 Koh publishes the work "Methods of study of pathogenic organisms" (".

In 1881 Koh publishes the work "Methods of study of pathogenic organisms" ("Methods for the Study of Pathogenic Organisms"), which describes a method of growing microbes on firm nutrient mediums. This method was essential to isolate and study the pure bacterial cultures. After that, between Koch and Pasteur - until this time leader in Microbiology - a fierce debate. After Koh published a highly critical reviews of the Pasteur research anthrax, leadership last staggered, and between the two outstanding scientists flashes enmity lasting several years. All this time they are locked in bitter disputes and discussions on the pages of magazines and in public speeches.

TUBERCULOSIS Later Koh attempts to find the cause of tuberculosis, the disea.

TUBERCULOSIS Later Koh attempts to find the cause of tuberculosis, the disease at the time of widespread and is the primary cause of death. The proximity of the clinic Charite, filled tuberculosis patients that makes it a task - it daily, early morning comes to the hospital where he receives material for research: a small amount of sputum or a few drops of blood of patients with tuberculosis. The Institute of Microbiology at Dorotheenstrasse in Berlin - here Robert Koch discovered the cause of tuberculosis

However, despite the abundance of material, he still does not detect the pa.

However, despite the abundance of material, he still does not detect the pathogen. Soon Koh understands that this can be accomplished only with the help of dyes. Unfortunately, conventional dyes are too weak, but after several months of unsuccessful job he still manages to find the necessary substances. Pounded tuberculosis fabric 271 on drug Koh colors in methyl the blueprint, and then in caustic red-brown paint used in the decoration of the skin, and discovers a tiny, slightly curved, bright blue colored sticks - sticks Koch. on March 24, 1882, when he announced that managed to isolate the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. At that time the disease was one of the main causes of mortality.

Mycobactérium tuberculósis, Koch's Bacillus (ILO, BK)- type of mycobacteria described March 24, 1882 Robert Koch (March 24, who declared the world day against tuberculosis).

The study Koch tuberculosis was interrupted when he is on assignment of the G.

The study Koch tuberculosis was interrupted when he is on assignment of the German government as part of a scientific expedition went to Egypt and India to try to determine the cause of cholera. Working in India, Koch announced that he identified the microbe that causes the disease - Vibrio cholerae.

In 1885 Koch became a Professor at the University of Berlin and Director of.

In 1885 Koch became a Professor at the University of Berlin and Director of the newly created Institute of hygiene. At the same time he continues the research of tuberculosis, focusing on finding ways to treat the disease.

AWARDS In 1905, for "research and discoveries concerning the treatment of tu.

AWARDS In 1905, for "research and discoveries concerning the treatment of tuberculosis", Robert Koch awarded the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine. In his Nobel lecture laureate said that if we look back at the path, "which has been passed in recent years in the fight against such widespread diseases as tuberculosis, we cannot fail to admit that there were taken the first important steps.

On may 27, 1910, Robert Koch died in Baden-Baden from a heart attack. Monume.

On may 27, 1910, Robert Koch died in Baden-Baden from a heart attack. Monument to Robert Koch in the square in his name in Berlin

Scholkower Gymnasium Projekt Thema: Robert Koch Autor: Platonow Roman 14 Jahre

№ слайда 1

Scholkower Gymnasium Projekt Thema: Robert Koch Autor: Platonow Roman 14 Jahre, 8.Klasse Lehrer: Schwezowa Inna Walerjewna Scholkowo, 2011.

Robert Koch1843 11. Dezember: Robert Koch wird in Clausthal (Harz) als Sohn des

№ слайда 2

Robert Koch1843 11. Dezember: Robert Koch wird in Clausthal (Harz) als Sohn des Bergamtsleiters Hermann Koch und dessen Frau Mathilde (geb. Biwend) geboren. Er wächst gemeinsam mit zehn Geschwistern auf. 1866 Abschluß seines vierjährigen Medizinstudiums in Göttingen mit Staatsexamen und Promotion. 1867 Juli: Koch heiratet Emmy Adolfine Fraatz, Tochter eines Pfarrers, in Clausthal. Aus der Ehe geht eine Tochter hervor. 1867-1871 Praktische ärztliche Tätigkeit in Hamburg, bei Hannover, bei Potsdam und in Rakwitz (Provinz Posen). 1870/71 Im Deutsch-Französischen Krieg meldet Koch sich als Freiwilliger und arbeitet im Feldlazarett.

1872-1880 Tätigkeit als Kreisarzt in Wollstein (Provinz Posen, heute: Wolsztyn).

№ слайда 3

1872-1880 Tätigkeit als Kreisarzt in Wollstein (Provinz Posen, heute: Wolsztyn). 1870/71 Im Deutsch-Französischen Krieg meldet Koch sich als Freiwilliger und arbeitet im Feldlazarett1876 Bei Versuchen zur Entstehungsgeschichte der gefürchteten Tierseuche Milzbrand weist Koch erstmals spezifische Krankheitserreger als Krankheitsursache nach. Bisher führte man diese Krankheit auf "Miasmen", d.h. die Luft verunreinigende Gifte, zurück. Publikation der Versuchsergebnisse in "Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen". 1877 Koch perfektioniert die Mikroskopie, um die Untersuchungsmöglichkeiten von Bakterienkulturen zu verbessern. Anfertigung der ersten Mikroskopiephotos von Mikroorganismen. 1880 9. Juli: Koch nimmt eine beamtete Tätigkeit am Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt in Berlin auf.

1881 Er publiziert seine von ihm verbesserte Züchtungsmethode von Bakterienkultu

№ слайда 4

1881 Er publiziert seine von ihm verbesserte Züchtungsmethode von Bakterienkulturen. Durch die neue Technik wird eine präzise Unterscheidung der Stämme möglich. 1882 Koch gelingt der Nachweis des Tuberkulose-Bakteriums. Die Entdeckung gilt als der endgültige Beweis der Existenz bakterieller Krankheitserreger und eröffnet neuartige Therapiemöglichkeiten. Jeder zweite Todesfall in der Altersgruppe der 15-40jährigen geht bisher auf Tuberkulose zurück. Koch erhält die Ernennung zum Kaiserlichen Geheimen Regierungsrat. In Berlin eröffnet die "Deutsche Ausstellung für Hygiene und Volksgesundheit". Auf der Exposition wird auch Kochs Laboratorium präsentiert.

1883 Im britischen Regierungsauftrag leitet er eine Forschungsexpedition nach In

№ слайда 5

1883 Im britischen Regierungsauftrag leitet er eine Forschungsexpedition nach Indien, wo eine Choleraepidemie wütet. Die Seuche tritt in Europa seit 1817 auf und forderte bereits unzählige Todesopfer. 1884 Koch gelingt der Nachweis des Choleraerregers. Gleichzeitig forscht er über die Technik der Wasserfiltration zur Eindämmung der Choleraverbreitung. Er entwickelt mit den "Kochschen Postulaten" eine Definition bakteriologischer Erregernachweise, die in abgewandelter Form bis heute Gültigkeit hat.

1885 Berufung zum Professor an der Berliner Universität und Ernennung zum Leiter

№ слайда 6

1885 Berufung zum Professor an der Berliner Universität und Ernennung zum Leiter des Instituts für Infektionskrankheiten. Zu seinen Mitarbeitern zählen u.a. die späteren Nobelpreisträger Emil Behring und Paul Ehrlich. 4. Oktober: Koch stellt auf dem 10. Internationalen Medizinischen Kongreß in Berlin das Tuberkulin vor, von dem er sich Heilungserfolge bei Tuberkulose verspricht. Er gibt seine Professur zurück, um der Tuberkulinforschung mehr Zeit widmen zu können. Das Mittel hat allerdings nicht die von Koch erhoffte Wirkung, verbessert jedoch die Diagnosemöglichkeiten.

1891 Juli: Umzug Kochs und seiner Mitarbeiter in das neu eröffnete Institut für

№ слайда 7

1891 Juli: Umzug Kochs und seiner Mitarbeiter in das neu eröffnete Institut für Infektionskrankheiten (heute: Robert-Koch-Institut). 1893 Die Ehe zwischen Koch und seiner Frau wird geschieden. Koch heiratet in Berlin die 17jährige Hedwig Freiberg.

1897-1906 Wiederholte Forschungsreisen in Begleitung seiner Frau in die Tropen.

№ слайда 8

1897-1906 Wiederholte Forschungsreisen in Begleitung seiner Frau in die Tropen. Er untersucht Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Pest, der Malaria, der Schlafkrankheit und der Rinderpest. 1. Oktober: Koch zieht sich aus der Leitung des Instituts für Infektionskrankheiten zurück, bleibt jedoch wissenschaftlich tätig. 1905 Er erhält für seine Untersuchungen und die Entdeckung des Tuberkulins den Nobelpreis für Medizin. 1910 27. Mai: Koch stirbt in Baden-Baden. Seine Urne wird im Westflügel des Robert-Koch-Instituts für Infektionskrankheiten beigesetzt.

Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit!

№ слайда 9

Презентация на тему Презентация по английскому языку Роберт Кох, предмет презентации: Английский язык. Этот материал в формате pptx (PowerPoint) содержит 26 слайдов, для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях! Презентации взяты из открытого доступа или загружены их авторами, администрация сайта не отвечает за достоверность информации в них, все права принадлежат авторам презентаций и могут быть удалены по их требованию.

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Специальность: 34.02.01 Сестринское дело базовой подготовки.
Выполнила: Конева Е.П.,
преподаватель английского языка

Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch - German microbiologist.

Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch - German microbiologist.

Opened the Bacillus of anthrax, Vibrio cholerae and the tubercle

Opened the Bacillus of anthrax, Vibrio cholerae and the tubercle Bacillus. For research of tuberculosis awarded the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine in 1905.

Robert Koch was born on December 11, 1843 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, in the family Herman

Robert Koch was born on December 11, 1843 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, in the family Herman and Matilda Henrietta Koch. Was the third of thirteen children. Father - mining engineer, I worked in the local mines. The mother, the daughter of an official of Henry Andreas Bevanda, chief inspector of the Kingdom of Hanover.

In 1848 went to the local primary school. At this time, already knew how

In 1848 went to the local primary school. At this time, already knew how to read and write. Well after school, Robert Koch in 1851 entered the gymnasium of Clausthal.

In 1862 Koh graduated from high school and then arrives at the famous scientific traditions of the

In 1862 Koh graduated from high school and then arrives at the famous scientific traditions of the Gottingen University.
There he studies physics, botany, and then and medicine.

The most important role in shaping the interest of the future of the great scientist to research

The most important role in shaping the interest of the future of the great scientist to research played many of his professors, including
anatomist Jacob Henle, physiologist Georg Meissner and Clinician Charles of Hesse.

In 1866 Robert finished her studies in the University and receive a diploma. From this time he

In 1866 Robert finished her studies in the University and receive a diploma. From this time he starts working in various hospitals, and at the same time, unsuccessfully trying to organize a private practice in five different cities of Germany. Later he wants to become a military doctor or to travel around the world as a ship's doctor, while finally are not established in the city Require, where he began his medical practice as an assistant in the hospital for the insane.
In 1867, he married Emma Adelfina Josephine Fraz.

In 1870 begins the Franco-Prussian war, and work Koch in the hospital is interrupted. Koh voluntarily becomes

In 1870 begins the Franco-Prussian war, and work Koch in the hospital is interrupted. Koh voluntarily becomes a doctor field hospital, in spite of strong short-sightedness. The new service, he gets a big practical experience in dealing with the treatment of infectious diseases, in particular cholera and typhoid.
At the same time studying under a microscope algae and large microbes, improving his skills in microphotography.

In 1871 Koch was demobilized. On dvadtsatisemiletny wife presented him with a microscope, and since then

In 1871 Koch was demobilized. On dvadtsatisemiletny wife presented him with a microscope, and since then Robert whole days spent at him.
He loses all interest in private medical practice, and began to carry out research and experiments, which gets a large number of mice.

In 1872 Koch is assigned to the district health officer in Wolstein. He found that around

In 1872 Koch is assigned to the district health officer in Wolstein. He found that around Volshteyna among cattle and sheep disseminated endemic disease, anthrax, which affects the lungs, causes carbuncles skin and change the lymph nodes.

Knowing about the experiences of Louis Pasteur on animals, patients with anthrax, Koh using a microscope

Knowing about the experiences of Louis Pasteur on animals, patients with anthrax, Koh using a microscope studies of pathogen, which, presumably, causes anthrax. After a series of experiments, he States that the only cause of the disease is the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, and examines its biological cycle of development. Sets the epidemiological features of the disease. This research was first proved bacterial origin of the disease.

In 1876 and 1877, with the assistance of botany Ferdinand Cohn and the pathologist Julia Congame

In 1876 and 1877, with the assistance of botany Ferdinand Cohn and the pathologist Julia Congame at the University of Breslau (now the Polish city of Wroclaw) publishes articles Koch on problems of anthrax. These works brought him fame. Koh publishes a description of their laboratory methods, including painting bacterial culture and microphotographs of its structure.

The results Koch were presented to the scientists of the laboratory of Konheim, including Paul

The results Koch were presented to the scientists of the laboratory of Konheim, including Paul Ehrlich. Work Koch bring him fame and in 1880, thanks to the efforts of Konheim, Koh becomes a government adviser in the Imperial Department of health in Berlin.

In 1881 Koh publishes the work

In 1881 Koh publishes the work "Methods of study of pathogenic organisms", which describes a method of growing microbes on firm nutrient mediums. This method was essential to isolate and study the pure bacterial cultures.

After that, between Koch and Pasteur - until this time leader in Microbiology - a

After that, between Koch and Pasteur - until this time leader in Microbiology - a fierce debate. After Koh published a highly critical reviews of the Pasteur research anthrax, leadership last staggered, and between the two outstanding scientists flashes enmity lasting several years. All this time they are locked in bitter disputes and discussions on the pages of magazines and in public speeches.

TUBERCULOSISLater Koh attempts to find the cause of tuberculosis, the disease at the time of

Later Koh attempts to find the cause of tuberculosis, the disease at the time of widespread and is the primary cause of death. The proximity of the clinic Charite, filled tuberculosis patients that makes it a task - it daily, early morning comes to the hospital where he receives material for research: a small amount of sputum or a few drops of blood of patients with tuberculosis.

The Institute of Microbiology at Dorotheenstrasse in Berlin - here Robert Koch discovered the cause

The Institute of Microbiology at Dorotheenstrasse in Berlin - here Robert Koch discovered the cause of tuberculosis.

However, despite the abundance of material, he still does not detect the pathogen. Soon Koh

However, despite the abundance of material, he still does not detect the pathogen. Soon Koh understands that this can be accomplished only with the help of dyes. Unfortunately, conventional dyes are too weak, but after several months of unsuccessful job he still manages to find the necessary substances. Pounded tuberculosis fabric 271 on drug Koh colors in methyl the blueprint, and then in caustic red-brown paint used in the decoration of the skin, and discovers a tiny, slightly curved, bright blue colored sticks - sticks Koch. on March 24, 1882, when he announced that managed to isolate the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. At that time the disease was one of the main causes of mortality.

Mycobactérium tuberculósis, Koch's Bacillus (ILO, BK)- type of mycobacteria described March 24, 1882 Robert Koch
(March 24, who declared the world day against tuberculosis).

The study Koch tuberculosis was interrupted when he is on assignment of the German government

The study Koch tuberculosis was interrupted when he is on assignment of the German government as part of a scientific expedition went to Egypt and India to try to determine the cause of cholera. Working in India, Koch announced that he identified the microbe that causes the disease - Vibrio cholerae.

In 1885 Koch became a Professor at the University of Berlin and Director of the

In 1885 Koch became a Professor at the University of Berlin and Director of the newly created Institute of hygiene. At the same time he continues the research of tuberculosis, focusing on finding ways to treat the disease.

In 1905, for

In 1905, for "research and discoveries concerning the treatment of tuberculosis", Robert Koch awarded the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine. In his Nobel lecture laureate said that if we look back at the path, "which has been passed in recent years in the fight against such widespread diseases as tuberculosis, we cannot fail to admit that there were taken the first important steps.

On may 27, 1910, Robert Koch died in Baden-Baden from a heart attack.

On may 27, 1910, Robert Koch died in Baden-Baden from a heart attack.

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