Find these words in the text человечество готовить доклад

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

6. Match the words from the text to make phrases, then use them in sentences of your own to talk about the text. — Сопоставьте слова из текста, чтобы сформировать фразы, затем используйте их в ваших собственных предложениях по теме текста.

  1. nuclear — d) power — ядерная энергия
  2. figurative — e) speech — образная речь
  3. household — b) robots — роботы-домохозяйки
  4. artificial — a) brain — искусственный мозг
  5. emotional — f) responses — эмоциональные реакции
  6. overcome — с) a problem — преодолеть проблему

We all live in an age of nuclear power, nanotechnologies, worldwide Internet and robots. These technologies make our life better and simpler. But we have a lot to do for developing our technologies in a better way. Modern robots can make only simple actions but with high-level mobility and accuracy. We have robots that can vacuum or mop the floor but we don’t have such robots like household robots for instance. That’s all because our robots can’t be multifunctional yet. They can’t interact with the outer world by themselves easily and can’t make correct decisions in complex situations. Do you want to know why? It’s quite simple. Robots are programmable machines and do only actions programmed by a human. They can’t think by themselves and people are not able yet to overcome the problem of really working artificial brain creation. But I have no doubt that people will invent it someday and we’ll get human-like robots that will think like a human, make multitask decisions, produce emotional responses and understand figurative speech.

Мы все живем в эпоху ядерной энергии, нанотехнологий, всемирного Интернета и роботов. Эти технологии делают нашу жизнь лучше и проще. Но нам предстоит еще многое сделать для совершенствования наших технологий. Современные роботы могут делать только простые действия, но с высокой мобильностью и точностью. У нас есть роботы, которые могут пылесосить или мыть пол, но у нас нет таких роботов, как, например, роботы-домохозяйки. Это все потому, что наши роботы пока не могут быть многофункциональными. Они не могут взаимодействовать с внешним миром самостоятельно и не могут принимать правильные решения в сложных ситуациях. Хотите знать почему? Это довольно просто. Роботы — это программируемые машины и выполняют только действия, запрограммированные человеком. Они не могут думать самостоятельно, а люди пока не в состоянии решить проблему создания действительно работающего искусственного мозга. Но я не сомневаюсь, что люди однажды изобретут его, и мы получим роботов, похожих на человека, которые будут мыслить как люди, принимать многозадачные решения, проявлять эмоции и понимать образную речь.

7. Find the correct word. Check in the Word List. — Найдите правильное слово. Сверьтесь со словарем.

  1. The invention/ discovery of a thinking robot lies in the future. — Изобретение думающего робота лежит в будущем.
  2. Robot factory workers are now a fact /reality. — Роботы-рабочие на заводах сегодня уже реальность.
  3. The main problem/trouble with creating a robot is how to give it intelligence. — Главная проблема в создании робота — как наделить его интеллектом.
  4. I would love to own a robot that could clean/ clear my house. — Я бы хотел, чтобы у меня был робот, который мог бы убраться в моем доме.
  5. Language is an obstruction /obstacle to creating a functioning robot. — Язык — это помеха в создании функционирующего робота.
  6. It is quite ordinary /common for households to have a microwave. — Довольно привычно иметь дома микроволновку.

8. Imagine that robots existed that could do all the housework and lots of other tasks, too. In pairs, discuss how your life would change if you had one. — Представьте, что появились роботы, которые могли выполнять всю работу по дому и много других задач. В парах подискутируйте, насколько бы изменилась ваша жизнь, если бы у вас был такой робот.

  • A: If I had such a robot I would be very happy. It would clean my room, make my bed and take out the garbage instead of me. — Если бы у меня был такой робот, я был бы очень счастлив. Он бы убирал мою комнату, заправлял мою кровать и выбрасывал бы мусор вместо меня.
  • B: Yeah, it would be great! It would cook for my family and take our dog for a walk. — Да, было бы здорово! Он бы готовил еду для моей семьи и выгуливал бы нашу собаку.
  • A: Just imagine what could we do then! — Просто представь, что бы мы тогда могли сделать!
  • B: I would play my computer games all day. — Я бы играл в компьютерные игры весь день.
  • A: And I would pay all my attention to my lessons to improve my marks. — А я бы уделил все свое внимание урокам, чтобы улучшить свои оценки.


Make notes on the main points of the text under appropriate headings. Start your piece of writing with one sentence that summarises the idea of the whole text. Write your summary, including all the main points in your own words. Check that your summary is clear, complete and makes sense.


Сделайте пометки по основным моментам текста под соответствующими заголовками. Начните писать одно предложение, которое обобщит идею всего текста. Напишите свое изложение, включив в него все основные моменты вашими собственными словами. Убедитесь, что ваше изложение является понятным, полным и логичным.

9. Listen to and read the text again. Think of a heading for each paragraph. Make notes under the headings. Write your summary. Read it to the class. — Послушайте и прочитайте текст еще раз. Придумайте заголовки для каждого параграфа. Сделайте пометки под каждым заголовком. Напишите ваше изложение. Прочитайте его классу.

Science fiction writers, including Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov, wrote about rockets to the moon, nuclear power, the Internet and robots. All of these things are now a reality: that is of course, except for the robots. So where are these household robots we were promised? Where are our robot helpers to do the ironing, cook dinner, walk the dog, clean the house and so on?

It is true that we have already got some robots which can perform a single task such as vacuuming the carpets or mowing the lawn, but what about the human-like companions we were promised that can walk, talk and cater for all our needs? Perhaps it is much more difficult in practice than in theory to build such a robot.

The truth is that for such a robot to exist it must be able to think and scientists simply don’t know how to give robots this ability. They don’t have the knowledge to give a robot intelligence or the power of reasoning. Worse still, it seems that they may never work it out. Researchers say that the best way to overcome this problem is to study the human brain and try and create an artificial brain that copies its functions.

Nevertheless, scientists have already overcome other problems such as mobility. For example, Honda’s ASIMO robot can walk, run and climb stairs without any problems. Also, robots can now look more human thanks to roboticist David Hanson’s invention of a skin covering called Frubber, which has been used on robots such as Repliee Q2. Language may be another obstacle as robots have to be able to understand figurative speech such as idioms, as well as gestures and emotional responses.

All in all, experts are divided as to when robot assistants may become a reality. Some say five years, others say fifty. Who knows – soon household robots may be as common as home computers.

Писатели-фантасты, включая Жюля Верна и Айзека Азимова, писали о ракетах на Луну, ядерной энергии, Интернете и роботах. Все эти вещи стали реальностью: конечно, за исключением роботов. Так где же эти роботы-домохозяйки, которых нам обещали? Где наши роботы-помощники, чтобы гладить, готовить ужин, выгуливать собаку, убирать в доме и так далее?

Это правда, что у нас уже есть некоторые роботы, которые могут выполнить одну задачу, например, пропылесосить ковры или постричь газон, но что насчет человекоподобных компаньонов, которые могут ходить, говорить и удовлетворять все наши потребности? Возможно, на практике гораздо труднее, чем в теории, создать такого робота.

Правда в том, что для существования такого робота он должен уметь думать, а ученые просто не знают, как дать роботам эту способность. У них нет знаний, чтобы дать роботу интеллект или возможность рассуждать. Что еще хуже, кажется, что они никогда не смогут развить эти способности у роботов. Исследователи говорят, что лучший способ решить эту проблему — изучить человеческий мозг и попытаться создать искусственный мозг, который скопирует его функции.

Тем не менее ученые уже преодолели другие проблемы, такие как мобильность. Например, робот Honda ASIMO может ходить, бегать и подниматься по лестнице без каких-либо проблем. Кроме того, роботы теперь могут выглядеть более похожими на людей благодаря изобретению робототехником Дэвидом Хэнсоном кожного покрытия Frubber, которое использовалось на роботах, таких как Repliee Q2. Язык может быть еще одним препятствием, так как роботы должны уметь понимать образную речь, такую как идиомы, а также жесты и эмоциональные реакции.

В целом, эксперты расходятся во мнениях о том, когда роботы-помощники могут стать реальностью. Некоторые говорят, что пять лет, другие — пятьдесят. Кто знает, может быть скоро роботы-домохозяйки станут такими же привычными, как домашние компьютеры.

  • Para 1. Where are the robots? — Где роботы?
    • some writers wrote about future technologies — писатели писали о технологиях будущего;
    • nowadays technology has advanced but there are still no household-robots — сегодня технологии развиваются, но до сих пор нет роботов-домохозяек.
    • we have robots can do some things — у нас еть роботы, которые делают кое-какие вещи;
    • there are no human-like robots — нет человекоподобных роботов;
    • difficult to build human-like robots — сложно создать человекоподобных роботов.
    • scientists don’t know how to make a robot think — ученые не знают как заставить робота думать;
    • scientists say that the best way is to copy the human brain — ученые говорят, что лучший способ — скопировать человеческий мозг.
    • robots can move, for instance, ASIMO — роботы могут двигаться, например, АСИМО;
    • scientists made skin covering called Frubber for robots — ученые создали кожное покрытие Frubber;
    • robots should understand figurative speech and express emotional responses — роботы должны понимать образную речь и проявлять эмоции.
    • no one knows when human-like robots will be a reality — никто не знает, когда человекоподобные роботы станут реальностью.

    Возможный вариант изложения:

    We all know that some famous writers wrote about future technologies. They wrote about nuclear power, space ships and robots. Nowadays technology has advanced and we can see a lot of predicted technologies but there are still no household-robots. There are robots that can do some things, for example, work in production, vacuum and mop floors or mow a lawn. But there are still no human-like robots. Probably it’s difficult to build human-like robots because scientists don’t know how to make a robot think. Some scientists say that the best way to create artificial intelligence is to copy the human brain.

    Nevertheless, modern robots possess impressive mobility and accuracy. For instance, robot ASIMO by Honda can walk, run and climb stairs without any problems. Scientists even made few steps towards human-like robot appearance, they invent skin covering called Frubber for robots. But there are a lot of things that robots should learn. They should learn how to understand figurative speech, express emotional responses and solve multitask problems to be like a human. So no one knows when human-like robots which we can speak with will be a reality.

    Все мы знаем, что некоторые известные писатели писали о будущих технологиях. Они писали о ядерной энергии, космических кораблях и роботах. В настоящее время технологии прогрессируют, и мы можем встретить много предсказанных технологий, но все еще нет домашних роботов. Есть роботы, которые могут делать некоторые вещи, например, работать в производстве, пылесосить и мыть полы или косить газон. Но до сих пор нет человекоподобных роботов. Вероятно, создать роботов, подобных человеку, сложно, потому что ученые не знают, как заставить робота думать. Некоторые ученые говорят, что лучший способ создать искусственный интеллект — это скопировать человеческий мозг.

    Тем не менее, современные роботы обладают впечатляющей мобильностью и точностью. Например, робот АСИМО от Хонды может ходить, бегать и подниматься по лестнице без каких-либо проблем. Учёные даже сделали несколько шагов к появлению роботов, похожих на человека, они изобрели кожное покрытие под названием Frubber для роботов. Но есть много вещей, которым роботы еще должны научиться. Они должны научиться понимать образную речь, проявлять эмоциональные реакции и решать многозадачные проблемы, чтобы быть похожими на человека. Так что никто не знает, когда человекоподобные роботы, с которыми мы можем поговорить, станут реальностью.

    • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
    • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

    Задание : Переведите текст письменно, выполните задания после текста.

    Computer is my friend, but not the best.

    Nowadays we live in information era, when information is the key and engine of progress. Future is speed and power. Our society needs to develop means of information. The Internet, phones, telegraph, cell phones, radio, TV are all the means of communication. They are no longer symbols of prestige but tools, which let to use working time more effectively.

    60 years ago people didn't even heard of computers, and today we can't imagine our life without them. Let's remember some facts from the history of computer development.

    The first computer was made in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer or ENIAC. Its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the computer revolution is still going on.

    The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic "neutral networks". Of course, they will be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.

    Nowadays, practically everyone has a computer at home. Computers play a very important role in our life. They are used by people of all ages: from teens to professional businessmen. We can't imagine our modern school without using a computer. We can make projects, slide-shows and even films at our lessons with the help of computes. Pupils can use computes to prepare reports, to find information they need, to write compositions, to find new friends with the help of the Internet. The computer is also used as an electronic vocabulary. It is made for people who have no time to look up translations or explanation of words in the dictionary.

    I think computers were invented as machines for business people not to waste their time. They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.

    On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.

    E-mail is a great invention, too. It's faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.

    And now I want to tell some words about the Internet. To my mind, it's the greatest invention of humanity. The Internet is a global computer network. Nowadays million of people are already its active users.

    The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war to get some information to anywhere. Public Internet began in the late 70's.

    Today the Internet is very popular all over the world. A global Net has covered almost the whole planet. It has filled lives of people with joy. Firstly, because of the easiest way of getting information about every part of men's occupation.

    Secondly, it is indispensable for people who communicate frequently with their relatives and friends from others counties. And also the Internet helps to make friends all over the world. You can virtually visit different countries, cities, museums. You can play games and take part in conferences together with people from different countries. The Internet can completely replace such communication facilities as telephony and mail.

    But the Internet carries not only "pluses: There are some negative sides of the Web. First of all, it is connected with the health: The vision may decline, different measles of the back or joints may appear.

    Some people may become nervous; lose their contacts with people surrounding them. They lose their conception of real life. Hackers arouse lots of troubles: the Internet hooligans are interfering in lots of programs, breaking computers, dilating viruses, breaking open even federal governmental sites.

    The Internet and virtual reality on the whole will never be able to replace real relationships between people, to become a big part of people's life.

    Many friends tell me that computer is their best friend. I can't understand how a nothing-feeling machine can be somebody's friend. As for me I enjoy reading books. I think by reading books we learn to think and to feel, we make our speech more eloquent.

    I get pleasure in speaking to my friends, listening to what they say, looking into their eyes, following their impressions and feelings.

    In conclusion, I'd like to say that computes and the Internet are splendid medium if getting information and communication but nobody and nothing is able to replace our devoted friends, family and other vital values.

    Задания к тексту "Computer is my friend, but not the best".

    Task 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What are the means of communication you read in this text?

    2. What is the era we live? What is the key and engine of progress nowadays?

    3. .When was the first computer made? What was its name?

    4. How can pupils, students, and teachers use computer in their studying?

    5. What is on-line shopping?

    6. What is the Internet?

    7. When did the history of Internet begin?

    8. How does the Internet help people to communicate?

    9. What are health troubles connected with the Internet?

    10. Can the computer the best friend? Why do you think so?

    Task 2. Прочитайте утверждения. Скажите правда или ложь. Write they are TRUE or FALSE.

    1. The first computer was very little.

    2. The computer is the best friend of all people. There is no better friend than computer.

    3. The Internet is indispensable for people who communicate frequently with their relatives and friends from others countries.

    4. The computer saves a lot of time.

    5. Public Internet began in the late 60's.

    6. The computers are used by only children, students and youth

    7. . Internet carries has only "pluses”: There are no negative sides of the Web.

    8. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.

    9. We can imagine our modern school without using a computer.

    10. Nobody and nothing is able to replace our devoted friends, family and other vital values.

    Task 3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

    1. Our society needs to ………….

    2. The Internet can completely replace such communication facilities as ………….

    3. . The Internet has covered …………………….

    4. Nowadays ………………………….. are already its active users.

    5. Computers and the Internet are splendid …………….

    Task 4. Find these words in the text.

    человечество, готовить доклад, делать ошибки, диагностировать болезни, выжить, объяснение, словарь, в ручную, инструменты, экономить, тратить время впустую, представление, болезнь спины и суставов, красноречивый, необходимый, государственные сайты, бесчувственная машина, вирусы, вмешиваться, искать в интернете, пользователи, ядерная война.

    человечество, готовить доклад, делать ошибки, диагностировать болезни, выжить, объяснение, словарь, в ручную, инструменты, экономить, тратить время впустую, представление, болезнь спины и суставов, красноречивый, необходимый, государственные сайты, бесчувственная машина, вирусы, вмешиваться, искать в интернете, пользователи, ядерная война.

    Task 5. Write the advantages (преимущества) and disadvantages (недостатки) of the computer and the Internet.



    3.7. Повседневная жизнь. Рабочий день студента.

    1. to get (got, got) up - вставать

    2. to wake (woke, woken) up - просыпаться, будить

    3. an alarm clock - будильник

    4. to do (did, done) morning exercises - делать зарядку

    5. to make (made, made) the bed - заправлять постель

    6. to shave - бриться

    7. to clean one’s teeth - чистить зубы

    8. to wash - мыть(ся), умывать(ся

    9. to take (took, taken) a warm (cold) - принимать теплый
      shower (холодный) душ

    10. to dry oneself - вытираться

    11. to comb one’s hair - причесываться

    12. to be ready for … , - быть готовым к … ,

    13. to get (got, got)ready for - готовиться

    14. to be in a hurry - спешить, торопиться

    15. to be late for classes - опаздывать на

    1. to leave (left, left) for the - уходить в универ-

    1. to get (got, got) to the University - добираться до уни-

    1. it goes without saying - само собой разумеется

    2. a credit test book - зачетная книжка

    3. to be sorry - сожалеть

    4. I wish you luck - желаю удачи

    5. see you soon - до скорой встречи

    6. ahead of time - заранее

    7. to advise - советовать

    8. to turn up - внезапно появиться

    9. this and that - о том, о сем

    10. a boring day - скучный день

    11. to be right, to be wrong - быть правым, быть

    1. to give (gave, given) a lift - подвезти

    2. that’s settled - решено

    3. to be through with - быть готовым

    1. never mind - не беспокойся,

    He jumps out of bed, opens the window, does his morning exercises to the music, makes the bed and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he shaves, cleans his teeth and washes his face and hands. Sometimes he takes a cold or a warm shower. Then he dries himself on a towel and combs his hair in front of the mirror. Then he goes back to his room and dresses. In some minutes he is ready for breakfast. He usually has a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich or two. Mike is always in a hurry because he doesn’t want to be late for classes. At 7.30 he leaves home for the College. He usually gets to the College by bus. The bus stop is only a few minutes walk from Nick’s house. It takes him about half an hour to get to the College. So, he comes to the College some minutes before the bell rings. He has enough time to get everything ready for his classes. His days are not like each other because he has a different timetable every day. As a rule he has 2 or 3 lectures and a seminar or a lab. Sometimes there is a gap of 2 hours that comes in between lectures or practical classes and it’s not convenient for both students and teachers. Mike does his best not to miss classes because he knows that missing classes is a sure way to fail at exams. At 11.10 o’clock he has a break for lunch. Mike goes to the canteen. After the break classes go on. They are usually over at about 3 or 4 o’clock. After classes Mike usually goes home. After a day of hard work Mike feels very tired and he hurries home. At home he has dinner and a short rest, then he does his homework and helps his mother about the house. In the evening Mike watches a serial or a detective story on TV. Sometimes he goes out with his friends. Mike goes in for sports. Twice a week he plays volleyball in the College gym. He returns home at 8 p.m. and has supper. When he stays at home in the evening he has supper with his parents. At supper they talk about different sort of things, including plans for the coming day.

    At about 12 o’clock Mike goes to bed. You see, Mike is too busy and he always looks forward to the weekend.
    III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

    - I got up at 6.30 a.m. And you?

    - I got up at 8 a.m.

    - Because I have my classes later than usual.
    Dialogue 2.

    - Will you help me, please?

    - I would if I could. I’ve got a lot of work to do.

    - What are you busy with?

    - I have got to read and to translate two texts from English into Russian.

    - How much time does it take you to do this?

    - It’s hard to say. I’ll be busy till the end of the working day.

    - What time will you be free?

    - May I give you a lift?

    - It will be very kind of you.

    - That’s settled. See you soon.

    - Good bye.
    Dialogue 3.

    Victor. – Are you through with your homework?

    Nick. – Oh, no Victor. I have so many things to do for Monday.

    Victor. – But look at you watch. It’s a quarter to twelve. It’s time to go to bed.

    Nick. – Never mind. Tomorrow is Sunday. It’s our day-off.
    Dialogue 4.

    - Hello, Nick! Did you have a good day?

    - Not bad! The usual sort of thing. Practical classes, lectures. You know.

    - Did you try to take your English exam ahead of time?

    - Well, I did. But the teacher advised me to get ready for English better.

    - After classes I went to the reading-room. It took me an hour to make an abstract of the paper recommended by our teacher of physics. And then Kate turned up. As usual.

    - So, what did you do?

    - We had a long talk.

    - Oh, yes. What about?

    - Oh, this and that. Things. You know. Then we had a lunch.

    - Where did you go? Somewhere nice?

    - No, just the cafe round the corner. Then I returned to the University and stayed at the reading-room till 17 (5 p.m.)

    - Sounds like a boring day.

    - Pete, you look so tired. You don’t feel well, do you?

    - It’s not that. I am really tired. I am going to take my last exam. It’s English.

    - Then you have a lot of work to do!

    - Sure. I’ve got a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and dialogues. I read and translate special texts and retell them. I also pay much attention to topics.

    - Excuse my curiosity, what mark would you like to have in English?

    - You’d better ask me what mark I don’t want to have.

    - I know you have been fond of English since your childhood.

    - How long does your working day last now?

    - From morning till late at night.

    - If you go to bed very late, I think it’s very difficult for you to get up early.

    - I’m not an early riser, so I get up at 8. I am sorry I must be going. Time presses.

    - Good-buy. But don’t forget to have a short rest after hard work. I wish you luck.

    The Working Day of a Student

    Some statements are right, some are wrong. Tick [v] of the right sentences and correct the wrong ones.

    Задание: Переведите текст письменно, выполните задания после текста.

    Computer is my friend, but not the best.

    Nowadays we live in information era, when information is the key and engine of progress. Future is speed and power. Our society needs to develop means of information. The Internet, phones, telegraph, cell phones, radio, TV are all the means of communication. They are no longer symbols of prestige but tools, which let to use working time more effectively.

    60 years ago people didn't even heard of computers, and today we can't imagine our life without them. Let's remember some facts from the history of computer development.

    The first computer was made in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer or ENIAC. Its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the computer revolution is still going on.

    The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic "neutral networks". Of course, they will be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.

    Nowadays, practically everyone has a computer at home. Computers play a very important role in our life. They are used by people of all ages: from teens to professional businessmen. We can't imagine our modern school without using a computer. We can make projects, slide-shows and even films at our lessons with the help of computes. Pupils can use computes to prepare reports, to find information they need, to write compositions, to find new friends with the help of the Internet. The computer is also used as an electronic vocabulary. It is made for people who have no time to look up translations or explanation of words in the dictionary.

    I think computers were invented as machines for business people not to waste their time. They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.

    On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.

    E-mail is a great invention, too. It's faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.

    And now I want to tell some words about the Internet. To my mind, it's the greatest invention of humanity. The Internet is a global computer network. Nowadays million of people are already its active users.

    The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war to get some information to anywhere. Public Internet began in the late 70's.

    Today the Internet is very popular all over the world. A global Net has covered almost the whole planet. It has filled lives of people with joy. Firstly, because of the easiest way of getting information about every part of men's occupation.

    Secondly, it is indispensable for people who communicate frequently with their relatives and friends from others counties. And also the Internet helps to make friends all over the world. You can virtually visit different countries, cities, museums. You can play games and take part in conferences together with people from different countries. The Internet can completely replace such communication facilities as telephony and mail.

    But the Internet carries not only "pluses: There are some negative sides of the Web. First of all, it is connected with the health: The vision may decline, different measles of the back or joints may appear.

    Some people may become nervous; lose their contacts with people surrounding them. They lose their conception of real life. Hackers arouse lots of troubles: the Internet hooligans are interfering in lots of programs, breaking computers, dilating viruses, breaking open even federal governmental sites.

    The Internet and virtual reality on the whole will never be able to replace real relationships between people, to become a big part of people's life.

    Many friends tell me that computer is their best friend. I can't understand how a nothing-feeling machine can be somebody's friend. As for me I enjoy reading books. I think by reading books we learn to think and to feel, we make our speech more eloquent.

    I get pleasure in speaking to my friends, listening to what they say, looking into their eyes, following their impressions and feelings.

    In conclusion, I'd like to say that computes and the Internet are splendid medium if getting information and communication but nobody and nothing is able to replace our devoted friends, family and other vital values.

    Заданияктексту "Computer is my friend, but not the best".

    Task 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    What are the means of communication you read in this text?

    What is the era we live? What is the key and engine of progress nowadays?

    .When was the first computer made? What was its name?

    How can pupils, students, and teachers use computer in their studying?

    What is on-line shopping?

    What is the Internet?

    When did the history of Internet begin?

    How does the Internet help people to communicate?

    What are health troubles connected with the Internet?

    Can the computer the best friend? Why do you think so?

    Task 2. Прочитайте утверждения. Скажите правда или ложь. Write they are TRUE or FALSE.

    The first computer was very little.

    The computer is the best friend of all people. There is no better friend than computer.

    The Internet is indispensable for people who communicate frequently with their relatives and friends from others countries.

    The computer saves a lot of time.

    Public Internet began in the late 60's.

    The computers are used by only children, students and youth

    . Internet carries has only "pluses”: There are no negative sides of the Web.

    It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.

    We can imagine our modern school without using a computer.

    Nobody and nothing is able to replace our devoted friends, family and other vital values.

    Task 3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

    Our society needs to ………….

    The Internet can completely replace such communication facilities as ………….

    . The Internet has covered …………………….

    Nowadays ………………………….. are already its active users.

    Computers and the Internet are splendid …………….

    Task 4. Find these words in the text.

    человечество, готовить доклад, делать ошибки, диагностировать болезни, выжить, объяснение, словарь, в ручную, инструменты, экономить, тратить время впустую, представление, болезнь спины и суставов, красноречивый, необходимый, государственные сайты, бесчувственная машина, вирусы, вмешиваться, искать в интернете, пользователи, ядерная война.

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