Wealth or health план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

- воспитание здоровых привычек и культуры здорового образа жизни;
- воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве.

Тип урока: обобщающий урок

Оборудование: раздаточный материал ( Questionnaire, кроссворд , пословицы), докторский халат и принадлежности, призы.

1. Greeting and Aim
Hello,boys and girls! Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are healthy , some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious thing in people’s life. We can’t buy health , but we can do a lot to keep it. Today we are going to do some interesting exercises, to role-play some situations, to guess crosswords, etc.

2. Warming up. Brainstorming.
Речевая зарядка
Let’s say what is healthy and what is unhealthy.
- I exercise 3 times a week.
- I eat at McDonalds every day.
- I eat fruit and vegetables every morning.
- I wash my hands before breakfast.
- I watch TV 7 hours a day.
- I take a shower in the morning.
- I drink Coca-Cola with every meal.
- I listen to very loud music.
- I visit a doctor regularly.
Фонетическая зарядка
Let’s remember some problems about health. Some of you will get the beginning of the proverb and the other the end. You must find your pair.
1) Good health is above wealth.
2) Live not to eat but eat to live.
3) An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
4) Healthy mind in a healthy body.
(выходят к доске и прикрепляют получившиеся пословицы).

II. Основная часть урока
1. Check on Homework
Projects about healthy life ( some pupils).

2. Vocabulary Practice
At first we should revise some words on our topic.

Health, healthy, pressure, a medicine, pulse, blood, a patient, temperature, a diet, to cough.
Our next task is to find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs.

1. Good health is above wealth.
Здоровье дороже богатства.

2. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Кушай по яблоку в день, и доктор не понадобится.

3. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.

4. A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле - здоровый дух.

3. Relaxing
Turn your eyes to the right,
Turn your eyes to the left.
Up and down
Close your eyes , open your eyes
Put your palm on the eye
Look to the right and then to the left.

Разгадывание кроссворда по теме “Здоровье” (плакат на доске)
Are you tired?
Then have a rest. Solve the puzzle “Health”.
1. A pain in the head. (headache)
2. A pert of a body that helps us to see the word. (eye)
3. We breathe it in and breathe it out. (air)
4. A doctor listens to your heart and … (lungs)
5. When you have a running nose and a cough you also have a … (temperature)
6. A place where we get medical help (hospital)

I have a temperature.
I have a toothache.
I have a cough.
I have a running nose.
I have a pain in the leg.

Ученики дают советы:

If you have … you should / shouldn’t …

Do you know if you are really healthy?
To help you to learn if it is so, answer this questionnaire
Tick “Yes” or “No”

1. Do you begin your day with morning exercises, do it regularly and with a great pleasure?
2. Do you spend a lot of time out of doors every day?
3. Do you refuse from bad habits (smoking, drinking, snacking between meals or eating after 6 p.m.)?
4. Do you limit your time you spend in front of the television and the computer?
5. Are you sporty? Do you go in for sport or join a sports club?
6. Do you keep to a healthy balanced diet?
7. Do you have a hobby?
Count your points. One point for each answer “Yes”.

7 points: You are quite healthy.
3–6 points: Not bad, but be attentive to your health.
0–2 points: Oh, dear! Change your lifestyle. You should think about your future!

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Урок-конкурс английского языка по теме "Здоровье"

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий

Цель урока:

систематизировать знания учащихся по теме;

совершенствовать знания, умения, навыки учащихся по всем видам речевой деятельности:: говорению, письму, чтению и аудированию по данной теме.

Задачи урока:

повторение лексического материала по теме;

развитие навыков устной речи по теме;

развитие познавательного интереса;

формирование навыков бережного отношения к своему здоровью.

Учебные пособия:

учебник “English” 6 класс (автор В.П.Кузовлев);

задания для учащихся;

Техническое обеспечение: компьютер;

Beginning of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning! I am very glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson. How are you today?

Pupil 1: I am fine, thank you! And how are your things?

Pupil 2: Very well , thank you! And how is your health?

Pupil 3: Not bad, thank you!

Teacher: I hope that you are fine today .On your desks you can see pictures of different moods. You can choose one which really shows how you are felling at the moment. You can put a tick in front of it. (Отметить настроение)

Introduction of the lesson:

In a good mood we start our unusual lesson.

Today we shall have a final lesson according to our topic “Does your health depend on you?” Is there anything more important than health? At the lesson you’ll express your opinion towards healthcare. This lesson will be in the form of competition. You will take part in different contests. For each right answer the pupil gets a vitamin. The winner is the player with the most vitamins. Let’s start!

Warm-up Activities:

Dear children! Certainly you know many English words connected with the topic “Health”. Do you know the parts of the body?

Guess the riddles!

A little ball can reach the sky (an eye)

These two brothers live not very far apart;
One of the left, one of the right;
But they never see each other (ears)

It lives alone between two bright stars (a nose)

A thick forest which grows as fast as it is cut down (hair)

It always beats and hops,
It never sleeps or stops:
And never we part with our little … (heart)

Do you know the names of different illnesses?

Do a puzzle.

The students must fill the boxes with the names of the illnesses, so that in the horizontal line they get a word “Temperature”/

Do you know the names of doctors? The students match the English and the Russian words.

Follow –up Activities .

T eacher: Listen to the recording to learn how British children take care of their health Compare your habits with the British chil dren. Make up questions about health habits.The Winner is the group with the most questions. The questions can be following:

Do you go in for sport?

Do you do your morning exercises every day?

What food must you eat to be healthy?

How often do you wash your hands?

How often do you clean your teeth?

How often do you air your room?

Do you walk in the fresh air?

Do you eat fruit and vegetables?

Thank you, children !

I think if a person wants to be healthy he should have health habit. Everybody must know simple rules about keeping fit.. Let’s see how you know them. What should a person do if he/she wants to be healthy? What advice will you give if your friend has:

If you have got a headache you should drink herbal tea or just have a rest;

If you have got a сough you should drink warm milk.

If you have got a toothache you should go to the dentist.

If you have got a burn you should put the burn under cold water

(The winner is with the most answers.)

Teacher: Children, you have worked hard. Aren’t you tired? It’s time for fun .I suppose it is time to have a rest. Let’s sing our favorite song and do aerobics.

If you’re healthy

If you’re healthy and you know it ,
Clap your hands.
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Clap your hands.

If you’re healthy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Clap your hands.

If you’re healthy and you know it,
Snap you fingers.
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Snap you fingers.

If you’re healthy and you know it,
Slap your legs.
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Slap your legs.

If you’re healthy and you know it,
Stamp your feet.
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Stamp your feet.

If you’re healthy and you know it,
Say OK
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Say OK

If you’re healthy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you’re healthy and you know it,
Say OK

Teacher: Now it is time for drama.

The task for the first group: Make up dialogues between friends.

The task for the second group: Make up dialogues between a doctor and a patient.

The winner is with the best dialogue.

Teacher: Finally we’ll discuss the question: How to keep fit? I know that you are eager to present your projects. Which group will be the first?

(Then pupils present their projects.)

Teacher: Put the words into right order and read English proverbs!

better, than, is, wealth, health (Health is better than wealth)

bed, and, wise, man to early to, wealthy, makes, early, to rise, a (Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise).

аn/ keeps / a/ day / apple / away/ doctor / away/ (An apple a day keeps a doctor away).

Teacher: Take this “magic “apple –a symbol of many important things, а symbol of health. Pass it to your friend with good words to him

Дети, передавая яблоко друг другу, произносят добрые слова- пожелания oдноклассникам.

P1: I wish you to be happy I promise you not to quarrel.

P2: I wish you to be healthy I promise you not to give nick - name

P3: I wish you to be kind I promise you not to hurt

P4: I wish you to be hardworking I promise you to help

P5: I wish you to be brave I wish you to do well I promise you to be kind

Teacher: Your home task is to write a letter to your English language teacher about our lesson. For volunteers there is one more task. You can write your own poem in English about Health.

Определение настроения в конце урока.

Сравнение с началом урока .

Подведение итогов урока .

Teacher: Take your pictures of different moods once more and choose one which shows your mood at the moment. Is it different? Can you explain why? It’s time we finish our lesson, You’ve worked hard.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

План-конспект урока в 5 классе по теме: Good health is above wealth. Урок обощения и систематизации знаний.

Ваш браузер должен поддерживать фреймы Ваш браузер должен поддерживать фреймы--> --> Ваш браузер должен поддерживать фреймы--> --> Ваш браузер должен поддерживать фреймы--> -->


наличием незнакомой лексики, закрепить у мение наблюдать, сравнивать, анализировать.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, карточки для парной и групповой работы.

I. Организационный момент, ситуативная обусловленность темы .

Teacher: Dear children! Today I invite you to take part in our lesson connected

to the topic “Health”. All of us know how important to have good health, to be healthy. Do you

An apple a day keeps … (help me, please) Yes, that’s right ..keeps the doctor awa y . I’m sure all

of you try to go in for sport to be healthy and don't have bad habits.

• Повторение и активизация лексики . (Работа с карточками)

T: L et’s work in pairs: one pupil will make a compound with the word ache and the other - a

sentence: e.g.: Did your mother have a stomachache yesterday?

T: What should we do in order not to have a toothache?

- we shouldn’t eat too many sweets; - we should eat more vegetables and fr uit;

T: What should we do in order not to have a headache?

- we shouldn’t play computer games for more than 1hour a day;

- we shouldn’t read books in bed or when there isn’t enough light in the room.

T: What should we do in order not to have a stomachache?

T: And now we’ll divide your group into two teams and check your memory. You shoud

remember proverbs about health. We have learnt many of them. ( Команды зачитывают друг

другу по - очереди пословицы на русском языке и переводят их на английский):

1. Здоровье дороже богатст ва . (Health is better than wealth).

2. Голод - лучшая приправа . (Hunger is better than sauce).

3. Аппетит приходит во время еды . (T he appetite comes with eating).

4. Кто рано встает , тому бог дает . (Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy

5. Яблоко каждый день, и доктор не нужен . ( An apple a day keeps the doctor away).

T: Thank you for being so active. Now look at the screen. You can see pictures of 3 vitamins.

( Соответствующие изображения с проду ктами питания на экране.)

Физк у льтмину тка : T: Well done, children. And we have the right to relax. Listen to me and do

what I say. Now stand up, hands high up, hands down, to the sides, ahead, down, up, to the sides,

ahead, close your eyes, open your eyes, move your eyes to the right, then to the left, move them

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