Using memory techniques план урока

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Согласно концепции коммуникативного обучения интеллектуальное развитие учащихся является одной из самых значимых задач обучения. Иностранный язык выступает не только в качестве цели, но и как мощный инструмент для реализации развивающего аспекта обучения.

Факультативные занятия посещаются старшеклассниками с достаточно высоким уровнем владения языком и устойчивой мотивацией к учению. Считаю, что содержание занятий удовлетворяет интеллектуальным запросам учеников.

Уровень владения английским языком – Intermediate.

В качестве предмета изучения и обсуждения взята актуальная проблема – как улучшить свои способности к запоминанию.
Факультативные занятия имеют практическую значимость.
Возможен межпредметный перенос знаний и умений.
Представлен богатый, сложный лексический материал.
На занятиях варьируются формы взаимодействия: индивидуальная, парная, групповая работа.
Овладение языком происходит в разных видах речевой деятельности.
На заключительном этапе изучения темы старшеклассники выполняют творческую работу исследовательского характера.

Таким образом, содержание факультативных занятий, используемые методы и приёмы направлены, во-первых, на развитие коммуникативных умений, во-вторых, на пополнение знаний учащихся о способах саморазвития, об особенностях процесса запоминания, сохранения и извлечения информации и, в-третьих, на практическое овладение конкретными эффективными приёмами работы с учебным материалом.

Ожидаемым результатом работы является повышение уровня владения английским языком, расширение кругозора старшеклассников и перенос знаний и навыков учебного труда в другие образовательные области.

Цели занятий:

Учебный аспект: формирование лексических навыков по теме “Улучшайте свою память” и совершенствование коммуникативных умений в чтении и говорении.

Познавательный аспект: накопление знаний о способах развития человеческой памяти.

Развивающий аспект: развитие памяти учащихся через формирование навыков эффективного запоминания; развитие способностей к аналогии, обобщению, анализу, синтезу.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание потребности к самосовершенствованию, овладению эффективными способами организации учебного труда.

1. Warming up. Activating Topical Vocabulary.

Task: Match the words and their definitions.

Have a good memory
Have a bad memory
Have a short memory
Have a long memory
Do something from memory
– be good at remembering things
– do something such as say a poem or play a piece of music by remembering it
– remember something for a long time
– the ability to remember things, places, experiences etc.
– be bad at remembering something
– to change into a more advanced stage
– to learn words, music etc.
– to teach someone or to be taught the skills of a particular job or activity
– remember something for a short time

2. Pair Discussion.

Task: Discuss these questions in pairs.
What do people use their memories for?
Do you use your memory while learning a foreign language?
Do you have a good or a bad memory for English words?
Which memory is more important: a short or a long memory? Why?
Can people develop their memories?
Do you know anything about human memory?
Do you train your memory? Which way?
Each pair of Ss presents the answers to the whole class.

3. Pre-reading Activity.

Teacher should display the picture of the nine planets.

Task: Within 3 minutes learn the order of the planets from the nearest to the sun to the furthest.
Ss name the planets by memory and answer Teacher’s questions:
1) How many planets did you get right?
2) Which way did you remember:

– do you know the order in you own language?
– did you translate the names into Russian?
– did you repeat the names several times?
– did you write the names down?
– did you use pictures in order to remember?
– did you do anything else? If so, what?

4. Reading. Text “Mnemonics and How They Work”.

Task: read the text to find out more about memory techniques. While reading list the principles of memorizing.

Teaching New Vocabulary:

Mnemonics – мнемоника
To register – запечатлевать
Texture – строение, структура
link – связующее звено
exaggeration – преувеличение
mental – умственный
ridiculous –смешной, нелепый

“Mnemonics and How They Work ”

One useful learning technique is mnemonics. The ancient Greeks developed this memory system from their worship of Mnemosyne, who was the goddess of memory. They learnt that you can remember things by linking them together in some way. For example, as soon as your brain registers the word “apple” it remembers the colours, tastes, textures, smells, etc. of that particular fruit. So memory links can be made ber and longer-lasting by following these principles:

1 IMAGINATION. The more you apply your imagination to memory links, the more easily you will remember something.
2 EXAGGERATION. Exaggerate the size, shape, sound, etc. of all your mental images.
3 HUMOUR. The funnier and more ridiculous you make your images, the more memorable they will be.
4 MOVEMENT. In any mnemonic image, movement makes it even easier for your brain to remember things.

So, if you wanted to remember the order of the nine planets from the sun, you might simply create a fantastic story in your imagination. For example, imagine that you are in space, reading a giant thermometer which breaks and covers the floor with tiny balls of silver liquid (Mercury). A beautiful goddess (Venus), who is wearing white, comes in to see what is happening, etc.
This all sounds very good, but is there any scientific support for these beliefs? The answer is yes! After all, what the ancient Greeks were suggesting means that we use both the left and the right side of our brains, and there is a lot of evidence that association techniques do work.

4. Post-reading Pair work.

  1. Did the techniques you used to remember the order of the planets follow any of the principles you have just read about?
  2. What principles do you use to help you learn new English vocabulary? Share your experience of using mnemonics and other learning techniques, and consider how you might use them in foreign languages.
  3. Which way of memorizing words is better: to associate them in meaning or to arrange them in the alphabetical order?
  4. Which way is easier: to remember separated words that begin with the same letter or words that are based on the same root? (article, apple, antonym, –or – price, priceless, pricey)?

5. Presentation of the ways of organizing a vocabulary notebook.

Ss come to the following conclusion: they can make memorizing English words easier by associating them in a certain way. It will make their memory links ber and longer-lasting. Learning words together that are associated in meaning is a popular and useful way of organizing Ss’ vocabulary study.
T suggests some ways of organizing vocabulary notebooks. They are the following: a word wheel, a network, a word tree, a word fork, opposites, synonyms.

6. Organizing a Vocabulary Notebook. Group work.

Task: use one of these ways to write down the words on topic “The English Language”.

1. Warming up. Brainstorming. Small group activity.

Task: Ss make as many word combinations with the word “memory” as possible.

Ss answer the following questions:

– What does the word “mnemonics” mean?
– What is the basic idea of mnemonics?
– What principles should we follow to make memory links ber?
– Were there any useful ideas for you?

3. Reading for the main idea.

Text “How to Boost Your Memory”.

Task: read the following article and choose a heading from the list below for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

  1. A very powerful mechanism.
  2. Why we forget our earliest memories.
  3. Short term and long term memory
  4. Health body; health mind.
  5. An old approach but a good one.
  6. Are you forgetful?

“How to Boost Your Memory”

Perhaps you do badly in exams because you can’t recall facts and figures or words and structures in a foreign language. Are you always losing things or forgetting the books you need for school that day? Relax! Help is close at hand. There’s a tremendous range of methods to boost your memory.

Your memory is like a brilliant, but unreliable computer storing a vast amount of information. In fact the memory’ capacity is theoretically unlimited. The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day and our memories can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime.

Nevertheless only about 20 per cent of our daily experience is registered, and of that only a tiny proportion is loaded into long tern memory. Most of the images and ideas that pass through our minds during a day are held for only 25 to 30 seconds. This is just long enough for us to be able to keep the words of a sentence in our head as we read it so we understand its meaning.

Normal, healthy people can improve their memories very easily. First of all learn to relax if you’re trying to memorize something. You may miss important items if your mind is on something else or if you weren’t paying attention because of anxiety – you retain information best when you are alert and concentrating. If you’re having trouble concentrating, increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Despite its small size the brain uses 20 per cent of the body’s oxygen requirement. So try to combine study with exercise, particularly the kind of exercise that gets you breathing faster. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords, Scrabble and quizzes all help to keep the mind in shape.

You can also train your memory in certain ways. The ancient Greeks invented memory systems called mnemonics, and they still work today. Most systems involve associating the things you want to remember with something you already have safely stored in your head, and the most effective systems make use of visual imagery, smell, touch and sound. If you want to remember someone’s name, try to find something distinctive about their hair, nose or eyes to associate with the name, e.g. Jane’s wearing jewellery, Tim’s tall or Bill’s got a beard. If you want to remember numbers try to make associations between numbers in sequence – think of people’s ages, special dates, whether they’re odd or even.

Key: 1F 2A 3C 4D 5E

4. Focus on Vocabulary.

Task 1: Look through the text and find the synonyms for each word.

Improve your memory – ?
The memory’s possibility – ?
Attentive - ?
Keep our mind in good form – ?
Mental training –?
Remember – ?
Ways – ?
(boost your memory)
(the memory’s capacity)
(keep our mind in shape)
(mental workouts)

  1. In fact the memory’s capacity is theoretically .
  2. Healthy people can . their memories very easily.
  3. You retain information best when you are . and .
  4. Try to combine . with .
  5. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing .
  6. . . and . all help to keep the mind in shape.
  7. The most effective memory systems make use of . . . and .
  8. If you want to remember things, try to make .

6. Reading for detail.

Task: read the text “Memory” and illustrate the following idea: “Keep your mind fit as well as your body.

If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become b again. The memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give enough opportunity to become b. Not all of us can become extremely b or extremely clever; but all of us can, if we have ordinary bodies and brains, improve our strength and our memory by the same means – practice.
Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? Why is this? Of course, because those who cannot read or write have to remember things: they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember dates, times, prices, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.

7. Home Research: find out more about effective ways in which you can improve your ability to memorize things and set them out as a list of practical suggestions for the pupils of your school.

The lesson is focused on different types memory technique.

Содержимое разработки

11.1C : Language with content: Interviews and instructions

School: NIS Atyrau of Chemistry and Biology

Date: 3.10.16

Teacher’s name: Naresheva A.A

Head of Department: Bissengaliyeva A.M

Grade: 11H

Number present:

Lessons 26: Using memory techniques

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

11.S3 explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics

11.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics

11.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

to create a story in order to check peers’ memory;

(S3) to express and justify their opinion in order to share their memory techniques;

(L2) understand and distinguish the information in order to listen to peers’ stories;

to answer the stories’ questions correctly;

investigate how the human brain is structured and how memory works by navigating a website;

Previous learning

Language objectives

This lesson will focus on speaking and listening skills.

Value links

Respect the diversity of opinion

Cross curricular links

Active board for PPT

Kazakh culture

Common memory techniques in Kazakhstan

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


To start the lesson T introduces the lesson objectives.

T. gives students 5-7 minutes to give a written response to the prompt: Describe your first memory (the first event you remember in your life when you were very young).

T. asks a few students to share their first memories.

Speaking (W, S3)

T. asks the following questions:

How long do we remember certain things?

What are the kinds of things we never forget?

Ss will be asked to share their memory techniques.

How good is your memory?

Do you think that excellent memory is innate or is it learned?

Exploring the website (P)

In addition, T instructs them to access the bookmarked website Exploratorium: The Memory Exhibition and navigate through the section titled Sheep brain Dissection: The Anatomy of Memory (under features). Then, they share what they have learnt.

Memory Test (G)

The students will be divided into 3-4 groups and heir task is to create a little test, to check each other’s memories. Every group need to write a short story with a lot of information. Then they need to write 5 questions based on their story (e.g. In the north-western corner of the Waikiki Zoo, lived a green and yellow panda called Gorilla …. 1. Where did the panda live? etc). Get all the students to read out their stories, and then once they have heard them all, get them to go through their questions. The student with the highest score wins.

Differentiation is done by support, by vocabulary: Less able Ss can use dictionaries during the lesson and they will be supported during the writing activity.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Cаба? ма?саты мен ?ш міндетіні? бірлігі са?тал?ан, о?ушылар алдарына ма?сат ?оя білді. Саба?ты? ма?саты, міндеті, кезе?дері саба? мазм?нына с?йкес. Та?ырып ?мірмен байланысты болды,о?ушылар есте са?тау ма?ыздылы?ы ж?не оны? жа?сарту жолдарымен танысты.саба?та ба?алау критерийлері болды, сол ар?ылы о?ушылар ?здерін ба?алай алды. Саба?та диалогты? о?ытуды? бірнеше т?рлерін ?олдану ар?ылы коммуникативтік да?дылар дамыды. Саба? ?з ма?сатына жетті.

Организационный момент.

Good morning, everybody! Can you guess what we are going to speak about today? Not yet? Today we are going to speak about memory. Our lesson promises to be very involving. Actually, you will learn some tips how to improve your memory.

Введение в тему.

Look at these numbers and objects for 30 seconds and try to memorize them.

Who has the best memory? Which is more difficult memorizing numbers or words?

Answer the following questions.

How many phone numbers can you remember?

Where were the Olympic Games in 2004?

Do you remember your first teacher’s name?

What was your first birthday present?

Where you were last Sunday and what you did that day?

Task: Match the words and their definitions.

Have a good memory
Have a bad memory
Have a short memory
Have a long memory
Do something from Memorize

– be good at remembering things
– do something such as say a poem or play a piece of music by remembering it
– remember something for a long time
– the ability to remember things, places, experiences etc.
– be bad at remembering something
– to change into a more advanced stage
– to learn words, music etc.
– to teach someone or to be taught the skills of a particular job or activity
– remember something for a short time

Enormous - complete set of playing cards

Improve -very large

Lack -to become shorter, smaller

Decrease -an absence or need of something

Pack - to become better

2. Pair Discussion.

Task: Discuss these questions in pairs.
1.Do you use your memory while learning a foreign language?
2. Do you have a good or a bad memory for English words?
3.Which memory is more important: a short or a long memory? Why?
4.Can people develop their memories?
5.Do you know anything about human memory?
6. Do you train your memory? Which way?
Each pair of Ss presents the answers to the whole class.

Text “How to Boost Your Memory”.

Task: read the following article and choose a heading from the list below for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A very powerful mechanism.

Short term and long term memory

Health body; health mind.

An old approach but a good one.

Are you forgetful?

“How to Boost Your Memory”

Perhaps you do badly in exams because you can’t recall facts and figures or words and structures in a foreign language. Are you always losing things or forgetting the books you need for school that day? Relax! Help is close at hand. There’s a tremendous range of methods to boost your memory.

Your memory is like a brilliant, but unreliable computer storing a vast amount of information. In fact the memory’ capacity is theoretically unlimited. The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day and our memories can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime.

Nevertheless only about 20 per cent of our daily experience is registered, and of that only a tiny proportion is loaded into long tern memory. Most of the images and ideas that pass through our minds during a day are held for only 25 to 30 seconds. This is just long enough for us to be able to keep the words of a sentence in our head as we read it so we understand its meaning.

Normal, healthy people can improve their memories very easily. First of all learn to relax if you’re trying to memorize something. You may miss important items if your mind is on something else or if you weren’t paying attention because of anxiety – you retain information best when you are alert and concentrating. If you’re having trouble concentrating, increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Despite its small size the brain uses 20 per cent of the body’s oxygen requirement. So try to combine study with exercise, particularly the kind of exercise that gets you breathing faster. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords, Scrabble and quizzes all help to keep the mind in shape.

You can also train your memory in certain ways. The ancient Greeks invented memory systems called mnemonics, and they still work today. Most systems involve associating the things you want to remember with something you already have safely stored in your head, and the most effective systems make use of visual imagery, smell, touch and sound. If you want to remember someone’s name, try to find something distinctive about their hair, nose or eyes to associate with the name, e.g. Jane’s wearing jewellery, Tim’s tall or Bill’s got a beard. If you want to remember numbers try to make associations between numbers in sequence – think of people’s ages, special dates, whether they’re odd or even.

Look through the text and find the synonyms for each word.

Improve your memory – boost your memory

The memory’s possibility-the memory’s capacity

Keep our mind in good form-keep our mind in shape

Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

86 billion bits of information

25to 30 seconds

How can we improve our memory?

Balanced food, reception of polyvitaminic preparations;

Learning of foreign languages;

solving of crossword puzzles, puzzles;

reading books, learning by heart the poems;

play checkers, chess, and etc. board games;

do exercises, walks in the fresh air;

keep day regimen, regular dream and rest;

Avoid nervous and physical overworks, stresses.

Task: Match the words and their definitions.

Have a good memory
Have a bad memory
Have a short memory
Have a long memory
Do something from Memorize

– be good at remembering things
– do something such as say a poem or play a piece of music by remembering it
– remember something for a long time
– the ability to remember things, places, experiences etc.
– be bad at remembering something
– to change into a more advanced stage
– to learn words, music etc.
– to teach someone or to be taught the skills of a particular job or activity
– remember something for a short time

Enormous - complete set of playing cards

Improve -very large

Lack -to become shorter, smaller

Decrease -an absence or need of something

Pack - to become better

Task: Match the words and their definitions.

Have a good memory
Have a bad memory
Have a short memory
Have a long memory
Do something from Memorize

– be good at remembering things
– do something such as say a poem or play a piece of music by remembering it
– remember something for a long time
– the ability to remember things, places, experiences etc.
– be bad at remembering something
– to change into a more advanced stage
– to learn words, music etc.
– to teach someone or to be taught the skills of a particular job or activity
– remember something for a short time

Enormous - complete set of playing cards

Improve -very large

Lack -to become shorter, smaller

Decrease -an absence or need of something

Pack - to become better

2. Pair Discussion.

Task: Discuss these questions in pairs.
1.Do you use your memory while learning a foreign language?
2. Do you have a good or a bad memory for English words?
3.Which memory is more important: a short or a long memory? Why?
4.Can people develop their memories?
5.Do you know anything about human memory?
6. Do you train your memory? Which way?
Each pair of Ss presents the answers to the whole class.

2. Pair Discussion.

Task: Discuss these questions in pairs.
1.Do you use your memory while learning a foreign language?
2. Do you have a good or a bad memory for English words?
3.Which memory is more important: a short or a long memory? Why?
4.Can people develop their memories?
5.Do you know anything about human memory?
6. Do you train your memory? Which way?
Each pair of Ss presents the answers to the whole class.

2. Pair Discussion.

Task: Discuss these questions in pairs.
1.Do you use your memory while learning a foreign language?
2. Do you have a good or a bad memory for English words?
3.Which memory is more important: a short or a long memory? Why?
4.Can people develop their memories?
5.Do you know anything about human memory?
6. Do you train your memory? Which way?
Each pair of Ss presents the answers to the whole class.

Task: read the following article and choose a heading from the list below for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A very powerful mechanism.

Short term and long term memory

Health body; health mind.

An old approach but a good one.

Are you forgetful?

“How to Boost Your Memory”

Perhaps you do badly in exams because you can’t recall facts and figures or words and structures in a foreign language. Are you always losing things or forgetting the books you need for school that day? Relax! Help is close at hand. There’s a tremendous range of methods to boost your memory.

Your memory is like a brilliant, but unreliable computer storing a vast amount of information. In fact the memory’ capacity is theoretically unlimited. The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day and our memories can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime.

Nevertheless only about 20 per cent of our daily experience is registered, and of that only a tiny proportion is loaded into long tern memory. Most of the images and ideas that pass through our minds during a day are held for only 25 to 30 seconds. This is just long enough for us to be able to keep the words of a sentence in our head as we read it so we understand its meaning.

Normal, healthy people can improve their memories very easily. First of all learn to relax if you’re trying to memorize something. You may miss important items if your mind is on something else or if you weren’t paying attention because of anxiety – you retain information best when you are alert and concentrating. If you’re having trouble concentrating, increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Despite its small size the brain uses 20 per cent of the body’s oxygen requirement. So try to combine study with exercise, particularly the kind of exercise that gets you breathing faster. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords, Scrabble and quizzes all help to keep the mind in shape.

Good morning, students! Good morning, dear guests! My name is Julia, I am glad to see you at your lesson.

III. Мотивационный момент

History can give us a lot of examples of people owning a perfect memory from ancient times to nowadays. Let’s watch some of them.

I wonder if you know anything else about people with extraordinary memory.

I see, you know much about it. And how to make our brain work one hundred percent?

Everyone has asked himself this question at least once a life. Brain work influences on different domains of life. Consequently, every successful person tries to make his brain work maximally. Nowadays fast living culture demands constant and endless working with information, as we are living in so called era of information

Now you will be shown a picture with different images, you will be given 15 seconds to remember as much as possible and then to write them down.

IV. Проверка задания How many words have you written? (You can estimate the level of your memory and attention and compare your results with the statistics)

Let’s look at the diagram

As it can be seen, the criterion is memorability of definite objects. According to the diagram, the most memorable objects are the pen and the pin, as these things can be faced by everyone in daily routine.

The least memorable object is the ring, because this thing is used by people selectively.

V. Работа с текстом

Memory is a process, proceeding in our psyche and allowing brain to store, save and exhibit information. In other words, memory is an ability to memorize, reproduce and forget information.

Look at the screen where you can see different kinds of memory and their definitions, you are to match the columns:

Inner memory reflects biological process of memorizing;

External memory is concentrated on exterior facilities;

Shaped memory is a process of memorizing images of different objects;

Motional memory let people repeat experienced movements;

Emotional memory is capacity to remember different kinds of feelings and emotions;

Short-term memory encourages memorizing images after one-shot reception;

Long-term memory is able to store images for long time;

Operating memory keeps images which are essential for every day routine.

a) is able to store images for long time

2. External memory

b) encourages memorizing images after one-shot reception

3. Shaped memory

c) is capacity to remember different kinds of feelings and emotions

4. Motional memory

d) reflects biological process of memorizing

e) keeps images which are essential for every day routine

6. Short-term memory

f) is a process of memorizing images of different objects

7. Long-term memory

g) is concentrated on exterior facilities

8. Operating memory

h) let people repeat experienced movements

Answers:1d 2g 3f 4h 5c 6b 7a 8e.

VI. Ознакомление с видами внимания

Attention is a process of concentration of personality on some abstract or concrete object at exact period of time

There are two kinds of attention, shown in a table:



Voluntary attention is characterized by conscious aim of memorizing something

VII .Ознакомление с факторами влияющими на память и внимание

Factors, affecting human memory and attention

Physical exercises.

Physical exercises are necessary for the whole organism. And brain is not exception. Because blood circulation improves mental operations, That’s why, people, ignoring sport practice, deprive themselves of increasing memory level.

Sufficient relaxing of brain.

It’s needless to say, that every person requires qualitative relaxing. That’s why, having a rest gives our brain an opportunity to have a break. It means, after this, human brain can work actively.

Products, stimulating brain work.

It is not a secret, that special products can influence on every system of our organism, including brain work. You will be given sheets of paper with texts.

VIII. Работа с текстом

А ) Read and match the subheadings to the paragraphs. There is one extra subheading:

Breakfast for a hard day.

How to increase your intellect.

The influence of colours on memory.

Two apples a day.

There are different kinds of nuts such as almond, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts and pine nuts. But the most useful ones are supposed to be walnuts. Even the shape of this nut reminds brain construction. But it is not important peculiarity. Containing vitamins of B group and E distinguishes walnuts from other kinds.

Element B12 is contained in milk. Therefore, it helps the process of memorizing. Some scientists recommend to drink two glasses of milk daily.

Honey has been always featured by its usefulness for human organism. Any way exactly glucose in formation of honey gives a capability to remember necessary information. Some people assume, that the best breakfast before hard brain activity is cereal with a spoon of honey.

Seaweed is useful for big quantity of iodine, that has positive influence on brain work. It is capable to increase IQ level.

The well-known product for improving memory is believed to be fish. And the logical question is asked: “Is it myth or truth, that fish possesses magical features to restore memory and improve it wholly?” In reality Omega 3, phosphorus and vitamin of group B in total elevate brain’s abilities for operating. According to this, fish and seafood should be consumed regularly by everyone, especially by those, who relate to hard brain activity.

One piece of lemon, put to a cup of tea, is enough for making your memory start working.

It is considered, blue and purple berries (blueberry, blackberry, plum) improve memory better than other ones. In spite of this fact a strawberry is necessary for mental activity as well, because of big quantity of vitamin C.

Speaking of these products, it can be concluded, that consumption of them will lead to efficient mental work. Memory is a significant psychological element of brain activity as well as attention. Above enumerated products contribute improving memory and attention, which will be analyzed by us below.

IX. Практические задания

Practice of brain exercises.

Not everyone possesses phenomenal memory. But various ways of it’s improving exist. Practicing different exercises can lead to successful results. The easiest way is reading and learning poems by heart. The more texts and poems we learn, the more we improve our memory.

Developing of attention is as important as developing of memory.

Different exercises encourage the improving both memory and attention. We will do some of them. Practical tasks:

Certainly, it is not the only means to increase attention degree. The following method can be also handy as well. You are given phrases, which hide English people’s names. These names are combined with parts of words.

Tomorrow we’ll have a lecture.

He is older than you are.

The students tell amazing stories every lesson.

It was simple wisdom of our ancestors.

Is it a rod or a cane?

The sculpture was made of crystal ice.

Small ants are so hardworking.

I like this jam, especially cooked by you.

She was so physically well built.

10. He runs as fast as his father.

As it was mentioned, this exercise concentrated your attention properly.

So, it really works well. The efficiency of these exercises has been proved practically. However, it is not the only way to develop the personality mentally.

Imagine the situation, where you were asked to buy definite quantity of products, and there is no opportunity to write a special list. you will be explained some easy ways, how to cope with this trouble.

Look at the screen. For example: You should buy spaghetti, milk, sugar and eggs.

You should do the same with another products, which you will see in the next slide.

Let us practice how to cope with buying these products: We will work in groups.

1 Draw a picture.

2 Make up a story.

Well done. All the teams were creative in drawing pictures, making up stories. You were very attentive in finding the hidden names.

X. Закрепление материала .

Look at the screen.

You should say what things influence on factors affecting human attention and memory

in a positive way and which ones in a negative way.

You have 3 minutes to sum everything up, do it in groups and then one student of your team will represent it.

Factors, affecting human attention and memory influence

on attention and memory

Taking this information into account, one can conclude, that importance of these factors is great. That’s why it is possible to improve or impair level of concentration by everyone.

XI. Рефлексия .

Look at this saying written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. How is it connected with our lesson?

“ Own only what you carry with you: know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag”. Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

XII Домашняя работа .

Make up a leaflet, paying attention to all the factors affecting human attention. You should write what to do or not to do for it.

XIII. Подведение итогов .

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