Tv programmes план урока 7 класс

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

Ok! At first let’s make a short monitoring [ˈmɒnɪt(ə)rɪŋ].

You have to ask each other; ask our guests what types of TV programmes do they often watch? Why?

Физкультминутка ( видео ) ( The penguin dance )

Put your hands up in the air and shake your booties round

Hand up on your toes and turn around around

Hands way up high, hands way down low

Stamp with your feet and jump, jump, jump

Контроль навыков аудирования

Listen to the text. For questions 1-5, decide where they are true or false according to the test.

The first commercial television broadcast was made on the twenties of April , 1939 by Radio Corporation о f America. Since 1939, TV has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world and its effects are felt all over the world.

Television is a reflection ( отражение ) , say some people, of contemporary society ( современное общество ) . It affects customs and culture, others say.

Television is bad for society, because it keeps culture from growing, say still others. Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid . Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports, and offices. It is here to stay.

1. The Radio Corporation of America is important in the modern world. _______

2. Television has wide influence. _______

3. Television is bad for culture, some people say. __________

4. Television only provides us information but doesn't affect customs and culture. _

5. Some people try to avoid television. _________

Обмен с соседями

Let’s change the paper with your partner

Контроль навыков говорения через групповую работу

And now let’s work in groups (4 persons) you have to write some sentences about your favourite TV program

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Урок усвоения новых знаний. Цель: Научиться рассказывать какие телепередачи вам и членам вашей семьи нравится смотреть.

Тип урока : урок усвоения новых знаний

Цель : Научиться рассказывать какие телепередачи нравятся или не нравятся учащимся , членам их семей , их друзьям.

Развивающая - развивать логическое мышление: учить детей самостоятельно анализировать, классифицировать и делать выводы.

Воспитательная – создать условия для воспитания умения избирательного и полезного просмотра телепередач; содействовать формированию толерантности к мнению и выбору другого человека.

Оборудование : СД диск, компьютер.

Дидактические материалы: Рабочая тетрадь, таблицы

1. Организационный этап. Рапорт дежурного.

Good afternoon, boys fnd girls. Nice to meet you! How do you feel today?

( I`m OK,thank you./ not so well/ so so)

2. Постановка цели и задач урока.

Do you like watching TV ? Yes, I also like watching TV ? What programmes do you like most of all?

As for me , I watch KVN, 100/1, Вести , Sybotnij vecher very often. Can you guess what is the topic of our lesson?

P.- TV programmes. T.- Can you tell me what kind of TV programmes do you like/dislike? And your friends ? What about your sisters and brothers ?

Our aim is:Talk about your favorite TV programmes. What should we need to do that?

- learn new words - What is 100/1? What is Tom and Jarry? (Удивительные люди и тд)

-revise some grammar material

-Talk about your preferences

3. Актуализация знаний.

4. Первичное усвоение новых знаний. А)Ознакомление с новыми словами. Упр.1 стр. 50

Подобрать к картинкам слова. Прослушать запись. Прочитать слова .( Слайд №2)

В)Отработка произношения. Выполнение упражнений. 1 .У:- по русски К: на англ. Яз.( и наоборот)

2.Make up word combinations- funny cartoon…3. Divide into entertainment pr. and informative

3.Plural forms of the words . + Look (слово news в английском языке всегда во множественном числе и употребляется с глаголом is )4. Read and guess WB-p36 ex. 2

5. Первичная проверка понимания.

Слайд 3. Упр.3 стр. 50 What`s on the programme? ON= GO ON =идти

6. Первичное закрепление.

1. Grammar revise. I like watching… I don`t like watching… I hate /can`t stand watching…

Слайд 3. 2. Упр.4 (таблица) приготовить листы с таблицей

Добавить My friend likes… Do you know ? Ask each other. 3. Диалог-расспрос Упр.5

7. Физкультминутка .

9.Д/з. Подготовить рассказ какие ТВ программы любишь смотреть ты и твоя семья

10. Рефлексия /итоги. How do you feel at the end of the lesson? Do you like it? What we have done?

You work hard today and now you get your certificate for your work. Red – for excellent job, green –for good job, yellow – for active job. But you must train your English.

Презентация к уроку "TV programmes" 7 класс УМК Комарова Ю.А, Ларионова И.В, Грейнджер К.

urok_tv4.ppt 1.12 МБ
rabochiy_list.doc 644.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

My living room There is a….. There are… My favorite thing is…

Great – замечательный Funny – забавный Boring – скучный Interesting – интересный Serious – серьезный Stupid – глупый Informative – информационный TV programme can be……

I think the news is informative. Great Funny Boring Interesting Serious Stupid Informative Cartoon Soap opera The news Reality show Chat show Documentary Sports programme Comedy Game show Music programme Drama Weather forecast

Match the definitions and the types of the TV programmes. It tells you about life in our planet, history, geography. It gives you information about our country and politics. It has funny characters and a funny story. It’s got pictures of animals and people that move and talk. Football cup final. Comedy Cartoon Sports programme Documentary News

Great Funny Boring Interesting Serious Stupid Informative Cartoon Soap opera The news Reality show Chat show Documentary Sports programme Comedy Game show Music programme Drama Weather forecast

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Use no more than 2-3phrases to express the opinion about the film.

Most learners will be able to:

Know 60 % of vocabulary related to “Entertainment and media (genres)”;

Use present perfect and present simple tenses with no more than two mistakes;

Use no more than 3-4phrases to express the opinion about the film.

Some learners will be able to:

Know 90 % of vocabulary related to “Entertainment and media (genres)”;

Use present perfect and present simple tenses with no mistakes;

Use 5-6 phrases to express the opinion about the film.

Language objective

Use subject specific vocabulary, use appropriate Present Perfect and Present Simple Tenses

Value links

Responsibility , Global Citizenship

Cross curricular links

Previous learning

In the previous unit, learners developed listening and speaking skills working creatively and cooperatively in groups while discussing TV programmes and films.

Use of ICT

Blended learning tools as projector or Smart board for showing a presentation, online video resources

Intercultural awareness

Accept diversity of other cultures

Kazakh culture

Discussion of film genres popular in Kazakhstan

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

Planned timings

Planned activities

Put strips or stars of coloured paper into a box. Then, learners should reach inside the box. After that, learners holding the same colours will form a group.

Check up H/W

Questions: (Work in groups)

Do you like watching films?

Do you go to the cinema?

Do you watch films on TV or on a computer?

What genres do you know?

What is your favourite genre?

Do you like love story?

What is your favourite love story?

Do you watch TV every day?

What kind of TV program or movie do you watch?

What is your favourite movie?

Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?

Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it.

Show learners the video “Introduction to film genres”. After watching the video learners should try to guess the topic of the lesson. Before watching the video give learners the task to answer the questions on the video. Learners can work in groups discussing the answers to the given questions. Learners should guess the lesson objectives (scaffold learners if it is necessary).

Learn some new words connected with the film, new words “Entertainment and media (TV programmes)”;

Say your opinion about TV programmes using the new vocabulary.

The main part of the lesson

Vocabulary practice:

Give the vocabulary connected with the topic of the lesson. Learners should put the words in the box under the headings. Learners work in groups. Then, they exchange their ideas in groups (peer-assessment).

Differentiation of the tasks:

Formative Assessment criteria:

If learners get 6 right sentences out of 8, they achieve the goal (Level 2);

If learners get 3 right sentences out of 5, they achieve the goal (Level 1).

Present new vocabulary (WG)

1 Wildlife 2 Antiques 3 horror films

4 family history programmes

c) birds, fish, animals

d) valuable old objects, such as jewellery or vases

programmes which try to find out about your family’s past

scary films about monsters, ghosts and zombies

Watching television

How many hours of TV does Anne watch?

3-4 hours a week

3-4 hours a night

What kind of programmes does she find boring?

Programmes about antiques

What kind of programmes are a lot of people in the UK interested in?

Family history programmes

What sort of programmes does Anne like?

Programmes about Family history

pair work / peer correction

Type the correct form of these verbs into the spaces.

Make the verbs into adjectives ending with - ing or -ed.

Interest, bore, frighten, excite

(5 bored, 1 boring, 2 interested, 6 exciting, 3frightening, 4 frightened)

I think family history programmes are . I don't like them.

I'm in wildlife programmes because they are educational.

I find horror films too to watch late at night.

Are you of horror films?

I get when I watch family history programmes.

I like crime shows with stories.

Presenting grammar Making the verbs into adjectives ending with - ing or -ed.

Some adj. ending we use to say how people feel. (-ing)

Some adj. ending we use to describe the people or thing that cause the feeling. (-ed)

Make your sentences using new words and grammar

I like to watch wildlife programmes, because I am really interested in animals.

I find soap operas too boring.

I’m really bored when I watch documentaries.

The news is very interesting TV program.

Assessment criteria:

no more than 5-6 sentences;

no more than 4-5 words specifically related to the studied topic;

Prepare the essay ‘TV programmes and films I like most of all’.

Reflection and Assess

Give the learners the stickers where they can give the reflection according to the content of the lesson:

1) What did you learn during the lesson?

2) What skills did you try to develop during the lesson?

Learners should write three best moments during the lesson, and one moment which were not so good.

Strips or stars of coloured paper according to the number of learners in class

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 1 Questions on the video

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 2 Vocabulary practice (Level 1)

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 3 Vocabulary practice (Level 2)

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 4 Vocabulary practice (Level 1)

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 5 Vocabulary practice (Level 2)

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 5 Vocabulary practice (Level 2)

Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and Media. Didactic material 5 Vocabulary practice (Level 2)

Vocabulary practice (Level 2)

Stickers for writing reflection on the lesson

Feedback: Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

More support:

Provide less able learners with the vocabulary task on the topic so they can make up 3-5 sentences with the new words.

Create mixed ability groups for discussion. Ensure they are not always in the role of timekeeper.

More able learners:

Work with the vocabulary task on the topic so they can make up 3-5 sentences with the new words.

Encourage them to justify their opinions.

Observe learners when participating in discussion. Did the group dynamics work? Did each learner contribute to the discussion? If not, why not? (e.g. didn’t understand what to do; not so confident speaking English; not interested in topic; other)

Discuss with the learners what they learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about the topic of the lesson? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Learners work in groups, apply skills and knowledge to a practical and cooperative task. Learners work in groups in the form of the cumulative discussion.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: Differentiation of the tasks on the vocabulary practice.

2: Dividing learners into groups for cumulative discussion. Playing the game on the film and TV programmes using online resource.

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: Work in groups where the learners could be of different abilities (language and prior content knowledge).

2: Paying attention to the psychological characteristics of the learners.

What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

I will pay attention to the psychological characteristics of the learners in order to distribute the work in class among learners (roles in groups).

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