Treasure maps 2 план урока 4 класс

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Понимать речь учителя и одноклассников в процессе диалогического общения.

Расставлять слова в предложении в правильном порядке

Вставлять глаголы в прошедшем простом времени

Повторить образование времен Present Simple и Past Simple.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация Power Point, раздаточный материал ( карточки с заданиями), доска, мел.

Ход урока

Teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How is it going? Today we have a very interesting lesson. We will play the game “Treasure Island”. I think you know the book with the same title. What is this book about?

Pupils: This book is about interesting adventures, pirates, treasure search, desert island.

Teacher: You are all right. Let us have a look at the screen. There is a ship on it and you are the crew of this ship. We are going to a trip to the Treasure Island. To open the box with treasure you are to find the key. Look at the map. There are 5 islands. You have to do some tasks on each island and find the key from the treasure box. Good luck! Are you ready?

Teacher: Let’s start our trevelling. Close your eyes. (Учитель включает музыку). Open your eyes. We are on the first island. There are no people here. We miss our nearest relatives. Let’s remember them and do the first task.

Task 1. Complete the words and match them with the Russian equivalents.

Teacher: Excellent! You get the first part of the key and go to the next island.

Task 1. Find the odd word and circle it.

Cold, rainy, windy, snowy, smart.

Spring, week, summer, winter, autumn.

Armchair, kitchen, sofa, table, desk.

Floor, bread, honey, soup, butter.

Friend, pupil, sister, teacher, door.

Monday, July, Tuesday, Sunday, Thursday.

London, Monday, Oxford, Moscow.

Doll, girl, mum, grandma, sister.

Teacher: Well done! But you have one more task here.

Task 2. Put the words in the right order

1. at seven o’clock / I / got up / in the morning.

2. didn’t / my father / repair my bicycle.

3. she / with her mother / had breakfast.

4. did / clean / your room / you / yesterday?

5. his pet / for a walk / did / he / take / in the park?

Teacher: Great! You get the second part of the key and go to the third island. Pupils, what is it? It is a bottle with a letter. Let’s have a look at it. This is the next task for us.

Task 1. Do the crossword puzzle. Put eleven verbs in the Past Simple Tense and write them in the squares.

Teacher: Pupils, I see you are tired. Let’s sing the song “If you happy and you know it…”

(Дети поют песню)

Teacher: Fantastic! You get the third part of the key. I think you are full of energy now and ready for the next task. We are on the fourth island.

Task 1. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct word.

I always ____ my homework in the evening. (have/do/make)

Mag ______ the flowers in the morning. (washes/waters/cleans)

When do you usually _______ lunch? (go/have/do)

____ you do your homework two days ago? (Do / Will / Did)

His sister ______ puzzles yesterday. (didn’t play / doesn’t play / won’t play)

Did your little brother ____ his room last week? (clean / cleaned / cleans)

My sister _________ shopping tomorrow.(doesn’t go / won’t go / didn’t go )

Teacher: Wonderful! I’m proud of you! You get the fourth part of the key. We are on the fifth island. This is the last task for you.

Task 1. “Translator”. Match the words to make word combination. Give English equivalents to Russian phrases.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности use prepositions of location, position and direction, at, in, on, behind, between, in front of, near, next to, opposite, above, up, down, on the right, on the left, use prepositions of time, in, on, at, before, after , use with/without to indicate accompaniment with for instrument and for to indicate recipient

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk;

respond to questions

Most learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk; plan and write sentences with support to find someone’s treasure

Some learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk; plan, write and check sentences without support to find someone’s treasure

Assessment criteria

To learn about numbers: to talk about location.

Language focus

Structures: prepositions of place.

Language in use: Where’s the treasure? The red flag is near the blue flag.

Target vocabulary

Cardinal numbers (1-1,000), ordinal numbers (first – a hundredth)

Cross - curricular

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Smiles Resources

(An activity to revise the language of the previous lesson.)

Write on the board the prepositions of place from the previous lesson. Explain to the pupils that they have 3 minutes to write as many sentences as they can, using these prepositions. Allow the pupils three minutes to write their sentences. Check their answers. The pupil with the most correct sentences is the winner.


(Activities to present and activate the new language.)

Treasure and Numbers 1


3 Listen, point and repeat. Then match.

Pupils’ books closed. Put the flashcards up on the board. Point to the numbers, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat chorally and/or individually. Point to the numbers in random order and ask individual pupils to name them. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

Pupils’ books open. Point to numbers. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point and repeat the words. If you wish, play the recording again with pauses for the pupils to repeat chorally and/or individually.

Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete it. Check their answers.

2 E 3 C 4 D 5 A

4 Find Captain Jack Parrot’s treasure! Do the sums and cross off the places on the map. The last place is where the treasure is.

Write the following sums on the board. Read aloud the sums and draw the pupils’ attention to the names of the symbols (+ plus, - minus, x times, =equals).

1+1+2 (one plus one equals two)

2-1=2 (two minus 1 equals one)

2x2=4 (two times two equals four)

The pupils listen and repeat, chorally and/or individually. Write on the board other sums and ask individual pupils to read them aloud.

Read the sum in the example and ask the pupils to give you the solution orally. Ask them to point to the correct number on the map. Explain that the solutions to the problems is one of the numbers on the map. Then refer them to the number written in letters in the model and explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete it. Check their answers.

3 five hundred and forty

4 eight hundred and thirty

5 six hundred and ninety

The treasure is at 1,000.

(Activities to present and practice prepositions of place)

5 Look, read and underline.

Pupils` books closed. Put your pencil on the left of a book, show it to the class and ask: Where is the pencil? Answer: It`s on the left of the book. Write the exchange on the board and underline the words in bold. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Follow the some procedure and present the rest of the prepositions.

Drill your pupils:

e. g. Teacher: (putting a pencil case between two books)

Pupil 1: Between, etc

Pupils` books open. Go through the Study spot section briefly. Read the instructions and explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to read the sentences and underline the correct prepositions. Check their answer.

2 right 4 right

3 between 5 on the left of

6 Where does Captain Parrot take the treasure next? Listen and circle.

Pupils` books closed. Write on the board the numbers 1-10 and the respective ordinal numbers next to them. Explain how we from the ordinal numbers and draw the pupils` attention to the irregular ones (firs, second, third). Point to the numbers, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat chorally and/or individually. Point to the numbers in random order and ask individual pupils to name them. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Write on the board: 20 – twenty – twentieth. Underline the letters in bold and elicit the spelling rule. Then write on the board the numbers 30,40,45,58,100 and elicit the ordinal numbers.

Pupils` books open. Explain the activity. Go through the text and elicit/explain any unknown words. Play the CD. the pupils listen and circle the correct words. Check their answers.

2 fifty-sixth 3 seventy-fifth 4 black pool


31st August

Today is my fiftieth birthday. This is my fifty-sixth trip on my ship. We are leaving today and taking the treasure with us.

27th October

This is the seventy-fifth day of our trip, but we are sailing into Blackpool, England. Home at last!

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Lesson plan

Unit 3. Treasure and Heritage

School: Chernyshevski secondary school

Date: 08.11.19

Teacher name : Bekkali G.K

Theme of the lesson :

Treasure maps 1

Number present: 6

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and uncountable nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things; use determiners a, an, the, zero article, some, any, this, these, that, those to refer to things on a growing range of general and some curricular topics;

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: speak on topic Treasure maps in 1-2 sentences using nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things with words a, an, the, zero article, some, any, this, these, that, those with support

Most learners will be able to; speak on topic Treasure maps in 3-4 sentences using nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things with words a, an, the, zero article, some, any, this, these, that, those with little support

Some learners will be able to: speak on topic Treasure maps in 5 sentences using nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things with words a, an, the, zero article, some, any, this, these, that, those without support

Assessment criteria

Learners can speak on topic Treasure maps in 1-2 sentences using nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things with words a, an, the, zero article, some, any, this, these, that, those with support

Value links

Cross curricular links link

Previous learning

Vocabulary on topic

Planned timings

Planned activities

(W) Org moment:

-Cheek-up the home task


Activity 1. Introducing learning and lesson objectives with video material

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

The plan of student independent work for the 4th grade class.

Theme of the lesson: Our Planet’s Treasure (Богатство нашей планеты).

Pupil's Book p42-43

*you will be able to learn and use the words.

2.Посмотрите видео которое отправила вам учительница либо перейдите по ссылке ниже


Посмотри видеоурок и узнай в каких слуаях Англичане используют Артикли a/an (Articles)

Homework (Домашнее задание): A.B p29

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