Theatre in kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

III. 1. Lexical theme:

• At the beginning of the lesson we read that Theatre is called “a school for adults”. But there are different types of them. (Слайд 7)

A. Types of Theatre (Типы театров)
opera (and ballet) house оперный театр / театр оперы и балета
puppet theatre кукольный театр
variety theatre театр эстрады
drama theatre драматический театр
pantomime theatre (‘pæntəmaim) театр пантомимы
amateur ['æmətə] theatre самодеятельный театр
B. Theatre Genres and Kinds of Performances (Театральные жанры и виды театральных постановок) (Слайд 8)
melodrama мелодрама
drama драма
musical мьюзикл
musical сomedy музыкальная комедия/ оперетта
tragedy трагедия
tragicomedy трагикомедия
concert концерт
variety show эстрадный концерт
performance спектакль
show шоу, представление
first night премьера
preview предварительный показ
matinee ['mætɪneɪ] дневной спектакль
opera, operetta опера, оперетта
ballet балет

C. - Now I’d like you to train some sounds and words. (Слайд 9)

Actor, actress, applaud
Ballet, bell, bill, box-office
Cloakroom, comedy
Drama, group of, interval,
Theatre, tragedy
Opera, operetta, orchestra
Perform, performance
Rise-rose-risen Show, stage

Now we are going to visit the theatre, but at first (Слайд 10)
D. Новые лексические единицы. NEW WORDS. TRY TO LEARN THEM
• Stalls — партер
• row — ряд
• dress-circle — бельэтаж
• splendid — великолепный
• pit — амфитеатр, партер
• box — ложа
• chandelier — люстра
• scenery — декорация
• playbill — театральная афиша
• excellently — превосходно
• curtain - занавес

2. Now let’s go to the theatre.
At the Theatre
(Слайд 11) Theatre is the magic world. There are many theatres all over the world. But it is still very difficult to buy tickets for really good performances. Moreover the tickets are usually very expensive. Usually people buy tickets beforehand at the box-offices of the theatres.

(Слайд 12) (They can also get tickets in one of the on-line agencies. Most theatres have their own Internet sites where one can book tickets if they are available.)

(Слайд 13) Now you have bought the ticket. You pass through the entrance hall and go to the cloak-room, where you can leave your clothes and things and borrow opera glasses.

(Слайд 14) Then you go to the hall. There are rows (ряды) of seats there.

(Слайд 15) A theatre consists of two parts: the stage and the hall. They are separated by a curtain and the orchestra. Actors and actresses perform on the stage and public occupies the hall, the pit, the dress-circles, the boxes and the gallery.

(Слайд 16) You can see the Stalls — партер near the stage. There are boxes (ложа) on both sides of the pit (партер). Behind the stalls you can see The pit — амфитеатр.

(Слайд 17) A dress-circle (бельэтаж ) is higher than the pit (партер). The balconies are higher than the dress-circle (бельэтаж). There is a beautiful chandelier (люстра) in the hall.

(Слайд 18) The most expensive seats are in the stalls, boxes and dress-circle. The seats in the balcony, pit and the upper circle are less expensive, they are cheap.
The best seats are in the boxes. In old times they were occupied by aristocracy. Aristocratic families used to book boxes for a season or even a year.

(Слайд 19-20) (Вид зала)

(Слайд 21) When the curtains (занавес) rise, we see a nice scenery (декорация) and the spectators begin to applaud.
(Слайд 22) (Orchestra and stage)

(Слайд 23) A play can have from one to five acts, each of which consists of several scenes. Very often there is an interval between the acts of the performance.
- What can the spectators do during the interval?

(Слайд 24) During the interval you may choose what to do: to listen to the living music (musicians play in the hall) and look at the photos of actors on the wall at the same time. Or you may visit a small museum and to know about the history of the theatre. Or you may go to the buffet and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, a tasty sandwich.

3. Answer the Questions. (Слайд 25)

1. What is the theatre?
Theatre is a modern building.

2. Why do people go to the theatre?
People go to the theatre to see dramas, operas, tragedies, comedies, ballets, plays.

3.What is the box-office?

4.What is the cloak-room?

5. What time do the performances | show start?

6. When does the performance begin?

7. What do the spectators do, if they enjoy the performance? The box-office is a place, where people (can) buy tickets.

The cloak-room is a place where people leave their coats and hats.

Evening performances start at 7 o'clock.

The performance begins after the third bell.

If the spectators enjoy the performance, they applaud the actors and actresses on the stage. Applaud, react (say “bravo”, whistle), admire, give flowers.

8. Where do the actors and actresses act the play?

9. When can the spectators go to eat?
The actors and actresses play their performance on the stage.

During the interval the spectators can go to eat.

10. What do the spectators do at the end of the performance?
At the end of the performance the spectators rise from their seats and go to the cloak-room.

11. Where do they leave their coats when they are at the theatre?
They leave their coats in a cloakroom.

12. What can people say about the performance | play? The play was amusing (splendid; dull; funny; sad; no good; boring; not bad; awful; fine, nice, excellent, wonderful). “I enjoyed the performance very much”. It was a wonderful performance. I enjoyed every minute of the play. The actors were really very good, especially the actress playing Juliet. Her dress was beautiful.
4. Complete the sentences: (Слайд 26)
1) Theatre is a modern _______________ .
2) Opera ___________ and ballet _____________ are very popular in our town.
3) We leave our ________ and _______ in the cloakroom.
4) The ________________ begins after the third _________ .
5) If the spectators enjoy the __________________, they applaud the _________ and __________ on the stage.
6) During the _____________ the spectators go to the café .
7) After the end of the _____________ the spectators rise from their __________ and go to the __________ to get their _________ and __________.
8) A theatre consists of two parts: ________ and _________.
9) The best seats are ________. (in the boxes)
10) When the __________ (curtains) rise, we see a nice _________ (scenery) and the spectators begin to applaud.

5. And now let’s compare theatre according to the following things: (Слайд 27 - 28)
genres Opera, operetta, ballet, drama, musical, others.
Audience (what they do) Applaud, react (say “bravo”, whistle), admire, give flowers, keep silence.
professions Actors, dancers, singers, stage manager, playwright, director, ushers.

hall Stalls, balcony, pit, dress circle, box, orchestra pit.

Excellent, magnificent, outstanding, fantastic, impressive, splendid, nothing special, boring, reasonable, horrible.

• The ushers — persons who show people to their seats and sell theatre programmes (with the names of the actors, summary of the play, etc).
• The director supervises the actors and other staff in a play, he is responsible for the choice of costumes and scenery, he decides which actors will perform the title roles (play the main characters) and which ones will be given secondary roles.
• The playwright is a person who writes plays. It is also possible to adapt a novel for the stage (адаптировать для театра).

6. What can you see in the picture? (Слайд 29)

 Metropolitan Opera and Broadway Theater in New York,
 Sydney Opera House in Sydney,
 Theater La Scala in Italy,
 Theatres in Kazakhstan
6. Подведение итогов урока.
- I think you’d agree with me if I said that theatre is a wonderful kind of art. Theatre educates us, influences our way of life, helps us to solve problems, to find answers to a lot of questions. Theatre carries us away from real life into the world of imagination. But theatre entertains us; it is a place where we can have a good rest. We can enjoy ourselves listening to good music, splendid voices, and seeing the excellent acting of the performers. Do you agree with me?

Good-bye! (Слайд 43)
Additional task:
• The ushers — persons who show people to their seats and sell theatre programmes (with the names of the actors, summary of the play, etc).
• The director supervises the actors and other staff in a play, he is responsible for the choice of costumes and scenery, he decides which actors will perform the title roles (play the main characters) and which ones will be given secondary roles. The director can stage modern performances as well as classical ones. The theatre company can go on a tour to give performances in other cities or even countries.
• To announce the beginning of the performance the warning bell rings three times, then the curtain rises and the play begins.
• Very often there is an interval between the acts of the performance. At the end of the show the actors take a bow(выходить на поклон). When the audience is pleased it begins to applaud. Finally the curtain falls which means that the performance is over.
• The playwright is a person who writes plays. It is also possible to adapt a novel for the stage (адаптировать для театра). A play can have from one to five acts, each of which consists of several scenes.

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Данный план предназначен для 9 класса казахстанский учебник. В уроке прослеживаются следующие этапы: 1. Работа с текстом (оглавление, ответы на вопросы, дополнение информации, работа с лексикой по тексту). 2. Speaking - соотнести фотографии и описать их. 3. Writing- написать письмо зарубежному другу о том какие сценки учащиеся в школе представляют в своей школе.

Step five. THEATRES

1. Discuss the following questions as a class.

How often do you go to the theatre?

What do you like and dislike about the theatre?

What’s the best thing you’ve ever seen at the theatre?

How do you feel when you sit in a theatre before the performance begins?

2. Read the text and give a title.

The first permanent theatre in England was established by James Burbage (an actor) and was called just The Theatre.

The Globe is the most famous theatre. It was built by the sons of Burbage (the one who established the first theatre) in 1599 on the southern shore of Thames. The Globe is especially famous for William Shakespeare’s plays that were produced there. The globe did not have a roof and it resembled the inn yard.

Ordinary poor people were standing in front of the stage while the rich enjoyed the performance from the galleries. The scenery of the plays had rich decorations. Most of the costumes were donated by rich patrons. The clothes were always bright and luxurious.

Like in Ancient Greece, there were no women on the stage in the past in England. Young male actors who were graceful and had a loud and clear voice played the parts of young women. Old women were played by the comedians.

All actors had to know dancing, singing and stage fencing. They also used a lot of improvisation. Famous actors of that time were for a example Edward Alleyn and Richard Burbage.

3. Read the text again and answer the questions in parts.

a. Who was the first theatre established by?

b. What makes the Globe the most famous theatre?

c. How did people watch the performances?

d. Why were the costumes luxurious?

e. What did you learn about the actors of the past?

4. Find information about M. Auezov Kazakh Drama theatre. Keep in mind the topics bellow:

a. The history of the theatre

b. The most famous actors and actresses of the theatre

c. The plays and playwrights

d. The popularity of the theatre with young people.

5. Match each part of a theatre on the right with a definition on the left.

a) Where actors put on their costumes and make-up Stalls

b) The area on which the performance takes place Aisle

c) A line of seats Circle

d) A way down from back to front between seats Dressing room

e) An area of downstairs seats Stage

f) An area of upstairs seats Box office

g) The theatre entrance hall where people meet before going in Row

h) The place where you go or phone to buy tickets Backstage

i) The whole area out of sight of the audience Box

j) A little private balcony with 3-5 seats only Foyer

6. Compare the photographs in pairs by discussing these questions.

1) What are the similarities between these performers?

2) What are the differences?

3) Which do you think is more difficult?

Pair discussion

7. Imagine you are going to live on an island for a year. You can only take the following things with you. Discuss in pairs and decide which of them you would take and why.

- a musical instrument - two CDs/cassettes/records

- a vdeo film - a game

- three photos - a picture or a poster

- two books - on other thing

Your school drama club has recently put a play on the stage. Write a letter to a friend in an English-speaking country saying what the play was about and describing your experience.

О?ушыны? с?здік ?орларын байыту ж?не а?ылшын м?дениетімен с?йлеуге да?дыландыру. Theatre та?ырыбын т?сіндіре отырып, ?нер туралы а?пар беру, жа?а с?здермен таныстыру. О?ушыларды ауызша с?йлеуін дамыту, о?у?а, с?йлеуге, с?ра?тар?а жауап беруге ?йрету К?тілетін н?тиже thietre та?ырыбын о?и отырып,?з ойын жеткізе білу

Содержимое разработки

Қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары

Сабақ:ағылшын тілі

Мұғалімнің есімі:Moldabayeva H


Қатысқандар саны:

Қатыспағандар саны:

Сабақ тақырыбы: Theatre

Сабақ негізделген оқу мақсаты: Оқушының сөздік қорларын байыту және ағылшын мәдениетімен сөйлеуге дағдыландыру. Theatre тақырыбын түсіндіре отырып, өнер туралы ақпар беру, жаңа сөздермен таныстыру. Оқушыларды ауызша сөйлеуін дамыту, оқуға, сөйлеуге, сұрақтарға жауап беруге үйрету
Күтілетін нәтиже thietre тақырыбын оқи отырып,өз ойын жеткізе білу

Сабақ мақсаттары

Барлық оқушылар:

Тақырыпқа байланысты жаңа сөздерді білу,тусіну.

Оқушылардын басым бөлігі:

Жаңа сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін ауызекі сөйлеу тілінде қолдану

Кейбір оқушылар:

жаңа сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін білу,тусіну,қолдану,грамматика ережесін меңгеріп,қолдануға дағдылану.

Тілдік мақсат

жаңа сөздерді қолданып сөйлем құрай алады,сұрақ қояды.

Негізгі сөздер мен тіркестер:

• Stalls – партердегі орындықтар
• Aisle – орындықтар арасындағы ара қашықтық
• Circle – ярус • Dressing room - гардероб
• Stage – сақна • Box office - касса
• Row – қатар • Backstage – сақна арты
• Box - балкон • Foyer - фойе

Сыныптағы диалог/жазылым ушін пайдалы тілдік бірліктер:

-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What season is it now?
-What is the weather like today?
-What day is it today?

Сіз неліктен. екенін айта аласыз ба?

Тақырыпқа байланысты сұрақтар қоямын.

Жазылым бойынша ұсыныстар:

Табыс критерийі

Тақырыпқа байланысты жаңа сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін білемін,тусінемін,ауызекі сөйлеу тілінде қолдана аламын, грамматика ережесін тереңрек меңгеремін.

Жоспарланған уақыт

(Жоспарланған жаттығулартөменде жоспарланған жаттығулармен қатар,ескертпелерді жазыңыз)

Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

Ынтымақтастықты орнату мақсатында

Елші 11 мин

The Globe theatre, London
The first permanent theatre in England was established by James Burbage (an actor) and was called just The Theatre.
The Globe is the most famous theatre. It was built by the sons of Burbage in 1599 on the southern shore of the Thames. The Globe especially famous for William Shakespeare's plays that were produced there. The Globe didn’t have a roof and it resembled the inn yard.
Ordinary poor people were standing in front of the stage while the rich enjoyed the performance from the galleries. The scenery of the plays had rich decorations. Most of the costumes were donated by rich patrons. The clothes were always bright and luxurious.
All actors had to know dancing, singing and stage fencing. They also used a lot of improvisation. Famous actors of that time were for example Edward Alleyn and Richard Burbage.

Тақырыпқа байланысиы тапсырма 10 мин

Answer the questions:
• Who was the first theatre established by? __ (James Burbage)
• What makes the Globe the most famous theatre? __ (William Shakespeare)
• How did people watch the performances? __ (Ordinary poor people were standing in front of the stage while the rich enjoyed the performance from the galleries)
• Why were the costumes luxurious? __ (Most of the costumes were donated by rich patrons)
• What did you learn about the actors of the past? __ (All actors had to know dancing, singing and stage fencing. They also used a lot of improvisation)

Жеке жұмыс 8 мин

Exercise 5 on page 152
A) where actors put on their costumes and make-up ____
the area on which the performance takes place ____
C) a line of seats ____
D) a way down from back to front between seats ____
E) an area of downstairs seats _____
F) an area of upstairs seats ____
G) the theatre entrance hall where people meet before going in ____
H) the place where you go or phone to buy tickets ____
I) the whole area out of sight of the audience ____
J) a little private balcony with 3-5 seats only ____

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Teacher – Today we shall talk about theatres famous theatre Glove in London and M . Auesov academic dram theatre in Almaty. First of all do you know what is the theatre ? Theatre is a place you can see a play staged . It is also one of entertainments . A theatre consists of two parts : the stage and the hall. . They are separated by a curtain and the orchestra

Actors and actresses perform on the stage and public occupies the hall, the boxes.

Working with new words

It is ….. (dressing room) It is …… (box office)

It is ….. (aisle) It is ….. (row)

It is ….. (stage) It is …. (circle)

It is …. (backstage) It is ….. (box)

It is…… (stalls) It is ….. (foyer)


Stalls – партердегі орындықтар

Aisle – орындықтар арасындағы ара қашықтық

Circle – залдың ішкі беті

Dressing room - гардероб

Stage – сақна

Box office - касса

Row – қатар

Backstage – сақна арты

Box – балкон

Reading the texts and answer the questions

The Globe theatre, London

The first permanent theatre in England was established by James Burbage (an actor) and was called just The Theatre.

The Globe is the most famous theatre. It was built by the sons of Burbage in 1599 on the southern shore of the Thames. The Globe especially famous for William Shakespeare's plays that were produced there. The Globe didn’t have a roof and it resembled the inn yard.

Ordinary poor people were standing in front of the stage while the rich enjoyed the performance from the galleries. The scenery of the plays had rich decorations. Most of the costumes were donated by rich patrons. The clothes were always bright and luxurious.

All actors had to know dancing, singing and stage fencing. They also used a lot of improvisation. Famous actors of that time were for example Edward Alleyn and Richard Burbage.

Answer the questions:

Who was the first theatre established by? __ (James Burbage)

What makes the Globe the most famous theatre? __ (William Shakespeare)

How did people watch the performances? __ (Ordinary poor people were standing in front of the stage while the rich enjoyed the performance from the galleries)

Why were the costumes luxurious? __ (Most of the costumes were donated by rich patrons)

What did you learn about the actors of the past? __ (All actors had to know dancing, singing and stage fencing. They also used a lot of improvisation)

M.Auezov Kazakh Drama Theatre, Almaty

Kazakh Academic Drama Theater named M.Auezov organized in late 1925 in Kyzyl-Orda.

Answer the questions:

Where was the theatre organized in late 1925? ____ (in Kyzyl-Orda)

When was the theatre opened? ____ (on January 13, 1926)

When was the theatre moved to Almaty? ____ (in 1928)

When was the theater awarded the academic title? ____ (since 1937)

When was the theatre awarded the name Auezov? ____ (since 1961)

Teacher: Lets do some exercises

You have to complete the sentences using the parts of the table:

There are a lot of people who becomes theatre-goers. They go to the theatre.

either to see the play or to listen to an opera.

enjoy actors playing

feel the magic of music

Usually we buy tickets to the performance .

in the box-office in advance

at the theatre agency

right before it

The audience in the theatre.

seats for a play

leaves their cloths in the cloakroom

buys a programme

prepares opera glasses

watches the performance

applauds the actors

Before the performance.

the lights go down

the musicians tune up

the curtain rises

Now I'm going to call the words, and you must find their interpretation.

M make-up (Something actors and actresses put on their faces to change their appearances.)

A House (The part of a theatre/cinema where the audience sits.)

A Foyer (A large area inside the theatre/cinema where people meet or wait; walk in the interval.)

An usher (A person who shows people where their seats are.)

A designer (A person whose job is to design things by making drawings of them.)

A conductor (Someone who stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing.)

A star (A very famous and popular actor/actress.)

A dressing room (A room where a performer can get dressed.)

Teacher: lets continue our work .Open your books on page 152 exercise 5

Your task is match each part of a theatre on the right with a definition on the left

A) where actors put on their costumes and make-up dressing _ room___

B) the area on which the performance takes place __stage__

C) a line of seats __row__

D) a way down from back to front between seats _ aisle___

E) an area of downstairs seats _ circle____

F) an area of upstairs seats stalls____

G) the theatre entrance hall where people meet before going in _foyer___

H) the place where you go or phone to buy tickets _ box-office___

I) the whole area out of sight of the audience _back stage___

J) a little private balcony with 3-5 seats only _box___

V. Marking: Marking pupils for their activities and abilities.

VI. Homework: Exercise 6 on page 152. Compare the photos and answer the questions.

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