The importance of english language in the modern world план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Урок поможет в формировании навыка самовыражения в виде построения речевого высказывания через учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность учителя и сверстников.

Описание разработки

Цель: Формирование навыка самовыражения в виде построения речевого высказывания через учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность учителя и сверстников.

Задачи: 1. Развивать способность к самовыражению. (личн. рез-ты)

2. Развивать способность представлять события с точки зрения личностных оценок. (личн. рез-ты)

3. Развить коммуникативную компетентность в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками. (коммуникат. УУД)

4. Развить умение планировать и целеполагать. (регулят. УУД)

5. Развивать умение работать индивидуально и в команде. . (коммуник. . УУД)

6. Развить умение анализировать, обобщать и строить выводы. . (регулят. УУД)

7. Использовать различные лексические средства для осуществления коммуникации. . (коммуникат. УУД)

8. Развивать умение смыслового чтения. (познават. УУД)

Технологическая карта урока английского языка

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме English is the international language in modern life

Содержание урока

1. Побуждение к деятельности, погружение в тему урока

1. Настраивает учащихся на работу, вводит в атмосферу иноязычной речи через речевую разминку и предлагает задания.

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The twenty-first century is the century of globalization - the process of world economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification. The English language became the subject of this process. English is studied at different stages of modern human development. We study it at school, in universities, every day we come across words that have come into use. Knowledge of the language is also tested when hiring. All large firms, especially those that work with foreign companies, consider this language as the criterion for hiring.

Nowadays, English is gaining more and more popularity. English is spoken almost all over the world. English is the language of politics and economics, study and entertainment, travel and business, music and art. We are everywhere surrounded by English, it has penetrated into our everyday life. One has only to go out into the street: in a large metropolis or a small regional center, as you see the inscriptions in English. These are the names of companies, firms and organizations, advertisements, courses, etc. There are signs on the doors of shops and firms notifying that "open" or "closed" are in English. In case you know English, you have the opportunity to read and understand them. Therefore, no educated person will argue that knowledge of the English language is now simply necessary. But lack of knowledge of the English language can lead to a dead end or a difficult situation.

English is the working and official language of the United Nations. Every world act, technical publication, book, instruction, song, poster, letter will be read and understood by different nations and peoples if they are presented in English. And, of course, it is natural that English in today's world has become the language of international communication. Turks and Finns, Czechs and Hungarians, Italians and Russian, not knowing each other's language, will be able to communicate with each other in that language. Learn more about "education"

English is so popular that it has become the standard language of international communication. Currently, 75% of world mail is in English, 60% of radio programs are broadcast in English, more than half of the world's periodicals are printed in English.

This spread of the English language around the world is due to the fact that Great Britain was and is a world maritime power. She had colonies, and then dominions around the world. Therefore, many countries currently use English on an equal basis with their official language: India, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the Federated States of Micronesia and a number of others. Some countries choose this language as their official language: USA, Antigua and Bahamas, Barbados, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Nigeria, Solomon Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and others.

English is so popular that it has become the standard language of international communication. Currently, 75% of world mail is in English, 60% of radio programs are broadcast in English, more than half of the world's periodicals are printed in English.

The need to introduce new information technologies in all spheres of human life is becoming more and more obvious. It's hard to imagine modern life without a computer. It has become as much a necessity as a calculator, notebook, typewriter, music center, a device for accessing and storing information. The world of computer science "speaks" English. A billion sites on the Internet in English. Mastering modern computer technology and, especially, the Internet is also impossible without knowledge of English. I was personally convinced of this when I prepared materials for reports. I found the answers to most of the questions using the Internet, but without knowing the English language, I would not be able to read or understand the required text.

English became the "new Latin". In the area of ​​scientific know-how and technological development, everyone needs to know English to be part of the 21st century. It is not hard to see why in Italy, for example, English is required for many technical professions. And in China, it is the main language taught in schools.

Nowadays, a huge number of people around the world are studying English, as they realize that only with knowledge of the language can you become successful in one area or another, if you use it in conjunction with your skills. All communication between people is built in English. From the elementary grades at school, children begin to learn English.

Of course, there have been repeated attempts to create a replacement for the English language, in order to simplify the study and level the capabilities of all nationalities for mutual interaction. They led to the formation of several "common" languages, the most effective of which was Esperanto. But, having designated a certain circle of admirers, he stopped developing. Numerous experts have publicized the idea that Esperanto has no history and roots, while English is the language of Dickens, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and many other great musicians and writers.

The goal: Формировать и развивать коммуникативную и социокультурную компетенцию.


• совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования.
• совершенствование лексических навыков по теме.
• развитие коммуникативной культуры.

Equipments: interactive board, cards, video.

The structure of the lesson

1. Orgmoment

Teacher: Good morning! It’s time to begin our lesson. Look at the blackboard and make some rules for successful lesson.

During our lesson we must

• speak English or Russian
• be active or passive
• speak loudly or quietly

2. Speech training:

3. Working with activeboard

4. Working with cards.

№ Questions Your opinion Information
1 How many people live on our planet?
2 What per cent (%) of all people speak English?
3 What place does English take among other languages?
5 In what sphere can you meet English?

1. Read the questions and give your own answers.
2. Complete the table using your ideas from this video.
3. Let`s do it in the following way: one reads the question and the other answers.

Деление на группы:

I group (Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakh, President, Irtysh, shanyrak)

II group (England, London, English, Queen, Thames, red rose)

Globish is a world language.

Globish is not called English because it is not the whole of the language used in England or America, or even the whole language of any people who are native-speakers of English. Most Globish communicators are not native English-speakers. Globish is not a language: it is an agreed small part of an ever changing and growing language called English.

We talk a lot about international communication, but Globish is also important for national communication. In many countries, people speak several languages that are all important. Swiss people speak German, Italian, French or Romansh. Belgians speak French, German, Dutch or Flemish. The largest countries like India, and Russia, and China each have many local languages. Israelis speak Hebrew or Arabic. In many cases, all those people only know their own language. They cannot communicate together because they know only one language; their own. In some countries, even people who can speak another language try not to speak it.

In all those cases, Globish is the solution. Already, in many of these countries, people try to communicate in English just because it is neutral. It is not the language of any one group. Globish is good for them because it offers a solution and is easy to learn.

Globish is being supported as a universal way to communicate. It is useful in all continents of the world and differs from English only in being just an agreed part of English, with helpful ways of communicating. This makes it easy to learn. Its limits are why it is so good:

  • Globish has only 1500 words (1500 is a known number for every day, general communication);
  • the words are known to everyone so people can use Globish words and then add others by agreement, defining them in Globish);
  • Globish does not include difficult ways of using English (so it is easier to understand, learn and use);
  • Globish does not include local examples, local ways of speaking, or anything like this (so understanding is more broadly available);
  • Globish uses positive statements and short sentences (so it is easy to understand in other languages);
  • Globish allows for different ways of speaking and spelling English words;
  • having learned Globish, a person can ’grow’ their communication skills to speak and write English, if required;
  • with computers, teachers who are not native speakers of English can teach others to communicate in Globish;
  • with computers, people can learn Globish without a teacher;
  • English-speaking people who have problems with English communication can use Globish to communicate;
  • Globish is better for people who might have different abilities and be disabled.

7. Homework

8. Reflection

1 line — one noun, describing the theme of our lesson
2 line — two adjectives, describing the first word
3 line — three verbs, going with the first word
4 line — one sentence, describing the theme of the lesson
5 line — an association with the first word

1 — lesson
2 — useful, interesting
3 — to learn, to teach, to listen
4 — English is a very interesting lesson.
5 — subject

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Today we’ll speak about English, its history, its vocabulary, its importance in the world and how make learning English funny and interesting.

II. План урока

English – the language of the planet

A language that came from nowhere to conquer the world

The words that are borrowed tell us about the countries they have come from

III. Речевая зарядка

How long have you been learning English?

Do you learn English only at school?

Why are you learning English?

Do you find it interesting? Hard? Useful?

What is the most difficult for you in English?

What is an idiom?

(An expression whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individual words.)

IV. Фонетическая зарядка

A fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

“Cat” idioms (ex. 70, presentation)

V. Основная часть урока

English – the language of the planet

Our lesson is devoted to the English language and we are going to speak about the language that conquer the world.

Do you agree that English has really conquered the world?

Ex 23 – Read out the sentences that prove the statement: “English has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.”

The role of English is great nowadays. We call it as a mother tongue, an official, international, foreign, modern and widespread language. Match the words and their definitions. ( Task on Smart Board)

So, English is an international language. Do you know how many people all over the world speak English? Can we say that it is the richest language? How many words are there in its vocabulary?

Map-test: name the countries where English is the official language, where it is one of the official languages, where English is spoken. (AB – ex.2)

VI. Физкультминутка

A language that came from nowhere to conquer the world.

Do you know where English came from? Listen to the text (additional material) and name the languages that formed the English language.

Now you’ll watch the part of the video film about the origin of English, try to write down as many early English words as you can.

The words that are borrowed tell us about the countries they have come from.

Some days ago we spoke about the ways of getting new words in the language. What are they?

From what languages did English borrow words?

From this list of words choose the words that were borrowed from Spanish, French and Russian. (task on Smart Board)

VII Подведение итогов, оценки, домашнее задание Hometask: ex. 23, 24,

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