Save our planet план урока

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Автор: Духвина Анна Германовна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №12

Населенный пункт: Республика Башкортостан, г. Октябрьский

Цель урока – выработка умений самостоятельно применять полученные знания в речевой ситуации.

Образовательные: оперировать имеющимся потенциалом в конкретной ситуации, закрепить умения и навыки работы с новыми понятиями, явлениями, научить отстаивать свою точку зрения

Воспитатльные : формировать экологическую культуру обучающихся, любовь и бережное отношение к природе.

Развивающие : развивать логическое мышление, способность к анализу, умение выступать и защищать свою точку зрения, развивать коммуникатиные навыки работы в группах, творческие способности.

Тип урока – комбинированный.

Ход урока –

  1. Начало урока.А)Приветствие, речевая разминка, мозговой штурм.

Teacher : Good morning dear children! I am extremely glad to see you here with me, and hope to spend great time all together. Happy to find you smiling and optimistic, by the way, can you name at least

a) 5 reason which make you smile?

b) 5 reasons to feel happy?

c) 5 goals you want to reach in your life?

d) 5 things that irritate you?

(answers of students)

B) Мотивация на работу по теме урока

Teacher – My dear students, yesterday I received an invitation from my British colleagues to participate in the scientific congress in London next month. I must be prepared for it, but they seem to forget to inform me about the theme of the congress. They have just sent me a video, perhaps, watching it we will be able to realise what the topic is. So let’s do it now together!

Work in groups and try to define the main idea of the video, using these possible prompts (возможные названия темы конгресса вывешаны надоске)

  1. Travelling around our wonderful world
  2. Global problems of the Earth
  3. Medicine issues
  4. Environmental protection
  5. The future of the Earth is in our hands

(Students choose the right variant and stick it in the middle of the blackboard.)

Teacher – What feeling do you have after watching the video? (sympathy, anger, sadness, horror, sorrow). Do you really believe our planet is in danger now? Do you expect a lot of fun from our lesson?

Now I hope you will help me prepare for the congress, won’t you?

  1. Основная часть урока. А) Введение новой лексики.

Слайд 2, 3 – введение новой лексики к теме урока.

To donate(to)–жетвовать, дарить

To heal(of)–исцелятьот.

To get rid (of)– избавляться от.

Tosave - экономить, спасать

Toban - запрещать

To finefor- штрафовать

Violence - жестокость

Mercy – милосердие

Compassion - жалость, сострадание, сочувствие

Greed - жадность

Soul – душа

Generosity – щедрость

To destruct, to destroy–разрушать


B) Практикование новых слов в устной речи.

Match the word from the left column to those from the right one.(Работа на раздаточных карточках – прил.1)

1 To get rid of a)pollution

2 To ban b) animals

3 To fine for c)littering

4 To reduce d) hunting

5 To donate to e) violence

6 To destroy f) our souls

7 To save g) natural habitat

8. To heal h) water

Keys: 1e, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6g, 7h, 8f.

Teacher - Great job, and now let’s refresh the vocabulary on this topic.

С) Закрепление лексики, актуализация знаний.

Слайд 4.Teacher: I want to suggest you the saying of Mahatma Gandhi as an epigraph for our lesson “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Tell me, how can you explain these words?

(Предполагаемый ответ обучающихся – I think it means that in order to change the world we must change our souls, our minds.)

So let’s revise what global issues we are going to discuss today.

Слайд 5. Three categories of global issues – natural disasters, ecological problems and social problems.

Учитель показывает слайды с 6 по 15, с 19 по 24, ученики определяют по

изображению название глобальной пробемы.

Слайды 16 – 18; 25 - 29 - просмотр, чтение и комментирование.

Teacher – Let‘s try and find the most dangerous problem for our planet. Using the linking words (written on the blackboard)

express your opinion and say what the most serious and dangerous problem for the Earth is. But first please write down your variant on the piece of paper and stick it on the blackboard.

D) Speaking

Один из учеников подсчитывает результат, а в это время проводится релакс-минутка.

So, as we can see, the most serious problem for our planet, in your opinion, is….

The next place is going to….

The third place is going to….

Teacher –As we can see, manyproblems are caused by human activities. We are not magicians, we are not scientists, we are not a government. But we can heal the world, changing our mind, changing ourselves. What can we do, each of us, to protect our nature, to save our planet?

Teacher – You are right, children, first of all we should be GREEN; who remembers what it means to be green?

So, what else can we do for saving our planet?

(Ответыо бучающихся - Turn off water while brushing our teeth, switch off the light when leave a room, reuse old crayons and bottles, paint coffee cans and use them for plants, donate old clothes and toys to charity, make birdfeeders, plant own vegetables, and recycle plastic bottles and bags, aluminium cans, electronics, glass, paper.)

Now, when we realise that we are really able to do much to help the environment, tell me, how green you are.

(Учащиеся высказываются, используя словесную опору (слайд 28)

Teacher – So, being green is very important, but let‘s recall the epigraph of our lesson “be the change you want to see in the world”. You told me that we should change ourselves. What exactly should we change in our souls?

(Предполагаемые ответы обучающихся – We must get rid of greed and violence, we must have mercy and compassion in our souls. We must be generous, kind and friendly.)

Teacher – I believe that you will do your best to follow these rules. And now let us make the message to humanity, to the next generations, expressing our claims, our thoughts on these colourful pieces of paper.

E) Projectwork.

3.Окончание урока. A) Рефлексия.

Teacher - My dear students, thank you for your priceless help, now I feel prepared for the conference, and the last task for you. Express your impressions about our work at the lesson in the cinquain.(пятёрка) Let it be about our planet.

Feeding, protecting, caring,

It needs our love and help.

Teacher - And now let us sing the wonderful song by Michael Jackson which was created to help the people in Africa.

B) Исполнение песни“We are the world”

There comes a time when we hear a certain call

When the world must come together as one

There are people dying

And it’s time to lend a hand to life

The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day

That someone, somewhere will soon make a change

We are all a part of God's great big family

And the truth, you know,

Love is all we need

We are the world, we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let’s start giving

There's a choice we're making

We're saving our own lives

It’s true we'll make a brighter day

Just you and me….

Teacher – Our lesson is over, thank you for your job, your home task is to make up 14 sentences, using new words. Good bye!

Приложение 1

Match the word from the left column to those from the right one.

Цель урока – выработка умений самостоятельно применять полученные знания в речевой ситуации.

  • Образовательные: оперировать имеющимся потенциалом в конкретной ситуации, закрепить умения и навыки работы с новыми понятиями, явлениями, научить отстаивать свою точку зрения
  • Воспитательные: формировать экологическую культуру обучающихся, любовь и бережное отношение к природе.
  • Развивающие: развивать логическое мышление, способность к анализу, умение выступать и защищать свою точку зрения, развивать коммуникатиные навыки работы в группах, творческие способности.

Оснащение – учебник “Spotlight 8”, видеопроектор, презентация, видеофильм, плакат “How big is the problem”, плакат “Message to humanity”, раздаточный материал

Тип урока – комбинированный.

А) Приветствие, речевая разминка, мозговой штурм.

Teacher: Good morning dear children! I am extremely glad to see you here with me, and hope to spend great time all together. Happy to find you smiling and optimistic, by the way, can you name at least

a) 5 reason which make you smile?

b) 5 reasons to feel happy?

c) 5 goals you want to reach in your life?

d) 5 things that irritate you?

(answers of students)

B) Мотивация на работу по теме урока

Teacher – My dear students, yesterday I received an invitation from my British colleagues to participate in the scientific congress in London next month. I must be prepared for it, but they seem to forget to inform me about the theme of the congress. They have just sent me a video, perhaps, watching it we will be able to realise what the topic is. So let’s do it now together!

  1. Travelling around our wonderful world
  2. Global problems of the Earth
  3. Medicine issues
  4. Environmental protection
  5. The future of the Earth is in our hands

(Students choose the right variant and stick it in the middle of the blackboard.)

Teacher – What feeling do you have after watching the video? ( sympathy, anger, sadness, horror, sorrow). Do you really believe our planet is in danger now? Do you expect a lot of fun from our lesson?

Now I hope you will help me prepare for the congress, won’t you?

2. Основная часть урока.

А) Введение новой лексики.

Teacher - Let us learn some new vocabulary to be able to have our conversation: Включается презентация. Слайд 1. Оглавление “Save our planet”

Слайд 2, 3 – введение новой лексики к теме урока.

To donate (to) – жетвовать, дарить

To heal (of) – исцелять от.

To get rid (of )– избавляться от.

To save - экономить, спасать

To ban - запрещать

To fine for - штрафовать

Compassion - жалость, сострадание, сочувствие

To destruct, to destroy – разрушать

B) Практикование новых слов в устной речи.

Match the word from the left column to those from the right one. (Работа на раздаточных карточках – приложение 1)

1 To get rid of a) pollution
2 To ban b) animals
3 To fine for c) littering
4 To reduce d) hunting
5 To donate to e) violence
6 To destroy f) our souls
7 To save g) natural habitat
8. To heal h) water

Keys: 1e, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6g, 7h, 8f.

Teacher - Great job, and now let’s refresh the vocabulary on this topic.

С) Закрепление лексики, актуализация знаний.

Слайд 4. Teacher: I want to suggest you the saying of Mahatma Gandhi as an epigraph for our lesson “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Tell me, how can you explain these words?

(Предполагаемый ответ обучающихся – I think it means that in order to change the world we must change our souls, our minds.)

So let’s revise what global issues we are going to discuss today.

Слайд 5. Three categories of global issues – natural disasters, ecological problems and social problems.

Учитель показывает слайды с 6 по 15, с 19 по 24, ученики определяют по изображению название глобальной пробемы.

Слайды 16 – 18; 25 - 29 - просмотр, чтение и комментирование.

  • In my opinion;
  • To my mind;
  • I think ;
  • I believe;

express your opinion and say what the most serious and dangerous problem for the Earth is. But first please write down your variant on the piece of paper and stick it on the blackboard.

Используя интерактиный прием “Карусель”, ученики выражают свое мнение.

Один из учеников подсчитывает результат, а в это время проводится релакс-минутка.

  • So, as we can see, the most serious problem for our planet, in your opinion, is.
  • The next place is going to.
  • The third place is going to.

(Ученики объявляют результаты опроса и согласно им заполняют плакат “How big is the problem ?” (Приложение 2) и приклеивают соответствующие стикеры-смайлики)

Teacher – As we can see, many problems are caused by human activities. We are not magicians, we are not scientists, we are not a government. But we can heal the world, changing our mind, changing ourselves. What can we do, each of us, to protect our nature, to save our planet?

Teacher – You are right, children, first of all we should be GREEN; who remembers what it means to be green?

So, what else can we do for saving our planet?

(Ответы обучающихся - Turn off water while brushing our teeth, switch off the light when leave a room, reuse old crayons and bottles, paint coffee cans and use them for plants, donate old clothes and toys to charity, make birdfeeders, plant own vegetables, and recycle plastic bottles and bags, aluminium cans, electronics, glass, paper.)

Now, when we realise that we are really able to do much to help the environment, tell me, how green you are.

(Учащиеся высказываются, используя словесную опору (слайд 28)

Teacher – So, being green is very important, but let‘s recall the epigraph of our lesson “be the change you want to see in the world”. You told me that we should change ourselves. What exactly should we change in our souls?

(Предполагаемые ответы обучающихся – We must get rid of greed and violence, we must have mercy and compassion in our souls. We must be generous, kind and friendly.)

Teacher – I believe that you will do your best to follow these rules. And now let us make the message to humanity, to the next generations, expressing our claims, our thoughts on these colourful pieces of paper.

Учащиеся выполняют проектную работу “Послание человечеству” . На лист ватмана дети приклеивают заготовленные заранее картинки по теме “Экология, глобальные проблемы человечества” и на листочках бумаги в форме детской ладошки пишут призывы к будущему поколению, затем приклеивают их на плакат. Работа ведется всей группой.

3. Окончание урока.

Teacher - My dear students, thank you for your priceless help, now I feel prepared for the conference, and the last task for you. Express your impressions about our work at the lesson in the cinquain. Let it be about our planet.

The Earth
Magnificent, unique,
Feeding, protecting, caring,
It needs our love and help.

Teacher - And now let us sing the wonderful song by Michael Jackson which was created to help the people in Africa.

B) Исполнение песни “We are the world”

There comes a time when we hear a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It’s true we'll make a brighter day
Just you and me.

Teacher – Our lesson is over, thank you for your job, your home task is to make up 14 sentences, using new words. Good bye!

Цель урока: 1. Образовательная: А ктивизация лексико-грамматических навыков в аудировании и говорении.

2. Воспитательная: Экологическое воспитание, формирование умения работать в паре и группе.

3. Развивающая: развитие мотивационной сферы, языковой догадки, навыков самооценки, рефлексии.

Средства обучения: УМК Way Ahead-6, проектор, интернет ресурсы British Council:

Опоры для выполнения

Цель этапа (развиваемые умения и навыки)

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Today we are going on speaking about…. About what? (Children’s answers)

Yes, but first let’s play a game “Brainstorm”. What do you think about when you hear the word POLLUTION? Name these things. (Children’s answers)

What is rubbish made of ? What do we throw into our bins? (Children’s answers) Let’s play a game.

На доске рисуется каждая стрелка за каждую ассоциацию учеников. Чем больше названо слов, тем лучше.

интернет ресурс British Council №1

Актуализация лексического материала, развитие мотивационной сферы учащихся.

We live on a beautiful planet. But it is in danger. Why? (Children’s answers)

You have a text with gaps. Scan it and try to fill the gaps with given words.

Now let’s listen to the text and check the task.

Now let’s listen to the text again and watch the video.

Who has no mistakes?

What problems do we have on our planet?

-раздаточный материал для учеников (1)

- интернет ресурс British Council №2

“Let’s listen and watch”

Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков в аудировании. Экологическое воспитание.

Развитие языковой догадки.

Развитие самооценки, рефлексии.

Speaking and checking up your homework

How can we help our planet?

Who must help our planet?

(ответы учеников записываются на доске в виде трех столбов)

Now name modal verbs which we use to speak about environmental problems.

Name actions we need to help our planet.

Finally, look at the blackboard and answer the question, ‘How can we save our planet?’

Tell us full sentences.

Now let’s check up the homework. What was it?

(На предыдущем уроке ученикам были предложены девизы для выполнения постеров в качестве д.з. Девизы обсудили в классе. На урок ученики принесли свои готовые постеры)

Yes, you chose the slogan for your poster and drew it. Show them to me. (Девизы к постерами представлены ниже.)

Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков в говорении. Экологическое воспитание.

Проверка выполнения домашнего задания.

Speaking and working in pairs/groups

Who chose slogan №1 (2,3,4,5)?

Make up groups or pairs.

Now discuss your posters and try to tell us what your ideas about helping our planet are. The phrases on the blackboard can help you.

Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков в говорении. Экологическое воспитание.

Формирование умения работать в паре или группе.

How must/ should/ought to/could you help our planet?

What was new (interesting) for you at the lesson?

What have you learnt?

Развитие навыков рефлексии.

Развитие навыков самооценки.

Giving home tasks.

Let’s write down your home tasks. Is everything clear?

1. Ask your mum how much money she pays for water and electricity in your flat every month.

2. Count how many bins of rubbish your family throws away every day.

Развитие обще- учебных навыков

( if we have enough time)

Let’s sing a song

- интернет ресурс British Council №3

-раздаточный материал для учеников (2).

Развитие мотивационной сферы учащихся.

Раздаточный материал для учеников 1.

  1. Listen and put the words from the box into the gaps in the text.

Save our planet.

hundreds rubbish cold 36 pollute atmosphere produce plants plastic bags warmer amazing

There are many_______________ places on Earth.

Forests are home to over half of the world’s animals and plants. Trees clean the air and ___________oxygen for us to breathe. Every day we throw away ___________of trees in paper and card and we destroy more than __________football fields of forests.

The oceans are home to millions of marine animals. They absorb the sun’s heat, transfer it to the ____________and move it around the world. A lot of the ___________we produce on land pollutes the oceans. Turtles mistake _____________ f or jellyfish and die when they eat them.

At opposite sides of the world, The Arctic and Antarctic are freezing cold lands. It is so ___________that that the see is covered in ice. The fuel we use for energy makes the climate_____________. As it gets warmer, the ice melts and the sea rises. The land disappears.

Rivers collect rainwater and carry it to the oceans. Along the way, __________absorb and clean the water so it is safe for us to drink.

Farm and factories _____________the rivers with pesticides and chemicals. Every day we flush 50 litres of dirty water down the toilet.

We must save our nature so that we and our children can live a long and healthy life!

Раздаточный материал для учеников 2.

It’s up to me and you!

Can you understand

What we have to do?

There’s only one world,

It’s up to me and you!

Brush your teeth, but turn off the tap,

Take a shower, don’t have a bath,

Walk or ride your bike to school,

Recycle paper, that’s the rule.

Unplug the TV, switch off the lights,

Go out with friends, don’t surf all night,

Give old clothes to charity,

Join a green group, plant a tree.

  1. Let’s save our planet! Not time to wait!
  2. Pollute today, pay the price tomorrow.
  3. Be clean- go green!
  4. Everyone should be “green”. Are you?

1. Ask your mum how much money she pays for water and electricity in your flat every month.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Методическая разработка урока по теме: “ Save the Earth !”

Тема урока: Спасём нашу планету.

Дата: 15.03.2018

Класс: 7 Б класс. Spotlight 7 В. Эванс, Д. Дули.

практические - активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме

коммуникативные задачи - развивать умения чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации; развивать умения говорения – аргументировано выражать мнения по обсуждаемой проблеме;

развивающие – развивать кругозор учащихся, память, творческие навыки; развивать умения делать выводы, выражать собственное мнение;

воспитательные – воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей c реде, чувство ответственности за место, где ты живѐшь; создавать возможность для проявления индивидуальных способностей учащихся, развитие навыков к сотрудничеству;

образовательные – совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки, расширить словарный запас, активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых ситуациях, создать условия для спонтанной речи.

Планируемые результаты:

- свободно строить монологическую речь и выражать свои мысли с опорой на образец и без него, используя новую лексику.

2. УУД: Личностные. Уметь выбирать оптимальные формы взаимоотношения на уроке, формировать личностные качества каждого учащегося.

Коммуникативные. Формировать умения слушать и осознанно вступать в беседу и строить свою монологическую речь для поддержания учебно-познавательной деятельности.

Познавательные. Уметь осознанно строить речевое высказывание с опорой на образец и без него, формулировать ответы на вопросы учителя и правильно произносить и использовать новую лексику.

Регулятивные. Планировать свою деятельность в соответствии с целевой установкой; использовать речь для регуляции своего действия; моделировать ситуации поведения в классе.

Оборудование и раздаточные материалы : компьютер, презентация к уроку,

раздаточный материал, карандаши, фломастеры, альбомные листы.

Тип урока : урок открытия новых знаний.

Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, children!
S: Good morning, teacher.
T: Sit down, please

T: I’m glad to see you! I hope you’re fine and in a good mood. I suppose that we ‘ll
provide a fruitful work. Now remind me what day is it today?
S: Today is Thursday. Today is the 15 th of March!
T: Very good. Who is absent today?
S: Everybody is here
T: I’m so happy that everybody is here and I hope we’ll have a good time at our lesson,
now let’s get started.

2. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся .

- During this lesson we are going to discuss a very important problem. Now watch the film about the most beautiful planet in the Universe and try to guess the topic of our discussion. ( Слайд 3).

Nature Is Speaking – Reese Witherspoon is Home | Conservation International . (1 мин )

- What are your ideas of our today’s theme of the lesson?

Ответы учащихся . Предполагается, что они назовут слова: ecology, nature, planet etc.)

- Yes, you are right. Today we’ll speak about our Nature and environmental problems on our planet. Т his theme is so popular now because it is of great importance for everybody. ( Слайд 4).

- Why is the problem of protecting our nature so important now? ( Ответы учащихся )

- Today we will learn some new words, read a text and do a lot of exercises.

- But, at the beginning of our lesson we should have some phonetic drills.

3. Фонетическая зарядка . ( Слайд 5).

She sells sea shells
on the sea shore,
The shells that she sells
are sea shells, I am sure

Swan swam over the sea.
Swim, swan, swim!
swam back again.
swum, swan.

Now your own words with these sounds.

4. Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

Введение новой лексики . For our discussion we should learn some new words. (Слайды 6-15.)

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Развивать языковую догадку и речевую реакцию учащихся.


Формировать ответственное отношение к природе и проблемам окружающей среды;

Воспитывать экологическую культуру.

Ход работы

I. Начало урока


T. Good afternoon, children, good afternoon our guests. I see, my dear children, you feel fine, don’t you?

T. I’m glad to hear that. So we can start our lesson. The theme of the lesson is “Save our planet”. You will speak about ecological problems and exchange your opinions. You will have to answer, if you are friends of our planet and how to protect it. The epigraph of our lesson is “The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth”, “To take care of our planet is to take care of our own house” Dalai Lama (the sage of Tibet)

Учащиеся переводят содержание высказываний.

Введение в иноязычную атмосферу

T. To begin with, let’s remember the words associated with this topic: litter, pollution, air pollution, water pollution, environment, fragile, to destroy, destruction, deforestation, ozone layer, greenhouse effect, global warming, to dump waste, to damage, to save, to protect, to reduce, to reuse, to recycle.

T. Look at the blackboard. You can see two words: “Nature” and “Ecology”. What is “nature”?

P1: Nature is: water, sky, river, forest, grass, birds, animals, people.

T: What is ecology?

P2: Ecology is: litter, air pollution, water pollution, environment, chemical, to damage, protect.

T: Ecology is a natural balance. What does word environment mean?

P1: Environment means everything that is around us.

P2: The air, we breathe.

P3: The land on which we stand and walk.

P4: The water, we drink.

P5: The forest, the field, the mountains.

T: Let’s listening to a poem about our planet.

A pupil recites the poem

The Earth is a garden,

It is a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all human race.

Helping Mother Earth,

We can peacefully roam,

We all deserve a place,

We can call our home.

T: Children, do you like poem? Why?

P1: Yes, I like it. It is about our planet.

P2:It is about our Mother Earth.

T: And do you lie our planet?

P1: Yes, I do, it’s so beautiful. I like to wake up when the sun is shining.

P2: I like the sound of birds singing.

P3: I like to go to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries.

P4: I like the sea. I am a good swimmer.

P5: I like to listen to the sound of the sea.

II Основная часть урока

T: Yes, our planet is huge and beautiful. Look at the amazing landscapes. The world we live in is wonderful: blue oceans, seas, long rivers, snow-capped mountains and fields with romantic flowers. But can you imagine that there might come a day, when all this beauty will disappear. Of course, you can’t. But our planet is fragile and its so easy to destroy its natural balance. Today our Mother Earth is in danger. Let’s watch a video clip “Environmental problems”.

T: What can you say about this video? Describe your impressions.

P1: I’m shocked to see what has happened.

P2: I’m sad. It’s a pity!

P3: I’m angry. It’s awful!

P4:I’m shocked, because people kill the planet.

T: The saddest thing is that killing the planet we kill ourselves. Dear children, what ecological problems did you see in this video?

P1: Air pollution.

P2: Water pollution.

P3: Destruction of forests.

T: How do you understand the word “pollution”?

P4: It’s making water, air, soil dirty and dangerous for people and animals?

T: What are other ecological problems?

P5: Destruction of ozone layer.

P6: Greenhouse effect.

Opinion talk “The most important ecological problems”

T: Let’s discuss these problems. The first is destruction of forests. Why do people cut the trees down?

P1: For furniture, paper, card boards.

T: What will happen if people continue to cut the trees down.

P2: Forests control the weather and produce a lot of oxygen.

P3: And oxygen is very necessary for people’s health.

T: Greenhouse effect. What is it?

P1: The greenhouse effect is the problem of temperature rise in the atmosphere.

P2:It leads to global warming.

T: Another problem is water pollution. What can you say about it?

P: The water today is dangerous because it is polluted.

P2: Oceans and seas are used as a dump of industrial and nuclear waste.

T: Why is it dangerous for water?

P3: Because this waste is the poison that kills fish and sea animals.

P4: People can’t drink this water and eat the fish because they may die.

T: Air pollution. What causes air pollution?

P1: Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars and buses.

P2: Most of the pollution comes from plants and factories.

P3: Nuclear power stations can cause nuclear pollution, for example, Chernobil tragedy.

T: Acid rains are the result of air pollution too. Now we shall read and translate the text about Acid rains at p.77

P1,2,3,4 (2 pupils read and 2 pupils translate)

T:Look at this slide, what do you see?

P1: We can see litter everywhere.

P2: Sometimes we can see a lot of litter in the street.

P3: We can see plastic bottles, paper, rubbish in the forests, in the park.

P4: Our planet is a beautiful place and we must not spoil it.

T: Another problem is that many animals are in danger of becoming extinct. Now we shall watch the presentation about animals, prepared by…

P1: Rhinos. Rhinos live in Africa and Asia. There are only 11000 rhinos left in the world. They are killed for sport. They are hunted for their horns. In some countries people believe that rhinos’ horn has magical power. Their horn is used as a medicine.

P2:Pandas. Pandas live in China. They have beautiful black and white coats. They eat bamboo16 hours a day. Bamboo forests in China are cleared for farming and there is less bamboo for pandas. Pandas are also killed for their coats. There are only about 2000 pandas left in the world.

P3:The African elephant. The African elephant is the largest mammal on earth. Elephants are killed for their tusks. The tusks are used for making jewellery. Besides this the growing population of Africa makes it difficult for elephants to find areas to live and eat.

T: Dear children, you have listened to the information about rhinos, pandas and elephants. Now look at the blackboard and do the exercise. Match to make up sentences.

The African elephant is killed for

Rhinos are killed for

Pandas are killed for

Rhinos are hunted for

Rhinos’ horn is used

Tusks are used for

P1,2,3,4,5,6 read the sentences.

T: We discuss ecological problems. They make us think about the future of our planet. What are your thoughts about our future.

P1: I think the future will be bad. The seas and air will become more polluted and e will become ill.

P2: We might go to live on the Moon or the Mars, because the life on Earth will be bad.

P3: As for me I’m optimistic about the future of our planet. There many ways to save it. One way is to remember three Rs [a:z]: reduce, reuse and recycle.

P4: As for me, I have joined the echo-helpers club not long ago.

P5: Oh, I’ve heard about that. And what do you do there?

P4: We built nesting boxes, plant trees and flowers, collect rubbish for recycling: glass and plastic bottles, old books, newspapers.

P5: That’s very interesting. Your club sounds wonderful. I’d like to join it. Can I?

P4: Of course you can. We really need volunteers. You only have to see our biology teacher.

P5: Sounds great! I will join on Monday!

Speaking on the problem “How can we save our planet”

T: And now let’s discuss the problem how to save our planet. What steps can be taken to solve ecological problems?

P1 Factories must stop polluting air, rivers and lakes.

P2: We must always put litter into a bin

P3:. We must not throw litter into the water, lakes, rivers.

P4: We must not leave bottles and cars in the park and in the forest.

P5: We must pick up litter after picnics.

P6: We must plant trees.

P7: We must not cut the trees down.

P8: We must not hurt animals.

P9: We must feed birds in winter.

P10: We can build houses for birds.

P11: We must reuse old paper.

P12: We must recycle rubbish.

T: Now watch a cartoon “How to protect our planet”

T: Do you agree with me that “The Earth is our home and it depends on us. It is not too late to solve the problems. If you worry about our planet, join echo clubs, support green world organizations which try to prevent many disasters.

Friends of the Earth Друзья Земли

People and Planet Люди и планета

World Wide Fund for Nature Всемирный фонд охраны дикой природы

UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme Программа ООН по окружающей среде или ЮНЕП

Greenheart International Международная организация Зеленое сердце

All this will help our planet to be clean and safe for us and future generations.

The children sing the song “We’ll save our planet”

The Earth is my home

I promise to keep it

Healthy and beautiful.

I will love the land

The air, the water

And all living creatures

I will be a defender of my planet.

United with friends

I will save the Earth.

United with friends

I promise to keep it.

United with friends

I will love the land.

United with friends

I’ll be a defender.

I will save the Earth.

The Earth is my home

I promise to keep it

Healthy and beautiful.

I will love the land

The air, the water

And all living creatures

I will be a defender of my planet.

III. Заключительная часть урока

T. Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. Please, write down your homework: ex. 1 and ex. 2 at p.84. You will review the worlds of the topic once again.

And now let’s sum up the lesson. Thank you, dear children, for this lesson. You were active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work today. Your marks for the lesson are… Our lesson is over. You are free.

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