Political system of great britain план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с историей британской королевской семьи.

  • Воспитательный компонент: способствовать воспитанию у учащихся уважительного отношения к истории и культуре другого народа.
  • Образовательный компонент: формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке и анализ текста 1-го куплета гимна Великобритании.
  • Развивающий компонент: совершенствование навыков перевода и чтения незнакомого текста.
  • Мультимедийный проектор и презентация в PowerPoint.
  • Аудиозапись гимна Великобритании.
  • Англо-русские словари на столах.

Т. Today we’ll continue to discuss the main aspects of the British Political system. Look at the board! Here you can see words which are mixed. You should find 5 words and word combinations connected with Political system of Great Britain. (Учащиеся выполняютзадание в тетради в течение 3 минут)

(The, the, the, the, the, Queen, State, Monarch, Minister, of, Head, President, Prime)

Key: the Head of State, the Monarch, the Queen, the President, the Prime Minister.

2. Речевая разминка

  • Who is the Head of State in Great Britain?
  • Who is the Head of State in the USA?
  • What are the Houses of the British Parliament?
  • Who has more power: the British Queen or the President of the USA? Why?
  • Does the British elect the Queen?
  • Whom do the British elect?
  • Whom does the Monarch officially appoint?
  • The government of the UK represents 3 branches: legislative, executive and green tree’s branch.
  • The House of Commons is appointed by the Monarch.
  • The Cabinet of Ministers consists of 650 members.
  • The Cabinet is chosen by the Prime Minister.
  • The name of the British Queen is Victoria II.

3. Знакомство с гимном Великобритании: (звучит аудиозапись гимна Великобритании – GodSavetheQueen, песня SexPistols).

1. God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen.

2. Lord, our God, arise,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall.
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all.

3. Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen.

При помощи перевода прилагательных 1-го куплета важно показать учащимся, что содержание неофициального гимна Великобритании отражает характерные черты британского народа: их гордость за многовековую историю монархии, гордость и восхищение своей Королевой, гордость своей державой и своей принадлежностью к этой стране. (Приложение 1)

Gracious – милосердный, великодушный
Noble – превосходный, величественный
Victorious – победоносный
Glorious – великолепный, восхитительный
To reign (over) – царствовать, господствовать .

4. Знакомство с историей Королевской семьи

Т. Now let me introduce some information about the Royal Family of Great Britain.

Работа с презентацией в PowerPoint, которая составлена в виде книги: рассказ учителя и чтение при помощи учащихся, среди которых наиболее сильные выполняют роль переводчиков. (Приложение 1)

A job for life

For more than a thousand years Britain has always had kings or queens. Why does Britain need monarchy? Elisabeth II calls her family a “Firm”. She thinks of it as a business rather than a family. And the main business of the royal family is… well, probably being royal. And they are paid for it. The Queen is one of the richest women in the world and yet she gets about 8 million pounds a year to be queen. But many people agree that she does her job well and she deserves her salary.
For more than a thousand years Britain has always had kings or queens. Why does Britain need monarchy? Elisabeth II calls her family a “Firm”. She thinks of it as a business rather than a family. And the main business of the royal family is… well, probably being royal. And they are paid for it. The Queen is one of the richest women in the world and yet she gets about 8 million pounds a year to be queen. But many people agree that she does her job well and she deserves her salary.
Every summer the Queen gives three or more royal garden parties at Buckingham Palace. About 8,000 guests come to each party. They drink about 27,000 cups of tea and eat 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 pieces of cake. The Queen and other members of the royal family often travel abroad as guests of other countries.
So their life is quite busy. Besides, the Queen acts as head of the government - so every day she reads official papers from the government and once a week she has a meeting with the Prime Minister. She also has to read the report of the day from Parliament. Any law made by Parliament really becomes law only if the Queen agrees to it. But no king or queen has refused a new law since 1701!

5. Физминутка: упражнение для глаз

T. Let’s have a rest!
Look at me, please! Don’t turn your head!
Look at the board! Look at me! Look at my hand! (совершаю рукой вращательные движения). Look at the ceiling! Look at the floor! Look at the right! Look at the left! Look at me! Close your eyes! Open your eyes! (Twice) Sit down, please!

6. Family Story

When Elisabeth was born nobody knew she would be queen. Her grandfather, King George V, had six children. His eldest son, Edward, was the next in line to be king and Elisabeth’s father, Albert, was only second child. Edward loved a good time. He enjoyed women, drank a lot, spent money, liked fashionable clothes. Albert, or Bertie, as his friends called him, was rather shy, he stammered, and all his life it was difficult for him to make speeches. As he did not expect to become king, he chose the Navy.

He married Lady Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon – she was the Queen Mother – and they had two daughters, Elisabeth and Margaret. The family lived in a house on Piccadilly. It was not a palace, but it was a nice place with twenty five bedrooms, a library and a room for dances and parties. The girls had a private teacher, they also studied music, dancing and art. As a child Elizabeth was nicknamed Lilibet – because that was the way she pronounced her name. She was a serious, tidy little girl, but her governess said that Lilibet and Margaret could fight on occasions.

In 1936 King George died. When his coffin with the crown on top of it was carried through the streets on a horse-drawn carriage, the crown fell. Many people thought it was a bad sign. Indeed, 1936 became “the year of three kings”. In January, after his father’s death, Edward became king. In December he refused from the throne and his younger brother, Bertie took his place.

Many people think that this is one of the most romantic love stories of our century. Handsome and popular King Edward was in love with an American woman Wallis Simpson and he wanted to marry her. But Wallis was divorced – twice! The royal family did not like her, the government was against this marriage, so was the Church.
It was not an easy choice for Edward, but he made it. He preferred Wallis to the crown. They got married and lived in Paris for most of their lives. They were never friendly with the royal family again.
When Elisabeth was 13 she met Prince Philip of Greece. He was six years older than her. He came from the Greek royal family, but also had relatives in the Danish, Britain and Russian royal families. During the war he was in the Navy and that was when Elisabeth first saw him. Certainly at the time she was only a schoolgirl, but later they fell in love and in 1947 they got married.
The next few years were very happy. They had their first children: a son, Charles, born in 1948, and daughter, Anne, born in 1950.

7. Физминутка: упражнение для глаз

T. Let’s have a rest!
Look at me, please! Don’t turn your head!
Look at the board! Look at me! Look at my hand! ( я совершаю рукой вращательные движения). Look at the ceiling! Look at the floor! Look at the right! Look at the left! Look at me! Close your eyes! Open your eyes!(twice) Sit down, please!

8. Her Majesty the Queen ELISAVETA II

In 1952 King George VI died. Elisabeth was only twenty-five and she was Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Like other kings and queens since 1066, she came to Westminster Abbey for the government didn’t welcome the idea. It was an important ceremony to be on television. The church and the government didn’t welcome the idea. It was an important ceremony and not a public show, they said. But Elisabeth won. The whole country watched how the heavy gold crown was placed on the young Queen’s head.

(Вопросы для викторины могут быть разработаны самостоятельно по тексту материала)

10. Итоги урока

– Do you like our lesson today? Was it interesting for you?
– Was something new for you? What?
– How do you think was it useful for you? Why?

(Эти вопросы можно задать на родном языке, что бы учащиеся, отвечая на них могли осознавать и чётко анализировать ценность предложенного материала)

§ повышение познавательной активности обучающихся, расширение интереса студентов к предметам английского языка и обществознания.

§ демонстрация примера широкого сотрудничества учебных предметов на уроке через совместную деятельность преподавателей и студентов.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Самарской области

государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

08.01.10 Мастер жилищно-коммунального хозяйства

В ходе проведения данного урока решаются следующие задачи:

  • развитие творческих способностей студентов, более глубокое усвоение программного материала основного курса английского языка и обществознания;
  • повышение познавательной активности обучающихся, расширение интереса студентов к предметам английского языка и обществознания.
  • демонстрация примера широкого сотрудничества учебных предметов на уроке через совместную деятельность преподавателей и студентов.

В данную методическую разработку входят:

  • технологическая карта урока
  • конспект урока с подробным описанием хода урока
  • раздаточный материал, используемый в ходе занятия

Используемые образовательные технологии:

  • игровые технологии
  • проблемно - поисковые технологии
  • технологии тестового контроля
  • ИК технология

Краткое описание урока:

Занятие представляет собой игровой повторительно - обобщающий урок. Урок проходит в форме соревнования. Группа делится на 3 команды. Каждой команде предлагаются вопросы и задания различного уровня. За правильные ответы команды зарабатывают баллы. По окончании игры подводятся итоги: подсчитываются набранные очки и выставляются оценки.


  • актуализация знаний студентов о политике, полученных в курсе обществознания .
  • проверка знаний по страноведению, особенностям государственного устройства Великобритании и Российской Федерации, структуре политической системы данных стран на основе практических заданий, а также контроль формирования и развития умения практического владения английским языком .
  • развивать политическое мышление, развивать творческую активность студентов, тем самым прививая интерес к политической структуре государств
  • развивать умения осуществлять комплексный поиск информации по теме, способствовать развитию умений анализировать, сравнивать, делать выводы, рационально решать познавательные и проблемные задачи; работать с документами, тестами.
  • в оспитывать умение работать в группе.
  • способствовать осознанию себя гражданами своей страны и гражданами мира.
  • способствовать умению ориентироваться в политической обстановке и построении политических систем в своей стране и в стране изучаемого языка.

10. Методы обучения: игровой и наглядно-иллюстрированный методы обучения.

11. Формы работы : систематизация и обобщение, игровые приемы, работа студентов с документальными источниками, тестами, формулировка выводов, использование мультимедийной презентации.

12. Средства обучения: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, мультимедийная презентация, флаги России, Великобритании, портреты политических лидеров стран, раздаточные карточки с текстом, ключевыми словами и практическими заданиями.

13. Критерии и методы диагностики эффективности занятия: получение каждой группой (командой) максимальное количество баллов.

14. Межпредметные связи: История. География. Обществознание.

15. Список источников и литературы:

  1. Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык 10-11кл 2001г.
  1. А.Н.Голубев Английский язык 2007г.
  2. Г.Т Безкоровайная Planet of English Учебник английского языкадля Нпо и Спо +( СД)92-е изд)ИЦ,Академия2013г
  1. Конституция Российской Федерации. Принята на референдуме 12 декабря 1993 г. – М., 2009.

Содержание учебного материала

готовности студентов к работе и ознакомление

Приветствие. Проверяют готовность студентов к уроку, озвучивают

Проверяют свою готовность к уроку,

Знакомятся с темой и особенностями проведения урока

2.Актуализация знаний студентов.

студентов к работе в группах (командах) над обобщающей темой:

Вопросы и задания группам (командам).

What is the difference in the political system of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom?

  • What are special features in the political system of these countries?
  • Ответить на вопросы теста
  1. Уясняют задачи урока.
  2. Анализируют документальный материал,
  3. осуществляют поиск необходимой информации.
  4. Отвечают на вопросы и задания

мультимедийная презентация, документальные источники, портреты политических деятелей, дополнительная литература, интернет-ресурсы, раздаточный материал.

3. Обобщение и систематизация знаний

Целостное осмысление, обобщение и закрепление знаний

Создают условия для проведения проверочного теста

4. Первичное закрепление

Обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Подведение итогов урока

1. Подводят итоги.

2. Подсчитывают баллы команд (групп).

3. Выставляют оценки командам.

1. Анализируют урок

2. Подсчитывают баллы команд.

2. Подводят итоги

Выяснить степень усвоения темы

Слайды мультимедийной презентации.

Дают ответы на вопросы.

Определяют свое эмоциональное состояние на уроке.

Информация о домашнем задании.

Закрепление материала урока

Слайды мультимедийной презентации с темами эссе.

Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания

Запись домашнего задания

мультимедийная презентация, раздаточный материал.

2. Актуализация знаний студентов .

Задания группам (командам).

(максимальное количество баллов – 8 баллов )

The political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen, Elizabeth II, is the head of the State. But, in practice, the UK is ruled by the elected government with Prime-Minister at the head. The power of the Queen is limited by the parliament. The official residence of the Queen in London is the Buckingham Palace.

The legislative branch of power is realized by the British Parliament. The British Parliament has existed since 1256 and is the eldest parliament in the world. It consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords has no fixed number of members (over 1000 members). It consists of Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal. Lords Spiritual are Archbishops, most senior bishops of the Church. They serve as long as they occupy their positions in the Church. Lords Temporal are Life Peers, Hereditary Peers, Law Peers. They serve for life. The House of Lords is not elected by the people. The House of Commons consists of 659 members. It is a nation-wide representative body which is elected by the people at a general election not less frequently than once in 5 years.

The executive branch of power is realized by the Government: the Prime-Minister, the Cabinet and the Government Departments. After the general election the Queen appoints the head of the government – the Prime Minister. As a rule, the Prime Minister is a leader of the political party that has won the election and has a majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister appoints the ministers to compose the Government. Government is responsible to the Parliament. The Cabinet consists of 20 Secretaries of State. They are heads of the Government Departments. These Secretaries are appointed by the Prime-Minister. There are 20 Government Departments in the UK: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Education Department, Department for Health, etc.

At present the Prime-Minister of the UK is David Cameron. He is the leader of the Conservative Party. The official residence of the Prime-Minister is Downing Street, 10 in London.

The Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, the Crown Court, the Subordinate Courts compose the judicial branch of power. Subordinate Courts (Magistrate’s Courts and County Courts) are local Courts of Justice. There are the High Court of Justice and the Crown Court. The High Court of Justice deals with civil cases. The Crown Court deals with criminal cases. The Court of Appeal deals with appeals from the High Court of Justice and the Crown Court. The House of Lords is presented in the Supreme Court by 3 Lords. They are operating as a committee of the House of Lords.

A constitution is the basic law of any state. The main elements of the constitution are definitions of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The state government comprises all three in general. The constitution of the UK is the sum of laws and principles that concerns both the relationship between the individual and the state, and the functioning of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. Great Britain has an unusual constitution. It is partly unwritten and consists of:

  1. The laws passed in Parliament (acts of Parliament). The first document was Magna Carta;
  2. Common Law – decision made by judges in the past;
  3. Various unwritten conventions

All these things can be changed at any time by new acts of Parliaments. The bills are among the most important sources of the constitution. Many British constitutional conventions are ancient in origin. One of the most well-known and important constitutional documents is “Bill of Rights”. It was adopted in 1689 and it was an act declaring the Right and Liberties of the Subject and setting the Succession of the Crown. It is affective nowadays

- Key words of the topic:

A constitutional monarchy – Конституционная монархия

A parliamentary monarchy – Парламентская монархия

A government – Правительство, управление

To exist – Существовать

Judicial – Закон, билль (закон в Великобритании)

A branch of power – Ветвь власти

A state – Государство

A head of state – Глава государства

A law – Закон, право

A political party – Политическая партия

Supreme – Верховный, высший

Leading – Ведущий, лидирующий

To elect – Избирать

To win – Выигрывать

To form – Формировать, образовывать

To comprise – Включать в себя

Relationship – Взаимоотношение, связь

To consist of – Состоять из

To appoint – Назначать

To change – Изменять-(ся), менять-(ся)

A source – Источник

To adopt – Принимать

To declare – Объявлять

Необходимо заполнить таблицу и ответить на следующие вопросы.

(максимальное количество баллов – 6 баллов )

  1. What is the difference in the political system of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom?
  2. What are special features in the political system of these countries?

The parts of the political system

The Russian Federation

The United Kingdom, of Great Britain and North Ireland

Head of the state

Head of the executive branch of power

Parts of the executive power

The legislative branch of power

Houses of the Parliament

(максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов )

Вопросы команде № 1:

  1. What type of the state is in the Russian Federation?
  2. What are the leading parties in the UK?
  3. Who is the Head of the state in the Russian Federation?
  4. What Houses of the British Parliament do you know?
  5. How do we call the branch of power, where there are the Supreme Court, the Crown Court, the Court of justice, etc. in the UK?

Вопросы команде № 2:

  1. What House of the British Parliament is elected?
  2. Who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation?
  3. What type of the state is in the UK?
  4. What term is the Russian President elected for?
  5. How do we call the Russian Parliament?

Вопросы команде № 3:

  1. Who is the Prime-Minister of the UK at present?
  2. What is the official residence of the Queen, Elizabeth the II in London?
  3. What 3 main branches of state power do you know?
  4. Who is the head of Federal Government in Russia?
  5. What document is the basic law of any state?

(максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

1) The UK is _____________.

  1. An absolute monarchy
  2. A Federative republic
  3. A parliamentary monarchy

2) ____________ is the head of the State in the UK.

a) The President

c) The Prime-minister

  1. The Conservative and the Democratic parties
  2. The Democratic and the Labor parties
  3. The Conservative and the Labor parties

4) _____________ power is realized by the parliament.

  1. Executive
  2. Legislative
  3. Judicial

1) The House of Commons is elected ___________________.

  1. Every 4 years
  2. Every 6 years
  3. Every 5 years

2) The Supreme court, the court of Appeal and local courts compose _____________________.

  1. Judicial branch
  2. Executive branch
  3. Legislative branch

3) ___________________ can pass or regret a bill.

  1. The House of Lords
  2. The House of Representatives
  3. The House of Commons

4) The British monarchy must act on the adviсe of _____________________.

  1. The Parliament
  2. The Prime Minister and his cabinet
  3. British judges

1) The Executive branch is realized by ____________________.

  1. The British Parliament
  2. The Prime Minister and the British Government
  3. The British judicial system

2) Prime Minister is the Leader of the Political party that has won a majority in _________________.

  1. The House of Lords
  2. The House of Representatives
  3. The House of Commons

3) The official residence of the British Prime Minister is __________________.

  1. The white hall
  2. Buckingham Palace
  3. Downing Street, 10

4) __________________ is the British Queen nowadays.

  1. Elizabeth I
  2. Elizabeth II
  1. Elizabet h III

Teacher: We spoke about the political systems of different two countries and I hope that our lesson was successful. What do you feel? Do you understand everything?

Студенты определяют свое эмоциональное состояние на уроке, студенты делятся своими впечатлениями от урока:

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

"Қазтұтынуодағы Қостанай жо ғары экономика колледжi " Мекемесі

Учреждение "Костанайский высший экономический колледж Казпотребсоюза"



Дисциплина English

Тема ‘The political system of the United Kingdom.’

Сабақтың түрі

Тип урока Combined

Сабақтың мақсаттары

образовательные : to train speaking habits, revision of grammar structures.


развивающие : to enlarge learners’ vocabulary and grammar skills, listening and writing skills; to advance learners’ logical thinking, attentiveness and memory; to broaden learners’ mental outlook.

воспитательные : to respond to the students as individuals;

to promote interpersonal relationship;

to bring up a sense of patriotism;

to create competitive environment;

Сабақтың жабдықтары

Оборудование урока

наглядные пособия : a lecture,

раздаточный материал: tables , tasks .

1. Internet resourses

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh language, Russian language, Geography,History

Сабақтың мазмұны

Содержание занятия

1.Организационная часть

1-2 min

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let's start our English lesson. Today at the lesson we will review all information you have already studied last lesson, also I will check your knowledge.

T: So, open your copy - books write down today's date and the theme of our lesson.

Teacher: Well. How do you characterize this weather using adjectives?

Students: The weather is cold, the sky is overcast. Snow falls.

Teacher: You are right. What season is it now? (Winter)

What month is it now? (January) Well.

Pupil greeted the teacher. The duty pupil answers the teacher’s questions.

A phonetic drill:

A phonetic drill:

“There is no place like home”

Let’s read and translate the proverb.

Find any equivalents in Russian and Kazakh languages.

Pupils listening and reading the phonetic drill.

Pupils listening and answering

Checking home work

Let’s remember some grammar themes from your last lesson.

They are remembering the themes from the last lessons. They are answering the teacher’s questions.

Presentation of the new theme:

T: Who is the head of Great Britain?

P: The Queen.

T: What`s her name?

P: Elizabeth the second.

The legislative power – законодательная власть

To be exercised by - осуществляться

The executive power – исполнительная власть

The judiciary power – судебная власть

To be elected by the people – избираться народом

A constitutional monarchy – конституционная монархия

A presidential republic – президентская республика

To be appointed by – назначаться кем - либо

To be composed of – состоять из кого - либо

The Houses of Parliament – Парламент

The House of Commons – палата общин

The House of Lords – палата лордов

To make a law – создавать закон

To appoint a justice to the Supreme Court – назначить судью Верховного суда

To enforce laws – проводить законы в жизнь

To be appointed for life – назначаться пожизненно

To protect the Constitution and the rights of people – защищать конституцию и права граждан

Text: The Queen and the parliament.

It is rather difficult to understand the British way of ruling the country . In Britain the Queen is the Head of State, but in fact she doesn’t rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is a symbol of the country history and its traditions. She is very rich. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. So do all the members of the Royal family ) : the Queen’s husband, her son Prince Charles the Queen’s daughter Princess Anna, and Princess Margaret. At the beginning of the century many countries all over the world were ruled by Britain. All of them were included into the British Empire and were its colonies. India, Pakistan, Ceylon, for example, were among them. Now these countries are independent states. But in 1949 Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth includes many countries such as Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of Commonwealth and the queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two ‘houses’: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords doesn’t have much power but it is very important as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many other things.

The members of the House of Lords are not elected. These members are permanent. The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years.

Authority – власть, полномочие; авторитет
Court – суд
Elective – выборный
Executive – исполнительный
Govern – управлять
Government – правительство
Legislative – законодательный
Majority – большинство
Monarch – монарх
Monarchy – монархия
Obtain – получить
Occupy – занимать
Opposition – оппозиция
Parliament – парламент
Parliamentary – парламентский
Power – власть, полномочия
Reign – царствовать
Resident – постоянный житель
Resign – уходить в отставку
Responsible – ответственный

3. Read and translate the text, say what its main points are. Study the vocabulary notes after the text А.
Great Britain is a monarchy, but the Queen of Britain is not absolute but constitutional. Her powers are limited by the Parliament. The Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in Britain. Queen's power is hereditory and not elective.
In practice the Monarch has no actual power: they say1 the Monarch reigns but does not rule. The Prime Minister is the virtual ruler of the country. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that obtains a majority in the House of Commons. That party which has majority of seats in the House of Commons is called the Government and the other is the Opposition. The leader of the party in the opposition occupies a salaried office of the Leader of the Opposition. The Government may hold office for five years. Alll the affairs of the state are conducted in the name of the Queen but really the Prime Minister is responsible for every mearure submitted to Parliament.
The Queen summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament2. Normally she opens each session with a speech from the throne outlining the Government's programme. It is her duty to make appointments to all important state offices, including those of judges, officers in the armed forces, diplomats. She must, in theory at least, see all Cabinet documents. The Queen has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war and make peace.
The Queen has her own Privy Council3. The Cabinet developed from this Council, which used to be body of advisers of English monarchs. As the system of Cabinet developed the Privy Council declined in importance. The Privy Council consists of members of the royal family, the archbishops4, colonial governors and senior ministers. There are about 300 of them altogether. The committee of the Privy Council, the Judicial Committee, however, is the final court of appeal for the British — a Royal court.
Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952 after the death of her father, King George VI. She has four children: one daughter and 3 sons. The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales. He was born in 1948, educated in Cambridge, served in the Royal Navy5. Now he is involved in various aspects of public life, in particular industry and government.
The Royal family is the principal aristocratic house in Britain, closely connected with other members of the hereditory aristocracy and with big finance interests. The Queen is known to be among the wealthiest women in the world.
1 they say - говорят
созывает, прерывает и распускает парламент
2 summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament -
3 Privy Council - Тайный совет
4 archbishops - архиепископы
5 Royal Navy - Королевский флот, ВМС Великобритании

II. Активизация использования лексики
4. Find all the international words combinations taken from the text Monarchy in Britain. Choose their Russian equivalents.

5. Match English and Russian equivalents.
1. hereditary power а. лидер партии
2. actual power b. действительный правитель
3. virtual ruler с. вооруженные силы
4. armed forces d. партия, находящаяся в оппозиции
5. party in the opposition е. наследственная власть
6. leader of the party f. действительная власть
7. in the name of the Queen g. делать назначения
8. responsible for all measures h. от имени королевы
9. to make appointments i. ответственный за все меры

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Teacher: Good afternoon! I’m glad to see you! Well, boys and girls, we have spoken a lot about English-speaking countries. And our today’s English lesson isn’t going to be an exception. The theme of our lesson is Political System of Great Britain. We shall try to deepen your knowledge of the problem under discussion and this will also help you to improve your English.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Exercise 2, p. 109 Read the words and match the Russian word with the English word/

3. Грамматическое задание.

Teacher: Let's read the text quickly and complete the chart.

Exercise 3, p 110

4. Знакомство с государственным устройством Великобритании.

Until the seventeenth century, kings and queens of England had enormous political power. But now Queen is the only Head of State in a ceremonial sense. She sign new laws and sees the Prime Minister every week, but has no direct political influence. One of her most important official functions is the State Opening of Parliament. In this traditional ceremony, the Queen rides in a gold coach from Buckingham Palace to the House of Parliament. There she opens the new session of Parliament each year and reads a speech. But the Queen doesn’t write the speech. It’s written by the government ministers and only it’s read aloud by her.

Britain’s Parliament is divided into two hoses. Both of these are in the Palace of Westminister in London. The House of Commons is for elected members of Parliament. The House of Lords is for non-elected members.

The House of Commons

Every five years in Britain, there is a general election. Voters choose members of Parliament (or MPs as they’re known) from local areas. On average, there are between 600-700 MP’s in Westminister. The Commons debates new laws. These ‘bills’, as they’re called, don’t become laws or ‘acts’ until the House of Lords and the Queen have accepted them. In theory, the House of Lords can refuse to pass a bill, but in practice this hardly ever happens.

The House of Lords

There are two groups of lords or peers. One group is hereditary and the other is not hereditary. The second group is chosen by the Government. Nowadays, the House of Lords (which includes several women) has little direct power. They debate and sometimes send new laws to the Commons for alteration.

The Prime Minister and the Cabinet

The Prime Minister chooses about twenty MPs from his or her party to become Cabinet Ministers. Each minister is responsible for a particular area of Government. The leader of the opposition also chooses MPs to take responsibility for opposing the Government. They are known as the Shadow Cabinet.

Politicians come and go, but group of important people doesn’t change after every election – the civil servants. They work in ministries. Several important ministries are in a street in London called Whitehall.

The Main Political Parties

The Conservative Party. Also known as the “Tories”, the Conservatives represent the ‘right’ in British politics. It is the party of the middle and the upper classes, although it does receive some working-class support. Its finances come largely from industrial companies. The Labour Party. The Labour Party represents the ‘left’. It has always had strong links with the trade onions and receives financial support from them. Presently it has shifted more to the centre. The Liberal Democrats. This is a comparatively new centre left party in British politics. It’s a combination of a Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party.

6. Закрепление изученного материала.

Teacher: And now for fixing we will answer some questions. Look at Exercise 12 p. 114 and try to answer correctly.

  1. Who preside of the Cabinet?
  1. the President
  2. the Prime Minister
  3. the Vice Prime Minister
  1. Who informs the Queen at regular meeting of the general business of the Government?
  1. The Treasury
  2. The Minister for the Civil Service
  3. The Prime Minister
  1. What is the Prime Minister responsible for?
  1. The allocation of functions among ministers
  2. Meeting in the Parliament
  3. Foreign visits
  1. Where is the Prime Minister’s office?
  1. In Scotland
  2. In Wales
  3. In London, at 10 Downing Street

Keys: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c.

7. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок за устные ответы на уроке. Комментарии к ним. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Teacher: Our today’s lesson is coming to an end. I’m pleased with your answers. They were good enough. Thank you for your work! Your marks are….Your homework is to tell an interesting story or information connected with the political system of the United Kingdom. You may do it in slide-show. You can get the information from Internet.

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