План урока weather and climate

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Триединая цель урока

1) формирование умения употреблять ранее изученные ЛЕ в речи учащихся;
2) формирование навыков произношения;
3) формирование грамматических навыков.

1) развитие навыка фонетического слуха;
2) развитие навыков диалогической речи;
3) развитие интерактивных коммуникативных способностей;
4) способствовать развитию познавательных процессов (памяти, внимания, восприятия) и мышления (мыслительных операций сравнения и обобщения).

1) развитие у учащихся любви к окружающему миру;
2) привитие учащимся экологической культуры.

а) коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения;
б) развития познавательных интересов;
в) личностно-ориентированного обучения;
г) критического мышления;
д) информационные технологии.

Оборудование: Компьютер и проектор.

Подготовка к уроку: Подготовить раздаточный материал с текстом и упражнением. (Приложение №1)

I. Beginning. Организация начала урока. (Слайд №1)

1) Greeting. Приветствие на английском языке.

- Good morning, children! (Good morning,)

- I am glad to see you. How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)

- I am fine, too, thanks.

2) Insert. Введение в тему. Определение учащимися темы урока. (Слайд №2)

- It’s so simple to tell you the topic of our lesson, but I know you are intelligent to guess it. I’d like you to listen some sounds and say what we’ll speak about during the lesson (Учащиеся слушают звуки ветра, шум дождя и гром молнии)

- So what do you think about the topic of our lesson? Can you tell it?

- Pupil: -Well, I consider, we’ll speak about weather.

- Teacher: - You’re absolutely right, but moreover it’s about climate and ecology.

II. Phonetic drill. Фонетическая зарядка. (Развитие произносительных навыков на основе английской скороговорки.)

Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We'll weather the weather,
whatever the weather,
whether we like it or not.

Чтение и перевод;

Игра на запоминание (Поочередное стирание повторяющихся слов с доски, с целью запоминания и воспроизведением их при повторении) (Слайд №4-6)

III. Development. Основной этап урока.

Speaking. Warming-up activity. Речевая разминка. (Развитие диалогической речи со зрительной опорой на речевой образец и климатическую карту.) (Слайд №7)

- Work in pairs. Look at the weather map and the climate chart, then ask and answer questions on the weather and climate in different countries and cities.

Example: - What’s the weather like in Rome? – It’s stormy. The temperature is +12 C

What is the climate like in Italy? - In summer it’s generally hot with a lot of sunshine. In winter it’s mild and wet. The average summer temperature is +24C. The average winter temperature is +6C

Vocabulary. (Активизация лексических единиц по данной теме в устной речи учащихся, используя прием “кластер”)

-You’ve just listened to the dialogues, try your memory and remember the words about weather from the programme.

A) First fine weather comes.

- Учащиеся, по очереди, называют слова, связанные с хорошей погодой. На экране появляется “кластер-солнце”. Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу. (Слайд №8)

-When the weather is fine, it’s bright and sunny.

B) Next nasty weather comes. -Учащиеся, по очереди, называют слова, связанные с плохой погодой. На экране появляется “кластер-облако”. Учащиеся составляют предложения.

-When the weather is nasty, it’s windy and rainy.

3) Reading, listening and writing (Развитие навыков чтения)

a) Reading.–And now let’s check up your home task. Read the words above the picture, revise them and be ready to write the word dictation (Слайд №9)

Really changed, dangerous, carbon dioxide, protection, cut down, rained, temperatures,
climate, fragile planet, rainforest, oxygen, greenhouse effect, becoming hotter, to

b) Reading, listening and writing

– Take the papers with the text, do exercise №1 (Приложение№1), listen to the text and filling gaps. Use the words you’ve learnt at home. (Слайд №10)

При необходимости текст прослушивается дважды.

Recently climate has changed a lot in our country, especially in its European part. Some scientists think the world is becoming hotter. If you compare Moscow winter and summer temperatures at the beginning of our century and at its end you will see that climate has really changed. Winters have become warmer. Sometimes there is little snow in January, and there were winters when it rained on the New Year’s Eve. Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect.

People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees and, of course, more carbon dioxide!

As w see the climate in different part of the world changes a little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our fragile planet which needs protection. Earth is millions years old, much older than the humans. We know many of its secrets. Yet there is still much to learn.

Keys for checking up: 1. climate 2. becoming hotter 3. temperatures 4. really changed 5. rained 6. greenhouse effect 7. oxygen 8. carbon dioxide 9. cut down 10. rainforest 11. dangerous 12. fragile planet 13. protection 14. to

c) Чтение в формате ЕГЭ (развитие критического мышления) (Слайд №11 )

- Read the text. Match the titles and the paragraphs:

2. Our fragile planet

3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

4. Climate is becoming warmer

4) Use of English. Word building. (Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков – приложение №1)

- Complete the sentences of exercise №2 with the correct form of the words. (Слайд № 12)

We can see some climatic changes in different parts of the world climate
Some scientists think the world is becoming hotter. science
Winters has becoming warmer. warm
There are more carbon dioxide because of there are fewer trees. few
The climatic changes can be dangerous for our fragile planet. danger
The weather in April is always changeable. change
It was a grey misty morning. mist
This information was in daily programme. day

После выполнения данного упражнения учащиеся сдают листочки с выполненным заданием на поверку учителю.

6) Grammar. Word order. (Развитие грамматических навыков) - Put the words into the correct order, making sentences to answer the question: Why is our planet in danger? (Слайд №13)

1. We live in a wonderful planet. (Слайд №14)
2. The summer of 2010 was very hot in Russia. (Слайд №15)
3. It hasn’t rained for many months. (Слайд №16)
4. The large areas of the forest were caught by fire. (Слайд №17)
5. Smoke filled the city and stayed for several days. (Слайд №18)
6. People produce a lot of carbon dioxide. (Слайд №19)
7. Some scientists think the world is becoming hotter. (Слайд №20)

IV. Рефлексия: Writing: подведение итогов урока, выводы, которые учащиеся записывают в тетради.

-So, you see, our fragile planet is in danger. What can you do to save it? (Слайд №21)

Think and write the sentences into your copy books:

Let’s save our fragile planet.

If you want to save our planet- hurry up! (Слайд №22)
Think globally, act locally! What can we do? (Слайд №23)
We are just one of 143 350 000 people, who live on our Earth. (Слайд №24)
Save energy. Switch the light off! (Слайд №25)
Save water. Do not leave the taps running. (Слайд №26)
Don’t waste paper. Use mugs or glasses instead of paper cups. (Слайд №27)
Save patrol. Ride a bicycle! (Слайд №28)
Help to clean up your local environment. (Слайд №29)
Plant trees. Let's act! (Слайд №30)
At the end I would like to finish with a wonderful poem: (Слайд №31)

The Earth is a garden,
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.

V. Домашнее задание. Home task: -Write a letter to your pen friend. Tell him about your actions to save our fragile planet. Ask him what he thinks about this problem.

VI. Комментирование работы учащихся на уроке. Выставление оценок. Завершение урока.

- Well, boys and girls we’ve done a lot of work today. It was pleasure to discuss such serious problems with you. You were good at…(vocabulary and comprehension), but there were some mistakes in grammar. We’ll have practice another time. Your marks are.. (Слайд №32)

That’s all for today. Be ready with your home task to the next studies. Our lesson is over. Good bye.

В конце урока по данной теме детям дано задание, написать письмо другу о его действиях по сохранению нашей хрупкой планеты. Введенные на уроке предложения помогут учащимся составить письмо и задать три актуальных вопроса, что он сделал для родной природы.

1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В Английский язык: Учебник для VI кл. школ с углубленным изучением англ яз. М. Просвещение,2012

2. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В Английский язык: Книга для учителя к учебнику англ.яз для VI кл. школ с углубленным изучением англ яз- М. Просвещение,2012

3. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В Английский язык: Аудиоприложение (CD MP3) к учебнику англ.яз. для VI кл. школ с углубленным изучением англ яз. М. Просвещение, 2012

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Teacher distributes cards with the words: cloud, rain, snow, ice, sun, fog, wind, and storm. Learners read the words and explain them. The class is to guess what the word is.

e.g. This is water when it’s very, very cold. We can see it on in rivers and ponds in winter. We can skate on it. (ice)

Learners in pairs write adjectives to describe weather. (P)

Suggest learners to divide their copybook into three columns, according to the spelling. (P)

(Differentiation) The task can be differentiated. Allow more able learners to think and write the words in the correct columns. (IW)

Teacher supports less able learners with the following division.

Only ‘y’ (snowy, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy)

Double consonant before ‘y’ (sunny, foggy)

Drop ‘e’ and add ‘y’ (icy).

Teacher monitors learners’ works.

(Self-assessment) Learners check the answers as a whole class and tick the correct words in the columns. In case there are mistakes more able learners or teacher comment and explain the mistake.

Teacher asks learners to identify the difference between weather and climate?

What is weather?

What is climate?

(Weather is what is happening today in a town, city or in the countryside. Climate is used to talk about what the weather is like generally in a country.)

Teacher reminds learners the question to ask about weather: ‘What’s the weather like today?’

Teacher hands out copies with tasks on weather. Learners do matching task then underline the correct weather words in sentences. (I, W)

Learners brainstorm words related to the previous day’s weather: morning; midday; afternoon. They write a simple weather report using was and were and compare with a partner.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: Climate. Weather Forecast. Climatic Changes.

Цель урока: Развитие навыков аудирования.

Сопутствующая задача: обучения монологической речи.

Оснащение урока: Карты Европы, США, Великобритании, ИРМ, учебник

Воспитательная задача: Умение высказать личное мнение о состоянии окружающей среды в условиях проживания людей в разных странах мира.

Развивающая цель: Развитие умения логично высказывать свое мнение по теме.

Do you agree that climate can influence people’s way of life? Today we are going to listen to the story and discuss it.

II. Речевая разминка

Imagine that you are people from different countries. Introduce yourself, please, and describe the climate in your country.

III Беседа по теме How Can Climate Influence People

Some people say that those who live in cold climate differ from those who live in hot countries/ Do you believe it? Say in what way they can be different. Think of their appearance and their habits, likes and dislikes. First work in pairs, then I will ask you to share your ideas.

( на доске фразы речевого этикета )

I am afraid that is wrong…

On the contrary…

You are mistaken…

- Look at the blackboard and read the title of the story, please.

  • Is it connected with your topic? Can you suggest what the story is about?
  • Well, you will listen to the story about a man who opened the Italian restaurant in London. Before listening to the story I want you to learn some new words from the blackboard and remember the difficult words you can meet in the story.

By and by – вскоре

А) Первое прослушивание текста.

Now listen to the story and say why Mr. Jenkins had to drink his soup. You probably won’t understand every word. Don’t worry! This is to give you practice in listening for general idea.

Ученики слушают текст и отвечают на вопрос.

  • Why do you think Mr. Jenkins had to drink his soup?
  • He had to drink his soup because it rained all the time and his soup was full of water.

B) Второе прослушивание текста и выполнение теста.

  • Let’s listen to the story again. Then you will do a test. You should be more careful this time.

Choose the right sentence, A or B.

  1. a. In many countries people like eating their meals in the fresh air.

b. In hot countries many people like eating their meals in the fresh air.

  1. a. In these areas people often eat under trees or big umbrellas because of the heat.

b. In these areas people often eat under trees or big umbrellas because of the rain.

  1. a. The moon and stars produce a romantic effect on people.

b. The sunlight produces a romantic effect on people.

  1. a. Renato was born in Italy and lived in a big city on the sea coast.

b. Renato was born in Italy and lived in a small town on the sea coast.

  1. a. Renato liked London as soon as he moved there.

b. At first, Renato didn’t like London.

  1. a. Renato put some of the tables out in the street because it was very hot.

b. Renato put some of the tables out in the street because it was often done in Italy.

  1. a. Renato’s idea was not really good and didn’t work.

b. Renato’s idea was really good.

  1. a. It took Mr. Jenkins twenty five minutes to drink his soup.

b. It took Mr. Jenkins five minutes to drink his soup.

Keys: 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8a

  1. Ответы на вопросы по прослушанному тексту
  • Why do many people in southern countries like eating their meals in the fresh air?
  • What produces a romantic effect on people?
  • When did Renato move to london?
  • Why did he not like London at first?
  • Did he forget Italy?
  • Did Renato's idea work in England?
  • Imagine that you are Mr. Jenkins. What can you tell your wife about your lunch at Renato’s restaurant? Describe the people that were having lunch at the same time with you, the food they were eating and the clothes they were wearing.

Домашнее задание: (дифференцированное) упр.6, стр.10, упр. 7, стр. 11 или упр. 9, стр. 11-12 (из рабочей тетради)

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

конспект урока "The weather forecast"

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Прогноз погоды" составлен на основе учебника М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English" 4 класс. На уроке используется электронная презентация, дидактические материалы мульти.

презентация к уроку "The weather forecast" 4 класс

Данная презентация разработана для урока английского языка в 4 классе The weather forecast. Может быть дополненна вашими слайдами для придания большей иллюстративности.


Данный урок является вводным по теме, поэтому, по сути своей, это урок нового материала. Преимуществом данного урока является аутентичные материалы авторской разработки (видео и упражнения к нему), а .

Урок о прогнозе погоды.

Nature, climate, weather.

Данная презентация может быть применена на уроке английского языка по теме "Nature, climate, weather" и " Неопределенно-личные и безличные предложения".

Starlight 7_Module 3_Weather and Climate_Quiz

Викторина для закрепления лексики по теме "Погода и климат" (Starlight 7_Module 3a).

· Практическая : совершенствовать навыки устной речи по изученной теме , умение подготовить связное высказывание по теме .

  • Развивающие :
    • развивать языковые , интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учеников ;
    • обеспечить расширение межпредметных компетенций ( общего кругозора и связи изучаемого с явлениями и процессами реального мира );
    • развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения
    • воспитание культуры и потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах жизни ;
    • формирование у учащихся основных мировоззренческих идей ;
    • воспитание и развитие толерантности и самооценки .

    And now I’d like to know what kind of weather you enjoy and why. Discuss in pairs. ( приложение1)

    — What’s your favourite weather?
    — I enjoy… weather.
    Frosty, warm, cloudy, chilly, stormy, cold, hot, windy, rainy, snowy, foggy.

    — Why do you like this kind of weather?
    — When it’s…, I am … and… .What’s your favourite weather?
    Feel full of energy, be full of beans, happy relaxed, optimistic.

    IV. Восприятие речи на слух.
    Today we are going to watch a video but before watching let’s practice our active vocabulary.(Слайд 10 — 17)

    What is the weather like today?
    And now we’ll get acquainted with some other new words.(Слайд18)

    Watch the video and say what people in the street are talking about. (Video1)

    Watch the video again and then complete the rest of the conversation.
    a) Put the words into the brackets
    Watch the video and notice the new words. (Слайд19)
    — It’s a beautiful day in New York. It’s cool and it’s 1…
    — It’s 2…
    — OK! Well, it’s really 3… and cloudy, and it’s a bit 4… and a little windy. But it’s 5…

    a)overcast b)crisp c)Autumn d)pleasant e)crisp

    1 b; 2c; 3a; 4 e; 5d
    V. Физкультминутка

    Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.(Video2)

    VI. Работа в группах.
    And now I’d like to know if you watch weather forecasts on TV?(Слайд20)
    Do you prefer radio or TV weather forecast?
    Do you know any TV meteorologists?
    Do you follow weather forecasts every day?

    Today you’ve got a chance to get acquainted with a meteorologist’s job by writing and presenting your own weather forecasts. Work in groups. Look at the temperature and write a weather forecast for one day. Group I for the UK. Group II for Belarus.(Слайд21)
    The weather will be … in the morning.
    It will rise / fall by … degrees by afternoon and it will fall to / rise to … in the evening.
    The night temperature will be around average / a bit higher.
    The average day temperature will range from … to….

    VII. Восприятие речи на слух.

    Do you know what weather is? What is climate?
    Watch the video and find out the answers to these questions.(Video3)
    Complete the sentences.(Слайд22)
    n … is what happens outside.
    n Look out of your window any day and you see…
    n … is the average temperature, pressure and humidity expected for a certain place.
    n … is based on the average … experienced in a location over a long period of time.
    n … describes the condition of the atmosphere.
    n Look out of your window every day for a month and you can determine the …
    Group the information about weather and climate.

    VII. Проекты.

    Read more about the climates of the UK and Belarus and make projects “A visiting card of your country”. Group I will be from the UK. Group II will be from Belarus.

    IX. Д/З
    EX.2a p.143
    Read the definitions of different types of natural disasters and match them with the pictures.

    VIII. Подведение итогов.
    You’ve done your work well. You’ve given me much information about the weather in GB and our region. You see, the weather in Britain has much in common with our weather.
    Now you are good at describing the weather.

    For taking an active part at the lesson … and … get an excellent mark. Your marks are …
    Our lesson is over! Thank you for the lesson!
    — What’s your favourite weather?
    — I enjoy… weather.
    Frosty, warm, cloudy, chilly, stormy, cold, hot, windy, rainy, snowy, foggy.

    — Why do you like this kind of weather?
    — When it’s…, I am … and… .What’s your favourite weather?
    Feel full of energy, be full of beans, happy relaxed, optimistic.

    It’s good to … on …day.
    Frosty, warm, cloudy, chilly, stormy, cold, hot, windy, rainy, snowy, foggy.

    The weather will be … in the morning.
    It will rise / fall by … degrees by afternoon and it will fall to / rise to … in the evening.
    The night temperature will be around average / a bit higher.
    The average day temperature will range from … to….
    data-scaytid= — OK! Well, it

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