План урока water pollution

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Часто встречающуюся тему урока "Экология", которую проходят и в курсе начальной школы и далее, я представляю в мини-частях, обучая работе с текстом, как элемент case-study.

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Конспект урока по английскому языку для обучающихся 5 класса

Pollution of water bodies

Антипенкова Анна Юрьевна

developing an informed understanding of the importance of water in nature and in human life

1) to form an idea about the importance of water to humans and other living creatures;
2) Forming value attitude to water as a necessary factor of life on Earth; the diversity of sources of drinking water.
3) Forming knowledge of the rules of ecologically correct and safe behavior on water bodies;

1) to Develop the ability to establish the relationship between man and nature;
2) Develop the mindset of younger students, it students the ability to analyze, summarize;
3) to develop the ability to work together, the ability to help each other;

to educate careful attitude to drinking water, the desire to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of local waterways.

Teacher : I Dare you to report:
Without water we can not live.
Today in class we will continue talking about water. The theme of the lesson "Save the water"
It turns out that water is in danger. Why?
The purity of the water on Earth is getting smaller, and the need for it increases.
-In what three States is water found in nature?
- Under what conditions the ice forms? Why it melts?
- How is steam? When steam turns into liquid water?
- How does the water cycle in nature?

1. Conversation on the topic "Why water should be protected".

The rapid development of industry in the early twentieth century led to significant water pollution. And what we need water?

Water on Earth simultaneously a long and a short. It is a lot in the seas and oceans, but the sea salt water not suitable for drinking as well as for many technical industries and agriculture. Fresh water is significantly less and a third of the population were in acute shortage. The main reserves of fresh water are concentrated in polar ice. Limited supplies of fresh water are reduced even more due to their pollution.

In the last century in addition to natural contamination of natural sources by soil, rocks, minerals, etc. there is a problem of municipal, industrial, agricultural water pollution.

2. The story reading B. A. Ryzhov "Once there was a river."

Once there was a river. At first she was a happy little brook which was hiding among the tall slender fir-trees and white-trunked birches. And everybody said, "how sweet, how pure the water in this Creek!" Then the stream became a river. The water in it flowed not so fast, but was still clear and clean.

The river loved traveling. One day she found herself in the city. Here not growing spruce and birch, but there were huge houses in which people lived. A lot of people. They were glad the river and asked her to stay in the city. River agreed, and it was put in stone Bank. It started going steamers and boats on the shores of sunbathing people. The river watered the entire city.

The years went by. People are used to the River and what did not ask, and did whatever they pleased. Once on its banks he built a huge plant of the pipes which drip filthy streams. Darkened the River of sorrows, became dirty and muddy. Nobody said: "What a pure, beautiful river!" No one walked on its banks. It washed the car, washed linen. And none of the residents did not think that the River is also alive. And she was very worried. "Why are people mean to me? In fact I have them watered, twisted turbine power plants, gave an light, protected on hot days from the heat?" she thought.

As time went on. People are increasingly polluting the River, and she was patient and when they finally come to their senses. Once on the river floated a large tanker, from which the water spilled a lot of oil. The River was covered with black tape, steel its inhabitants - plants and animals suffocate without air. Very sick River.

"No - I think - can't stay with people. Need to get away from them, otherwise I will be dead by the river." She called on the help of its inhabitants. "I was always your home, and now trouble has come, your house was destroyed by the people, and I got sick. Help me to recover, and we will go from here to other places, away from ungrateful people."

Gathered river inhabitants - plants, fish, and snails, and animals - clean your house from dirt, cured of the River. And she ran to the edge of his childhood. There, where there were spruce and birch, where man is a rare guest.

And the residents of the city the next day found that left alone, without a River. Did not light in the homes, factories stopped, the water was gone from the taps . Nothing to wash, nothing to drink, not soup. Stopped life in the city. Its inhabitants became so dirty that got to know each other. However, it did not matter anyway in the evening there was no light.

Then came the day when the citizens had eaten all their supplies of food. Then the oldest and wisest Citizen said: "Dear compatriots! I know why we lost the River. When I was little, I bathed in its clean water. She was always our friend and helper, and we didn't appreciate it and treated her badly. We unfairly hurt the River and have to ask for her forgiveness. I propose to go to distant lands to pay homage to our nurse. You should apologize to her and promise his friendship. Maybe then she'll come back".

Went the strong and hardy citizens to seek the River. Long sought and found, but not immediately recognized, because it was clean and clear. Asked people the River to get back to the city, and told how bad things are without her, promised his care. The river was kind and did not remember evil. Besides, she began to miss people, which over the years has used in the city.

Returned the River to the city to help its inhabitants. But they have removed all the garbage, cleaned the sewage plant, and even dedicated scientists to monitor the health and well-being of the River. Since then in this city, people and River live together.

And recently, the River was made the honorary citizen of the city, and the Day of her return is celebrated as the main festival.

3. Reading the slides of presentation.

4. Discussion of the tale combining with the material in presentation
- Describe the river, as it was before I met people. Have you seen a river?
-How the river helped people?
- How people treat the river? As you consider whether she was acting or not? Why?
- What happened to the town inhabitants when the river disapeared?
- Imagine that all the rivers would be offended at people and left. What would happen to them? Could we live without them?
- Compare the river to what it was before I meet with people, and what became after. What changes happened to her?
Whether people did at the end of the story? What else they could do for your rivers, lakes that are near you?
- As people of our village are rivers - as well as people from tales or otherwise?

Bottom line : do Not contaminate water. From water pollution affects all living.

VI. The results of the lesson

- What do you know about the importance of water for people?
- Why polluted water in rivers, lakes, seas?
- What are the dangers of water pollution?
- How do people protect the water from contamination?
- Let's read the conclusion of the tutorial.
- Water pollution is dangerous to all living things. To protect water bodies from pollution, wastewater enterprises, farms passed through treatment facilities. Constructed and such enterprises where there are no sewage. Everyone should save water!

Урок разработан для учащихся 11 класса как обобщение по теме "Water pollution" c целью развития навыков критического мышления, работы в группе.

Содержимое разработки

Topic of the lesson: Water pollution – now and in the future.

Class: 11

Aim: to teach students to be more tolerant to the source of our life

Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to: use elements of critical thinking, work in groups, and find out the solution to the problem on the topic.

Resources: smart board, lists with tasks, schemes, lists with self-assessments, stickers

Assessment: self-assessment

Stages of the lesson

Course of events

Using modules

Greeting of the students

The teacher divides students into 3 groups by giving each of them yellow, red and green cards.

Then the teacher gives each of the students stickers with different colors (6 different colors). What they are for the students will know at the end of the lesson.

On the desks each of the students has lists of self-assessment. They’ll fill in them after work.

New approaches to teaching and learning


To find out the aim of the lesson the teacher suggests students to watch a short cartoon.

- Water as the source of life

- Can we live without water?

- What may happen in the future if we don’t take care of water?

Learning to think critically

Activity 2. Speaking. Work in groups.

What do we usually use water for in our everyday life?

To help students to answer this question prepare for each group lists of the most common uses of water and the typical number of gallons used for each use.(Appendix 1). Students should study them and identify the following:

1 st group – how much water does a person use a day?

2 nd group – for what purpose does a person use the most amount of water?

3 rd group – how can a person economize using water?

Students represent their answers.

Activity 3. Speaking, reading.

- You know that 71% of Earth is covered in water! 97.2% is salt water, 2.8% is fresh and a lot of this is trapped in glaciers—so what about what’s left?

- Can we drink all of that? Why?

- Can you name some causes of water pollution?

In order to study this problem more detailed the students will read the texts (each group will have its own text – Appendix 2). And after reading, use special for each group scheme to find out the problems, causes and the solutions. The schemes should be known for students, for example, fish bone, tree of prediction, insert and so on (PPT presentation with some examples).

Then each group represents their projects for 2 minutes.

Other teams listen to each other attentively, because they will assess the projects they like most of all. (students will put stickers on lists with projects, give their comments)

Activity 4. Making a conclusion.

During the lesson students tried to find out what problems were connected with water, causes of these problems and possible solution. And the teacher suggests to complete the following table (Appendix 3)

Before checking the tables the students can watch a short film and then using their own work and ideas from the video try to answer the questions.

- What conclusion can we make?

Learning to think critically

New Approaches to Learning: The importance of dialogue in classrooms

Assessment for and of learning

Learning to think critically


The teacher asks students to choose the colors (as at the beginning of the lesson) once again and try to compare their mood (colors) before and now. Has it changed and how? The meaning of the colors students can see on the board (flipchart).

Using lists of self-assessment students should assess their work during the lesson.

Assessment for and of learning

How much water does a person use a day?

Washing face or hands: 1 gallon
Taking a shower (standard shower head): 50 gallons
Taking a shower (low-flow shower head): 25 gallons
Taking a bath: 40 gallons
Brushing teeth (water running): 2 gallons
Brushing teeth (water turned off): gallon
Flushing the toilet (standard-flow toilet): 5 gallons
Flushing the toilet (low-flow toilet): 1-1/2 gallons
Getting a drink: gallon
Washing dishes by hand: 10 gallons
Running a dishwasher: 15 gallons
Doing a load of laundry: 30 gallons
Watering lawn: 300 gallons
Washing car: 50 gallons

For what purpose does a person use the most amount of water?

Washing face or hands: 1 gallon
Taking a shower (standard shower head): 50 gallons
Taking a shower (low-flow shower head): 25 gallons
Taking a bath: 40 gallons
Brushing teeth (water running): 2 gallons
Brushing teeth (water turned off): gallon
Flushing the toilet (standard-flow toilet): 5 gallons
Flushing the toilet (low-flow toilet): 1-1/2 gallons
Getting a drink: gallon
Washing dishes by hand: 10 gallons
Running a dishwasher: 15 gallons
Doing a load of laundry: 30 gallons
Watering lawn: 300 gallons
Washing car: 50 gallons

How can a person economize using water?

Washing face or hands: 1 gallon
Taking a shower (standard shower head): 50 gallons
Taking a shower (low-flow shower head): 25 gallons
Taking a bath: 40 gallons
Brushing teeth (water running): 2 gallons
Brushing teeth (water turned off): gallon
Flushing the toilet (standard-flow toilet): 5 gallons
Flushing the toilet (low-flow toilet): 1-1/2 gallons
Getting a drink: gallon
Washing dishes by hand: 10 gallons
Running a dishwasher: 15 gallons
Doing a load of laundry: 30 gallons
Watering lawn: 300 gallons
Washing car: 50 gallons

Water Pollution:

Through natural processes such as erosion and decay, all water contains dissolved or suspended substances. Some natural substances found in water include gases such as air, salts, organic material from plants and animals, microorganisms such as bacteria, and solids such as sand and clay.

Water quality is a measure of the types and amounts of these substances in the water. Water quality is also affected by people. In addition to the natural “contaminants” found in water, many pollutants are being added to our water supplies by human activities. Major sources of water pollution are sewage, industrial wastes, and the runoff of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides.

Other sources of water pollution include oil spills, seepage from landfills, septic tanks, mines, and underground fuel storage tanks. Water pollution can also be caused by storm-water runoff from streets, parking lots, and buildings and even the dumping of household chemicals down the drain.

Water pollution lowers water quality and presents a potential health problem. In addition, water pollution destroys the natural beauty and health of lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Decay – гниение, распад, разложение

Sewage – сточные воды

Water Purification:

Earth is referred to as the water planet because two-thirds of the earth’s surface is covered in water. However, most of the water on earth is seawater and is unfit for drinking, irrigation, and industrial uses because it contains large amounts of dissolved salts.

Only about 3 percent of the earth’s water is fresh water and only a small portion of that water can be used for drinking and other human needs. Nearly all the water to be used for drinking and other human requirements must be treated to make it safe.

Treatment plants purify water by removing suspended

particles, bacteria and other harmful substances.

Two activities are presented to demonstrate water purification. These activities are Water Treatment Simulation and Removing Organic Chemicals from Water.

Dissolved (or suspended) - растворимый

Oil Spill Cleanup:

Oil, or petroleum, is an extremely valuable natural resource because it is a major source of energy. Petroleum is used mostly as fuel for industry, heating and transportation. It is also an important source of raw material for the manufacturing of plastics, synthetic fibers, insecticides, detergents, paints and some medicines.

Oil spills can be harmful to the environment. Oil spilled on the ground can contaminate groundwater, streams, rivers, and lakes that may be used as sources of drinking water.

Oil spills on water can be harmful to aquatic plants, fish and other animals. Some of the largest oil spills have occurred in the oceans, seas, and most recently in the Gulf of Mexico.

Several techniques can be used to clean up oil spills on water such as surrounding the spill with a floating barrier and suing pumps or skimmers to remove the oil or spreading dispersants over the oil which cause the oil to break up into very tiny drops that mix with the water.

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План-конспект урока для 11 класса по теме "Экология. Загрязнение воды".

Конспект урока по английскому языку Дата 20.12.2017

Тема урока: Загрязнение воды
Цели урока:
- ознакомить учащихся со значением экологически чистой воды в жизни человека; рассмотреть причины загрязнения водоёмов

Развивающая: совершенствование навыков поискового чтения и монологического высказывания.

Воспитательная: привить учащимся бережное и экономное отношение к воде;
Тип урока: комбинированный, видео-урок

Stage of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson. Greeting. Actualization.

Teacher (T.): Good morning! How are you? I’m very glad to see you!
Now you’re going to watch a video and guess the topic of our lesson.
Video 1.
Pupils: The topic is “Pollution”
Mankind believed for a long time that whatever we did, the Earth would remain the same. We know now that it isn’t true. There are a lot of problems that people face nowadays. But the most urgent problem concerning people of the world is an ecological one.

What is ecology? Ecology is the science that studies the conditions of the habitat of man, animals and plants.

pollution in its many forms (e. g. water pollution, air pollution)

noise from transport

destruction of countryside beauty

growth of population

deforestation and others

Well, today we’ll discuss some of the ecological problems and try not only to focus on them, but to think about the ways of their solutions.

T.: For the first, let’s read the new words and phrases on the topic:

Clean and fresh water - чистая и свежая вода, wonderful nature – красивая природа, To protect nature – защищать природу, To solve ecological problems - решать экологические проблемы, litter – мусор, trash – хлам, мусор, rubbish – хлам, wastes – отходы, sewage – сточные воды, канализация, to dump – сбрасывать, hings to be reused and recycled - вещи для переработки и повторного использования, to pollute water – загрязнять воду, to throw rubbish into the river – выкидывать мусор в реку,reuse-переиспользование (например,пластика и бумаги),reduce-снижение использования (например,бумаги,воды),recycle-переработка (бумаги,пластика), renewable- восстанавливаемый (речь идет о самовосстанавливаемых ресурсах Земли-ветре,солнце)

New material.
A work with the text.

Some facts about the pollution:
The 22-nd of April is a World Earth day. At this day people perform outdoor activities related to the earth safety like new trees plantation planting trees, picking up roadside waste materials, recycling of wastes, energy conservation and so many. At this day all the TV channels to show their programs to deal with the real environmental issues to get public aware.
There is a “golden rule” of 3R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals is called acid rain.

The USA is the country, which consumes more energy in the world. The most polluted city in the world is Mexico City. Deforestation is when forests are destroyed by cutting of trees and not replanted. The layer that protects Earth's surface from Sun's UV rays is ozonosphere.

Now you’re going to watch a short musical video about the pollution and the results of it……

Group work Projects:

T.: Well, now you are ready for making projects. Make a poster-project “Clean Earth 2017”
Present, please, your project and choose the best one!

Now you’re going to have a video test about pollution. Let’s see, how did you understand the topic and what did you get to know.

The end of the lesson

T.: So, our short discussion is over. I’m sure you are friends of our planet. We all must keep the water clean and we must protect our nature to live happily!

T.: Thank you very much for your work in the lesson.
Your homework is to find a solution about water and air pollution.

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Water pollution is one of the famous and one of the largest problems in our world. People in Africa cannot drink clean water; their children die because a big part of our water has been polluted. Children in Kenya often have to go many kilometers to collect drinking water. At all over 2 million people don't have clean water. And we do not know how it will be in future.

But the pollute water killed animals and plants too. There is no ocean or sea, which is not used as a dump. Many seas are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. "Nuclear-poisoned" fish can be eaten by people.

Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles cannot live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave their habitats and many plants die. If people drink this water they can die too. It happens so because factories produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison water.

But we MUST keep our planet and water of our planet clean. If we want to live, we should guard our clean water and do not pollute them because we could live without food about a month but without water we could die in 4-5 days. Let's keep our water clean!

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