План урока по английскому языку 7 класс спорт

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

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Sergey : “I like swimming. I started to learn when I was about seven years old. I think that swimming is something like music or language. That is why very good to start as early as possible if you want to be good at it. I visit swimming pool every week. Swimming helps me to stay in good shape.”

Tell about your favourite kind of sport. Use these words and expressions :

• I started to learn … when I was …

• I visit ( go, do, play) …… every . (two times a week)…

• … helps me (makes me)…

• I wish … ( to take part…, won cups, medals… )

Sergey : “I like swimming. I started to learn when I was about seven years old. I think that swimming is something like music or language. That is why very good to start as early as possible if you want to be good at it. I visit swimming pool every week. Swimming helps me to stay in good shape.”

Tell about your favourite kind of sport. Use these words and expressions :

• I started to learn … when I was …

• I visit ( go, do, play) …… every . (two times a week)…

• … helps me (makes me)…

• I wish … ( to take part…, won cups, medals… )

Выбранный для просмотра документ Crossword.docx

Across: 1. A game played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a round ball into their opponents’ goal.

3. The sport of moving oneself through water using one’s arms, legs ets.

6. Sports such as running and jumping.

Down: 2. A game played indoors between two teams of five players, in which each team tries to win points by throwing a ball into a basket.

4. A game for two people or two pairs of people who use rackets to hit a small soft ball backwards and forwards over a net.

5. The activity of jumping into water with your head and arms first.

7. The sport of moving down hills or across the countryside in the snow, wearing skis.

Выбранный для просмотра документ План урока 7.docx

План- конспект урока

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 7 класс

Задачи урока:


тренировать и закреплять в речи учащихся лексические единицы по теме ;

познакомить учащихся с экстремальными видами спорта;

формировать речевые навыки, обеспечивающие познавательно-коммуникативные потребности учащихся;

использовать новые слова по теме в устной речи расширять словарный запас учащихся .


развивать языковые способности и устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка;

расширять кругозор обучающихся при помощи мультимедийных средств, информации из Интернета;

развивать практические умения работе в группе.

Воспитательные :

способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношения к спорту,

способствовать воспитанию сотрудничества при коллективной работе;

способствовать обогащению внутреннего мира учащихся.

Актуальность и целесообразность использования медиапродукта:

интенсификация учебно-воспитательного процесса (увеличение количества предлагаемой информации, эффективность выполнения упражнений увеличивается в несколько раз )

повышение эффективности усвоения учебного материала за счет одновременного изложения учителем необходимых сведений и показа демонстрационных фрагментов (подача материала двумя способами: аудиально и визуально);

Форма обучения направлена на практическую подготовленность учащихся: владение английским языком в речи.

Развитие компетентностей:

готовность к самообразованию;

Необходимое оборудование и материалы для занятия – операционная среда – Microsoft Windows XP , проектор, карточки на каждого ученика для групповой работы и чтения.

Организационный момент. Приветствие. ( 2 мин.)

- Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. Welcome to English lesson! How are you today?

- Fine, thanks.

- Sit down, please. I’m fine too. If you are ready, let’s begin our lesson.

Фонетическая зарядка. Мотивация. Объявление темы урока. ( 2 мин.)

- Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson.

At the beginning of our lesson let’s do this exercise. Name these sports activities. ( слайд №1)

Now think and answer: what is this lesson about? What is the theme? ( О тветы об уча ю щихся).

You are right. W e continue our work at the theme “Sport”. Today we’ll revise the material of previous lessons, speak about sport in your life and find out new information. ( слайд № 2).

Речевая разминка . ( 2 мин.)

Now I’d like to ask you some questions about sport and sport activities. ( Индивидуальные ответы обучающихся ).

Do you like sport?

Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

What kinds of sports are popular in Russia?

What national English sports do you know?

Актуализация знания лексических единиц по теме. ( слайд № 3). (2)

Match the words and their meaning.

стрельба из лука

стрельба из лука

Проблемные задания. Закрепление лексических единиц. ( 8 мин .)

- Now let's do some exercises.

- Group these activities into indoor and outdoor sports. (cлайд № 4)

- What sport we can… PLAY ? GO ? DO ? ( Работа в группах) ( c лайд № 5)

- Check yourself. (c лайд № 6)

- Do this crossword. ( Работа в парах )

Across: 1. A game played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a round ball into their opponents’ goal. ( Football)

3. The sport of moving oneself through water using one’s arms, legs ets.

6. Sports such as running and jumping.( Athletics)

Down: 2. A game played indoors between two teams of five players, in which each team tries to win points by throwing a ball into a basket.( Basketball)

4. A game for two people or two pairs of people who use rackets to hit a small soft ball backwards and forwards over a net.( Tennis)

5. The activity of jumping into water with your head and arms first. ( Diving)

7. The sport of moving down hills or across the countryside in the snow, wearing skis. ( Skiing)

Физминутка . ( 1 мин .)

Let’s do some exercises for your eyes:

Look left, look right,

Look up, look down,

Look at your nose, look at your rose,

Close your eyes,

Open, wink and smile.

Now I want you to listen to your classmates telling about some extreme kinds of sport. I hope it will be interesting for you.

Bungee jumping is jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building or bridge.

Skydiving, also known as parachuting, is the activity of performing acrobatics during freefall.

Snowboarding is an activity or sport of standing on a short wide board and moving very fast down a hill covered with snow.

Ice diving is an extreme sport in which you dive through a hole into a very cold sea that has ice on the top.

White water rafting is a sport or activity of moving a rubber boat through water and round rocks in a river that is flowing very fast.

Scuba-diving is a sport or activity of swimming underwater with a scuba.

Surfing is a sport or activity of standing on a long flat board and moving across waves in the sea.

Совершенствование навыков чтения. ( Работа с учебником: упр.3, стр.165). ( 6 мин.)

Рефлексия. Обучение монологической речи. ( 7 мин.)

( I ) - Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you for or against sport? Let’s divide in two groups. The 1 st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport . (Ответы об уча ю щихся)

Sport is good because

It makes me strong and fast

It helps me to keep fit

It builds character

It teachers me to win and to lose

It’s very good for my heart

Sport helps people to stay in good shape, helps to support health and prevents from illness.

Sport is bad because

It’s not very useful.

It takes a lot of energy and time.

We have no time to walk with friends

It needs to work very hard.

We can break legs and arms.

- So good sides more than bad sides.

( II ) Russian school boy Sergey likes sport. He thinks sport is good. This is his letter. He writes about his favourite kind of sport. (cлайд 7)

- Now I’d like you to tell me about your kinds of sports. Use these words and expressions.(c лайд 8)

Учащимся предлагается рассказать о любимом виде спорта, используя схему и выражения.

Sergey : “I like swimming. I started to learn when I was about seven years old. I think that swimming is something like music or language. That is why very good to start as early as possible if you want to be good at it. I visit swimming pool every week. Swimming helps me to stay in good shape.”

Tell about your favourite kind of sport. Use these words and expressions .

• I started to learn … when I was …

• I visit ( go, do, play) …… every . (two times a week)…

• … helps me (makes me)…

• I wish … ( to take part…, won cups, medals… )

Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок . ( 3 )

- Your speaking was brilliant. Now you can have a talk about sport. I’d like you can write about it. Your home task will be to write about your favourite kind of sport.

- I thank everybody for the lesson. You were very active. I hope this lesson was interesting for you and you have known much new and useful information. Your speaking about sport was brilliant. Thank you. This lesson is over. Good bye !

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План-конспект урока

английского языка

в 7 классе по теме

Величко Людмила Васильевна

Ожидаемые результаты:

Чему научит меня этот урок? Что я узнаю нового? Что я буду уметь делать?

Научиться говорить про зимние виды спорта.

Знать больше о зимних видах спорта.

Уметь выделить основное в прослушанном тексте. Находить в нём необходимую информацию.

Тема: Спорт.

Цель: Повторить и обобщить лексический материал. Повторить стихи. Совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования, письма и говорения.

Продолжить формировать навыки работы в группе и индивидуальной работы.

Учить применять свои знания.

Развивать познавательный интерес, память, внимание, чувство языка.

Воспитывать позитивное отношение к изучению английского языка.

І. Подготовка к восприятию иностранной речи.

Greeting 1. Приветствие.

T: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!

T: Do you like the weather today? Why is it fun when it’s snowing?

T: During our lesson today we’re going to speak about winter sports. You’ll also practice in reading, listening and besides revise the vocabulary on the topic in texts, games and exercises.

Warming up. 3. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.

T: Let’s recite poems.

The snow fell gently all the night.

It made a blanket soft and white.

It covered houses, flowers and ground

But did not make a single sound.

Skating, skating, skating, round and round we go

Over frosty ice and through the frosty snow.

Skating, skating, skating, boys and girls so gay!

They like to skate together on a winter day!

II. Основная часть урока.

T: What do you need in winter? Choose and circle the words.

Что тебе нужно зимой ? Обведи слова.

Jacket mittens scarf hat gloves

helmet in-line skaters boots shorts socks

sneakers cap sandals

2. Лексическая игра.

Вариант 1. Класс разделить на команды. Ученики называют слово, команда одерживает балл.

Вариант 2. Ученик называєт слово, другой повторяет предыдущее слово и называет своё и т. д.

T: What winter sports do you know?

Ученики называют зимние виды спорта.

Listening Comprehension. 3. Аудирование.

Quiz: What Kind of Sport Is It?

It is a team game. Men and women, girls and boys can play it. The players have a ball and play it with their hands. There are six players in each of two teams.

It is a very popular game in England and in Ukraine. Both men and women can play it now. The players kick the ball with their feet; they must not touch the ball with the hands. The game lasts 90 minutes and has two halves. The players try to score a goal.

It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It belongs to winter kinds of games, only men and boys play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV. The players skate on the ice, they use special sticks.

It is a very beautiful kind of sport. The sportsmen show strength, rhythm and grace, they do some exercises and dance to the music on the ice. One sportsman can perform the exercises or the sportsman can dance together with the partner. The dancers have very nice costumes on.

This game is played everywhere – in Ukraine and in other countries too. It was first played in the USA. Each of the two teams has five players. They bounce the ball on the floor up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket of the opposite team.

to bounce [ bauns] – бить мячом по полу

KEY: 1) volleyball; 2) football; 3) ice-hockey; 4) figure skating; 5) basketball.

Quiz: What Kind of Sport Is It? Name_____________________Form_________

Цель: развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

  • развивать языковые способности и устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка
  • развивать практические умения работы в паре
  • способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношения к спорту.
  • фронтальная
  • индивидуальная работа
  • работа в парах

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you again. Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson.

Today we continue speaking about different sports. The proverb says “Sport helps us to be healthy”. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?

Millions of people go in for sports but many people don’t do it. What is useful watching sport on TV or going in for it themselves?

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

I want you to look at the blackboard. Can you read the English words?

boxing roller-skating cycling
chess swimming jogging
skiing jumping horse racing
skating running hiking
figure-skating athletics gymnastics

Group these activities into indoor and outdoor sports.

3. Речевая зарядка.

  1. Is there sport that you are good at?
  2. What sports do you like doing or playing?
  3. What sports are popular in your family?
  4. What sports do you like watching?
  5. Are there any sports you would like to try?
  6. What is the most dangerous sport in your opinion?
  7. Have you ever taken part any competitions?
  8. What do you prefer: to watch sports competitions or to take part in them?
  9. Do you want to be a sportsman?

4. Активизация аудитивных навыков и лексического материала.

Try to guess what kind of sports it is.

– the sport of fighting in gloves (boxing)
– a game played on the field with a round ball. Two teams of 11 players kick it (football)
– it is the cheapest but very healthy form of sports. It’s a slow run for exercise (jogging)
– a game played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players on each team (basketball)
– the sport of going on horseback (horseracing)
– it is a way of traveling or going on foot (walking)

You are tired, aren’t you? Will you stand up, please? Let’s remember our poem.

(Выполняют движения, рассказывая данное стихотворение)

Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.
Two little hands go thump, thump, thump.

6. Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.

Read what these boys and girls think about sport. Do you agree or disagree?

I am Alison and I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I do not like to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching figure skating. I admire beautiful women and strong men, who can dance on the ice so well. I sometimes go skating myself.

I am Peter. Sport plays a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports – football, volleyball and basketball. I also play chess and once played in our school team against Kasparov. We all lost of course, but it was an unforgettable experience. I also love to play football. I go to our local football club every spare minute and my dream is to become a football player. I also watch football on TV a lot. I never miss a single match.

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have the time I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can not go as often as I want to. It is difficult to do all these things.

My name is Alex. I do not understand people who spend all their lives going crazy over sports and their body or watching others doing the same on TV. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need any muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I knew one boy, who was exercising every day and was still not happy with his looks. So he started taking special hormones to make his muscles grow. He got huge muscles, but he ended up in a hospital, because hormones did a lot of harm to his health. I would never do anything like that. I am much happier sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer.

I am Ted. On one hand sport is my life. I play volleyball, that is the only thing I like to do and can do very well. I like this sport, because you have to be strong, fast and clever to play it. On the other hand a professional sportsman gets old too quickly. You can not play when you are old. In general sport costs professional sportsman too much.

Is sport popular all over the world? Why do you think so? You will work in pairs and discuss why people do sport. Exercise 9, page 102 from your textbooks will help you. Use the linking words from the blackboard and make up a story.

Ученики в парах выполняют упражнение из учебника. Сначала учитель разбирает с детьми все словосочетания, которые приводятся в данном упражнении, а затем учащиеся работают в парах в течение 3-4 минут. После обсуждения темы в парах, учащиеся представляют свои рассказы.

Примерная запись на доске:

Sport is popular all over the world.
First of all …
In my opinion
I think that

8. Подведение итогов.

Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are the following.

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Данный урок проводится в 7 классе по УМК Биболетовой М.З.Enjoy English с целью совершенствования умений практического владения английским языком по теме "Спорт".

Мазитова Р.Л.

учитель английского языка

МОБУ СОШ с. Октябрьское

Стерлитамакского района

по Умк Enjoy English – 7 авт. Биболетова М.З.

*образовательная цель - актуализация и развитие знаний учащихся о спорте и здоровом образе жизни, совершенствование неподготовленной речи детей, закрепление изученных речевых структур, тренировка навыков лексики и грамматики;

*социокультурный аспект- расширение объема знаний учащихся о странах изучаемого языка, их культуре и традициях, их особенностях, сходствах и различиях в рамках диалога культур;

*развивающая цель – повышение мотивации к изучению языка; развитие речевых навыков; развитие умений выражать свое понимание требуемой информации;

*воспитательная цель -воспитание активной жизненной позиции, ответственного отношения к своему здоровью, стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе, развитие творчества, умения работать в коллективе, ориентации на практически значимый результат.

Оборудование: УМК Биболетовой М.З., наглядность по теме, раздаточный материал- конверты с заданиями. На доске эпиграф: “Sport is a lifestyle”

- Good morning , boys and girls!

- I am glad to see you.

- Take your seats, please.

- Are you ready for the lesson?

Today we shall work in groups.There will be 4 pupils in each group. We shall revise words, share and discuss the ideas about our topic. Don’t forget to help each other. Be friendly, attentive, intelligent and hardworking. And I’m sure everything will be OK.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Listen to me attentively. Отрабатываем чтение стихотворения хором и индивидуально.

Sport is fun for boys and girls.

It’s much better than the toys.

You can swim and run and jump

It makes you beautiful and strong.

Tell me please, what are we going to speak? Guess the topic of our lesson. So the topic of our lesson is “ Sport is a lifestyle” If you want to be healthy and strong you should go in for sports.

Now, let’s play the game “ Snow ball” . The first pupil will name one kind of sport, the second will repeat it and add another word and so on.You will tell us about summer sports, winter sports, team sports, sport with a ball.

- athletics, swimming, football;

- athletics, swimming, football, cycling;

- I’d like you to ask some questions. (You are welcome).

- Is sport your hobby?

- What sport are you fond of?

- What team games can you name?

- What is your favourite sport?

- What sport is popular with your classmates?

- You look great. What do you do to look great?

- Are you good at running?

4. The next task for you is to guess the game. Read the description of the sport and name it.

This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field.

It is a team game. Two teams hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground.

It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing figures. They move the playing figures on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent`figures.

It is called the sportof kings. Few people do this sport, most of them watch it or try to win some money.

It is a great sport. The ocean, waves, sunny weather make you happy. Enjoy catching and riding a wave.

6.Формирование навыков аудирования по теме : “Sports in Britain” . Учащиеся смотрят видеофрагмент. Беседа по просмотренному фрагменту.

1.British people are fond of sports, aren’t they?

2. What is a very British game?

3.What is the name of the place where they play tennis?

4.What are the most popular sports in Britain?

5. Why do they do aerobics?

Will you read the task of ex.17 p.104.? What will you do? You are right. Name five ways to keep fit.

Do you know any proverbs about health?

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Health is better than wealth.

A sound mind in a sound body.

-Do you go to bed early?

- Do you do exercises regularly?

- Can you say you keep fit?

- Now tell me please, what part of speech are the words early , regularly, quickly?

- Yes, they are adverbs.The next task is to choose the right word and complete the sentences.

1. My friends are (friend/friendly).

2.Is there a park (near/nearly) your house?

3.It is too ( late/lately). I have to go home.

4. Look! Pete is running very ( quick/quickly)

5.I could (hard/hardly)read your letter.

6. We are proud of our sportsmen ( late/lately).

9. Do you like tests? Let’s do the medical test. Answer yes/no.

Do you do physical exercises every day?

Do you think about keeping fit?

Do you often eat fruit and vegetables?

Do you sleep 7-8 hours at night?

Do you go to bed early?

-Let’s count your scores. If you have four and more yes answers I think you are healthy.

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