План урока на тему friends

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Оснащение урока: пословицы о дружбе, друзьях; высказывание “A friend in need is a friend indeed” (надпись на доске), карточки, магнитофон.

I. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

1. Организационный момент.

Учитель: Dear boys and girls! Today we are going to speak about friends and friendship. Friends, friendship. People sing songs about it, devote poems, stories. A lot has been already written and said. Do you know how the dictionary puts it?

Ученик: Friendship is a feeling and behavior that exists between friends but what these feelings are, what this behavior is, you have to decide for yourself.

Фонетическая зарядка

Учитель: Say please the verse about friendship

Ученики (1, 2, 3,)

Friendship is a thing for one,
Three or four, even more
Like a song, that’s made sing
Friendship is a doing thing.

II. Основная часть урока. Работа по теме урока.

Учитель: Let’s discuss how you understand friendship. What does friendship mean to you?

Ученик 1: Friendship means a lot to me. I can’t imagine my life without friends, they make my life

Ученик 2: I think friendship is very important in our lives. If you don’t have friends, you don’t have happier and more interesting support, you don’t feel yourself comfortable.

Ученик 3: In my opinion true friendship is a plant of slow growth. We must learn to forgive and forget.

Учитель: Yes, friendship is a great thing. Try to say what proverbs come to your mind when you talk about friendship. Some of them are written on the blackboard.

Работа с английскими пословицами.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Money can’t buy friendship.
A faithful friend is the medicine of life.
The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Учитель: Would you like to explain the meanings of some of them.

Ученик 1: “The only way to have a friend is to be one” means that if you don’t want to be alone, you don’t have to be selfish. Just think a little of others and they will think of you.

Ученик 2: “A friend in need is a friend indeed means that the best friend is the one who helps you when you are really in need of help.

Ученик 3: Sometimes real friends lay down their lives for the sake of friendship. It is easy to deal with a friend who is the medicine of life. If friendship never ends it makes your life full.

Ученик 4: the English proverb “A man must eat a packet of salt with his friend before he knows him”

doesn’t mean that your need to eat much salt to become friends but you must know your friend very well If you help, rely on each other, and do useful and important things together , your friendship will last a very long time.

Аудирование текста.

Учитель: Well, thank you. And now I want you to listen to the text “Are Boys from Your School the Same?”

На доске записаны незнакомые слова с переводом:

Stupid – глупый
Horror films – фильм ужасов
Adore – обожать
Defeat – наносить поражение

Listen and then say if the following statements are true or false (аудиокассета).

  1. Boys are not friendly.
  2. Boys and girls have different interests.
  3. Girls use computers for learning.
  4. In Nastya’s opinion boys live in virtual world.
  5. Boys and girls talk their problems through with each other.

Keys: 1-false; 2-true; 3-true; 4-true; 5-false.

(на карточках предложения для контроля TRUE or FALSE)

We don’t make friends with our boys. We don’t have similar interests. Our boys are spending so much time playing stupid computer games that they live in a virtual world. They adore horror films. When girls talk about computers, they discuss programmes they use for learning. Boys simply talk about computer games. When girls talk their problems through, boys talk how to defeat monsters with laser guns from a new computer game.

a) Match these verbs with their Russian equivalents (карточки с заданиями для каждого ученика).

1) to betray
2) to forgive
3) to last
4) to obey
5) to replace
6) to refuse
7) to value
b)вернуть, заменять
e)продолжаться, длиться

Keys: 1 – c; 2 – g; 3 – e; 4 – f; 5 – b; 6 – a; 7 – d.

b) Make the sentences complete using the verbs from a.

  1. A friend is a person who understands and_________________.
  2. A false friend is a person who_____________.
  3. Friendship is a thing that____________ forever.
  4. The girls invited Kate to join them but she__________.
  5. Nothing can__________ a best friend.
  6. Pete’s younger sister doesn’t__________ his orders.
  7. If you ___________________my friendship, please, do what I say.

Keys: 1 – forgives; 2 – betrays; 3 – lasts; 4 – refused; 5 – replace; 6 – obey; 7 – value.

Учитель: Thank you. And now tell me please how you understand friendship.

Tolya: Friendship is very important in our lives. I can’t imagine my life without friends. They do my life happier and more interesting. As for me I can rely on my friend because he keeps our secrets.

Zhenya: In my opinion friendship is a plant of slow growth. It’s to think there is someone to turn to for help and advice, someone who will stand by you in any situation.

Учитель: All right. I quite agree with you that friendship is a very great thing. Now thank your classmate for something good:

(На доске написать.)

– Thank you for your kindness
– Thank you for your help
– Thank you for your telling truth
– Thank you for your devotion (преданность)
– Thank you for your sympathy (отзывчивость)
– Thank you for your brains (ум)
– Thank you for your loyalty (верность)
– Thank you for your caring about me
– Thank you for your forgiving me
– Thank you for your keeping our secrets

Конец урока. Подведение итогов деятельности учащихся.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

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Тема урока: Friends Цель: Развитие умений монологической устной речи.

  • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
  • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Тема урока: Friends Цель: Развитие умений монологической устной речи.

Тема урока: Friends Цель: Развитие умений монологической устной речи.

Общеобразовательные: развивать способности к логическим выводам и умозаключен.

Общеобразовательные: развивать способности к логическим выводам и умозаключениям; совершенствовать культуру общения друг с другом Развивающие: развивать речевую способность учащихся, развивать мышление и эмоциональную готовность к общению; умение адекватно оценивать себя. Воспитательные: воспитывать потребность к сотрудничеству при работе в группах; осознавать необходимости взаимодействия для достижения совместной цели; воспитывать чувство уважения; формировать готовность строить взаимоотношения с окружающими на основе сотрудничества и быть толерантной личностью. З а д а ч и :

Этапы урока I Начало урока 1.Приветствие. 2. стихотворение о друзьях. ( форму.

Этапы урока I Начало урока 1.Приветствие. 2. стихотворение о друзьях. ( формулировка темы урока) 3. Речевая зарядка (questions) Основная часть урока. 1. Введение нового грамматич.материала. 2. Тренировка. 3. Развитие навыков МУР. а) оценивают утверждения, выражают свое мнение; b) Работа в группах. (составление семантической карты) С) Составление МВ и его представление. Заполнение анкеты. III. Заключительный этап урока. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

Friends Friends are people to share, Friends are people who care. They try to.

Friends Friends are people to share, Friends are people who care. They try to understand, They give a helping hand

Each other The friends should help each other. When A does an action to B and.

Each other The friends should help each other. When A does an action to B and B does the same action to A. Or the friends should solve the problems themselves.

Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns are used to show that the actions descr.

Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns are used to show that the actions described by a verb act upon the subject of the verb: the subject and the object are the same Возвратные местоимения показывают, что действие в предложении направлено на лицо, которое его выполняет и на русский язык переводятся с помощью суффикса -ся (-сь) или местоимением "себя", "собой", "себе", "сам".

 Subject Verb Object she her

Subject Verb Object she her

Example She sees her Subject Object

Example She sees her Subject Object

Example Subject Object She sees herself

Example Subject Object She sees herself

Reflexive pronouns Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding self (singular) or.

Reflexive pronouns Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding self (singular) or selves (plural) to my, your, our him, her, it, them

The forms of reflexive pronouns correspond to the forms of the subject pronou.

The forms of reflexive pronouns correspond to the forms of the subject pronouns: I You He She It We You They myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Can you fill the gaps? I wash __________. She is looking at ________ in the m.

Can you fill the gaps? I wash __________. She is looking at ________ in the mirror. They are teaching ___________ English! myself herself themselves

Practice 1. We don’t argue with _____________. 2. She’s selfish. She only thi.

Practice 1. We don’t argue with _____________. 2. She’s selfish. She only thinks of ____________. 3. My brother and his ex-wife don’t speak to _____________. 4. We had a very good holiday; we enjoyed ______________. 5. It wasn’t Kelly’s fault; she shouldn’t blame ____________. 6. Leo and you did a good job; you should be proud of _____________. 7. Mike didn’t need my help; he finished the work ____________. 8. I was responsible for the accident and I blame _____________ for it. 9. We write to ________________ about once a month. 10. I am not angry with you I am angry with ______________. 11. We got to know _____________ in May. 12. Can you call _______________a true friend?

 Can you call yourself a true friend?

Can you call yourself a true friend?

to get on well with smb. to have the same sense of humor to break up to have.

to get on well with smb. to have the same sense of humor to break up to have a lot of common to like and dislike the same people and think to keep in touch with smb. to stay friends to trust to talk to about anything argue about smth., with smb. undestand discuss problems help in time betray put smb. down cheerful helpful sociable responsible charming friendly

A true friend must be….. He/She should ……. We spend much time together ……. I.

A true friend must be….. He/She should ……. We spend much time together ……. I like when he/she ….. We have the same ….. I appreciate my friend because ….. What is he like? Why do you like his/her friend? What do you do together? What is common with your friend? What do you appreciate your friend for?

Questionnaire “What sort of friend are you”? Yes No 1.Doyou oftenagree with y.

Questionnaire “What sort of friend are you”? Yes No 1.Doyou oftenagree with your friend? 2. Can youkeep your friend’s secrets? 3.Do you let yourself laugh at your friend? 4. Do your lendmoney to your friend? 5. Doyoualways tellthe truth to your friend? 6.Do you friend’s troubles trouble you? 7.Are you always ready to admit your mistake?

Thank you for your attention! Good bye.

Thank you for your attention! Good bye.

Выбранный для просмотра документ план урока.docx

Тема урока “ Friends ”

Цель урока: развитие умений монологической устной речи

Общеобразовательные : развивать способности к логическим выводам и умозаключениям

совершенствовать культуру общения друг с другом

Развивающие: развивать речевую способность учащихся

развивать мышление и эмоциональную готовность к общению, умение адекватно оценивать

Воспитательные: воспитывать потребность к сотрудничеству при работе в группах

осознавать необходимости взаимодействия для достижения совместной цели

воспитывать чувство уважения и доброжелательности к своим друзьям и сверстникам

формирование готовности строить взаимоотношения с окружающим миром на основе

сотрудничества и быть толерантной личностью

Языковой материал:

Оснащение урока : ПК, магнитная белая доска, проектор, раздаточный материал, учебник, тетрадь

We are glad to see you today! And how are you?

Определение темы урока.

Читая и слушая стихотворение о друзьях, учащиеся эмоционально настраиваются на учебную деятельность на английском языке и знакомятся с темой урока

I’d like to begin our lesson with a short poem. Read and listen to it and say what topic of our conversation is going to be.

Friends are people to share,

Friends are people to care.

They try to understand,

They give a helping hand.

So, today we are going to speak about …

What makes you think so?

Учащиеся формулируют тему урока

ПК, проектор, магнитная белая доска

Do you think that people should have friends?

How many friends have you got?

What are friends for?

Thank you for your ideas!

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы

II .Введение нового грамматического материала. Его тренировка.

1.Введение нового грамматического мат e риала.

На слайде вопрос с расшифровкой

В ходе работы с правилом ,повторяются личные местоимения, которые необходимы для образования возвратных местоимений.

Do you agree friends should help each other or they should solve their problems themselves ?

Задавая вопрос, учитель привлекает внимание учащихся к выделенным словам. Спрашивает, поняли вопрос, выслушивает варианты перевода, совместно разбирают значения местоимений. Выясняет, как учащиеся поняли правило. Затем демонстрируется русскоязычный вариант.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос.

Предполагают, каково значение выделенных слов.

Читают правило самостоятельно, затем

ПК, проектор, магнитная белая доска

2. Тренировка в употреблении введенного грамматического

на экране появляется задание, где отсутствуют возвратные местоимения. Учащимся необходимо вписать подходящие.

Now, look at the board, please.

Write down the missing pronouns.

P1,P2,P3 go to the blackboard and do the task.

And other students do the practice p.11

Учитель наблюдает и корректирует работу учащихся.

And now look at the last question. How do you understand it?

Can you call yourself a true friend?

3 учащихся работают у доски, выполняя по 4 предложения.

Остальные выполняют задание из учебника с.11 самостоятельно.

Проверка проводится в режиме

Cl - P 1, P 2, P 3

Учащиеся объясняют, как они понимают вопрос (объясняют по-английски, в случае затруднения- на русском языке )

ПК, проектор, магнитная белая доска,

Ш. Развитие навыков МУР

Учащимся необходимо оценить данные утверждения, выражая свое мнение. Оценивание свое согласие\несогласие по 5-ти балльной шкале.

Работа в группах над словами словосочетаниями, выбирая из списка подходящие.

Каждая группа имеет разные словосочетания, но все они положительные. Нужно выбрать только те, которые относятся к образу идеального друга.

Работая в группах, учащиеся совершенствуют культуру общения друг с другом

Составление семантической карты для высказывания.

Составление монологического высказывания.

Каждой группе даны карточки с вопросами или незаконченными предложениями, помогающими составить устное высказывание по теме « A True Friend

В ходе этой работы применяется дифференцированный подход. Группы с более сильными учащимися получают карточки с наводящими вопросами, а группы с более слабыми – карточки с незаконченными предложениями. Кроме того, у учащихся воспитывается потребность к сотрудничеству при работе в группах, они осознают необходимость взаимодействия для достижения совместной цели

Заполнение анкеты по содержанию темы урока.

Выяснение того, являются ли учащиеся сами хорошими друзьями, позволяет заострить внимание на том, адекватно ли они оценивают себя. А также воспитывает чувство уважения и доброжелательности к своим друзьям и сверстникам

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Дата: 16.06.2014

Тема: Friends (друзья)

Цели: к концу урока обучающиеся должны уметь описать своего друга, его характер и составить описание друга

Этапы урока

Орг. момент

Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you. Today is our third lesson. I want you try to guess our today theme. Ok, listen attentively.

Theme about peoples who close to you, they can be boys or girls, or everybody together. They help you when you feel bad yourself, they walk and play with you.

You’re absolutely right. The theme of our lesson is Friends (Slide 1). Today we’ll practise our skills in listening, reading and speaking.

Основная часть

Before starting our theme we will do phonetic training.

Please, repeat after me!

б) Now, answer my questions, kids.

Have you got a friend?

What’s his/her name?

How old is she/he?

What do you like to do together?

Do you think you are good friends?

В) I give you sheets of paper with text. Our today work will connect with this text. Let’s look trough the vocabulary. Are these words new for you? What words are really new?

Now read the text, please.

Г) Answer the questions according to text. (slide 3)

- How many years old is Boris?

- How long have they been friends?

- What do they share?

- What is Boris especially good at?

- What is Boris interested in?

- What do they do when they have free time?

Д) Next task is finding missed words in the text.

My best friend’s name is Boris. He is fifteen years old and he is my classmate. We have been friends since the first year at school. Boris is very attractive. He is tall, slim and strong. He has dark hair and brown eyes. We share many common interests: we play in the same football team, we both like adventurous stories, and we have the same attitude to life.

His interests are broad. He is interested in the history of ancient civilizations and architecture. He plays guitar and likes to draw.

Sometimes I fall out with Boris but make peace with him right away. When we have free time, we go out together. Usually we invite our friends and go to the cinema.

Е) Correlate words with each other.

Dark, slim, tall, fat, hair, common, interests, together, fall out, team, story – темный, стройный, высокий, жирный, волосы, общий, интересы, вместе, ссориться, команда, история.

Ж) The last task for today is matchig the pair.

3. Итог урока

Ok, kids, please, finish the phrase “Today at the lesson I…”

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.


My best friend’s ___ is Boris. He is fifteen ____ old and he is my classmate. We have been _____ since the first year at school. Boris is very attractive. He is tall, slim and strong. He has dark hair and brown ___. We share many ____ interests: we play in the same football team, we both like adventurous stories, and we have the same attitude to life.
His interests are ____. He is interested in the history of ancient civilizations and architecture. He plays guitar and likes to ___.
Sometimes I fall out with Boris but make peace with him right away. When we have free time, we go out ______. Usually we invite our friends and go to the cinema.

attitude – отношение, позиция

to take part – принимать участие

to discuss – обсуждать

to be broad – быть обширным

to fall out – ссориться

My best friend’s name is Boris. He is fifteen years old and he is my classmate. We have been friends since the first year at school. Boris is very attractive. He is tall, slim and strong. He has dark hair and brown eyes. We share many common interests: we play in the same football team, we both like adventurous stories, and we have the same attitude to life.

Boris does well at school. He is especially good at History and English. He helps me to do my homework, explains to me when I don’t understand something. He also takes part in different school activities, concerts and parties.

My friend’s opinion is very important for me. I can discuss all my problems with him. He is very gentle, kind and modest. Boris is also a very patient and hardworking person. If something goes wrong, he anyway tries and doesn’t give up.

His interests are broad. He is interested in the history of ancient civilizations and architecture. He plays guitar and likes to draw.

Sometimes I fall out with Boris but make peace with him right away. When we have free time, we go out together. Usually we invite our friends and go to the cinema.

Boris is very reliable and honest person and at any moment I can rely on him.

Приветствие: Good morning, children.
- Good morning, teacher.
Организационный момент:
Who is on duty today?
- We are on duty today.
Who is absent?
- All are present.
What date is it today?
- Today is …
What day is it today?
- Today is Monday.
Thank you. Our topic for today is “Friends”
By the way, do you have a lot of friends?
- (Ответы учащихся)
Thank you. I believe you’ll tell me more about your friends after we learn a short poem. Please, listen and then repeat.

I had a box of crayons,
All shiny, straight and new.
I lent a friend one crayon,
And--oops--it broke in two!
My friend said she was sorry,
But I said "I don't care, 'cause now we both
can color with one crayon--we can share!"

Let's try to translate the poem:

Please, translate it at home properly.
You can change it a bit.

Речевая разминка: Well done! Now answer my questions, please.
Наve you got a friend?
Is he a true friend?
Do you trust him/her?
- (Ответы учащихся)

Проверка домашнего задания: That’s great! Let’s check your home task! Open your books, please.
Ex. 22, p. 20

Введение новой лексики по теме: It’s time to look at the board on our presentation
Here are some rules how to make friends:
Let’s read them. Who wants to begin?
- (Ответы учащихся)

How to make friends?
to put somebody down – унижать кого-либо
perfect – идеальный, совершенный
understanding – понимающий
selfish – эгоистичный
perfection – совершенство
to expect – ожидать
cheerful – бодрый, веселый
boring – скучный
to make a mistake – совершать ошибку
now and then – иногда, время от времени
to laugh – смеяться
to give as well as to take – как давать, так и брать
relationship – отношения
to be choosy – быть разборчивым

Закрепление новой лексики:
As for me the word “friendship” means feelings and behaviour that exist between friends, but what these feelings are and what the behaviour is, one should decide for himself. So what does friendship mean for you? No ideas? O.K. Let’s read the poem:

Friends are people who share,(делиться)
Friends are people who care.(заботиться)
They try to understand.(понимать)
They give a helping hand.(помогать)
Look once more at the poem and then at the screen. Now say what friendship means. Friendship means … (caring of each other, helping to each other).

So, let’s summarize everything we’ve learnt today. Take the cards, please.
Read them and write your own rules, please.

- To have a friend… be a friend!
- Remember the Golden Rule of Freindship…
Treat others as you’d like to be treated!
- Somewhere out there, a friendship is waiting to start!

Ann, please, read your rules how to make friends.
- I think that you must be . to make really good friends.

- What about you, Murat. What are your rules.
- My rules are as following. To be really food friends with somebody you should .
That is really wonderfdul. And the last answer.
Kate, please. Tell us your point of view.
- It goes without saying, I haven't got a lot of friends, though I do my best to have a hundred of friends, but as my mother says.
Thank you very much. It way really amazing!
Pass me your copy-books, please. I want to correct your mistakes if you have any.
- Here you are.
Thank you.

Подведение итогов урока: The lesson was really very interesting. I'm glad that you worked hard. Your marks for the lesson are…
- Thank you, teacher.

Домашнее задание: Today you can choose what to do. You can write your special recipe for friendship or to read the text about friendship or write a letter to your friend who is angry with you about something and ask him or her to firgive you. You can imagine such a situation. I suppose, you'll do your best to fulfill the task.

Завершение урока: Have you got any questions?
- No, thank you. Everything is clear.

Then the lesson is over, Good-bye, dear children.
- Good-bye, teacher.

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