План урока биологии на английском языке

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Lexis: Consequence, drought, environment, global warming, gradual, greenhouse effect and gases, icecap, ozone layer, to emit, to trap.

Functional language:comparing, explaining , discussing, analyzing, sorting the cards, describing

generalize and consolidate knowledge about greenhouse effect

describe the role of interrelation between living things

working with definitions and doing research about the topic of “Greenhouse effect”


discussing role of interrelation between greenhouse effect and leaving things

defining key terms

working with text about “greenhouse effect” and present understanding of the topic

Books, video material, presentation.

40 m

T: Hello my dear friend, sit down please! What your mood today? What day is it today? Write down today's date in your notebook.

(to set the context and activate prior knowledge)

T: What would happen if ozone layer disappeared?

S: Living organisms will die.

Aim - объяснять влияние парникового эффекта на живые организмы ; объяснять причины и последствия истощения озонового слоя.

- explain how living organisms adapt to changes in environmental conditions.

(to present the greenhouse effect)


Solar radiation enters the atmosphere and causes the temperature of its lower layers to rise. This is called the greenhouse effect. An increase in temperature on Earth may lead to changes in precipitation patterns, rising sea levels and a variety of impacts on plants, wildlife and people.

The temperature of the Earth has increased over the past 100 years. As a result icecaps have been melting.

(to check understanding of the topic)

Production (to speak and present the greenhouse effect)

T: Now let’s move on to practical activity.

Divideinto 5 groups (20 min )

1. Нарисуйте блок-схемы, чтобы показать, как глобальное потепление изменяет климат Земли.

2. Заполните нижеприведённую таблицу.

T : Goodjob ! Thank you. Now, we will conduct a test of care. Watch video.

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. Based on this knowledge, determine which statements are true facts, and which are not.

Reflection (to reflect on what they have studied)

1. Опишите, как ультрафиолетовые лучи могут нанести вред человеку.

2. Как озоновый слой защищает нас?

3. Что мы можем сделать, чтобы замедлить глобальное потепление?

Conclusion (to finish the lesson and set the homework)

Research time

CFCs(chlorofluorocarbon) are man-made chemical compounds. They were invented in the 1920s. They were used in air-conditioners, refrigerators, and aerosol cans. Explain how CFCs harm the ozone layer.

The lesson is over, goodbye!

TRANSLATE - New terms

Greenhouse effect - New terms

Greenhouse effect - New terms

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План урока по биологии на английском языке

Theme: Микроскоп .’ \ ‘ The Microscope’

Цели обучения, которые необходимо достичь на данном уроке: развитие навыков говорения; введение нового лексического материала и закрепление в речи;

Учащиеся смогут:

- знать значения новых лексических единиц в объёме 9 слов

Большинство учащихся будут уметь:

- заполнять пробелы необходимыми по смыслу словами

Некоторые учащиеся смогут:

-анализировать и составлять предложения

Методы: словесный, наглядно-иллюстративный, частично-поисковый, репродуктивный.

Ключевые слова и фразы : 1 – eye piece 2 – arm or body 3 – revolving nose piece 4 – lens or objective 5 – clip 6 – stage 7 – coarse focus knob 8 – fine focus knob 9 – light or lamp

Оборудование: раздаточный материал; карточки с заданиями, интернет ресурсы, словари.

I . Приветствие. Эмоциональный настрой урока и актуализация знаний. 8 min

The teacher says: to watch the video and tell what it was about.

Students watch the video and tell what it was about.

-Определение темы урока : ‘ The Microscope ’ 5 min

Work in 4 groups and write as many words as you can with the word ‘Microscope’.

-Совместная постановка целей урока.

II . Основная часть.

Задание №1. 6 min

The teacher says: Label parts 1 – 9 of the microscope using the words provided. Translate the new words. Students label parts and translate the new words.

Arm or body Clip Coarse focus knob Eye piece Fine focus knob Lens or objective Light or lamp Revolving nose piece Stage

Check the answers.
1 – eye piece 2 – arm or body 3 – revolving nose piece 4 – lens or objective 5 – clip 6 – stage 7 – coarse focus knob 8 – fine focus knob 9 – light or lamp

Задание №2. 10 min

The teacher says: make a slide. (Place statements A – E in the correct order)

The students make a slide. (Place statements A – E in the correct order).

How to use a microscope

____________ the microscope slide ____________ your specimen on it on the stage. ____________ the ____________ in place ____________ the clips. Adjust the mirror ____________ lamp or turn on the light if this is built in to ____________ microscope. Place the smallest objective lens over the hole in the stage. This is the lowest power magnification lens. Looking from the side of the microscope, turn the coarse focusing ____________ to make the objective lens as close to the stage as ____________ Now look into the eyepiece lens. Turn the coarse ____________ knob until what you see is clear, always moving the stage and lens away from each other. ____________ the object is in focus, use the fine focus to ____________ the ____________ really clear.

WORD BANK: with focusing make and image knob slide using once possible the hold place

The teacher says: fill in the gaps ‘how to use a microscope’.

The students fill in the gaps ‘how to use a microscope’.

Gently lower the coverslip.

Add a drop of stain.

Lay them on the slide.

Make sure the sample lies flat.

Take a thin layer of cells.

The teacher says to answer the questions. The students answer the questions. 5 min

Answer the questions:

1. How do you put the cover slip on a slide without getting bubbles trapped under it?

2. How are air bubbles recognized when viewing a slide?

3. When you are focusing on an object, in which order should the three objective lenses always be used? Why?

4. When focusing on an object, why do we always start with the objective lens near the specimen and move the lens away ?

5. Which is more powerful: a X10 eye-piece and a X20 objective or a X7 eye-piece and a X40 objective?

6. How should a microscope be a) carried safely? b) put away correctly?

Check the answers.

Making a slide: E Æ C Æ D Æ B Æ A

Задание №3. 6 min

The teacher says: Look at the labeled diagram of the microscope and complete the sentences below with appropriate preposition.

Students look at the labeled diagram of the microscope and complete the sentences below with appropriate preposition.

Next to, below, at the top of, below, on, above, behind, below, in front of, between , at, on, below, at the bottom of, under.

The teacher says: to use the information in the table below and write sentences to describe the function of each part. Pay attention at the form of the verbs.

The students use the information in the table below and write sentences to describe the function of each part. They pay attention at the form of the verbs.

III. Заключение .

- Выставление оценок . The teacher says to the students their marks and explains why the get such marks.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

is the study of the subject anatomy, physiology and hygiene; classification and properties of tissues (epithelial, muscle, nerve, connective tissue); to give the concept (idea) of organs and organ systems.

Lesson 1 date________

Subject: The anatomy 8 th grade

Topic: Anatomy- the science of the structure of the human body

Lesson aim: is the study of the subject anatomy, physiology and hygiene; classification and properties of tissues (epithelial, muscle, nerve, connective tissue); to give the concept (idea) of organs and organ systems.

Type of the lesson: acquiring new information

Materials: cards with tasks, computer, video, stickers.

Plan of the lesson

The activities of students

I. Organizational - motivational stage.

1) Greetings .

Teacher: - Good morning , children! I'm glad to see you and really want to start working with you! I wish you good mood and good luck!

2. Mental attitude of pupils.

Verife the absence of the students for the lesson

Greetings: “How are you today? ( video)

II. Operationally - executive stage.

1) The new material study.

Glossary of essential terms for you know

2) Level 1 – Basic (Score "3")

Human anatomy is the science concerned with the structure of the human body. The term anatomy is derived from a Greek word meaning “to cut up”; indeed, in ancient times, the word anatomize was more commonly used than the word dissect. The science of physiology is concerned with the function of the body. It is inseparable from anatomy in that structure tends to reflect function. The term physiology is derived from another Greek word—this one meaning “the study of nature.” The “nature” of an organism is its function. Anatomy and physiology are both subdivisions of the science of biology, the study of living organisms. The anatomy of every structure of the body is adapted for

Поурочный план на английском языке по биологии на тему:

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
До 500 000 руб. ежемесячно и 10 документов.

В условиях обновлённого содержания образования в Казахстане осуществляется поэтапное введение преподавания биологии, химии, физики, информатики на английском языке. Применение английского языка на уроках биологии я практикую второй год. Надеюсь, этот поурочный план на английском языке на тему: "Строение растительной и животной клетки" будет полезен.

Topic Date Class Teaching aims Content objectives Language objectives Assessment Cognition Culture Communication Content Materials Cell structure 03.09.19 9 grade ● to generalize and consolidate knowledge about cell structure ● to understand the function of cell. ● to know the difference between plant and animal cells. By the end of the lesson students will be able to: ● describe plant and animal cells ● give definition ● know about the functions of cells Lexis: Cell, organelle, cytoplasm, plasma membrane, nucleus, covered, ribosome, Golgi body, lysosome, mitochondria, plastids. Functional language: comparing, explaining , discussing, analyzing, sorting the cards, describing ● generalize and consolidate knowledge about the function of ● find the difference between plant and animal cells ● describe the structure of plant and animal cells working with definitions and doing research about the topic of “Cell structure” understanding that topic of Cell structure cell ­ discussing function of cell ­ defining key terms ­ describing difference between plant and animal cells working with text about “Cell structure” and present understanding of the topic Books, A4 papers, colorful pencils, envelop. Stage / Aim Lead in Time 40 m 2 min 5 min Warm up ( to set the context and activate prior knowledge) Procedure T: Hello everyone. Please, sit down. I want you to open the copybooks and write down the date. Today’s lesson is going to focus on “Cell structure”. We will start with Explanation and we will finish with Activity. T: Before we start I want you to open the books on page 8 and think about what makes cell alive? Ss: Students brainstorming what makes cell alive? T: Well done. Now, Let’s work with new terminology. There is one “Traffic Light” on each table. I want you to look at new words and place the words that you know on “Green” light, the words that you might know on “Orange” light and the words that you don’t know on “Red” light. Ss: Students place words on corresponding places and Presentation ( to present the Cell structure) 10 min 8 min Practice ( to consolidate the material, to check understanding of the topic) 10 min Production (to speak and present the Cell structure) 3 2 Reflection (to reflect on what they have studied) Conclusion (to finish the lesson and set the homework) discuss it in groups and with teacher (Attachment 0). T: Brilliant! Let’s practice these words together. I want you to repeat these words after me! T: Now, I’m going to give you papers with some missing words, try to mingle and solve the task. Now, moving on to Explanation let’s open the text on pages 8 and 9 and listen to me? ICQ: Do we have to read the text on page 8 or 9? Do you have to read the text or listen to me? (Listen to you) A cell is an elementary unit of a living system. Various structures of a living cell, which are responsible for performing a particular function, are called organoids, like the organs of the whole organism. Specific functions in the cell are distributed among organoids, intracellular structures having a certain shape, such as the cell nucleus, mitochondria. T: Now let’s move on to practical activity. I want you to work in 4 groups and solve the task. (Teacher gives students the envelope with task in it Attachment 1). Ss: Students do creative activity. T: Now, I want you to look at the picture on page 8 and stick the names of the cell structure on your posters. When you finished I want you to look at definitions and match them with words on your projects (Attachment 2). ICQ: Do you have to write or stick the names? (Stick). Do you have to imagine definitions or match them? (Match) T: Brilliant! T: Well done. Good job! Now I want you to present your posters and speak about Cell structure. Make sure that you covered questions on page 9 in “Literacy” box. ICQ: Do you have to speak about animal? (No, we have to speak about Cell structure)? Do you have to answer the questions on page 8 in “Literacy” box? (Yes) Ss: Students present their projects and speak about their topic. T: Good job! Thank you. Now, I want you to take stickers and post your tweets about today’s lesson (Attachment 3). Now, I’d like to recap. Today we have explored the topic of “Cell structure”. The key things to takeaway is that it has 3­ basic functions. For the next lesson I want you to read the paragraph on pages 8 and 9 again and do the “Research time” box. Remember this homework is not optional, you must be ready for the next lesson. Have a nice day! I will see you on Tuesday . Kazakh Kazakh English Cell Cell structure Plant cell Animal cells Organelle Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Nucleus Vacuole Plastid Leucoplast Chloroplast Chromoplast Similarity Difference Pores Mitochondrion Lysosome Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosome Nucleolus English Cell Cell structure Plant cell Animal cells Organelle Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Nucleus Vacuole Plastid Leucoplast Chloroplast Russian Клетка Структура клетки Растительная клетка Животная клетка Органелла Цитоплазма Плазматическая мембрана Ядро Вакуоль Пластид Лейкопласт Хлоропласт Хромопласт Сходство Отличие Поры Митохондрия Лизосома Эндоплазматическая сеть Рибосома Ядрышко Russian Клетка Структура клетки Растительная клетка Животная клетка Органелла Цитоплазма Плазматическая мембрана Ядро Вакуоль Пластид Лейкопласт Хлоропласт Chromoplast Similarity Difference Pores Mitochondrion Lysosome Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosome Nucleolus Хромопласт Сходство Отличие Поры Митохондрия Лизосома Эндоплазматическая сеть Рибосома Ядрышко Attachment 3 Scaffolding for Presentation Tips for giving Presentation Think about the aims of your presentation. Do you want to inform or entertain your audience? Think about your audience. Do they already know anything about the topic? Why are they listening to your presentation? Choose the most suitable content for them. Make eye contact with the audience and try to sound confident when you give your presentation. Make some notes and use these to remember what comes next, but don't just read things aloud. Speak in a loud, clear voice. Make sure you don't speak too quickly and rush your presentation. Today I have success today My biggest learnt. has been… Useful language Starting a presentation ● Hi, I’m Sam. Today, Maria and I are going to talk about . ● I'd like to start by saying . A question I still have is… Introducing a topic ● First, . / Firstly, … / First of all, … ● Finally, . ● Another thing is that . ● It's also true that . ● Last but not least, . ● Let me now move on to … ● Let's talk about … ● What's more, . Today I have ● Mario will now tell you about … ● OK, back to Maja. Ending the presentation tried to… Handing over to another speaker ● In conclusion, … ● To sum up, …

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