People i know план урока 2 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Урок № 5 в четверти, 10 урок модуля.

Тип урока: обобщения и систематизации, комбинированный.


  • практические - повторить изученные ранее слова и выражения по теме "Мой дом",
  • образовательные - развить навыки распознавания и употребления ЛЕ по теме, развить навыки диалогической, монологической речи и аудирования,
  • воспитательные - воспитать вежливость, доброжелательность, любовь к культуре стран изучаемого языка.

Планируемые результаты: обучающиеся научатся употреблять в речи ЛЕ по теме "Мой дом", подготовятся к контрольной работе.

Материальное обеспечение урока: учебник "Spotlight 2", РТ, презентация, картинки с изображением комнат и предметов мебели, CD, задания на карточках.

Методы работы: аудиовизуальный, наглядно-образный, практический.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Lesson plan

LESSON: My family and friends

School: №12

Teacher name: Nogayeva A.K.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.S5 begin to articulate clearly the difference between various sounds

2.W1 write with support short responses at phrase level to questions and other prompts

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond to requests for information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Read the words (adjectives)

Describe the people using new vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:

Match the pictures with the sentences

Some learners will be able to:

Read the descriptions and match the pictures

Describe a person orally

Value links

Respect and love to family

PPT / sound tracks

Cross curricular

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

The teacher greets the students and asks questions to them.

-Well students, now please look at the new words on the slide.

Pupils study the new adjectives to describe a person.

-Listen to me first and then repeat after me. Ok, now let’s read one by one!

We will not write the new vocabulary right now but you will write the new words at home. This will be your home work for the next lesson.

short низкий , короткий

( W )( G )

-Now students, let’s read the descriptions and guess the person on the picture! I will read you three descriptions and you will guess the person. Match the pictures with the letters.

- What letter refers to the first description ? Yes, it is letter M

- What letter suits the second description ? Of course, it is letter L

- What matches with the third picture ? No it is not right, it is letter K

Let’s see how many pupils were right and gave correct answers. Well done, excellent job, thank you pupils.

The pupils read the descriptions and guess the pictures. They match the letters with pictures. This activity can be done with the whole group or in pairs.

-And now pupils, we shall listen to the recording and look at the picture at the same time. We shall listen to four people from the picture. They are grandfather, the girl, the boy and the baby.

They are talking about the sweet baby.

The teacher asks pupils to repeat the sentences after the announcer in order to practice pronunciation. It is important to draw pupils’ attention to she/he/it and explain that the verb has is always used with these pronouns.

-Did you understand everything?

-Can you answer my questions?

-What is the baby’s name?

-What colour is her hair?

-What colour are Lucy’s eyes?

-What colour are grandfather’s hair?

-Does grandfather have big or small ears?

-what colour are grandfather’s eyes?

- Now let’s play a game!

-You will describe a person in turns and get a score for every right answer!

The pupils describe four people from the picture saying the sentences in turns. This activity also can be done as a team work. The group is divided into two subgroups. All the pupils make their examples and the teacher corrects if it is necessary. This can be a very challenging task.

You may start your sentences with these examples. The teacher may write these examples on the board to make it easy.

- Now students, look at the picture of six beautiful girls from the cartoon “Winks”. Do you know their names?

-There are 6 images of the girls and there are six descriptions. The first description refers to the first girl, the second to the next girl and so on.

-Read the first sentence, look at the picture and put a tick if the description is right. If it’s incorrect you may write no in the second box.

The first sentence can be done as an example together with the teacher.

Number 1. She has pink hair and blue eyes. Is it right or wrong? Is it true or false?

This activity is aimed to check understanding and see if the students have memorised new words or not, also “colour” revision is included there. It will be better if the worksheets are printed ahead, because the teachers will need a colour printer for it.

(W) Pupils stand up, listen to the song and sing it.(45 track)

That’s all for today!

- Did you like the lesson?

-What did you like most of all?

-What would you like to repeat again?

-What was the most difficult for you today?

The pupils share their ideas about the most difficult and the most interesting moments in the lesson. They repeat the adjectives they have learnt. They may put colourful stickers on the board as their reflection after the lesson.

The teacher greets the students and asks questions to them.

-Nice to meet you!

-Nice to meet you again!

-We are fine, thank you!

Today we shall learn the new words meaning parts of the body.

Now pupils please look at the board!

The teacher can attract the students’ attention by drawing a picture on the board. It may be a picture of an animal or a man(girl, boy) with arms, legs, body included. Then the teacher gives explanations to what they are going to study at the lesson. Also the teacher may ask questions to them?

What is this? Is this a …….

Is this a cat or a dog in the picture?

What can you see on the board?

Why did I draw it on the board?

After the students have guessed the pictures announce the lesson objectives to the them. Tell them they they will study body parts at the lesson and learn new vocabulary.

Pupils listen to the song to drill pronunciation, repeat the bodyparts vocabulary using a song. The teacher pays attention to the words students don’t know and also to the reading rules (th, ch, sh, ck, ee, oo). Students repeat the words after the teacher in chores and individually.

Eye hair teeth chin
nose mouth head neck
ear face tongue cheek

foot finger toes knee

ankle body head shoulders

arm back legs hand

Use a projected animation to introduce and practice these words. Teachers can also use flashcards to learn the vocabulary

Students do activities from the slides 7-10 in order to practise the use of new words, use of haswith she,he,it.Pay attention to the fact that we use have with I, we, you, they.

-Now pupils look at the picture of two monsters.

- Are they different?

-Can you find the difference? Let’s find 6 differences between these two monsters.

Draw students attention to the pictures of the food and drink and ask students to identify them(a sandwich and a milkshake)

Tell students they have to look at the pictures of the monsters and find the five differences between them. You may want to tell students to circle the differences on the picture of the second monster.

Tell students to trace the food and drink in the thought bubbles

After they have traced and found all the differences divide them into pairs and have them take turns talking about the differences between the monsters.

Point out the first difference to students to demonstrate what they must do. Point first to the first monster and say,It has (got) four ears. Then, point to the second monster and say, It has (got) four five ears.Point out to students they should say what each monster is feeling as well, e.g 1 st monster It’s hungry. 2 nd monster It’s thirsty.

When students finish, tell them to colour the pictures.

It has got three eyes. it has got one eye.

It has got four ears. It has got five ears.

It has got one nose. It has got two noses.

It has got three arms. It has five arms.

It has two legs. It has four legs.

The activity is aimed to involve students to speak and cooperate with their partner. Identifying the differences becomes an act of genuine communication.

“find the difference”

-Now pupils, would you like to draw?

-Do you like drawing faces?

We shall draw two faces of a girl and a boy.

You should draw the colour the eyes, hair, the nose and the mouth for every shape.

Teacher gives every learner a worksheet. The teacher reads the instructions first,learners listen to and draw features according to the description of people heard. The teacher circles the classroom to see if students do the task correctly

He has got short hair. he has got dark hair.

He has got blue eyes. he has got long lashes.

He has got a big mouth.he has got a big nose.

She has got long hair.She has got blonde hair.

Her eyes are green She has got green eyes

She has got long lashes She has got a red mouth

At the end of this activity the teacher takes the correct work and shows to others in order to check their works.

Plenary- students revise parts of body, what they have learnt from this lesson, what was the most interesting and challenging for them.

What did you like in this lesson?

Was it interesting or not?

What was the most interesting today?

Did you like your drawing practice?

Home work- the students are given the site where they play a game and make a monster

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

The teacher greets the students and asks questions to them.

-Nice to meet you!

-Nice to meet you again!

-We are fine, thank you!

Today we shall learn the new words meaning parts of the body.

Now pupils please look at the board!

The teacher can attract the students’ attention by drawing a picture on the board. It may be a picture of an animal or a man (girl, boy) with arms, legs, body included. Then the teacher gives explanations to what they are going to study at the lesson. Also the teacher may ask questions to them?

What is this? Is this a …….

Is this a cat or a dog in the picture?

What can you see on the board?

Why did I draw it on the board?

After the students have guessed the pictures announce the lesson objectives to the them. Tell them they they will study body parts at the lesson and learn new vocabulary.

Pupils listen to the song to drill pronunciation, repeat the body parts vocabulary using a song. The teacher pays attention to the words students don’t know and also to the reading rules (th, ch, sh, ck, ee, oo). Students repeat the words after the teacher in chores and individually.

Eye hair teeth chin
nose mouth head neck
ear face tongue cheek

foot finger toes knee

ankle body head shoulders

arm back legs hand

Use a projected animation to introduce and practice these words. Teachers can also use flashcards to learn the vocabulary

Students do activities from the slides 7-10 in order to practise the use of new words, use of has with she, he, it. Pay attention to the fact that we use have with I, we, you, they.

-Now pupils look at the picture of two monsters.

- Are they different?

-Can you find the difference? Let’s find 6 differences between these two monsters.

Draw students attention to the pictures of the food and drink and ask students to identify them (a sandwich and a milkshake)

Tell students they have to look at the pictures of the monsters and find the five differences between them. You may want to tell students to circle the differences on the picture of the second monster.

Tell students to trace the food and drink in the thought bubbles

After they have traced and found all the differences divide them into pairs and have them take turns talking about the differences between the monsters.

Point out the first difference to students to demonstrate what they must do. Point first to the first monster and say, It has (got) four ears. Then, point to the second monster and say, It has (got) four five ears. Point out to students they should say what each monster is feeling as well, e.g 1 st monster It’s hungry. 2 nd monster It’s thirsty.

When students finish, tell them to colour the pictures.

It has got three eyes. it has got one eye.

It has got four ears. It has got five ears.

It has got one nose. It has got two noses.

It has got three arms. It has five arms.

It has two legs. It has four legs.

The activity is aimed to involve students to speak and cooperate with their partner. Identifying the differences becomes an act of genuine communication.

“find the difference”

-Now pupils, would you like to draw?

-Do you like drawing faces?

We shall draw two faces of a girl and a boy.

You should draw the colour the eyes, hair, the nose and the mouth for every shape.

Teacher gives every learner a worksheet. The teacher reads the instructions first, learners listen to and draw features according to the description of people heard. The teacher circles the classroom to see if students do the task correctly

He has got short hair. he has got dark hair.

He has got blue eyes. he has got long lashes.

He has got a big mouth. he has got a big nose.

She has got long hair. She has got blonde hair.

Her eyes are green She has got green eyes

She has got long lashes She has got a red mouth

At the end of this activity the teacher takes the correct work and shows to others in order to check their works.

Plenary- students revise parts of body, what they have learnt from this lesson, what was the most interesting and challenging for them.

What did you like in this lesson?

Was it interesting or not?

What was the most interesting today?

Did you like your drawing practice?

Home work- the students are given the site where they play a game and make a monster

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

All learners will be able to: identify some common body parts.

Most learners will be able to: describe their friends

Some learners will be able to: Recognize the sounds of phonemes

they can understand and recognize 4-5 words

ICT skills

a CD player | Flashcards| Worksheets

Previous learning

vocabulary from previous units


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 minutes


Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Hello, boys and girls! How are you?


  • Stand everyone in a circle around you and throw (or roll) a ball to each student randomly. As you do so, ask questions, starting from the simple (What's your name?, How are you?) to more involved questions (Can you fly?, etc.). You can review questions from previous lessons and introduce new questions.
  • Divide the class into 2 groups

“Hello” song CD1:04


37 minutes


Activity1. Revise the body parts vocabulary

  • [W] Prepare flashcards of the parts of the body.Slowly reveal each flashcard card and have your students touch their part of the body (so, when you show the "head" flashcard get everyone to touch their heads).
  • Use the song to revise body vocabulary

Activity 2. Flashcard exercise

[W] Give out body flashcards so that each student has at least one card (even better is for each student to have two cards). Shout out a random flashcard word (e.g. "ears") with an action (e.g. "ears - hands up!"). All students with the ears flashcards have to do that action. Continue with other words and different actions (e.g. jump up and down, run on the spot, turn around, stand up / sit down, wiggle, touch your toes, etc.).

Activity 3.

  • [D] Teacher pre teachers adjectives to describe hair and eyes. Long/short small/big black/brown/blond
  • Read classroom reader "My friends" by showing the slides

This is Aruzhan. She is my friend. Aruzhan has got black long hair. She has got big brown eyes. She likes swimming. She can sing, but she can’t dance.

This is Ben. He is my friend too. Ben has got short blonde hair. He has got small eyes. He likes playing football. He can ride a bike, but he can’t swim.

[W] Teacher gives learners a worksheet. Learners listen and write initial characters below image of characters according to description of young people heard.

Activity 5. Flashcard game: “STOP”

[W] Take your picture cards and put them on your lap. Say a target word and then hold up picture cards one at a time. When the children see the right card they shout “STOP!”


[I] Give learners a worksheet entitled. My friend ____. Worksheet is divided into 4 columns. ‘s got, likes, can, can’t. Learners tick images in each column that related to their friend and then tell their partner about their friend.

Flashcards: Body parts

scissors, paper, coloured pencils.


3 minutes


Evaluation of the lesson by means of oral feedback from students – thumbs up or down.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Long-term plan unit:2

School: Murager

Lesson 14

Date: 2 Ж – 19.10.2016

Teacher name: Masharapova G.O


Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

People I know. Describing

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.S3; 2.UE3; 2.S1; 2.L3;

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: identify some common body parts.

Most learners will be able to: describe their friends

Some learners will be able to: Recognize the sounds of phonemes

they can understand and recognize 4-5 words

a CD player | Flashcards| Worksheets

Previous learning

vocabulary from previous units

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

5 minutes

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Hello, boys and girls! How are you?

Stand everyone in a circle around you and throw (or roll) a ball to each student randomly. As you do so, ask questions, starting from the simple (What's your name?, How are you?) to more involved questions (Can you fly?, etc.). You can review questions from previous lessons and introduce new questions.

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