Our body план урока

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Сегодня наш знакомый (Mr Tongue) Мистер Язычек отправился в зоопарк и увидел различных зверей. Давайте вместе с ним посмотрим разных зверюшек и повторим их голоса. Сперва Мистер Тан подошел к террариуму, где живут змеи, а змеи там шипят [] (sugar). Дальше Mr Tongue увидел ослика который поет ; [^] (milk, biskit). А рядом прыгают обезьянки и передразнивают ослика [i:] (sweet, cheesе). На прыгающих обезьянок смотрит волк, скалит зубы и воет [w] (sweet). А тигр в своем вольере искупался в луже и стал отряхиваться и рычать [r], (bread). А рядышком в большом озере огромный бегемот открывает широко рот [] (apple, jam). А попугайчики на ветках дразнят Mr Tongue [ei] (cake). Такая вот замечательная прогулка по зоопарку. Вам понравилась прогулка? Давайте скажем зверюшкам пока по-английски. Good bye!

Я думаю, ребята, это Спот все сам придумал, чтобы мы его поискали. Ну что ж… Let’s follow the steps. Let’s try to find Spot. Пойдем по следам. Попробуем найти Спота.

На столе 3 перевернутых стаканчика, внутри одного из них спрятался Спот, маленькая собачка игрушка. Дети готовят свои пальчики, которыми будут имитировать бег, прыжки, прогулочный шаг,

Дети по-очереди выполняют команды (Run to the green step.

Hop to the orange step.

Walk tiptoe to brown.

Touch the red step.)

Когда дети выполнят все команды, учитель достает Спота

3. Физкультминутка

Here is my head, and here is my nose,

(Дотрагивается до головы, носа.)

Here are my knees, and here are my toes,

(Дотрагивается до колен, носочков)

Here are my fingers, one, two, three -

(Поочередно разгибает три пальца.)

Spot, come and shake hands with me!

(Машет рукой, как бы зовет с собой.)

4. Игра

Учитель: Now, kids, do you want to play?

Учитель: Let’s play. Let’s make clown’s faces.

I’ve got many coloured eyes – blue, green, brown, black, grey. I’ve got many coloured noses – yellow, red, orange. I’ve got many coloured mouths – red, pink, violet. And I’ve got many coloured caps. Look, I am making a face of a clown. Here are his eyes, here is his nose. Here’s his mouth, here are his ears. And here’s his cap. Do you like my clown?

Учитель: Now make faces, too. Who wants to make a face? Polina, come here. Take eyes. Put the eyes on the board (table). Take a nose. Put the nose on the face. Take ears. Put the ears on the face, too. What else do we need to make a clown’s face? A mouth! Take a mouth. Put it on the face. Now find a cap and put it on the clown’s face. The clown’s face is ready

Дети по очереди выкладывают из деталей, называемых учителем, лица клоунов.

Учитель (комментируя собираемые детьми лица): Cute. That’s funny. What a funny clown! What a nice face! Well done. Now kids, do you want to sing Colour Song?

5. Разучивание песни

Fly away little butterfly

In the blue sky

there's a red butterfly

In the blue sky

there's a green butterfly

In the blue sky

there's a yellow butterfly

Into the sky, Into the sky

red, green and yellow

Into the sky, Into the sky

red, green and yellow

Fly away little butterflies

In the blue sky

there's a pink butterfly

In the blue sky

there's a purple butterfly

In the blue sky

there's an orange butterfly

Into the sky, Into the sky

pink, purple, orange,

Into the sky, Into the sky

pink, purple, orange,

Fly away little butterflies

Fly away little butterflies

Fly away little butterflies

На столе лежат разноцветные бабочки, дети слушают песню и показывают летящую бабочку нужного цвета.

-к нам в гости залетела пчёлка Bee. Она любит жужжать, а еще пчелка может укусить. Так что когда я назову часть тела - вы ее прячете ручками, кто не успеет, того она ужалит!

7. Повторение песни

If You're Happy And You Know It

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it.

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it.

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!

If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!

If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it.

If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!

If you're happy and you know it, do all three!

If you're happy and you know it, do all three!

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it.

If you're happy and you know it, do all three!

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Good afternoon? Glad to see you.

What is the day today?

What the weather like today?

[W] Game “Who is the winner?”

Teacher shows flashcards with words pupils read them. Who reads the most words will be the winner.

Start up activity:

[W] Teacher shows to children a video to revise body parts.

[W] Game:”Chain of flashcards”.(body parts)

[W] Guess the word and write the initial letter.

( _ead, _air, _ye, _ose, _outh, _ar, _houlder, _and, _ody, _eg)

(W) Energizer: Listening to and performing actions to the song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”.

[P] Pupils working in pairs sign body parts.

Than change their works with other pairs and check up.

hand head eye leg mouth hair ear shoulder nose

- Ребята скажите, как вы сегодня чувствовали себя на уроке?

Используйте цвета светофора как визуальное средство для отображения понимания.

Например: •У учеников есть красные, и зеленые карточки, которые они кладут на свою парту, либо поднимают в воздух. (красная = не понимаю, зеленая = все понятно)

• Ученики оценивают себя, используя цвета светофора.

Signal cards (red, green)

Получите свидетельство о публикации сразу после загрузки работы

Получите бесплатно свидетельство о публикации сразу после добавления разработки

Новые олимпиады

Комплекты учителю

Качественные видеоуроки, тесты и практикумы для вашей удобной работы

Вебинары для учителей

Бесплатное участие и возможность получить свидетельство об участии в вебинаре.

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Данный краткосрочный план урока английского на тему Our body для 2 класса. содержит формативное оценивание: нарисовать героя читая предложения.

LESSON : Our body

School: NSSc

Date: 17.01/18.01/19.01.17

Teacher name: Nurgaliyeva G.A.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

name parts of the body

recognize Teacher’s instructions

recognize Teacher’s gestures

Most learners will be able to:

read the short text according the vocabulary

Some learners will be able to:

describe a picture using covered grammar and words

Cross curricular link

Previous learning

English speaking countries

Planned timings

Planned activities

Hello, boys and girls! How are you?

What day is it today?

Countries and sights

England has got Big Ben.

America has got baseball.

Canada has got bears.

Teacher demonstrates body parts

Song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”

-Guessing game

Students read the short texts on the screen about their favourite cartoon characters and guess who it is.

Teacher divides the class into three groups by counting 1-3. Pupils in group describe the person on the picture. Focusing on the form has to talk about body parts, Teacher models This is a boy. He has big brown eyes.

He has short hair.

Teacher divides class into two teams and invites them to the front of the classroom. Pupils stand in two lines. The topic words are written on the boards. Teacher shows the picture. They should find this word and circle it.

Reading and drawing a picture of an alien.

I am a green alien. I have a big head, 4 eyes, 3 mouths and 2 noses. I don’t have any antenna but I have 5 ears.

Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson!

You can see (slide 1) that today we’ll talk about the cartoons. Do you like the cartoons? Do you often watch them?

We have a guest. Who is it? (Учитель показывает бабушку (игрушку-перчатку). На этом этапе можно использовать любые игрушки). - You are right. This is a grandmother. She will help me to work with you. But she is old and she has forgotten her name.

2) Речевая разминка (3 мин)

Help her, please. Can you tell me what her name is? Give me your variants, please. (Учащиеся выбирают имя для бабушки. Затем бабушка знакомится с учащимися: What is your name? – Nice to meet you.)

3) Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин)

The grandmother would like to play with you. Repeat after her, please! (Учащиеся повторяют за бабушкой звуки, слова, предложения, а движения повторяют за учителем)

[ae ] – hands. Our hands c a n cl a p.

[ e ] – legs. Our l e gs can run.

[ ai ] – eyes. Our eye s can see.

[ ɪə ] - ears. Our ear s can h ear .

[ I :] – teeth. Our t ee th can ea t.

II. Основная часть урока

1) Проверка орфографического навыка (3 мин)

Now the grandmother will tell you a story about a little girl:

Take your small sheets of paper and read the task on them. You should fill in the gaps with the missing letters.

2) Введение нового материала (Parts of the body) (6 мин)

Look at the slide, please. (slide 2) What phrase do you see? – My body.

Look at the grandmother. Repeat after me the parts of her body and write down them in your dictionaries. (Приложение 2)

Look at the slide 3 and check your answers, please.

3) Первичное закрепление материала. I’ll tell you “Touch your ears, eyes” so and on and so far. You should show me parts of your body.

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Dance everybody dance

My body your body

My body your body

Look at the blackboard, please! You see the forest. Whom did Little Red Riding Hood meet in the forest? – Yes, she met the wolf. Let’s put together the parts if its body. You should go to the board, put one of them and say the phrase «It has got…”.

(Учащиеся по очереди подходят к листу ватмана и клеят на него одну из частей тела волка.).

6) Вторичное закрепление лексики “Little Red Riding Hood” . (7 мин) (работа со сказкой)

Now we'll listen to the dialogue between the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood when they were in her grandmother's house. You should fill in the gaps. Then you’ll listen to it again and check your answers. (slide 5) (Приложение 3)

* На данном этапе, если осталось время, можно дать дополнительное задание. (Приложение 4)

III. Заключительная часть урока

1) Игра “Yes/No” (5 мин)

  1. Is it big (red, …) ? – Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.
  2. Has it got big ears (teeth, …) ? – Yes, it has. /No, it hasn’t.
  3. Can it fly (run, …) ?– Yes, it can. /No, it can’t.
  4. Does it like meat (milk,…) ?– Yes, it does. /No, it doesn’t.
  5. Is it a foх (a monkey, …) ?– Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

2) Домашнее задание (1 мин)

Draw your lovely character of a cartoon and mark parts of its body. (Нарисовать любимого сказочного героя и подписать его части тела.)

3) Выставление оценок (1 мин)

4) Подведение итогов (3 мин)

- Have you learnt something new?

- Which new words have you learnt? Call them, please.

- Have you liked our lesson?

- Which part of the lesson have you liked most of all?

1. Прочитай и вставь пропущенные буквы.

This is the story about a little girl. She has got a red coat with a hood.

Her other sa s, “Grandmother is ill in ed. G to her house. Take some butter and brea .” The girl is happ . She wants to see her grandmother.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

4_English Grade 2 Unit 5 Health and Body Our body DIDACTIC MATERIAL 2.pdf

7_English Grade 2 Unit 5 Health and Body VIDEO.mp4

Выбранный для просмотра документ 1_English Grade 2 Unit 5 Health and Body Our body LESSON PLAN.docx

Unit 5: Health and body

School: NIS Kokshetau

Grade: Grade 2

Number present:

Theme of the lesson: Our body

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet

2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

2.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Ask and answer the questions with some support

Recognize 2-3 new words

Most learners will be able to:

Ask and answer the questions

Recognize 4 - 5 new words

Some learners will be able to:

Help others to ask and answer the questions

Recognize 6-7 new words

Language objectives

Using this is/these are/ construction, plural and singular forms of a noun.

Value links

Previous learning

Vocabulary of Unit 4

Cross curricular links

Physical Education, Anatomy

Intercultural awareness

Learners can name body parts in different languages

Kazakh culture

Learners can name body parts in Kazakh language

Pastoral Care

Assure you met all learners’ needs

Planned timings

Planned activities

Greeting, Objectives & Daily Question

As students are entering the classroom, remind them to open their copybooks and write down the date and the topic. It isn’t necessary at this stage to write down the learning objective – it can be reviewed orally. Students will start writing answers to higher order questions instead, to practice their daily literacy skills and recall/apply topical information. Additionally, one student can take the role of leader to open the lesson by asking some questions. This will take some practice/trial & error at the beginning

Write the following in the middle of the board:

What can help you to hear?

(for scaffolding, write: _______can help me to hear .)

Write the following on the side of the board:

I can name body parts

I can listen and recognize body parts

Greet learners and tell them that they have 2 minutes to finish writing the date, topic and an answer to the question on the board

Circulate and ensure that learners have written the date and topic of the lesson and are working on the question.

After two minutes, choose a student leader to lead the opening of the lesson. Have the student leader ask:

-(Ask the daily question)

-What day is it today?

-What is the date today?

-What is the topic of the lesson?

-Ask some questions so to remember the material from the previous day. (country/instrument)

-(Reads the lesson objectives) with teacher prompting

As the student leader is opening the lesson, the teacher can circulate the room and stamp the incentive charts of students who answered the daily question correctly & on time

The teacher can then ask if the students understand the lesson objectives. Tell students that you hope they can do all the lesson objectives by the end of the lesson

Prior knowledge

Teacher elicits the body parts vocabulary making a mind map on the board.

Teacher quickly revises letter names of alphabet using flashcards – non-sequentially.

Learners name body parts using alphabet. E-ears etc.

Introduction of the new vocabulary:

Practice pronunciation of the body vocabulary.

Draw learners’ attention to the plural forms of tooth and foot : two vowels in singular and plural forms change.

Practice the vocabulary:

Lay the vocabulary that you have just taught in front of your learners randomly. Touch each card and have your learners touch that part of their body and say the word.

Learners are given the worksheet to fill in the spaces with an appropriate words. “My body”:


Listening. Draw a creature. Listen to the instructions and add the body part.

Check as a whole class

*** Less confident learners work with teacher’s assistance.

Audio Listening worksheet

Homework & Reflection

Ask students if they enjoyed the lesson.

In their copybooks, have them answer the reflection question in a complete sentence.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

More able learners can be encouraged to write more for what words they learned that day at the end of the lesson. More able learners may be paired with students needing extra help for the TPS at the beginning of the lesson.

The teacher will be able to assess how well the students have acquired the new words through the Touch the Word game. The teacher will know how well the students are doing at writing the new words and sentences by circulating the room often and checking written work.

Lessons will be delivered in accordance with health and safety standards.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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