Напиши какие вопросы об английской школе задала люси даша и закончи ответы

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Напиши,какие вопросы об английской школе задала Люси Даша,и закончи ответы Люси. Dasha: Are . many schools in Great Britain? Lucy : Yes, there. Dasha:Are . many school . there? Lucy: No? there . Dasha: Are there any . Lusy: Yes, there . Dasha: Are there . Lucy: No, . .

Are there many schools in Great Britain? Yes, there are a lot of schools in Great Britain. Are there many school buses in there? No, there are not many buses in there. Are there any good teachers? Yes, there are many good teachers. Are there many bad pupils? No, there are not many bad pupils.

Напиши,какие вопросы об британской школе задала Люси Даша,и закончи ответы Люси.
Dasha: Are . many schools in Great Britain?
Lucy : Yes, there.
Dasha:Are . many school . there?
Lucy: No? there .
Dasha: Are there any .
Lusy: Yes, there .
Dasha: Are there .
Lucy: No, . .

  • Данька Барношов
  • Английский язык
  • 2019-05-28 13:19:11
  • 12
  • 1

Are there many schools in Great Britain?
Yes, there are a lot of schools in Great Britain.

Are there many school buses in there?
No, there are not many buses in there.

Напиши,какие вопросы об английской школе задала Люси Даша,и закончи ответы Люси.
Dasha: Are . many schools in Great Britain?
Lucy : Yes, there.
Dasha:Are . many school . there?
Lucy: No? there .
Dasha: Are there any .
Lusy: Yes, there .
Dasha: Are there .
Lucy: No, . .

Are there many schools in Great Britain?
Yes, there are a lot of schools in Great Britain.

Are there many school buses in there?
No, there are not many buses in there.

Напиши, какие вопросы об английской школе задала Люси Даша, и закончи ответы Люси.

Many schools in Great Britain?

Lucy : Yes, there.

Dasha : Are there any ?

Lusy : Yes, there .

Dasha : Are there ?

Are there many schools in Great Britain?

Yes, there are a lot ofschools in Great Britain.

Are there many school buses in there?

No, there are not many buses in there.

Are there any goodteachers?

Yes, there are many goodteachers.

Are there many bad pupils?

No, there are not many bad pupils.

Помогите составить предложения?

Помогите составить предложения!

Дать ответы на вопросы(на английском)?

Дать ответы на вопросы(на английском).

How old are parents?

How many cllassrooms are there in your school?

How many pupils are there in your class?

How many boys are there in your class?

How many girls are there in your class?

How many days are there in November?

How many days are there in December?

What's your house (flat / school) nymber?

What's your friend's house (flat / school) number?

Напишите вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы?

Напишите вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы.

Образец : - - Are there are many boys in your school?

- - Yes, there are many boys in our school.

1)? - - Yes, there are two books in the bag.

2)? - - No, there are no armachairs in the bedroom.

3)? - - Yes, there is a clock on the wall.

4)? - - No, there is no TV in our room.

5)? - - Yes, there is a shelf next to the fireplace Переведи на английский язык : под столом, за креслом, на полу, в левом углу, в правом углу, в середине комнаты, над столом, между кроватями.

Is there a beach?

Is there a beach?

Are there any supermarkets?

No, there aren`t __________ any rivers?

Yes, ________ __________ a railway station?

No, _________ и т, д, .

Что нужно вставить?

Помогите вписать артикли?

Помогите вписать артикли.

Put in some or any, no.

Pictures in the book.

New students in your group?

Old houses in our street.

English textbooks on the desks?

Maps on the walls?

Pens on the desk?

Напиши вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы Образец : - Are there many boys in your school?

Напиши вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы Образец : - Are there many boys in your school?

- Yes, there are many boys in our school.

1)? - - Yes, there are two books in the bag 2)?

- - No, there are no armchairs in the bedroom.

3)? - - Yes, there is a clock on the wall.

4)? - - No, there is no TV in our room.

5)? - - Yes, there is a shelf next to the fireplace.

Напиши вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы :образец : - Are there many boys in your school?

Напиши вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы :

образец : - Are there many boys in your school?

- Yes, there are many boys in our school.

1)? - Yes, there are two books in the bag.

2)? - No, there are no armchairs in the bedroom.

3)? - Yes, there is a clock on the wall.

4)? - No, there is no TV in our room.

5)? - Yes, there is a shelf next to the fireplace.

Is there any orange juice?

Is there any orange juice?

Yes, there s a little.

Are there anu mushrooms?

Yes, there are a few.

. many glasses here?

. many glasses here.

1) There are, 2) There is, 3) Are there.

Запиши вопросы, на которые даны ответы?

Запиши вопросы, на которые даны ответы.

Example : Yes, there are / There are two windows in the room / - Are there any windows in the room?

1) No, there isn't.

There is no wardrobe in the room.

There is an armchair in the bedroom.

3) Yes, there are.

There are four chairs at the table.

4) No, there aren't.

There are no pictures in the flat.

На этой странице сайта, в категории Английский язык размещен ответ на вопрос Напиши, какие вопросы об английской школе задала Люси Даша, и закончи ответы Люси?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся 1 - 4 классов. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по интересующей теме, воспользуйтесь автоматическим поиском в этой же категории, чтобы ознакомиться с ответами на похожие вопросы. В верхней части страницы расположена кнопка, с помощью которой можно сформулировать новый вопрос, который наиболее полно отвечает критериям поиска. Удобный интерфейс позволяет обсудить интересующую тему с посетителями в комментариях.

1) When was baseball invented? 2) How often are the Olympic Games held? 3) When was the Mona Liza painted? 4) How often is the Eurovision Song Contest shown on TV? 5) Where is Latin spoken.

1. scared 2. Bored 3. Excited 4. Cheerful 5. Pleased 6. Embarrassed 7. Lonely 8. Miserable.

Eigth там должно быть i а то не будем такого числа.

Does not live goes likes does not care does go comes loves does not like does not spend saves does not go.

1. In autumn the vegetables and fruitare picked up by farmers. 2. Next year new subjects will be studied by pupils at school. 3. The money was earned and spent at once. 4. Modern machinery is produced by the plant. 5. The meeting hasjust begun. ..

1 In autumn vegetables and fruit are picked up by farmers. 2 Next year new subjects will be studied by pupils at school. 3 The money was earned and (was ) spent at once. 4 Modern machinery is produced by the plant. 5 An important problem is being..

Джим : Катя! Я читал плакат в зале, который говорит * внимание всех студентов! Завтра - день саморегулирования! Чтобы быть ответственным, творческим и коммуникативным * можете ли вы объяснить мне, пожалуйста? Что мне делать? Катя : О, Джим! Мне..

1. Ответ зависит от того, в какой ты живешь республике 2. Что вы можете сказать о населении республики? 3. Оно состоит из(армяне, грузины, русские и т. Д. ) и у них есть свои традиции, обычая.

2) ones 3)one 4) ones 1) These birthday cards are really expensive. Have you got any cheaper ones? 2) Which do you like best, the orange skirt on red one? 3) she wants some new trainers for her birthday. She doesn’t like her old ones.

No, he isn't Yes, he is No, he isn't Yes, he is No, you aren't.

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