Music keeps me happy план урока

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Form: 9
The aims:
Educational aim: To enrich pupil’s knowledge concerning the theme
Developing aim: To develop pupils abilities in speech.
Up-bringing aim: To bring up the feeling of love to music.

Teaching methods: Question-answer, listening, demonstration, guess the crossword.
The visual aids: computers, screen, presentation.

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
-Good morning dear students!
-Good morning teacher!
-How are you?
-We are well; we wish the same to you!
Report of the pupil on the duty.

II. Checking up the homework.
-Your home task was Ex.12 p.50 Past Perfect Passive.
- Project work. At home you had to prepare some information about your favourite singer, didn`t you? Now let`s listen to you. Who wants to begin?
III. Warming up: 1.Five Minute Tests Electronic book
Musical questions:
-My dears do you like to listen to the music?
-What is your favourite music? /romantic, ballad, disco music, classical , opera/ etc.
-Do you like listening to music and singing?
- What kind of music do you like listen to when you are in a good mood /in a bad mood/

IV. Presentation:
-After all this, have you found the name of our new theme?
-Today we will speak about music and the title of our new theme is
Music keeps me happy!
Music - the only global language, it should not be translated, it says the soul with the soul.
Berthold Auerbach
“If music be the food of love, play on” William Shakespeare
“Music is the universal language of the world” H.Longfellow.
-I see you are fond of music. In addition, I want to listen what teenagers say about music.
Reading: Ex.3 p.51.52

New words:even – тіпті
Walkman- наушники
Turn on- қосу
Loud – қатты
Understand- түсіну
Worry – қорқу, қобалжу
Ex 6 p52. Write sentences that show different opinions about music.

Teenagers say:It`s cool to listen to music all the time. Pop music keeps them happy! They buy an album or cassette once a week. They love music.

Their parents say: We are worried about their health. They never read, only listen to music. They have not friends.They do not do anything else.

V.Today we aren`t going to speak about music in general, we will speak about a certain song, the title of which is written on the blackboard.
Scottish folksong “My Bonnie”
One of the most famous Scottish songs, known all over the world is a song about Prince Charles Edward Steward. He was known as Bonnie Prince Charlie because he was young and good-looking. “Bonnie” means good-looking. He was also Scotland`s hero who fought against the English in the 18 th century trying to make Scotland independent, but Charlie`s army was defeated.

-And now I`ll give you cards with the popular song “My Bonnie” And you see that there are some gaps in this song. Now you must listen to this song very attentively and try to fill those gaps.

Try to find the hidden word in lines.

NCNVXNBMSONGRWRY - / a piece of music with words.
SGFSINGERKBBNM - / someone who sings: pop, opera, folk songs/
FDFSFAVOURITEHTR - / describes something or someone you like more than others/
FDURFAMOUSLKJP - /known about by many people and many places/
POPULARNCNBMV - /liked by a lot of people, enjoyed by many people/
Topic: .Listen about museums in Almaty

VI.Home task: to read the text and to make sinquain.
Ex.7 a,c p 54

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Date: The theme: Music keeps me happy The aims: educational: to form pupils’ skills in monologue and dialogue speech, to revise the words connected with music, to get acquainted with some new words of music, to consolidate Past Perfect Passive developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in writing, reading, speaking, listening, pair and group work through talking about music bringing up: to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden pupils’ minds, to bring up the feeling of international friendship Methods of the lesson: interactive, communicative approach Type of the lesson: introductory Equipment of the lesson: pictures, grammar charts Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

II. Checking the home task Ex. 10 (a), p. 49: to read the text and pay attention to the form of the Past Perfect Passive Ex. 10 (b), p. 49: to complete the sentences according to the text Detective: – Where were you on the night of May, 13 th ? Helen: – At the movies. Detective: – What film were you watching? Helen: – I don’t remember the title. Detective: – When did it start? Helen: – Oh, at 11 o’clock I guess. Detective: – Who went with you? Helen: – No one. I went alone. Detective: – Where did you go after the film? Helen: – I went right home afterwards. Detective: – What time did you arrive home? Helen: – I arrived home at midnight. Ex. 10 (c), p. 49: to rewrite the sentences using the passive a. My wallet had been stolen. b. Her room had been hadn’t been cleaned. c. I had been asked to give a talk about my country. d. I had been told to keep a diary.

III. Speaking p. 50: to answer the questions

IV. Listening Ex. 1, p. 51: to listen to the dialogues

V. Writing Ex. 2, p. 51: to complete the conversation A: – I’d like to go to the theatre. What about you? B: – Well, I don’t like theatre very much. I prefer concerts A: – Do you? Why? B: – Well I think it’s boring. A: – OK. Let’s go to that then.

VI. Reading Ex. 3, p. 51-52: to read and translates the texts

VII. Comprehension check Ex. 4, 5, 6, p. 52: to answer the questions and complete the sentences

VIII. Evaluating and explanation of the home task Ex. 7, p. 53: to read the texts

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Theme: “Music keeps me happy” Date:

To enrich pupil’s knowledge concerning the theme

To develop pupils abilities in speech.

To bring up the feeling of love to music.

Teaching methods: Question-answer, listening, demonstration, guess the crossword.

The visual aids: computers, screen, presentation.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

-Good morning dear students!

-Good morning teacher!

-We are well; we wish the same to you!

Report of the pupil on the duty.

II. Checking up the homework.

II. Warming up:

- Look at the screen , there are numbers on it and in each number, there is a question. Your task is to choose one number, which you like and try to answer.

III. Musical question:

-My dears do you like to listen to the music.

If you like, let us listen it and find what kind of music is it?

(The students must listen the styles of music and find what style is it?)

IV. Presentation:

-After all this, have you found the name of our new theme?

-Today we will speak about music and the title of our new theme is Music keeps me happy!

1) Do you like to listen to the music?

2) What kind of styles of music do you like?

3) Do you ever listen MP3 files from your Internet?

4) Who are your favourite singer and group?

5) What kinds of music do you dislike?

-I see you are fond of music. In addition, I want to listen what teenagers say about music.

Students must say their own ideas about music.

Ex 6 p52. Write sentences that show different opinions about music.

Their parents say:

VI. Listening

-Listen about museums in Almaty.

P1 - The Kasteev State Museum of arts



P2-The state museum of National Musical Instruments




P3 –The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan


VII. Brainstorming

-Lets brush up our knowledge

1. Choose the word with a general meaning

1. Square, museum, city, park, garden

2. Librarian, musician, occupation, actor, dancer

Выберите слово с общим значением

1. Площадь , музеи, город , парк , сад

2. Библиотекарь , музыкант , род занятий , актер, танцор

( Город , род занятий )

2. Find the names of animals

(rhino, elephant, tiger,snake)

3. Match the antonyms:

4. Match the words and the descriptions

Aunt the son or daughter of an aunt

Niece the wife of an uncle

Cousin a male parent

Father the daughter of a brother or sister

Подходим слова и описания

1. Тетя сын или дочь тети

2. Племянница жена дяди

3. Кузен мужской родитель

4. Отец дочь брата или сестры

5. Fill in the appropriate article (a, the, -)

1. London is the capital of … United Kingdom.

2. …Ivan Petrov is … best pupil in the class.

3. I live in … Green Street.

6. Make up words:

m, s, u, m, e, u –museum

s, a, m, o, u, f –famous

p, t, a, i, l, c, a -capital

7. Cross out the odd word (mind reading rules):

sweet, meat, head, cheese, tea

kind, like, type, five, British

cook, tooth, juice, spoon, food

8. Put in the missing words: hobby, computer, naughty, teacher, intelligent

My mum is a History … .

Her … is painting.

My dad is a … programmer.

My little sister Ann is funny and sometimes … .

9. This is a picture of:

Buckingham Palace

Westminster Abbey

The Tower of London

10. Guess what it is:

There you can see the Changing of the Guard. It has 600 rooms.


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Задачи урока:

-Образовательная: обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися лексики по данной теме.

-Развивающая: развивать навыки чтения, говорения.

-Воспитательная: содействовать формированию уважительного отношения ко всем направлениям в музыке.

Оборудование: ТСО, наглядный материал, раздаточный материал, меловая доска.

Ход урока :

1. Орг . момент

Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m glad to see. Sit down , please. Are you ready for the lesson?

2. Речевая зарядка

-What kinds of music do you like?

-What is your favorite singer or group?

-What role does music play in your life?

-Where can we hear music?

3. Фонетическая зарядка

Please, look at the smart board. You can see the lyrics . Let’s read and translate it.

Castle in the Snow

I can hear the birds
I can see them fly
I can see the sky
I can hear the birds
I can see them fly
I can see the sky
It's about to cry.

Do you know this song?

4.Проверка домашнего задания

What was your home task?

(Слова проверяются фронтально).

Основная часть урока .

The main part of the lesson.


Please, look at the smart board. You can see quotations. Let’s read and translate them.

Music - the only global language, it should not be translated, it says the soul with the soul.

Berthold Auerbach

“ If music be the food of love, play on” William Shakespeare

“ Music is the universal language of the world” H. Longfellow.

What do you think about the theme of our lesson?

What is the theme of our lesson?

You are right! The theme of our lesson is “Music”

Look at the smart board, you can see new words.

genres of music – жанры музыки
style – стиль [ staɪl ]
classical – классическая ( музыка ) [ ˈklæs.ɪ.kəl ]
popular – популярная ( музыка ) [ ˈpɒpjələ(r) ]
electronic – электронная ( музыка ) [ ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk ]
rock – рок [ rɒk ]
metal – металл [ ˈmetl ]
disco – диско [ ˈdɪs.kəʊ ]
pop-music – поп - музыка [ ˈmjuːzɪk ]
hip hop – хип - хоп [ hɪp ] [ hɒp ]
jazz – джаз [ dʒæz ]

Now I h а nd out the cards and you have to read and translate the text and then fill out the card. Fill in the information using text.

(Дети самостоятельно читают и переводят текст, а затем заполняют карточки, см ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ).

I see you are fond of music. In addition, I want to listen what teenagers say about music. You can see the word “MUSIC”, let’s write your association with this word.

Заключительная часть урока .

You’ve prepared and worked perfectly at our lesson. Did you like it? What new information did you get to know?

What was interesting/new/difficult?

What places would you like to visit?

What would you like to see?

Домашнее задание . To write the essay about your favourite music group or singer.

Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

I ’ ll give you excellent marks . Our lesson is over. Good bye. I wish you good luck! Thank you.

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

have a healing effect on people – иметь оздоровительный эффект на людей
plays a very important role in our lives – играть очень важную роль в нашей жизни
have the power to unite people all over the world – объединять людей во всем мире
listen to music – слушать музыку
dance to music – танцевать под музыку
learn to play musical instruments – учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
play the violin – играть на скрипке
play the piano – играть на пианино

Развитие умения обсуждения на тему, обмен мнениями, знакомство учащихся с новой лексикой, формировать умение самостоятельно получать новую информацию, развивать навыки говорения, умение отвечать на вопросы по изучаемому материалу, развивать умение использовать ранее изученные лексические единицы, расширять кругозор учащихся, развивать их языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, показать значимость музыки в жизни человека, учить работать в паре, в группе, вместе решать поставленные задачи и добиваться положительных результатов, развивать память учащихся.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Формы работы: работа в группах, парах, индивидуальная.

Методы: логические, частично-поисковые, метод мотивации к учению, метод стимулирования долга и ответственности в учении.

Учащиеся умеют обсуждать на определенную тему, отвечать на вопросы по изучаемому материалу, передать содержание по теме, обобщать информацию, использовать ранее изученную лексику, работать в паре, в группе, определять задачи урока, вместе решать поставленные задачи, использовать временные формы, составлять кластер по теме.

Учебник английского языка

Урок начинается с приветствия учителя. Отметка отсутствующих учеников, определение даты на иностранном языке, описание погоды. Hello boys and girls! Hello our guests! Welcome to our lesson! Who is on duty today? Yes, today is the 28th of February. It is the last day of Winter. Tomorrow will begin the first of March, the first day of Spring. Who is absent? What date is it today? What is the weather today? Listen! Включается музыка, во время учитель беседует с учениками. There are unusual things here, which are to the theme. These things were used by the people. What are they? What is this? Yes, it is a plate. At the beginning of 20 th century were used by the people gramophone records(на интерактивной доске) What is this? Yes, it is tape recorder cassette. It was in 80-s. What is this? Yes, it is CDs, DVDs.После прослушивания музыки, учащиеся отгадывают тему урока. Also, what about do we talk at this lesson? You are right. The theme of the lesson is "Music keeps us happy". We talk about music. What aims do you define? ( учащиеся определяют задачи урока) Are you going to talk about music? I think people cannot live without music, can they? Can we live without music? The motto of the lesson is: "Music is the universal language of mankind". How do you understand these words? These words were written by Longfellow. Who was Longfellow? Look at the blackboard! Longfellow was an American poet. Open your exercise books! Write down today date!

Карточки с вопросами.

1. Answer the Questions! Метод "Волшебная шкатулка"(каждый ученик берёт листочек с вопросом и отвечает).

Do you like Music? What kind of music do you like? Are many people fond of music? Does music help you? What are your favourite singers? Do you go to musical school? Who was Kurmangazy?

2. Деление класса на группы с использованием цветов. We divide the class into 2 groups. There are colorful cards. Choose one of them and say what instrument is back on the card. Take your seats! The names of musical instruments are used with article.

Метод "Волшебная шкатулка".

Карточки с текстом.

1. We define roles in the group, choose the leader, the timer, the speaker. Who is the captain? Here are rules and lists mark yourselves. Are you agree? Do you want to add anything? You must make your own motto. Make it!

2. There are lists with the text. Let's read the text and try to understand. Complete the text using the words from the box. Don't forget lists for marks! Let's work in pairs!

The first thing I . in the morning I switch on my. We can hear music. : in the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in the cars, in the buses, in the parks, everywhere. I think it's really doesn't matter what . of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. A lot of people are . music. They buy tapes, go the concerts and visit . and opera theatres. I like watching music programs on TV. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers. Some people go to music's school. They play different . instruments, sing in the chorus and try to compose music.

3. Checking up of the text. The pupils read the text each other.

4.Who is the best interviewer? Read an interview with a musician. Put the verbs in the correct tense, Present Simple or Present Continuous. What form is in Present Simple and Present Continuous?(повторение временных форм) Let's work in pairs and than in the groups. (После заполнения пропусков учащиеся проводят интервью)

5. These are lists with the text. You try to understand. Then you discuss in the groups. Everyone from the group goes to other group and discuss. (Работа по тексту. Учащиеся читают текст без словаря и стараются понять его. В парах проводят обсуждение понимания. Затем представитель одной группы подходит к другой группе и меняется пониманием текста)

4.После чтения текста ученики в группах заполняют постеры.

5. Презентация работ.

Метод "Три хлопка"

Написать кластер по теме: Your hearts are as music. When you listen to music you are happy, fine. "Music keeps us . " Choose the best words to the theme and write on these hearts! (учащиеся заполняют кластер подходящими прилагательными: calm, attentive, active, cheerful, clever, kind, not to be refuse, love, passion, brave, nice, beautiful, not to be sad, healthy)

At the finishing of the lesson the pupils fill the lists with the best wishes to the next lesson and about this lesson.

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