Modern technology in medicine план урока

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Modern technology in medicine.

Infinitive. Functions of Infinitive.

Type of the lesson : Theoretical, combined.

Aims of the lesson: Presentation of the new material.

1. Learning: to introduce students to the vocabulary, fluency logical thinking, to discover for themselves from the context sometimes confusing rules connected with your grammar.

2. Developing: to develop students’ reading abilities, to practice intensive reading, to practice matching the meaning of an unknown words, to practice pronunciation, to provide an opportunity for free speaking.

3. Bringing up : to enlarge students’ interest in learning foreign language.

Methods: Cooperation method, individual work, work with posters.

Inter subject connection: Kazakh and Russian languages.

The visual aids, distributing materials: computer, projector, an interactive board, slides with vocabulary, text, grammar table and exercises.

The course of the lesson

Organization stage:

1. Greeting: Good morning (afternoon), students.

2. Classroom expression: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What was your home task?

3. Aims of the lesson.

4. Questioning and checking the home task.

5. Presentation of the new material.

Match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs

An apple a day / is above wealth

Good health / makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Early to bed early to rise / keeps the doctor away

Fill in the chart; compare the ways of treating in Kazakhstan and in the USA

Match the doctor with the area in which he/she specializes

әеэ triSn]

A doctor who cares for teeth

[vet ә ri э n ә ri ә n]

A doctor who cares for pregnant woman

A doctor who specializes in internal medicine

[of Өәе l’m ә l ә djist]

A doctor who treats the entire family and who does not specialize in only one area

A doctor who treats only children

A doctor who treats animals only

General practitioner GP

A doctor who treats eye problems

A doctor who treats urinary-tract problems


1. A place where we get medical help

4. A sheet of paper with the help of which we take medicine at the chemist’s

6. The front of the neck

7. A feeling of being hurt

1. A state of being well

2. You take it to treat an illness

3. … is what one usually eats and drinks

4. A person who needs medical help

5. A person who gives us medical help

7. The number of movements that you can feel in a minute

British people take care of health

Cut out snacks and deserts

. Eat less of everything

. Cut down on fat

. Don’t eat at night

. Eat more fruit and vegetables

. Eat less red meat

. Use low- calorie foods

Grammar rules.

Инфинитив ( The Infinitive )

Инфинитив - это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая в себе свойства глагола и имени существительного. Инфинитив обычно употребляется с частицей t о .

Be sure to come . - Обязательно приходи .

I’m so glad to have met you. – Я так рад, что познакомился с тобой.

После глаголов t о hope , to mean , to expect в Past Indefinite и модальных глаголов sh ои ld , со uld , ought ( to ), to be ( to ) употребление Perfect Infinitive обозначает, что действие (намерение, обязательство) не было выполнено:

I hoped to have come in time. - Я надеялся прийти вовремя.

He could have written the - Он мог бы написать сочинение

composition much better. намного лучше .

Shе was to have come yesterday. - Она должна была приехать вчера.

3начение временных форм инфинитива

Indefinite Infinitive обозначает действие (или состояние), одновременное с действием (или состоянием), выраженным глаголом в личной форме.

I’m very glad to see you. - Я очень рад тебя видеть.

I’m sorry to be late . - Извините , что я опоздал .

I don’t like to be interrupted . - Я не люблю, когда меня перебивают .

Continuous Infinitive употребляется для выражения действия, длящегося в момент/период, к которому относится другое действие, выраженное глаголом в личной форме:

The weather seems to be changing . - Кажется, погода меняется .

It was a real pleasure to be swim - - Было так приятно плавать в море

ming in the sea on such a hot day. в такой жаркий лень.

Реr f ec t Infinitive обозначает действие/состояние, предшествующее действию/состоянию, выраженному личной формой глагола:

I’m glad to have bought this book. - Я рад, что купил эту книгу.

It's awfully nice of you to have - Как любезно с вашей стороны

come . что вы пришли .

Запомните случаи, в которых инфинитив употребляется без частицы " to ":

после модальных глаголов;

после глаголов to let и to make ;

в сложном дополнении после глаголов восприятия:

(to see, to hear, to feel, etc.); после выражений :

I would rather.

You had better.

Упр. 1 . Вставьте частицу " to " перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1. I like . play the guitar. 2. My brother can . speak French. 3. We had . put on our overcoats because it was cold. 4. They wanted . cross the river. 5. It is high time for you . go to bed. 6. May I . use your telephone? 7. They heard the girl . cry out with joy. 8. I would rather . stay at home today. 9. He did not want . play in the yard any more. 10. Would you like . go to England? 11. You look tired. You had better . go home. 12. I wanted . speak to Nick, but could not. find his telephone number. 13. It is time . get up. 14. Let me . help you with your homework. 15. I was planning . do a lot of things yesterday. 16. I'd like . speak to you. 17. I think I shall be able . solve this problem. 18. What makes you . think you are right? 19. I shall do all I can . help you. 20. I like . dance. 21. I'd like . dance. 22. She made me . repeat my words several times. 23. I saw him . enter the room. 24. She did not let her mother . go away. 25. Do you like . listen to good music? 26. Would you like . listen to good music? 27. That funny scene made me . laugh .

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания с инфинитивом:

to cut a long story short короче говоря to

tell ( you ) the truth — сказать (вам) по правде

to say nothing of не говоря уже о

to put it mildly мягко выражаясь to say

the least of it по меньшей мере

to begin with — начнем с того что

Запомните следующие предложения:

The book leaves much to be desired . — Книга оставляет желать лучшего.

Не is difficult to deal with . — С ним трудно иметь дело.

Не is hard to please . — Ему трудно угодить.

She is pleasant to look at . — На нее приятно смотреть.

Упр. 2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя застывшие словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Мягко выражаясь, она была невежлива. 2. Ваша работа оставляет желать лучшего. 3. Сказать по правде, я не люблю бокс. 4. Вашей сестре трудно угодить. 5. Начнем с того, что я занят, б. На него было приятно смотреть. 7. Короче говоря, он не сдал экзамен. 8. Мы все были рады, не говоря уже о маме: она сказала, что это самый счастливый день в ее жизни. 9. Твое сочинение оставляет желать лучшего. 10. Это очень странно, по меньшей мере. 11. Для начала, она открыла все окна. 12. С моим соседом трудно иметь дело. 13. По правде говоря, я очень устал. 14. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего. 15. Мягко выражаясь, вы меня удивили. 16. На этих детей приятно посмотреть. 17. Короче говоря, они поженились. 18. Самая известная книга Джерома — "Трое в лодке, не считая собаки." 19. Вам трудно угодить. 20. По меньшей мере, мы были удивлены . .

То get this book, you must go the library.

Чтобы получить эту книгу, вы должны to пойти в библиотек.

I have nothing to read. Мне нечего читать .

She has nobody to speak with. Ей не с кем поговорить.

What is to be done? Who is to blame? Что делать ? Кто виноват ?

I am not to blame. Я не виноват .

To see is to believe. Видеть значит верить .

He was the first (last) to come. Он пришел первым ( последним ).

It is out of the question to go there. Не мо ж ет быть и речи о том, чтобы идти туда.

Упр. 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя застывшие словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Чтобы получить хорошую оценку, вы должны упорно поработать. 2. С ней трудно иметь дело. 3. Что делать? 4. Начнем с того, что он болен. 5. Чтобы читать Диккенса в оригинале, вы должны хорошо знать язык. 6. Мягко выражаясь, он не прав. 7. Она была не виновата. 8. Ребенку не с кем играть. 9. Видеть значит верить. 10. Чтобы успеть на этот поезд, вы должны поторопиться. 11. Не может быть и речи о покупке машины в этом году. 12. Книга оставляет желать лучшего. 13. Сказать по правде, мне это не нравится. 14. Им было нечего есть. 15. Кто виноват? 16. Короче говоря, он не сделал урок. 17. В нашей семье мама всегда встает первая. 18. На нее приятно смотреть. 19. Чтобы перевести эту статью, вы должны воспользоваться словарем. 20. Мне некуда ехать летом. 21.0 том, чтобы купаться в этой реке, не могло быть и речи.

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Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.

Modern Technology in Medicine.

Білімділік Дидактическая To know and use the terms that are useful for analyzing language: role of techniques in Modern life;

Дамытушылық Развивающая recognize layers of meaning in the text, assemble ideas;

ТәрбиелікВоспитывающая educate cognitive interest of students to analyze grammatical features of construction of the statements in the English and Russian languages.

Сабақтын типі (тұрпаты)

Combined lesson. Practical method.

Сабақтын барысы Ход урока

1. Бағдарлану – мотивациялық блок Мотивационно – ориентировочный блок

Сабақтың тақырыбын шығу, жазу

Выход на тему, запись темы урока

Good morning, class. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? How are you? What date is it today?And what day of the week is it today ?

Оқу мақсатын қою

Постановка цели, задач урок

to fasten lexical and a reading and dialogical skills on the topic.

Сабақтың барысымен танысу Знакомство с ходом урока

Білім жаңғыртуы Актуализация знаний

sample control work

2. Жана материалды мазмұндау (баяндау)Изложение нового материала

Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.

Modern technology has changed the way the health care is organized. The discovery of modern computers helps a lot: patients files are kept on computers and these files are often kept on a central database so they can be accessed from anywhere in a hospital. This remarkably saves time, especially for such tasks as sending a patient’s file and X-rays. A process that used to take up to a week can be completed within an hour. In recent years major advancements have been made in medical equipment. These technological breakthroughs cover a wide array of medical field and treatment including cardiology, neurology, gynaecology and reproductive health.

As technology has advanced more ways have been discovered to find out what’s wrong with a patient without having to cut him open. X-ray technology and radioactive dyes often allow doctors to see inside a patient without making a single incision. Tissue biopsy and other methods can also be used to get small samples with minimal pain and suffering. Less invasive surgeries are also possible with the use of cameras and smaller incisions in the patient’s body.

The science of surgical care has advanced further in the last 50 years than in all preceding years combined. Complicated procedures such as natural and artificial organ transplants, xenotransplantants (organs transplanted from animals), neurosurgery (brain surgery), coronary artery bypass surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery were rare, if not completely unknown, 50 years ago but these procedures are becoming more commonplace today. What is more, surgical operations generally have become far less invasive, thus, requiring in many cases little if any hospital stay. As a result, the overall cost of these procedures has decreased dramatically in terms of both the financial costs to patients (and their insurance companies) as well as recovery costs to patients in terms of lost wages and physical and emotional strain. In short, advances in surgery and medical technology have allowed many more people to live healthier and longer lives than at any preceding time in history.

Unfortunately, while technology has produced an enormous number of benefits for mankind, it has also led to a number of new problems and woes in the modern world. Symptoms of everyday aches and pains are now considered to be symptoms of disease because technology has made medical knowledge more widespread. In addition, technology is more of a crutch for modern health care, convincing people to solve their woes through pharmacology rather than through more traditional or natural methods. For every disease that is cured, additional diseases are discovered through or sometimes caused by technological advances.

Рефлексия бақылау блогы Рефлексивно – оценочный блок

Білімдерін бекіту Закрепление знаний

Answer the questions:

1. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time, don’t they?

2. How can computer discovery help in organization of doctor-patient cooperation?

3. What fields of medicine do technological breakthroughs cover?

4. What diagnostic method is used to get small sample of tissue with minimal pain?

5. What are xenotransplantants?

6. Brain surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery are becoming more commonplace today, aren’t they?

7. Have surgical operations become more or less invasive?

8. Have modern medical technologies led to any problems in the modern world?

9. What is a negative influence of new medical technologies on people?

Нәтижелерді жинақтап, қортындылау

Обобщение результатов, подведение итогов Conclusion of the lesson.

Aims: to revise vocabulary on topic "Old or modern. Medicine as a new technology", practice speaking skill in asking for and giving advice, develop writing skills, develop listening skills, develop the skills of material systematization.

Sub-Aims: to provide further practice and consolidation of the TL; to revise and practice vocabulary, speaking, reading, listening and writing.

Personal aims: to reduce TTT.

Materials: whiteboard, marker, Enjoy English’ book, cards with words

Assumptions: Students know most of the vocabulary and grammar

Anticipated problems and solutions:

  • The learners may forget about the learning strategies of listening for detail: focus the Ss’ attention on these strategies at the end of the textbook.
  • The learners may forget how to express their opinion: remind the Ss about the necessity of giving arguments and counter arguments, make sure Ss understand it.

1. Skills Lessons


2. Language-based lessons (form, concept, phonology, appropriacy)

What is the language form?

Patient, a pharmacist, medicine, illness, ache, sore throat, bad cough, chest, joints, drugs, blood, healthcare, ribosome, nanoscale, body tissue, flagella, zinc oxide, nanoparticles, nanotechnology.

What seems to be wrong? What do you think I should do…? Why don’t you…? I’d recommend…Have you tried…? If I were you, I…

See a doctor, stay in bad, take some medicine, do exercise, go out a lot, eat healthier food, use some anesthetic, take your temperature, use a bandage, take injections.

The use of phrases of asking for and giving advice, phrases of giving and supporting arguments; topic vocabulary

Any important phonological features to point out to students?

Special attention to the pronunciation of the letter combination "ss", "ch", "ou" in word exeptions.

What problems will learners have form, meaning / concept and phonology? Mention your solutions.

The learners may mix learning strategies of listening for detail and listening for main gist - focus the Ss’ attention on it.

The learners may forget to give arguments, giving personal opinion on the topic – remind the Ss about it.

Is the issue of appropriacy relevant? Why / why not?

The issue of appropriacy is relevant because the vocabulary learnt at the previous lessons is being practised together with grammatical structures in controlled practice.






To plunge Ss into the atmosphere of the lesson.

I ask Ss to look at the board, read a medical joke to each other and say what makes it funny.



To recycle the TL,

"Listen to the conversation at p.107 ex.94 and decide whether these statements are true, false or not stated".


To use the TL in the speech.

"Now let’s role play the situations from ex. 95. Work in pairs. Some of you is a patient, another partner is a pharmacist. You may use the expressions from ex. 96".


To check Ss’ knowledge on the topic.

I ask Ss to look at the board and try to unscramble the definition of the word "Nanotechnology".


To read for main gist.

I ask Ss to read the text “What will the future of Healthcare look like?” and match the titles to the paragraphs. I ask Ss the right answers.


To develop communication and writing skills and practice TL.

I ask Ss to answer the questions:

"How can be nanotechnologies be helpful in the future? What are some of the dangers of this scientific invention?"

"Work in pairs. Find some sentences and phrases in the text that prove your opinion. Make a list of ideas".


the H/W,

pre-speaking and writing

To develop communication and writing skills.

"Choose one of the three approaches: home remedies, conventional medicine and modern technologies. In pairs you are to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of one of the approach. In your student’s book at p.109 ex. 100 you’ll find the response plan and needed vocabulary. Be ready with your arguments for the next lesson".

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Конспект урока в 11 классе

по теме “Modern Technologies in Our Life”

- учебный аспект — совершенствование умений диалогической и монологической речи, развитие умений чтения и аудирования по теме “Modern Technologies in Our Life”;

- познавательный аспект — знакомство с достижениями науки, которые используются в повседневной жизни, расширение кругозора учащихся в рамках данной темы;

- развивающий аспект — развитие критического мышления, развитие языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления, развитие способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации общения, развитие коммуникабельности;

- воспитательный аспект — воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу, воспитание уважения к точке зрения собеседника.

 активизировать лексический материал по теме “Modern Technologies in Our Life”;

 учить учащихся высказывать личное мнение и доказывать свою точку зрения, используя выразительные средства иностранного языка.

I. Начало урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear students. Sit down, please. How are you? I am glad to see you again.

2. Введение в ситуацию общения.

What are we going to discuss today? What objects do we use in our everyday life? Look at the slide (слайд – приложение 1).

So, we are going to speak about modern technologies in our everyday life.

II. Основная часть

1. Nowadays, wonderful inventions are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world. Listen to the text and answer the questions (приложение2).

- What things are the members of the family talking about?

- Why do the members of the family like to have these things in the home?

2. Every day we use a lot of modern devices. Listen to the project “My favourite gadgets” and answer the questions.

- What are Ann’s favourite gadgets?

Why does she like them?

What are your favourite gadgets?

(Ученица представляет проект, и учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.)

3. What technologies do you use every day? Why? And how do they make your life easier?

Do they have a positive or a negative impact on you? Share your opinions in groups.


I find. very useful because.

I spend too much time.

I could be doing.

I spend most of my time…

It's good / bad for my health because.

If I didn't have. I would.

( Учащиеся работают в группах и высказывают своё мнение.)

4. The Internet is very popular with young people. Working with a partner, read the text “Internet innovations” and find the answers to the questions.

Internet innovations

BROADBAND. What is it? A combination of the latest cable and radio technology means that huge amounts of electronic data can now be transmitted from computer to computer at incredibly high speeds. It’s like changing from a narrow pipe delivering your water to a much broader pipe.

Benefits for the user: it’s turned on all the time (you pay a fixed sum every month, so you don’t have to keep dialing up); you can do two Internet operations at the same time (e.g., collect emails and download a picture from the Internet).

WIRELESS. What is it? Computing without phone lines, similar to cordless phone technology. Benefits for the user: the freedom to use a laptop or notebook without connecting it to a phone line (as long as you don’t go too far away from the wireless hub – the main unit of the network that is connected to a phone line).

3G. What is it? “Third generation” mobile technology (still in development) that will be able to transmit data quickly to your phone. Benefits for the user: access to the complete, real Internet (not the mobile-only WAP network) quickly and in colour over your mobile; the ability to download music and video to your mobile.

Wi-Fi. “Wireless fidelity” is the new technology that lets you take your broadband connection and broadcast it around your home or office. Wi-Fi signals can travel more than 1,000 feet, which means that your private connection often leaks out into the street. If you’re feeling generous, you can leave it “open” for anyone passing by to use.

Answer the questions:

Is broadband quicker than an ordinary Internet connection?

How do you pay for a broadband connection?

What are the limits of wireless technology?

Has 3G technology been completely developed yet?

What will you be able to do with 3G technology on your mobile?

How far can Wi-Fi signals travel?

(Учащиеся читают текст, отвечают на вопросы.)

5. Modern technologies have become rather popular today, especially with the younger generation. What do you think about robots? What role will robots have in our future?

Let’s read the text “Robots.” Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps.

A robot’s brain is a computer. It switches (1) _______ the parts of the robot

that make it move and (2) ______ certain tasks. The programmer programs the robot with information for each task. A simple task needs very complicated software and hardware.

The robots of today (3) ______ talk, play football, walk upstairs, dance and even conduct an orchestra! A (4) _______ of robots can see and hear – using cameras and microphones with software that helps them (5) _______ things. Some can even smell. Robots can’t think like we do, but some robots can solve (6) _______. They collect information, and process it by (7) _______ it to the data in their program. Then they “decide” which is the (8) ______ solution. Some robots can also communicate with humans (9) ______ a very simple level: their software can recognize people’s body language and how they use their voice. Now scientists have developed new software using human DNA as (10) _______ model. They say it will give robots personalities and feelings.

1 up off down on

2 make do have get

3 can may should must

4 much lot many majority

5 reconsider recognize reconstruct repair

6 problems sums questions theorems

7 confusing computing comparing conducting

8 best fastest most worst

9 to under above at

Answers: 1) on; 2) do; 3) can; 4) lot; 5) recognize; 6) problems; 7) comparing;

8) best; 9) at; 1) a.

(Учащиеся выполняют упражнение, отвечают на вопросы.)

6. I think it’s obvious that robots will play an important role in our future. There’ll be different robots and they will help people in various spheres. And what do you know about nanotechnology? Fill in the first part of the table “know”.

Учащиеся заполняют первую часть таблицы (“know”) и проводится коллективное обсуждение.

После просмотра фильма учащиеся заполняют вторую часть таблицы (“learnt”). В конце второго этапа проводится коллективное обсуждение.

3.Заключительная часть

- What have you learnt today?

- Are you interested in robots?

- Is it interesting for you to speak about nanotechnologies?

2. Домашнее задание.

The future of technologies is exciting. At home you should read the text about nanotechnologies and match the titles to the paragraphs (Ex. 98, p. 108). Thank you for your work at the lesson.

The lesson is over. Have a good day, good bye!

I’m a couch potato — and I’m proud of it. Every time I have a spare minute you can
always find me on my couch. From there I switch from channel to channel until I find
my favourite soaps.

I really enjoy writing programs. It sounds difficult. But even an 11-year-old can write a simple program. One of my programs can play chess. It can beat me, but it can't beat my dad. He's an excellent chess player.

They are magic. I also do roller-skating and ice-skating. But these are a mixture of both. It’s like ice – skating in the street. So fast.

I think this is the most useful invention that I can imagine. I can take it anywhere I like. I have to keep in touch with my office whenever I travel. It's fantastic to be able to call them up as you're driving up the motorway. And they can even get in contact with me if they want!

If we feel like eating a hot meal, I just get our favourite pre-prepared food and put it into the machine, set the dial and it's ready in minutes!

I'm excited about this bit of technology. When I speak I cannot only hear but also see the other person!

Познавательная задача: обобщение преимуществ и недостатков в использовании современных технологий.

Развивающие задачи:

1) Развитие критического мышления.

2) Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления, развитие способностей к узнаванию и сопоставлению нового и ранее изученного.

3) Развитие логики высказывания, умения систематизировать свои знания, высказывать свое мнение и обосновывать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательные задачи:

1) Воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную групповую работу.

2) Воспитание уважения к точке зрения собеседника.

Учебные задачи:

1) Повторение и расширение лексического запаса по теме.

2) Развитие навыков говорения.

Формируемые УУД:

Личностные – способность оценивать усваиваемое содержание (исходя из социальных и личностных ценностей), обеспечивающая личностный моральный выбор при использовании новых технологий.

Регулятивные - определение целей работы.

Коммуникативные УУД - навыки переработки информации (анализ прочитанной и увиденной видео информации), перевод визуального ряда в речевой, т.е. умение оформлять свои мысли в устной форме и понимать речь других.

Познавательные УУД - обобщение ранее изученной лексики, ориентация в англоязычном тексте, умение находить нужную информацию, осуществлять анализ информации.

Речевой материал: рецептивный– harm, demonstration; продуктивный – digital TV, e-book, digital camera, automatic washer, i-phone, games console, laptop, computer, electronic organizer, iPad, microwave oven, dishwasher.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, раздаточный материал, оборудование лингофонного кабинета, презентации учащихся, аудиозаписи.

Орг. момент. Разговорная практика:

(Цель – актуализировать опыт и знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка и по другим предметам, подготовить к восприятию информации урока)

Teacher (Учитель): What are we going to discuss today? To know that you should remember the names of the objects we are surrounded in our everyday life? What are they?

Что мы собираемся обсудить сегодня? Чтобы это узнать, вы должны вспомнить названия предметов, которыми мы окружены в обычной жизни. Что это за предметы?

So, we are going to speak about…new technologies. Итак, мы будем говорить сегодня о…новых технологиях.

Основная часть урока:

Teacher (Учитель): What technologies cannot you imagine your life without? Why? And how do they make your life easier? (Без каких технологий вы не представляете свою жизнь? Почему? И как они облегчают вашу жизнь?)

2). Повторение и закрепление изученного.

Teacher (Учитель): Let’s read what some teenagers from Britain think about it. To know Alex’s opinion you should use the words given in brackets to form the words that fit the spaces. (Давайте прочитаем, что некоторые подростки из Британии думают об этом. Чтобы узнать мнение Алекса, вы должны использовать слова, данные в скобках, чтобы образовать из них те, которые подойдут в предложении.)

There are a lot of modern (invent) __________ people use in everyday life. A great deal of (science) ________, engineers, workers do their best to create new gadgets which make our life easier and (comfortable)________________.

As for me, my (favour) ___________bit of technology is a mobile. I can’t do (with) __________ it. My Nokia is compact and (rely) ___________. It offers a lot of (possible) _____________ such as a camera, a calculator, a walkman. Besides the price is (reason) ____________. That’s why I think it is a (necessary) ____________ rather than a luxury.

3). Поисковое чтение с выборочным извлечением нужной информации. Групповая работа.

Teacher (Учитель): Now let’s read about other teenagers’ opinions. What does Joe think about mobile phones (the 1st group will read about it), Lenny – about computers (it’s for the 2nd group)? (Давайте узнаем мнения других подростков. Что Джо думает о мобильных телефонах? (1 группа будет читать об этом). Что Ленни думает о компьютерах? (это для 2 группы)

The technical progress goes straight in huge steps. We live in the 21st century, full of different means of communication. Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. We cannot imagine our life without it because it is very important to communicate with your family and friends. At the same time, we can find the opinion that the usage of mobile phones can be harmful and dangerous.

I think that mobile phones are very useful in our everyday life. Firstly, it is very convenient, as people can call each other anywhere. Secondly, each telephone has such devices as a calendar, a camera, the Internet, an alarm clock and others. No matter where we are, there is an opportunity to get connected to the Internet, check our e-mails and find any necessary information. In addition mobile phones can help fill in our free time. For example, we may play games on it. Moreover, you are always available to delay meetings or let somebody know if you are late. Thirdly, many parents buy cell phones for their children just for safety. If a child gets into some trouble, he can call emergency services or his parents. If you need, you can call the police or an ambulance.

At the same time, some people believe that mobile phones are dangerous. Their microwaves can be very harmful and they affect our health greatly. In addition, there is such a phenomenon as a mobile phone addiction, and it’s a real problem in our society. Besides, when a person speaks on the phone in public places, we can listen to other people’s conversations or sometimes phones ring a lot of times. It is so disturbing.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that mobile phones make our life easier but nevertheless, there is a negative effect on our health. That is why people shouldn’t overuse them.

Lately computers have filled our life. We do not imagine our leisure without this miracle-machine.

They have much better memories and they can store much information. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but a computer can. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. They can predict weather, and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. With the help of computers the Internet has entered into our life. It’s a brilliant source of information because the internet is a big encyclopedia. Now people cannot live a day without checking of mail and visiting their favourite sites. The Internet is not only the assistant in daily work, it is also the other world in which there are mail boxes, libraries, photo galleries, games, shops. The internet gives us a chance to communicate with people all over the world. It is interesting to learn about a life in different countries and you can practise English talking to native speakers. Also you can use the internet if you are looking for a job or to find people who share your interests. By means of the Internet people can travel to different cities, visit tourist places.

Certainly, the Internet can be the excellent assistant in information search. But we can’t rely on all the information. Moreover, some sites are unsuitable for children and should be controlled by parents. Besides, the internet can cause addiction. We lose a touch with the real world getting in a full dependence on a computer. But computers shouldn’t replace seeing your friends. And finally, users of the internet get a lot of spam every day which is very annoying.I think that it is necessary to understand, what is really important on the Internet and what is not. And then the Internet will be not the terrible enemy, but the indispensable assistant.

• While reading you should fill in the table. (Во время чтения заполните таблицу.)

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