Hot or cold план урока 1 класс

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.

2. Подготовить учащихся к созданию проекта "Welcome to My Town in Winter (Spring, Summer, Autumn)".

3. Воспитывать у учащихся любовь к родному краю.

4. Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

Формы работы:

Оборудование урока:

2. DVD проигрыватель

3. Диск с мультфильмами "Каникулы в Простоквашино", "Зима в Простоквашино".

4. Тематические картины с изображением времён года.

5. Карточки с заданиями для учащихся.

Оформление доски:

1. На внешней стороне доски написана тема урока, размещены тематические картины с изображением времён года, стихотворение для фонетической зарядки.

2. На внутренней стороне доски записаны лексические и грамматические упражнения.

Использованные учебники:

Кузовлев В. П. и др. "English 6"

Филиппов В. Н. "Английский язык для 5 класса" (интенсивный курс)

План урока:

1. Cообщение темы и целей урока.

2. Речевая зарядка.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

4. Проверка домашнего задания.

6. Динамическая пауза. Аудирование учащимися текста учителя.

7. Выполнение грамматических упражнений.

8. Выполнение лексических упражнений.

9. Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока

I. Teacher: Dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you at our lesson. Today we'll speak about many interesting things: your favourite seasons, weather, people's activities. During our lesson we'll be preparing for making a project "Welcome to My Town in Winter (Spring, Summer, Autumn)". Let's start. How are you?

P. 1: I am fine, thanks. And you?

Teacher: I am not well today. I think it's because of the weather. What is the weather like today?

P. 2: To my mind the weather is fine today. It is snowing hard and there is no wind.

II. Teacher: Let's watch a small piece of video. (The pupils watch some fragments from the cartoons “Holidays in Prostokvashino” and “Winter in Prostokvashino” and answer the teacher’s questions).

Teacher: What season is it?

P 1: It is winter.

Teacher: What are winter months?

P. 2: Winter months are December, January and February.

Teacher: What is the weather like in winter?

P. 3: I think it is cold, frosty and windy in winter.

Teacher: Do you like winter? Why?

P. 4: I like winter because I have winter holidays and I can ski, skate and play

Teacher: And what season is it?

P. 5: It is summer.

Teacher: What are summer months?

P. 6: Summer months are June, July and August.

Teacher: Is it cool or hot in summer?

P. 7: In our place it is hot in July; and in June and August it is warm.

Teacher: Is summer your favourite season? Why?

P. 8: Of course summer is my favourite season, because I can swim, go to a picnic and fish.

Teacher: And now have a look at these pictures, please. (The pupils look at the piсtures with different seasons. ) Get ready to answer my questions.

Teacher: Is it autumn or spring?

P. 1: It is autumn.

Teacher: Is it rainy or snowy in autumn?

P. 2: In September it is rainy but in October we can see the first snow.

Teacher: What colour are the leaves on the trees?

P. 3: The leaves are of different colours: yellow, red, brown and green.

Teacher: Where do all pupils go in autumn?

P. 4: After long summer holidays all pupils go to school.

Teacher: Is spring a fine season? Why do you think so?

P. 5: No doubt, spring is a fine season, it is so beautiful to see new leaves, grass and flowers.

Teacher: Is it wet or dry in spring?

P. 6: The snow is melting and so it is wet.

Teacher: What do the pupils do outside?

P. 7: They can play sports or cycle outside.

III. Teacher: Let's improve our pronounciation:

The snow is thick,
The snow is white.
It must have fallen all the night.
A summer day
Has rain or sun,
But other way
I find it fun.

IV. Teacher: Please, open your books. Let’s check up your homework. Read and translate the text, please. (ex 1, p 87, В. П. Кузовлев “English 6”)

V. Teacher: And now we are to prepare for making a project "Welcome to My Town in Winter(Spring,Summer,Autumn). But firstly, let’s play.

1. Teacher: Please, try to guess what season it is. (Pupils read the words on the blackboard and call the seasons. )

Words :1) warm clothing, below zero, storm, ice ;

2) wet, snowdrops, grass, birds ;

3) lie in the sun, sea, holidays, hot.

P 1: It' winter. P 2: It's spring. P 3: It's summer.

2. Teacher: Now we are to devide into three groups.

The first group will work using a plan. (Приложение 1)

The pupils of the second group will speak using questions. (Приложение 2)

And the pupils of the third one will complete the sentences given in the cards. (Приложение 3).

All the pupils should include into their stories two sentences with First Conditional,

for example: If the weather is sunny, we’ll go to the park.

Then two pupils from each group will tell their stories.

Pupil 1: My favourite season is winter. Winter months are December, January and February. There is much snow in winter, the weather is windy, frosty and cold in my town.

The temperature is below zero. The days are short and the nights are long. Children like to make snowmen and to play snowballs. Besides they enjoy skiing and skating. If the weather is fine they will go for a walk. If it is very cold they will stay at home.

VI. Teacher : I see you are tired, let's have a rest. Listen and do. (The pupils listen to the teacher's text and do exercises. ) (Приложение 4)

VII. Teacher: Let's do some grammar exercises.

1. Translate into English:

Cентябрь. Сыро. Идёт дождь. Ветрено. Буря. Ужасно.

P 1: It is September. P 2: It is wet. P 3: It is raining. P 4: It is windy. P 5: It is storm.

P 6: It is dreadful.

2. Put the verbs into the right form. (The pupils write the sentences in their exercise-books).

a) If the weather (be) fine we (go) to a picnic.

b) If it (be) very hot they (go) to the beach.

с) If I (have) time we (play) tennis.

d) If I (finish) my work I (go) for a walk.

e) We (watch) TV if my friends (come) to me.

f) They (stay) at home if there (be) foggy.

VIII. 1. Teacher : Now let's have a competition. Look at the blackboard. You can see two columns of words. The first column consists of nouns, the second one consists of adjectives. Make up as many word combinations as you can to use them in your projects.

Adjectives Nouns
cool rain
hot sky
stormy weather
dreadful autumn
cloudy day
marvellous spring
windy summer
wet rainbow
lovely morning
frosty winter
snowy storm

P. 1: а cloudy sky; P. 2: a frosty day; P. 3: a wet weather; P. 4: a snowy winter …

2. Teacher : Look at the blackboard, please. (The pupils see the names of animals: a monkey, a frog, a giraffe, a cock).

Tell me what season they like and why.

For example: A polar bear likes winter because it is frosty.

P. 1: A monkey likes summer because it is warm.

P. 2: A frog likes autumn because it is rainy.

P. 3: A giraffe likes spring because it can eat green leaves.

P. 4: A cock likes summer because the sun shines brightly.

Teacher: But I think the cock likes winter because its New Year is coming. Let's greet it and sing a song "A Fir Was Born in Deep Wood" (The pupils sing a song. ) (Приложение 5)

IX. Teacher: Write down your homework, please. You should prepare a project "Welcome to My Town in Winter (Spring, Summer, Autumn).

X. Teacher: Did you enjoy the lesson?

P. : I think it was very interesting.

Teacher: We have spoken about many interesting things today. I hope you know much about seasons of the year. Thank you for your hard work. Your marks are …

Приложение 1

1. Your favourite season.

3. Weather. Temperature.

5. People's activity.

Приложение 2

1. What is your favourite season?

2. What are (winter, spring, summer, autumn) months?

3. Is it rainy or snowy in …

4. Is it cold or hot in … ?

5. Are the days long or short?

6. What do you usually do in … ?

7. What games do you usually like to play in?

Приложение 3 (Учащиеся аудируют текст и повторяют движения учителя).

You are walking along the street to school. You have a heavy bag in your left hand. The day is sunny, but frosty. Your nose and cheeks are cold. Suddenly you see a boy playing snowballs.

You put down your bag, pick up some snow, make up some snowballs and throw them at the boy – one, two, three. It's funny! But what about school?

You take your bag and quickly run to school. You open the door, come in, wave your friends "Hello!"

Oh, you are late. Join us, we are improving our phonetics. We'll recite the rhyme "Whether the weather… ", doing short sits when pronouncing the sound [w].

Приложение 4

Сomplete the sentences

1. My favourite season is ….

2. (Winter, spring, summer, autumn) months are ….

3. It is (rainy, snowy, foggy) in ….

4. It is (cold, cool, warm) in ….

5. The weather is (dreadful, fine) ….

6. The days are (long, short).

7. I usually … in ….

Приложение 5

Fir – Tree (Учащиеся поют на мотив песни “В лесу родилась ёлочка”)

1. A fir was born in deep wood
And in the wood grew tall.
And there in seasons she stood
The greenest tree of all.
2. The snowstorms whispered lullabies,
And wrapped up all the trees.
She sang: "Now close your lovely eyes,
Make sure you don't freeze. "

3. The fir to our party's come,
And all this winter night
She brings such joy to everyone –
Oh, what a lovely sight.

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Vocabulary from previous three units: There is/There are structure and use of plural forms from Unit 3.

Planned timings

Planned activities

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Teacher asks students “How are you?” to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson; students choose one of the smiles they see on the slide, saying “I am happy/sad….etc.”

Teacher introduces lesson objectives to students.

Students watch a video and follow the instructions to do the “hockey pockey”:

You put one hand in

You put one hand out

You put one hand in

And you shake, shake, shake.

Animals - Revision (W) (13)

Whole class activity:

- give students a couple of minutes to revise the vocabulary on the topic “Animals”

- nominate students and elicit target vocabulary by means of showing pictures of various animals

- demonstrate a video about animals and sounds they produce in order to revise and consolidate the vocabulary

(a dog, a cat, etc.)

Dynamic break (W) (2)

Students go to the carpet and have a dynamic break “Head, shoulders, knees & toes”

(Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes)

Hot and cold (D, W, P) (15)

Whole class activity:

- demonstrate a picture of various weather conditions to students and present the new topic of the lesson “Hot and cold”

- provide each student with a card with words on the topic “Hot and cold”

- ask students to spend 3-4 minutes sticking these cards into their copybooks as well as reading them through

- use 3x3 choral drilling for students to learn how to pronounce the words correctly

- students make drawings next to the words

- Students exchange their drawing and feedback on them to their peers. Whole class checking.

- split the class into pairs for further work

- provide each student with a worksheet for matching activity

- set a time limit of 5 minutes, monitor the process and assist if necessary

- in 5 minutes ask students to exchange their papers for peer check and assessment

Teacher: Good morning children! My name is Sholpan Tlektesovna and today I’ll be your teacher of English. What is the date today? Tell me, please, who is absent today? Look at the blackboard today the theme of our lesson “Hot or cold”. Today we’ll speak about it.

Teacher: Now pupils tell me please what do you do previos lesson? Let’s remember the words that learn previos lesson.

Pupils answered the words.


Ø Teacher elicits hot and cold food/drinks using visuals What’s this? E.g. hot milk/cold chips. Teacher elicits reaction from learners about the food and drinks e.g. hmm or I don’t like cold chips.

Ø Teacher models using images of characters smiley/sad faces and visuals of hot and cold foods: Does Ben like cold soup? Does Lulu like hot milk? Yes he does. / No he doesn’t.

Ø Pupils make sentences looking at the pictures of the worksheet.

Mum doesn’t like hot/cold ……

I don’t like hot/cold ….

Ø Now open your book on page 63, you see the words. Now I’l read it you, then you repeat after me in chorus. (apples, carrots, pears, onions, tomatoes)

Ø Open your activity book on p.53. Join the dots. Then read and colour.

Ø Next task for you a crassword. You must find the words which we leard today.

t o m a t o e s l
p a p p l e s a t
t k c a r r o t s
e e i p e a r s l
a r a c o f f e e

Ø Creative work.

Teacher: Now I’ll give you sheet of paper and your task to paint your favourite fruits or vegetables.

Hot and cold

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
До 500 000 руб. ежемесячно и 10 документов.

1 сыныпқа арналған Hot and cold тақырыбына берілген сабақ жоспары. Бұл сабақта оқушылар ауа райына байланысты жаңа сөздермен танысады. Оқушылар топ болып Ауа райы қандай деген сұраққа суретті сәйкестендіреді. Жұбымен сәйкестендіруге берілген тапсырманы орындайды. сергіту сәті жүргізіледі. Ауа райының белгілерімен оқушылар бағаланады.

LESSON10: School: Unit 4 The world around us Date: Grade: 1 Teacher name: Number present: absent: Theme of the lesson: Hot and cold Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 1.S3pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly 1.L3 recognize common names and names of places with support 1.L3 recognize simple greetings with support 1. UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things. All learners will be able to: identify at least 1 word from the list of animal vocabulary pronounce next words correctly in accordance on given theme: hot, cold Most learners will be able to: identify at least 2 words from the list of animal vocabulary describe the weather with teachers` little support Some learners will be able to: describe the weather with the help of pictures answer the questions by short sentences 1. Say topic words with clear pronunciation say expressions clearly 2. Interact using topic words 3. Describe picture using adjectives Lesson objectives Assessment criteria      Value links Cross­curricular links ICT skills Previous learning Respect, help to each other. Nature Study Using videos, PPT Initial letters; Days of the week; Animals Useof ICT Projector or Smart board to show a presentation. Planned timings Start 5 min Plan Planned activities Warm – up activity Song “ Hello ! ” “ How are you today? ” teacher wants to know the mood of learners with the help of smiles. Resources White board/markers PPT Middle Pre­learning |”The weather vocabulary” Before class teacher prepares weather flashcard Weather flashcards

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