Giving and following instructions план урока

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Методический материал на тему: Instructions in English.

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Giving instructions in English.

Look at the following example of teacher’s talk. It is a combination of instructions, directions and general chat. In some cases you might also want to question how the teacher’s choice of words may impact on the student’s motivation level.

Teacher: I want you to do this exercise in which you have to answer ten questions. You can do it by yourself if you prefer, or work with your partner. When you finish I’ll put you in larger groups for you to check your answers. I want you to do a mingling activity now, which I’m sure you’re going to hate! I’m handling out a piece of paper. This is going to be boring but it has to be done. This is going to be easy. Did you enjoy that?

This may sound like a joke, but in fact it’s quite typical of an unplanned instruction.

Tips for successful instruction-giving.

  • Only say what you have to.
  • Use simplified language, but don’t over-simplify for the level.
  • Don’t patronize. (e.g. talking unnaturally slowly or loudly).
  • Don’t give out papers before your instructions unless you have to – you will lose the students’ attention.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Only give instructions for what they have to do at that time, not later.
  • Give an example of what they have to do/ do question 1 with them.
  • Give a rough idea of how much time they have.
  • Make it clear if you want them to work individually, in pairs or in groups.
  • If one person says “I don’t understand”, help that person individually. Don’t hold up the rest of the class, and the lesson.
  • Don’t invite the students to do something; politely tell them. So don’t say: “Would you like to stand up?” Say: “Stand up, please!” Students like and expect the teacher to be polite but direct in her language. They need to be told clearly what they have to do and how you want them to do it.
  • Don’t tell the students they are going to find the activity boring or difficult or interesting, or easy.

In a multilingual class you have to use English for instructions. But, in monolingual classes you have a choice: English, native language - or some mixture of both. Some teachers say that they would like to give instructions for activities in English, but find that there are often so many problems with comprehension that it seems impossible. It is certainly possible to use only English but it’s often problematic because of the quantity and over-complexity of language used.

Why did the class have problems with the following instruction?

Teacher: Ok, everybody, would you, Maria sit down. Now what you have to do is, when you, take this sheet of paper that I’m handling out now and keep it secret, and some of you “A”, it’s written on the top, and some are labeled “B”. Ok, can you see that? Don’t show your paper to anyone and then you have to describe to your partner; sit face to face. Could you move your chairs around and describe what’s on your paper so that your partner can find out what’s different, and you must agree; when you find something, draw it on your paper. Ok. Do you understand?

It’s quite typical of an unplanned instruction. Teachers are often unaware that they are talking in this way until they stop and try to listen to what they are saying. It is clear that this type of instruction is very hard for students to follow. The essential information about what to do is embedded in confusing and unnecessary babble. An essentially simple activity can become impossible, not because the students couldn’t do it, but because they didn’t understand what to do. Often students are judged to have failed when it is actually the teacher who failed to clarify what was required.

How can I give clearer instructions?

There are five steps towards better instructions.

  1. Become aware of your own instruction-giving (listen to yourself, record yourself; ask others to watch you and give feedback)
  2. For a while pre-plan essential instructions. Analyze the instructions beforehand so as to include only the essential information in simple, clear language, and sequence it in a sensible order. Use short sentences – one sentence for each key piece of information. Don’t say things that are visible or obvious. (e.g. I’m giving you a piece of paper.) Don’t give instructions that they don’t need to know at this point.
  3. In class separate instructions clearly from the other chit-chat, telling off, joking, etc. Use silence and gestures to pace the instructions and clarify their meaning.
  4. Demonstrate rather than explain wherever possible. Frequently, showing what to do is more effective than telling what to do. You can demonstrate a speaking activity by playing both parts yourself, by playing one part and choosing a strong student to play the other part, or by asking two strong students to do the activity in front of the class. With written work an example on the board is often useful. Support instructions with visual clues wherever possible: real objects, pictures, gesture and mime.
  5. Check that students have understood what to do. Don’t assume that everyone automatically understands what you have said. Get concrete evidence from the students that they know what is required. Getting one or two students to tell you what they are going to do is one very simple way of achieving this.

How to get learners’ attention.

One important reason why learners may not successfully follow activity instructions (or understand your explanations) is that they didn’t actually hear them, perhaps, because they weren’t fully paying attention when they were given. Whereas teachers often invest energy into finding better ways to word their instructions, they may overlook the need to win attention before the instruction is given. It’s a vital step. An instruction given over students chatter, or when students are looking the other way, stand little chance of working. Here is one strategy for getting learners’ attention that might wish to experiment with.

  • Start making eye contact with as many people as possible.
  • Establish a gesture that means you want to speak.
  • Just wait.
  • Don’t look inpatient or anxious. Keep moving your eyes around the room from person to person.
  • Think of this as “gathering attention”. Enjoy it.
  • Wait as long as necessary until there is a silence and people are looking your way.
  • If this doesn’t work, don’t change it dramatically. Just add in a clear attention –drawing word such as Ok. Say it once and then go back to the waiting.
  • In general, you need to establish your authority and use it appropriately. Project your voice clearly but speak rather than shout. Control the quantity and complexity of what you say. Say what you need to as simply and clearly as possible.

Giving instructions to lower-level classes.

The reason that some instructions are unclear or misunderstood is often because they are too long, too complex or delivered too fast. Try some of these techniques.

  • Use grammar and vocabulary that is at or below the learners’ current level.
  • Use short sentences. Don’t put more than one instruction in one sentence. Chunk your instruction: one piece of information at a time.
  • “The least that is enough”. Don’t ramble. Keep instructions simple, concise and to the point. Avoid digressions.
  • Speak a little more slowly and clearly than you would normally do.
  • Pause after each instruction to allow understanding: processing time.
  • Sequence the instructions. Deliver them in order that you want students to follow them.
  • Use signposting language e.g. “First.. Then.. Finally..”
  • Where practical, get students to immediately do each separate part of the instruction, step by step, rather than waiting until they have heard the whole sequence.
  • Write a few key words on the board as you speak to help listening, understanding and memory of the instructions.
  • “Punch” the keywords i.e. say the essential words in a sentence with a little more stress and separation from other words than you might typically give it. For example: “Write your answers on the OTHER side of the paper”.
  • It’s often worth checking if an instruction has been understood. Rather than asking “Do you understand?” ask a question that checks if they caught specific points, for example “How many questions are you going to answer?”
  • Choose the best moment to give out any materials, or tell students to open books. Once they are starting at a text, they will lose concentration on what you are saying. It’s often best to keep books closed and materials undistributed until after the key instructions have been delivered. Don’t let students start doing the task before you have finished giving and checking instructions with the whole class. Having some people rushing into the work distracts others and adds to the noise level. And, of course, they may well not have fully understood what to do anyway. Say, “Wait – don’t start yet”, and make sure everybody really knows what to do before you say “Ok, start now”.
  • Until you are comfortable with giving good clear instructions, plan them before the lesson.

Recognizing elements of an instruction.

Scott Thornbury categorizes a number of possible features of an instruction. Any single instruction could contain all – or more likely, some of these elements.

Цель: способствовать совершенствованию фонематического слуха и произносительных навыков, развитию навыков чтения, аудирования, диалогической речи, продуктивного письма.

Оборудование: иллюстрации по теме урока; карточки с зада­


Ход урока

Организационный момент

- Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Good afternoon, teacher.

- Let's see if everyone is here.

Фонетическая разминка

(На доске записаны слова с транскрипuией.)

palm [pa:m] ask [a:sk] calf [ka:fl

come [kлm] Londonjlлnd ш] dove [dлvJ

- Look at the words. We pronounce [а:] in the wordspalm, ask and calf. And we pronounce [л] in the words соте, London and dove. Repeat after me, please.

(Ученики повторяют звуки и слова за учителем несколько раз.)

1. Работа по учебнику

Упр. 5 (с. 52).

- Open your books at page 52. Find the section Pronunciation.

(Ученики слушают аудиозапись и выполняют задание, затем проверяют все вместе и повторяют слова за диктором.

[л]: соте, cup, son, love, mother, monkey.)

2. Работа с карточками

(Учитель раздает карточки с одинаковым набором слов, но с разными заданиями.)

- Read and circle words with the sound [а:] ([л]).

Слова на карточке:

Lovely, mask, compass, task, overcome, calm, arm, monk, ftask, almond, oven, become.

(Ученики выполняют задание самостоятельно, затем читают слова вслух и проверяют ответы.

[а:]: mask, task, calm, arm, flask, almond;

[лj: lovely, compass, overcome, monk, oven, become.)

Работа по теме урока

Работа по учебнику

Today we're going to practise asking for instructions and giving instructions.

Упр. la (с. 52).

- Look at the pictures. What do they have in common? ( They are а// related to the computeror the Jnternet.)

Упр. lb (с. 52).

(Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и повторяют фразы хором и индивидуально. Следует обратить особое внимание учеников на интонаuию предложений.)

- Which of these sentences are used Ьу а person asking for instructions / а person giving instructions?

(Учащиеся читают соответствующие фразы вслух.

Keys: asking for instructions: 1, 3, б, 7 giving instructions: 2, 4, 5, 8.)

Упр. 2 (с. 52).

(Учащиеся выполняют задание самостоятельно, затем слуша­ ют аудиозапись и проверяют свои ответы.

Keys: 1 - Can you help me send an e-mail? 2 - Now connect to

the Iпtcrnet. 3 - Got it! What's next? 4 - Make sure уов click оп 'send' when you fiпish \\'riting it. 5 - Tliat was easier than I thought.)

- What are Cathy and Mark talking about? (Mark is giving instructions to Cathy how to send ап e-mai/.)

(Учашисся слушают аудиозапись еще раз, а затем читают диа­ лог по ролям в парах. Несколько учеников читают диалог перед классом.)

Упр. За (с. 52).

(Учашиеся выполняют задание самостоятельно, а затем про- веряют свои ответы все вместе.

Keys: А5, В4, Сб, 03, Е2, Fl .)

Упр. ЗЬ (с. 52).

(Ученики разыгрывают диалоги в парах, используя диалог из упр. 2 в качестве образца. Учитель помогает по мере необ­ ходимости. Несколько учеников разыгрывают диалоги перед классом.)

Упр. 4 (с. 52).

- Read the instruction. What is it about? (lt's about sending ап

- Use the instruction and act out а dialogue about sending an SMS.

(Ученики составляют и разыгрывают диалоги в парах, исполь­ зуя диалог из упр. 2 в качестве образца. Учитель помогает по мере необходимости. Несколько учеников разыгрывают диалоги перед классом.)

- For your homework act out similar dialogues in pairs and record yourselves.

IV. Актуализация знаний

Проверка домашнего задания

(Несколько учеников рассказывают о своей проектной работе и ее результатах.)

Предполагаемый ответ:

First we wrote а questionnaire. (Показывают анкету с вопроса­ ми.) Then we asked our classmates to complete the questionnaire. We counted how many our classmates have got each item and made the bar graph showing the results. (демонстрируют диаграмму.) The graph shows that 30% of our classmates have а hi-fi or а DVD player in their bedroom. About 80% of our classmates I1ave an М РЗ player or а РС, and finally 20% of them have got а digital ТУ.

(Затем учитель организует взаимопроверку выполнения зада­ ния в рабочей тетради. Ответы записаны на доске.)

Упр. 1 ( с. 32).

V. Продолжение работы по теме урока

Выполнение заданий в рабочей тетради

(Учитель задает ученикам во11росы по тексту упр. 1 (с. 32).)

- Do you agrce with реор\е who think the future changes will Ье positivc?

- Why do many people worry about enviroпmental proЫems'?

- Do you tl1ink technology and scieпce will help us to solve most oftl1e lшman's proЬlems?

Упр. 2 (с. 32).

- Look at some predictioпs pcople have made about the future. (Следует убедиться, что ученики понимают все предложения.

Учитель объясняет задание, учащиеся читают образец и выпол­ няют задание самостоятельно. Несколько учеников вслух прого­ варивают предложения, которые они собираются написать. Сле­ дует ограничить время выполнения задания. Учитель оказывает необходимую помощь, а затем предлагает нескольким ученикам прочитать свои предложения вслух.)

Предполагаемые ответы:

- I don't think people will have holidays on other planets.

- ln my opinion there will Ье teachers in the future. Some ofthem

will рrоЬаЫу Ье robots.

- The way I see it, people will eat food pills.

1 don't think there will Ье fewer wars.

- 1 think people will live in tшderwater cities.

VI. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания

- At home you're going to write an article with the title "What does the future hold?" Look at the plan in Exercise 3 in your workbooks. How many parts does it have? What are they?

(Учащиеся вместе с учителем обсуждают план будушей статьи.)

- Use the paragraph plan in Exercise 3 and predictions in Exercise 2.

(Учитель записывает домашнее задание на доске, а ученики - в дневниках:

SB: Ех. 4 (р. 52); WВ: Ех. 3 (р. 32).)

VII. Подведение итогов урока

- Сап you ask for / give instructions?

- Do you know how to write an opinion article? (Учитель оценивает деятельность учащихся на уроке.)

- That's all for today. Goodbye! (Goodbye.

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Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Используемое оборудование: Компьютер, CD, раздаточный материал, проектор, экран.

Используемые ЦОР: Презентация в Microsoft / Power Point, аудиозапись.

Основные понятия:

Термины, связанные с отправкой e-mail: send an e-mail, connect to the Internet, click on, an e-mail address,

an address book, create a message, a system block, a monitor.

Содержание и деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Формируемые УУД (К -коммуникативные; П – познавательные; Л – личностные; Рг – регулятивные; Рф – рефлексивные;)

Орг. Момент. Мотивация к учебной деятельности.

Hello, friends! I’m glad to see you!

Hello, teacher! We are glad to see you too!

К: умение взаимно отвечать на реплику; формирование и аргументирование своего мнения.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

Выбранный для просмотра документ Giving instructions.pptx

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

1.Put the plug in the socket, and press the power button to switch on the com.

1.Put the plug in the socket, and press the power button to switch on the com.

the one with the thing that looks like you see that’s right! make sure you do.

the one with the thing that looks like you see that’s right! make sure you don’t forget to the next thing you need to do is

Giving instructions Saying what to do Identifying the objects Checking Saying.

Giving instructions Saying what to do Identifying the objects Checking Saying someone has understood The first thing you’ve got to do is … Don’t forget to… First…/Then…/Next… The next thing you need to do is… You don’t need to… Make sure… It’s a bit like … The thing that looks like … The big thing that … The one with … It’s made of … It’s used for … Alright? / Ok? Have you got that? You see? Have you done that? That’s right! That’s it!

Home task Ex.5,p.45.- learn the phrases Ex.7,p.45 - complete, listen, and che.

Home task Ex.5,p.45.- learn the phrases Ex.7,p.45 - complete, listen, and check Ex.8,p.45.*- explain how to use a mobile phone

What have you learnt today? Have you worked hard / with pleasure or were you.

What have you learnt today? Have you worked hard / with pleasure or were you lazy/inactive?

Выбранный для просмотра документ objects.docx










Выбранный для просмотра документ Технологическая карта урока Giving instructions УМК Форвард 9 класс.docx

Keeping up-to-date. Giving instructions

урок комплексного применения знаний с использованием электронно-образовательных ресурсов

освоить новое умение – составлять пошаговую инструкцию-объяснение использования какого-либо гаджета .

Действия учителя

Действия учащихся

O ргмомент

What date is it today? What day is it today?

Фонетическая зарядка

How do I understand that you understand?

Повторяют по строчке. Затем по две, и целиком.

Проверка домашнего задания.

Задание на карточках - вставить пропущенные слова по теме. Затем учащиеся меняются карточками и проверяют с доски. Собрать карточки .(у.2,с.44)

Выполняют задание и делают самопроверку.

Мотивация к учебной деятельности

На интерактивной доске слайд с изображением пожилой женщины и компьютера. Компьютер скрыт. Вопрос : Guess what is hidden in the photo?

What are we going to talk about? Theme.

Is it more difficult for older people to use computers? Why? Why not?

Have you ever used a computer with your grandparents? If so, what for?

Предположения учащихся . Компьютер .

Old people and computers (modern technologies, gadgets)

Постановка целей урока

Let’s think about our aims.

(Проверочное (у.2,с.44)упражнение на экране. )

Can you use these instructions for your grannies?

Will they understand you?A Cursor?A toolbar?

Are they easy and simple?

So what is our aim today?

Explain how to use a computer. Give easy instructions. Make them simpler.

The aim of the lesson is to learn making up instructions and giving them.

We will read, listen, write and speak.

Актуализация опорных знаний

Reading cards. У .2, с .45 .

You will read the statements of the people in the computer class. Choose the reasons they give for learning to use computers.

Учащиеся зачитывают высказывание и причину.


Первичная проверка понимания

Listening. Ex.3,p. 45. Well, Now let’s listen to the students in the computer class and match students 1-5 with things they want to do a-e.

If you agree, clap your hands. Ok?

Were teacher’s instructions easy for the students?

Did they understand the teacher?

Are you ready to give such instructions ?

Listening. Ex.4,p.45 Let’s continue. Complete extracts1-3 with phrases a-g. Then listen and check. Check the understanding of the phrases.

Read these extracts.

Учащиеся проговаривают полные предложения.

The first speaker wants to …

Учащиеся работают на карточках. Один ученик выходит к доске и вставляет фразы в предложения. Затем зачитывают вслух отрывки.

Первичная проверка понимания

Which extract is better – the first one or the second?

Do these phrases help teacher to explain?

Do students understand him?

Complete the Speak Out box with the words and phrases from Ex.4. Проверка . ( слайд на интерактивной доске )


Учащиеся получают разрезные карточки и распределяют фразы по категориям.

Карточки остаются у учащихся.

Первичное закрепление

Work in pairs. Take a card , don’t show it to your partner, and describe the thing using Speak Out ( identifying objects )

Либо смотрят на картинки и описывают вслух. Остальные отгадывают.

Reading the sample .

Учитель контролирует и корректирует ошибки.

В парах описывают предметы.

Контроль усвоения, обсуждение допущенных ошибок и их коррекция

Let’s come back to our aims.

Have you got the necessary information about giving instructions?

Have you practiced to identify objects?

Are you ready to make up your instruction?

And the last task.

Work in groups . у .7, с .45

Put the sentences in the correct order.

What have you got? The first group tells the result. Look and sa у .

What does this instruction explain ?

Ex.8,p.45. Work in pairs and explain how to use a mobile phone. Student A look at page 120. Student B , look at page 121.

Работают в группах по 3 чел. Определяют порядок предложений. Затем первая группа озвучивает результат. Остальные сверяются .

It explains how to use a phone box.

Учащиеся работают в парах. Учитель контролирует

Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению

Your home task is (записать на доске в зависимости от хода урока.

Ex.5,p.45.learn the phrases.

Ex.8,p.45.*(explain how to use a mobile phone).

Рефлексия ( подведение итогов ).

Tell me, please, if our lesson will help you to do your homework.

What have you learnt today?

Do you like the lesson?

Have you worked hard/ with pleasure or were you lazy/inactive ?

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Тема урока: Правила поведения в бассейне. Безопасное поведение на воде.

Цель: Изучить правила поведения в бассейне, создать проектную работу.


1. Перенос активного лексико-грамматического материала в новую ситуацию речевого общения на основе личного опыта и межпредметных связей.

2. развитие умения прогнозировать содержание текста с вербальными и невербальными опорами.

содержание текста по заданному началу.

4. развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения

6. повышение общей культуры учащихся.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация по теме “Sport on the water”, мультимедийное оборудование, раздаточный материал, учебник.

Актуальность: Sport is fun and it is so good for your health. And the health of children is the main question in our country. The activities at the Physical Education classes should be safe, not dangerous for pupils.

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