Famous inventors план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Развивающая: развитие навыка аудирования, способности к догадке, сравнению, способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия.

Учебная: совершенствовать аудирование и умение работать с текстом, совершенствовать грамматические навыки употребления в речи страдательного залога.

Воспитательная: формировать интерес и чувство сопричастности к мировой культуре , достижениям великих изобретателей.

Оборудование: дока, мультимедийная установка для показа презентации, тексты с пропусками для аудирования.

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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект открытого урока "Изобретатели"

  • Знакомство с жизнью и достижениями великих людей.

Развивающая: развитие навыка аудирования, способности к догадке, сравнению, способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия.

Учебная: совершенствовать аудирование и умение работать с текстом, совершенствовать грамматические навыки употребления в речи страдательного залога.

Воспитательная: формировать интерес и чувство сопричастности к мировой культуре , достижениям великих изобретателей.

Оборудование: дока, мультимедийная установка для показа презентации, тексты с пропусками для аудирования.

– Good afternoon , students! I’m very glad to see you. Today we are going to meet with great inventor , his investigations and inventions . His name is Michael Faraday. Let’s start our lesson . (См. 1 слайд объяснение целей и задач урока). Презентация

- Students, please, read the words, and guess their meanings. (2 слайд)

- Read the words and translate them (3 слайд)

  1. Проверка домашнего задания с предыдущего урока (4, 5 слайд)
  2. Основной этап урока (6 слайд) - вопросы перед аудированием.
  3. Учитель раздает тексты о Фарадее, с пропущенной информацией, начинает чтение полной версии. Учащиеся во время чтения вставляют слова и выражения.
  4. Ответы на вопросы после чтения и проверки текста (слайд 7)

- Answer the questions, please. …Look at these phrases , finish them and put them in the correct order (слайд 8,9) - учащиеся заканчивают фразы и расставляют их в правильном порядке.

  1. Вспоминаем, форму и порядок употребления грамматической конструкции пассивного залога.

- Check your memory, remember, what does the word “Passive Voice” mean?…Look at the phrases and find out the sentence , which is in the Passive Voice… (см. Слайд 10,11) - учащиеся находят предложение в пассивном залоге, затем остальные предложения переделывают также.

- Make these phrases in the Passive Voice ….and check your work.

(Работа со слайдами)

  1. Заключение урока (слайд 12) обобщение полученной информации.

- Your last task …look at these phrases , finish them and summarize the story about Michael Faraday …your home task is to learn the story by heart.

Your work is good at our lesson, thank you . Good bye.

One of the greatest names in the history of man's work in ……..is that of Michael Faraday. He was born in …..in 1791 of a poor family, and as a boy he did not learn much. He spent a lot of time playing in the streets during his early life. In 1804. when he was thirteen, he went to work in…. but the work was not very interesting. .He was much interested in books, and he started. to read some of them. He could not read every book in the shop, of course . So he began to choose the books which liked best. He soon found that his main interest was in …. and especially in……. He read as many books as he could on this subject.

To learn science it is important not only to read, but to……. Like all true scientists. Faraday wanted to……. He wanted to give his life to science. He wrote a letter to Sir Humphry Davy, the famous English……. .As a result Davy asked Michael to come to and gave him some work to do. Davy and Faraday made a hip to the ……….to meet great scientists of other countries. The journey lasted for a year and a half. He met, among others. Volta and Ampere, great men in history of electricity.

Faraday studied and ………in different sciences, not only in electricity. He developed a new kind of glass; he studied flying, lie did work of many kinds and most of it alone. He was one of those people who like to do everything themselves; but there was one man, an old soldier, who helped him for about forty years.

Faraday was wondering whether ……..could in some way give electric current. In many parts of the. world other men were wondering about the same thing, but no one had yet been able to produce an ……..by using a magnet. At the present time nearly alt the electricity that we use is made by great machines which have magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to do this. And for a long time Faraday also was unable to produce an electric current with……. At last he got a bright idea. He thought of moving the magnet near the wire. And then he got what he wanted: an ……….was produced in the wire!

This was a great moment in the history of man's experiments. But Faraday did not stop at this. He tried different ways of producing the electric current. He got a current when he moved the wire near the magnet.

This was the beginning of all the ……..that make our electricity today. They light our houses., they make our radio and TV sets work, they give the power for our electric trains. It was the beginning of She age………. which has changed the face of the world.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

The greatest inventors. Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

1.Read the words: Michael Faraday Electricity Humphry Davy Especially Volta Ampere physist

2.Guess the meaning of the words: Continent Electricity Magnet Experiment Scientist Wire Current

The correct variant: When was telephone invented? What was invented in 1908? Where was the idea of cloning developed? Whom was the first petrol-driven motor car produced by? Telephone was invented in 1876. The first vacuum cleaner was. The idea of cloning was developed in Scotland. It was produced by Karl Benz.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Have you ever heard about M.F.? What did he invent? Do you think his experiments were really great?

5.Answer the questions: What was F. interested in? What role did books play in his life? Why did he write a letter to Davy? Did scientists know much about electricity at that time? What did Faraday do? Do you think his experiments were really great? What has electricity done to our lives?

6.Write the sentences in the correct order: Like all true scientists, F. wanted… He wrote a letter… F. sent a lot of time… Davy and F. made a … He got an electric current… It was the beginning of the age..

Check yourself: F. spent a lot of time playing in the streets during his early life. Like all true scientists , F. wanted to make experiments. He wrote a letter to sir Humphry Davy. Davy and F. made a trip to the Continent to meet great scientists of other countries. F. got an electric current by using a magnet. It was beginning of the age of electricity.

7.Make sentences using Passive Voice: F. read a lot of books . He wrote a letter to sir Humphry Davy. Davy and F. made a trip to the Continent. An electric current was produced in the wire. Electricity has changed the face of the world. “ to be” V ed, 3

7.Make sentences using Passive Voice: F. read a lot of books . He wrote a letter to sir Humphry Davy. Davy and F. made a trip to the Continent. An electric current was produced in the wire. Electricity has changed the face of the world. “ to be” Ved, 3

Check yourself: A lot of books were read by F. A letter was written to sir Humphry Davy. A trip was made to the Continent. The face of the world has been changed with electricity.

8. What is this story about? This story is about.. F. was the great.. He was born… F. wanted to give.. F. was wondering whether.. Then he got what he wanted.. This was a great .. It was the beginning of the age..

9. Home task: To learn by heart the story about F.

Предварительный просмотр:

One of the greatest names in the history of man's work in electricity is that of Michael Faraday. He was born in London in 1791 of a poor family, and as a boy he did not learn much. He spent a lot of time playing in the streets during his early life. In 1804. when he was thirteen, he went to work in a bookshop, but the work was not very interesting. .He was much interested in books, and he started. to read some of them. He could not read every book in the shop, of course . So he began to choose the books which liked best. He soon found that his main interest was in science . and especially in electricity. He read as many books as he could on this subject.

To learn science it is important not only to read, but to make experiments. Like all true scientists. Faraday wanted to make experiments. He wanted to give his life to science. He wrote a letter to Sir Humphry Davy, the famous English chemist and physicist. .As a result Davy asked Michael to come to and gave him some work to do. Davy and Faraday made a hip to the Continent to meet great scientists of other countries. The journey lasted for a year and a half. He met, among others. Volta and Ampere, great men in history of electricity.

Faraday studied and made experiments in different sciences, not only in electricity. He developed a new kind of glass; he studied flying, lie did work of many kinds and most of it alone. He was one of those people who like to do everything themselves; but there was one man, an old soldier, who helped him for about forty years.

Faraday was wondering whether a magnet could in some way give electric current. In many parts of the. world other men were wondering about the same thing, but no one had yet been able to produce an electric current by using a magnet. At the present time nearly alt the electricity that we use is made by great machines which have magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to do this. And for a long time Faraday also was unable to produce an electric current with his magnet. At last he got a bright idea. He thought of moving the magnet near the wire. And then he got what he wanted: an electric current was produced in the wire!

This was a great moment in the history of man's experiments. But Faraday did not stop at this. He tried different ways of producing the electric current. He got a current when he moved the wire near the magnet.

This was the beginning of all the great machines that make our electricity today. They light our houses., they make our radio and TV sets work, they give the power for our electric trains. It was the beginning of She age of electricity, which has changed the face of the world.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

План-конспект к открытому уроку

В данном конспекте препоставлен подробный план провердения открытого урока в 5х классах.

План-конспект к открытому уроку "Графики функций,содержащих модуль"

Факультативное занятие для 9 класса с использованим персонального компьютера и интерактивной доски.

План-конспект интегрированного открытого урока по английскому языку и информатике в 5 классе

План-конспект интегрированного открытого урока по английскому языку и информатике по теме "Праздики в Великобритании и США".На уроке учащимися была создана интерактивная презентация Powerpoint.

План-конспект урока открытия нового знания по теме "The Future Continuous Tense"

План-конспект урока открытия нового знания по теме "The Future Continuous Tense" с сопроводительной презентацией (по ФГОС второго поколения). Опробован на 5 классе гимназии с углубленным изучением анг.

Форма открытого урока направлена на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи учащихся 2 классов.

План –конспект конкурсного открытого урока

laquo;Постановка дыхания – как основа формирования техники спортивного плавания.

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Цель: Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков по теме.

Формирование знаний о знаменитых изобретателях.

Практическое занятие № 61

Цель: Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков по теме.

Формирование знаний о знаменитых изобретателях.

Оборудование: 1. Учебники; 2. Раздаточный материал.

From that time his mother taught him at home and he read science books by himself. He got a job sending telegraph messages. Then he started inventing things. At the age of 12 he had a job selling newspapers. He made money in a clever but simple way.

He checked the news stories first. When the news was interesting he took a lot of papers; when it was boring he took only few.

In 1903 he made the world's longest film (It was ten minutes long!) After more than one thousand inventions, Edison died at the age of eighty-four. In his honour they switched off the lights all over America.

Задание 2. Задайте к тексту 5. вопросов разных типов (15 минут).

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст. Поставьте глаголы в форму прошедшего времени. Догадайтесь, о ком идёт речь (20 минут):

He (live) 9_________ until 1931. He (continue) 10_____________ to invent all his life. He was a true genius.

Задание 4. Прочитайте текст. Поставьте глаголы в форму прошедшего времени. Догадайтесь, о ком идёт речь (20 минут):

He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. His father (be) 1_________ a world-famous inventor of “Visible Speech”, which (help) 2__________ deaf people to pronounce words they could not hear. Between 1868 and 1870 he (work) 3____________ with his father and (study) 4____________ speech and (teach) 5_____________ deaf children in Edinburgh. In 1866 he (start) 6___________ thinking about sending tones by telegraph, and it was then that there (come) 7___________ to his mind the idea of the “harmonic telegraph”, which would send musical tones electrically from one place to another. He (become) 8______________ interested in the mechanical production of a sound. In this way, sound (can )9__________ be carried across wires at the speed of light. In 1876 he was able to develop the telephone, which enables people to talk to each other over long distances. In 1915 the first transcontinental telephone was opened. He (die) 10__________ on August 2, 1922.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (15 минут):
1. Alexander Bell worked at inventing … .

a) radio-set b) tape-recorder c) telephone

2. . was a Scottish engineer and inventor of the world's first working television system.

a) John Logie Baird b) Benjamin Franklin c) Edward Jenner

3. Karl Benz produced the wold’s first petrol-driven motorcar in … .

a) Italy b) Japan c) Germany

4. The Lumière brothers patented the cinematograph in . .

a) 1844 b) 1885 c) 1925

5. The phonograph, the motion picture camera, light bulb are …. inventions.

a) Michael Faraday’s b) Thomas Edison’s c) William Gilbert’s

6. In 1945 the Nobel Prize was given to Alexander Fleming for ……

a) solar cell b) penicillin c) telescope

7. The first Russsian’s …. was designed by P. Frez and E. Yakovlev.

a) camera b) electric cell c) automobile

8. ….. . was an American inventor, salesman and janitor who invented the first commercially successful portable electric vacuum cleaner.

a) James Murray Spangler b) Ian Wilmut c) Humphry Davy

9. …… mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s.

a) French b) German c) British

10. ….. was the first to use assembly line production for his Model T car in 1908.

a) Ernest Rutherford b) Henry Ford c) Robert Hooke

11. Nicéphore Niépce was a French inventor, now usually credited as the inventor of ……. and apioneer in that field.

a) photography b) airplane c) motorcar

12. Sergei Korolev designed the first artificial satellite in ……

a) 1947 b) 1957 c) 1970

13. Alexander Mozhaysky was aviation pioneer, researcher and designer of first…

a) aeroplane b) steamship c) steam locomotive

14. Satori Kato was a ….. chemist and inventor of the first soluble instant coffee.

a) American b) Brazilian c) Japanese

15. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was a German physicist, who produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today that was known as …. or Röntgen rays.

a) X-rays b) Y-rays c) Z-rays

Литература, рекомендуемая к выполнению практической работы:

1) Восковская А.С., Карпова Т.А. Английский язык. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2014.

2)Агабекян И. Английский язык для СПО. – Ростов н/Дону: Феникс, 2012

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What is science important for? 2. What makes our lives easier and better ? 3. May technology be essential for our lives on Earth? 4. When you hear these words, Science and Technology, what associations you have connected to these words? 5. What words do occur t to your mind?

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

Выбранный для просмотра документ ._План-конспект Изобретатели.doc

Выбранный для просмотра документ Inventions.ppt

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

INVENTIONS New inventions appear every day to make our lives easier, longer.

INVENTIONS New inventions appear every day to make our lives easier, longer, warmer, faster, and so on. But only a few inventors design a new machine or product that becomes so well known and useful all over the world.


TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: 1. изобретать 2. делать, производить 3. запустить 4.

TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: 1. изобретать 2. делать, производить 3. запустить 4. смесь 5. испытывать 6. делать открытие 7. развивать 8. творить, создавать 9. улучшать 10. прокладывать путь, быть пионером 11. патентовать 12. усовершенствовать 13. без провода To invent To produce To launch A mixture To test To discover To develop To create To improve To pioneer To patent To perfect Cordless

Thomas Alva Edison Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Alva Edison Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Alva Edison Alexander Graham Bell 1. Created 2. Invented 3. Made 4. K.

Thomas Alva Edison Alexander Graham Bell 1. Created 2. Invented 3. Made 4. Knew 5. Built 6. Had 7. Was 8. Began 9. Lived 10. Continued Was Helped Worked Studied Taught Started Came Became Could Died

Past Simple Tense Ved or V2 You were given that task. Вам дали то задание. He.

Past Simple Tense Ved or V2 You were given that task. Вам дали то задание. He was given that book. Ему дали ту книгу. Past Simple Passive was + V3 were + V3 Affirmative formNegative formInterrogative form I/you/he/she/it/we/they worked I/you/he/she/it/we/they wentI you DIDN'T he/she/it // we + WORK they I you DID he/she/it WORK? we they

Example: 1. Michael painted that fantastic picture. (Active) That picture was.

Example: 1. Michael painted that fantastic picture. (Active) That picture was painted by Michael. (Passive) 2. They don’t grow bananas in England. (Active) Bananas aren’t grown in England. (Passive) 3. Did Jack make this cake? (Active) Was this cake made by Jack? (Passive) We use the passive when: - we don’t know who does the action or - the action is more important than the person who does the action

Past Simple Passive Active: Sergei Korolyov designed the first artificial sa.

Past Simple Passive Active: Sergei Korolyov designed the first artificial satellite in 1957. Passive: Active: Did Sakharov make inventions in the middle of the 20 century? Passive: In 1950… In the middle of the 19th century… The fist artificial satellite was designed by Sergei Korolyov in 1957. Were inventions made by Sakharov In the middle of the 20 century?

1) Edison invented an electric light bulb. 2) A helicopter was invented by Si.

1) Edison invented an electric light bulb. 2) A helicopter was invented by Sikorsky. 3) Korolyov invented the first satellite. 4) A telephone was invented by A.Bell.

1.She sang a song. - 2.Columbus discovered America 200 years ago. - 3.Russ.

Hometask: The 1st group: to tell about two Russian inventors and inventions T.

Hometask: The 1st group: to tell about two Russian inventors and inventions The 2nd group: you are to make a project about your own invention



Выбранный для просмотра документ План-конспект Изобретатели.doc

План конспект окрытого урока

по английскому языку

Тема урока: “ Inventions and inventors ” (Изобретения и изобретатели)

Тип урока: изучение новых знаний

Цель урока : Введение новой лексики по теме “ Inventions and inventors ” , изучение нового грамматического материала по теме “ Passive voice ”.

Задачи урока:

создать условия для совершенствования навыков устной речи, навыков чтения с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации, аудитивных навыков;

развивать любознательность, познавательный интерес, креативность, способность к распределению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию, к абстрагированию и обобщению при овладении грамматическими явлениями, к планированию своего высказывания.

воспитывать чувство сопричастности к мировой истории, чувство уважения к чужому труду и творчеству, чувство гордости за достижения своих великих соотечественников.

Формы и методы: групповая, индивидуальная; словесные, наглядные, практические.

Материальное обеспечение урока: интерактивная доска, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Учитель: Шагидуллина А.А.

Ход занятия

Этапы урока и деятельность преподавателя

Организационный момент и приветствие:

Good afternoon , students ! I’m glad to see you. Hope you are Ok today. So, let’s begin. First of all, let me know who is on duty today?

Thank you. Now, look at the screen and guess what the theme is today.

That's right. Today we shall get the information and talk about inventors and their inventions. Listen to the text for details. Besides, we’ll revise and practice Simple Past Tense. And you’ll get to know about Active and Passive Voice.

Дежурный сдает рапорт .

Формулировка цели урока .

Nowadays we have a lot of modern inventions at home and at school. Can you name some of them?

(What do you use for watching films? What do you use for calling somebody? What do you use for taking photos? What is the most useful thing for you? etc. )

Ex.: TV-set, phone, camera, refrigerator, microwave oven, interactive board and so on

Аудирование и выполнение упражнения на понимание прослушанного.

Listen to the text of modern appliances and match their numbers with the name of appliances given below.

Соотносят изобретения с номером говорящего

Введение лексики по теме :

Well done! Now, I give you the sheets of paper with new words for you according to the theme. Your task is to match your English equivalents with those on the screen. Look through your words and be ready to answer. You can write the meaning on your sheets.

To invent, to produce, to launch, a mixture, to test, to discover, to develop, to create, to improve, to pioneer, to patent, to perfect, cordless.

Пытаются догадаться о значении английских слов и записывают их к себе на листок

Чтение с детальным пониманием содержания

Do you know anything about these famous people?

I think it will be interesting for you to get some information about these inventors.

I’ll give you 2 different texts about 2 famous inventors. I’d like you to read and guess who the texts are about. While reading you have one more task: put all the verbs in brackets into their Past form. (worksheet № 1 )

Now you can check yourselves.

Читают тексты, ставя глаголы в прошедшем времени, и догадываются о ком текст

Now, let’s revise Past Simple and turn to Passive Voice.

Now you can stand up and move a little.

There are stickers with words on the walls, you have to gather them and make up sentences.

1) Edison invented an electric light bulb.

2) A helicopter was invented by Sikorsky.

3) Korolyov invented the first satellite ( спутник ).

4) A telephone was invented by A.Bell.

Собирают стикеры со словами и составляют предложения

Change the sentences in passive voice:

Преобразоватьпредложения в пассивный залог

Подведение итогов, рефлексия

What did we do on the lesson?

Today we have learned some facts about famous inventors (we can call them Great Minds) and their inventions.

Learned new grammar rule about Passive Voice.

Was it interesting for you?

Объяснение задания на самоподготовку

At home you are to make a project about your own invention. That is you should imagine that you are The Great Minds and think over your own invention and present it to the class. Is it clear? So, which field of science would you choose for your project?

Your marks today are… Thank you for the lesson. I liked you very much. See you.

Worksheet № 1 A

Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into their Past form. Guess, who is the text about?

He (live)9_________ until 1931. He (continue)10_____________ to invent all his life. He was a true genius.

Worksheet №2 B

Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into their Past form. Guess, who is the text about?

He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. His father (be)1_________ a world-famous inventor of “Visible Speech”, which (help)2__________ deaf people to pronounce words they could not hear. Between 1868 and 1870 he (work)3____________ with his father and (study)4____________ speech and (teach)5_____________ deaf children in Edinburgh. In 1866 he (start)6___________ thinking about sending tones by telegraph, and it was then that there (come)7___________ to his mind the idea of the “harmonic telegraph”, which would send musical tones electrically from one place to another. He (become)8______________ interested in the mechanical production of a sound. In this way, sound (can)9__________ be carried across wires at the speed of light. In 1876 he was able to develop the telephone, which enables people to talk to each other over long distances. In 1915 the first transcontinental telephone was opened. He (die)10__________ on August 2, 1922.

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе с использованием технологии активных методов обучения. К концу урока учащиеся смогут вести беседу об известных ученых мира, анализировать их вклад в развитие мировой науки и влияние их изобретений на повседневную жизнь людей

Содержимое разработки

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в

Подготовила: учитель английского языка

Емельяненко Т. В.

Тема: Famous scientists of the world and their inventions.

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы

Прогнозируемый результат: к концу урока учащиеся могут вести беседу об известных ученых мира, анализировать их вклад в развитие мировой науки и влияние их изобретений на повседневную жизнь людей

активизировать языковой материал в устной речи;

создать условия для активного речевого взаимодействия;

способствовать развитию умений использовать в устной речи информацию, полученную при чтении и в ходе восприятия иноязычной речи на слух;

учить школьников полноценно пользоваться английским языком во всех видах речевой деятельности в разных сферах его применения;

способствовать овладению учащимися основными способами мыслительной деятельности (сравнение, анализ, обобщение);

создать условия для активного взаимодействия, развития аналитического и критического мышления

Задачи для учащихся:

учиться высказывать свою точку зрения на английском языке;

учиться применять полученные знания на практике; учиться работать в команде

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний, умений, навыков

Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный, проблемный, игровой

Оснащение урока: раздаточный и иллюстративный материал, презентация PP, мультимедийный проектор, экран

Организационно-мотивационный этап (до 2 минут).

Цель этапа (ожидаемый результат) - создание психологической готовности класса к уроку, введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

Задачи этапа: подготовить учащихся к работе, создать ситуацию успеха, условия для активного использования иностранного языка в устной речи.

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Примечания (оборудование, учебные материалы)

Приветствует учащихся, знакомится, способствует осознанию учащимися основных понятий урока

Эмоционально настраиваются на работу, осознают основные понятия урока

Good morning! I’m glad to see you and hope you are ready to start working.

And in order to encourage you for hard work I`d like to puzzle you a little. Look at the blackboard. As usually you can see there Quotation of the day, but today it is not complete. Try to guess what Edwin Powell Hubble meant and called “ the adventure” (“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science” is written on the blackboard, but the last word is omitted). (students give ideas)

2. Этап целеполагания (до 5 минут).

Цель этапа (ожидаемый результат) - подготовка учащихся к сознательному освоению учебного материала, самоопределение целей урока и его конечного результата, мотивация на познавательную деятельность.

Задачи этапа: активизировать субъектный опыт учащихся, опорные знания и умения; определить уровень имеющихся знаний, умений и навыков учащихся по теме; создать условия для определения личностно значимых целей урока; сформировать познавательный интерес к изучаемому материалу.

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Примечания(оборудование, учебные материалы)

Определяет уровень знаний, умений и навыков

В ходе беседы создаёт условия для определения учащимися личностно значимой цели урока

Просматривают портреты известныхученых, отвечают на вопросы учителя, выполняют индивидуальное задание, определяют личностно значимую цель урока

Do you agree with Edwin Powell Hubble ?

Complete the mind map

Answer my questions:

What subjects belong to natural sciences?

- (geography, botany, biology)

What subjects belong to physical sciences?

- (physics, mathematics, chemistry)

What subjects belong to social sciences?

What subjects belong to humanities?

Read the definitions of different branches of science and match them with the names of sciences:

It is the science of the stars. It deals with celestial bodies such as our earth, its moon, the sun, the other planets (astronomy).

It is the study of the way in which language works (linguistics).

It is the science of mental life which studies human and animal behavior (psychology).

It is the science of life. It deals with great diversity of life forms (biology).

It deals with the scientific observation and study of the phenomena of weather and climate (meteorology).

We touched on different subjects belonging to different sciences.

(на доске записаны слова)

From nouns denoting professions, dealing with different branches of learning, science, art. (На доске записаны науки, а учащиеся образуют от этих наук профессии)

Announcement of the topic and the necessity to study it

Open Discussion:

Why do people become scientists?

I think it is fun

They want to have unique knowledge

They like to create order out of chaos

They enjoy intellectual challenge

They want to have freedom to do what they like

They want to uncover the mysteries of nature

They feel thrilled when they learn new things

They like working for the benefit of society

Every year hundreds of scientific discoveries are introduced in industry, agriculture, medicine, education & service. New inventions are appearing every day to make our lives easier, longer, warmer, speedier & so on. The development of science has increased man’s knowledge of nature so greatly that now it influences all sides of human life.

All these achievements were absolutely impossible without inventions & discoveries made great scientists: mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, linguists, historians, etc. A lot of discoveries have been made by them in different fields of science & engineering. Here are the portraits of some of them.

“Four Angles Game”

You have to decide which sphere () was he famous in and tell what you know about this person and what made him famous (students move around the classroom, explain their choice)

Isaac Newton He discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head.

Alexander Fleming This brave scientist discovered penicillin.

Charles Darwin He tried to prove that our remote granddads and grannies were monkeys.

COPERNICUS he was the first man to explain correctly our Solar System.

MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV is the father of the Russian science, an outstanding poet, the founder of Russian literature, a historian & a statesman.

DMITRI IVANOVITCH MENDELEYEV is the outstanding Russian chemist. His greatest discovery was the periodic law of chemical elements.

IVAN PETROVITCH PAVLOV was one of the greatest physiologists of modern times. Pavlov’s greatest discovery was the conditioned reflex.

Leonardo da Vinci was a prominent Italian polymath, sculptor, artist, cartographer and writer. This man was ultimately talented in many fields: music, art, mathematics, geography, anatomy, literature.

Marie Curie Polish-born physicist is famous for her work on radioactivity.

Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity

Заполнение 1 и 2 части таблицы

We want to know

Now we know

So today our aim is to Learn about famous scientists and their contribution to science and to answer the following questions

– Which of the scientists do you admire most? Why?
– Which discovery will have the most important consenquences in the future? Why?
– Which of the discoveries has been the most important so far? Why?

Операционно-познавательный этап

You are going to hear part of a radio programme about the lives of famous inventors. Read questions 1-8 and match each question to the person A-C that is refers to.

A. Alexander Graham Bell

B. Maria Mitchell

C. Jan Szczepanik

1.Who came from a big family?_______________________

2. Who received a medal from a king? ____________________

3. Whose scientific interests were not grounded in family traditions? _________

4. Whose achievements were appreciated outside his/her country? ____________

5. Whose research was concentrated on one field of science? ________________

6. Who had planned a different career? _______________________________

7. Who worked as a teacher? __________________________________

8. Whose birthplace is open to the public? ________________________

The text for listening

Alexander Graham Bell- as a young boy, the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell liked mathematics, and science, but he was easily bored at school. He was much more interested in experimenting and discovering things on his own. One of his first inventions was a simple machine imitating the human voice. Alexander built it with his brother Melville when they were still children.

As a teenager, Bell wanted to become an actor or a sailor. Instead, he worked, like his father, as a speech therapist, and taught deaf people. Bell’s studies of the human ear and voice vibrations, and years of experiments resulted in 1876 in the first telephone conversation between Bell and his assistant Tomas Watson.

Alexander Bell’s lifelong interest in nature and science also led to a variety of other invention ideas, including experiments with flight and designing aeroplanes.

Maria Mitchell- Maria Mitchell was one of the most famous American scientists of the 19 th century. Born in 1818, in Massachusetts, Maria was the third child of a family with ten children. Her father was a dedicated astronomer and teacher, and he encouraged Maria’s scientific interests. In 1847, when she was looking at the sky through a telescope from the roof of her parents’ house, she discovered a new comet. A year later she became the first woman admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the first female professor of astronomy in the USA.

After her death, the Maria Mitchell Astronomical Society was created as tribute to her memory. The house where she was born was turned into a museum.

Jan Szczepanik- There was an inventor who is sometimes called the “Polish Edison”. His name was Jan Szczepanik, and he was born in a poor uneducated family in a small village in the south of Poland.

During the 54 years of his life, Szczepanik got a few hundred patents and made over fifty inventions, many of which are still used today, especially in colour photography, film production and television. He also worked on a moving wing aircraft, an airship and a submarine.

Szczepanik patented his inventions in Germany and England. The American novelist Mark Twain wrote two articles about his achievements, and the King of Spain gave him an order after a silk bullet-proof vest invented by the `Polish Edison` saved his life.

Relaxation TRY YOUR BEST inspiring video

Jigsaw reading

Read the text and try to get the main idea.
Be ready to make a summary of the text and tell it to your group-mates.

In the summer of 1905, a young man was sitting at home after a day`s work.

While rocking his one-year-old baby, he thought something over. Suddenly, it came to him!

The equation “e=mc2”was born, an equation which would change our understanding of the universe but would help to create the nuclear bomb.

Albert Einstein was aware of recent developments, such as Marie Curie’s research into radioactivity, but he had been working on his own. His mould-breaking equation showed how a small piece of mass could produce an unbelievable amount of energy. Einstein then demonstrated in his theory of relativity that not even time, mass or length are constant – they vary according to our perspective of them. For example, if we could see people moving at the speed of light, they would appear much heavier and larger and would seem to move in slow motion.

Read the text and try to get the main idea.
Be ready to make a summary of the text and tell it to your group-mates.

By the time Einstein had become world-famous, a young ex-lawyer returning from the First World War started work at the 15 Mount Wilson Observatory in California. Using the most high-powered telescope of its time, he began a painstakingly slow observation of nebulae, small patches of light that appeared outside our galaxy. Edwin Hubble was on the brink of making the greatest astronomical breakthrough of the century. He discovered that these nebulae were in fact galaxies like our own, millions of light years away from us, which proved that the universe was vastly larger than had previously been thought. Then, Hubble proved that the universe is actually expanding and that the further away galaxies are the faster they move.

Read the text and try to get the main idea.
Be ready to make a summary of the text and tell it to your group-mates.

Just before Hubble’s Law was published in 1929, another far-reaching finding was made by the son of a Scottish shepherd. Before going on holiday, he left a dish with bacteria near the window of his laboratory. When he came back, he was just about to throw the dish away when he noticed something out of the ordinary. He double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish around which the bacteria had been destroyed. This blue mould was in fact the natural from penicillin which Fleming realized was an effective way of killing bacteria. A few years later, penicillin was being mass-produced and helping to save the lives of millions. Despite the outcome of his discovery, Fleming remained modest and unassuming. “Nature makes penicillin”, he said, “I just found it.”

Read the text and try to get the main idea.
Be ready to make a summary of the text and tell it to your group-mates.

During the Second World War when penicillin was first being used, the US Navy were looking for ways of improving the accuracy of their artillery shells, but this involved incredibly complex calculations. The navy turned to Eckert, an engineer, and Mauchly, a physicist to produce a machine to do the job. Although they and their team did not finish the machine until after the war, in February 1946, it did not matter. They had produced the world’s first computer. Eniac (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was huge, measuring 100 feet long by over 10 feet high and weighing over 30 tons. It contained 18,000 tubes and more than 6,000 switches.

Потом все номера возвращаются в свои домашние группы и прорабатывают весь текст целиком, т.е. каждый номер обучает остальных своей части текста.

После этого учитель проводит проверку понимания текста.

Tasks for the groups:

1. Listen to the summaries and unite the texts according to the time of discoveries and logical order;

2. Try to match the discoveries (1-4 ) with how they were discovered ( a-d );

1. the equation e=mc 2
2. Hubble`s Law
3. penicillin
4. the first computer

a) Scientists worked
together as a team

b) there was a lucky

c) a scientist observed
something very

d) a scientist had a
moment of

3. Are these statements true (T) or false (F) according to the text or is there no information (NI) ?

Einstein was at work when he thought of the formula e=mc 2

Einstein participated in the programme that developed the nuclear bomb.

Einstein observed changes in time, size and mass.

Hubble studied the nebulae for over twenty years.

Hubble discovered that our galaxy is bigger than we thought it was.

Fleming had been studying bacteria in his laboratory when the discovery happened.

There was a blue mould around the bacteria in the dish.

Fleming developed the process for manufacturing penicillin.

The Eniac project failed to meet its original objectives.

The Eniac computer was extremely difficult to program.

Контрольно-оценочный этап. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. Ответ на все поставленные вопросы. Коммуникация на английском языке с элементами логического рассуждения и высказыванием своего собственного мнения.

Заполнение оставшейся части таблицы

We want to know

Now we know

The world we live in today would no doubt be a different place if it weren't for the amazing discoveries produced by different famous scientists. Their ideas, research, experiments, publications and determination are an inspiration to those that follow in their footsteps.

Covering a broad range of scientific fields such as biology, physics, astronomy and chemistry, these men and women have pushed the world of science forward, allowing the human race to answer seemingly impossible questions while at the same time opening the door to new fields of research and discovery. I hope that you have learned more about your favorite inventors, chemists, biologists and physicists.

6. Домашнее задание предполагает выход на новый уровень развития ученика

Learn about famous scientists and their contribution to science, share your findings with others.

Step 1: With your partner, choose a famous scientist from the list of scientists on the Famous Scientists website link below:

Step 2: Using the Internet, find the following facts about the scientist.

You may use the Famous Scientist Information Form to record your information:

When and where was your scientist born?

What was your scientist's childhood like?

How and where was your scientist educated?

Why is your scientist famous?

What did he or she invent and/or discover?

With what other scientists did your scientist collaborate or work?

What are some of your scientist's famous quotes?

When did your scientist die? If he or she is still alive, what is he or she currently doing?

What other interesting facts did you discover about your scientist?

Step 3: Using the information from the science`s resume, create a flyer about you scientist; It should include a profile including a picture; a series of posts that follow a timeline of the scientist's life


Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Конкурс на лучшего чтеца и переводчика.

Текст делится на две части. Первая группа студентов задает 5 вопросов второй группе по первой части текста и наоборот. На составление вопросов дается 10 минут.

Примерные вопросы .

What was James Watt? A famous inventor and mechanical engineer

When and where was he born? January 19, 1736, Scotland

What was his profession? Mathematical instrument maker

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did he receive his first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt] steam engine

What else did he patent? Rotary engine

When did he retire from the firm manufacturing steam engines? 1800

What did he devote himself to? Research work

What did he invent in 1788? The centrifugal or fly ball governor центробежный или шаровой регулятор

What unit power was named in his honour? Watt

Назовите (выпишите 6 достижений ученого)

Improved the steam engine

Determined the properties of steam

Designed a separate condensing chamber конденсационная камера

Patented rotary engine for driving various types of machinery

Patented the double-action engine

Invented the centrifugal or flyball governor центробежный или шаровой регулятор

Повторение грамматики.

V .Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом. Выучить лексику и правило.

Дополнительно (при наличии времени)

Игра "Пресс-конференция"

Тема: Вопросы vs Ответы.

Непосредственная подготовка. Поставьте одну парту посередине лицом к классу или предоставьте свой стол.

Ход проведения. Игрок А садится за стол и объявляет примерно следующее: 'Hello! I'm Alla Pougacheva. Today I'm ready to answer all of your questions'. "Журналисты" по очереди задают интересующие их вопросы, а "звезда", как может, отвечает. После того, как все вопросы будут исчерпаны, Игрок В, в образе уже другой знаменитости, занимает место за столом и т.д. Игра продолжается до тех пор, пока каждый её участник не побывает в роли звезды.

When and where were you born?

Did you have any other professions except the present one?

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did you receive your first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt]

What else did you patent?

In what companies did you work?

What do you devote your free time to?

What are your most famous inventions?

What was James Watt? A famous inventor and mechanical engineer

When and where was he born? January 19, 1736, Scotland

What was his profession? Mathematical instrument maker

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did he receive his first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt] steam engine

What else did he patent? Rotary engine

When did he retire from the firm manufacturing steam engines? 1800

What did he devote himself to? Research work

What did he invent in 1788? The centrifugal or fly ball governor центробежный или шаровой регулятор

What unit power was named in his honour? Watt

What was James Watt? A famous inventor and mechanical engineer

When and where was he born? January 19, 1736, Scotland

What was his profession? Mathematical instrument maker

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did he receive his first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt] steam engine

What else did he patent? Rotary engine

When did he retire from the firm manufacturing steam engines? 1800

What did he devote himself to? Research work

What did he invent in 1788? The centrifugal or fly ball governor центробежный или шаровой регулятор

What unit power was named in his honour? Watt

Improved the steam engine

Determined the properties of steam

Designed a separate condensing chamber конденсационная камера

Patented rotary engine for driving various types of machinery

Patented the double-action engine

Invented the centrifugal or flyball governor центробежный или шаровой регулятор

Improved the steam engine

Determined the properties of steam

Designed a separate condensing chamber конденсационная камера

Patented rotary engine for driving various types of machinery

Patented the double-action engine

Invented the centrifugal or flyball governor центробежный или шаровой регулятор

When and where were you born?

Did you have any other professions except the present one?

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did you receive your first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt]

What else did you patent?

In what companies did you work?

What do you devote your free time to?

What are your most famous inventions?

When and where were you born?

Did you have any other professions except the present one?

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did you receive your first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt]

What else did you patent?

In what companies did you work?

What do you devote your free time to?

What are your most famous inventions?

When and where were you born?

Did you have any other professions except the present one?

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did you receive your first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt]

What else did you patent?

In what companies did you work?

What do you devote your free time to?

What are your most famous inventions?

When and where were you born?

Did you have any other professions except the present one?

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did you receive your first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt]

What else did you patent?

In what companies did you work?

What do you devote your free time to?

What are your most famous inventions?

When and where were you born?

Did you have any other professions except the present one?

What was the steam engine used for? To pump out water from mines

For what device did you receive your first patent? [ˈpeɪtənt]

What else did you patent?

In what companies did you work?

What do you devote your free time to?

What are your most famous inventions?

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

Famous, inventor, to improve, to be known, improvement, steam engine, to determine, property, relation, density, pressure, to prevent, loss,device,to receive, research, rotary engine, double-action, to admit, to record, to retire from, to devote, entirely, to invent , feedback principal, to link, basic concept, unit, to be named in one’s honour

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