Education in new zealand план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Воспитательные – воспитание общей культуры через знакомство с историей развития народа и историческими памятниками, воспитание культуры речи, воспитание интереса к изучаемому материалу.

Познавательные: расширить знания обучающихся об англоязычных странах.

Учебные : совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, формирование грамматических навыков.

Совершенствование навыков работы с текстом, навыков употребления лексики в речи

- воспитывать интернационализм, толерантность, уважительное отношение к обычаям и традициям народов других стран;

- развивать мотивы учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения;

- приобщать учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран, изучаемого языка;

- воспитывать понимание важности изучения английского языка в современном мире.

- о пределение общей цели и путей ее достижения;

-оценивать собственное поведение и поведение окружающих, развивать навыки оценивания правильности решения учебной задачи;

- развитие умения слушать и слышать собеседника, вести диалог, излагать свою точку зрения и аргументировать ее;

-развитие навыков чтения про себя, умения извлекать информацию из текста;

-развитие умения отбирать и структурировать полученную информацию;

-развитие навыков говорения и аудирования;

- развитие умения пользоваться ранее изученным материалом;

-развитие умения продуктивно взаимодействовать со сверстниками, работать в группе;

-развитие умения планировать и согласованно выполнять совместную деятельность.

  1. What countries would you like to visit?
  2. What animals do you know in Australia?
  3. Where is Big Ben situated?

Make up some sentences: (студенты должны догадаться, о какой стране идет речь)

  1. The capital, Wellington, is …
  2. Are there many sheep.
  3. The Southern end, of Northern Island , is situated.

What country is it about?

The city of Wellington.

Wellington has been the capital of New Zealand since 1865. It is one of the busiest port. It is situated at the southern end of North Island. The population of Wellington is about 350 thousand people. The New Zealand parliament and government buildings are situated in Wellington. It also has an international airport. In the suburbs of Wellington there are important machine-building plants and factories. They produce milk, meat, wool and tobacco.

Преподаватель предлагает студентам закончить предложения:

1. Wellington has been the capital…

3. It is situated at…

4. The population of Wellington…

5. The New Zealand parliament and government buildings…

7. In the suburbs of Wellington there are…

What are we going to speak about?

Students: We are going to speak about New Zealand.

Now read and translate the text:

You can swim in the sea, ski down mountains, climb glaciers or sit in hot water springs - all at the same time of the year in miraculous New Zealand.

There are only about 4.2 million people in New Zealand. There are more sheep than people there! Most people live on North Island in the capital, Wellington, or in Auckland. Most people in New Zealand are from European families who came to the country over 200 years ago but Maoris are the original people of New Zealand.

Maoris perform traditional songs and dances at meeting places called Maraes; they have a special dance called the Haka when they stick their tongues out to frighten their enemies.

New Zealanders are very proud of their rugby team, the Ali Blacks. They are very successful.

New Zealand is the home of extreme sports; bungee jumping began here.

The national symbol of New Zealand is the kiwi - a bird which has no wings and can't fly. Kiwis

can't see very well and they sleep for 20 hours a day. 'Kiwi' is the nickname for a person from New Zealand. There are also strange lizards called tuataras. They have been in New Zealand for 200 million years!

New Zealand has volcanoes and hot springs and bubbling mud pools. On North Island there is a place called Hot Water Beach. Steam rises from the sand and you can dig a hole in the sand which fills with hot water and then you can sit in it and relax! You can see the Southern Alps in the Lord of the Rings films. They are on South Island. The highest mountain is called Mr. Cook. There's a 27km glacier in the .Southern Alps called the Tasman Glacier.

Answer my questions:

  1. What is the population of New Zealand?
  2. What are the original people of New Zealand?
  3. Is the name of the capital called Washington?

What is the name of the capital?

  1. What is the national symbol of New Zealand?
  2. What is the name of a very successful rugby team?
  3. What kind of animals are tuataras?

Write the answers to these questions the last letter of each answer begins the next answer.

  1. Which island do most people in New Zealand live on?
  1. You can sit in a pool full of hot water on_____ Water Beach.
  1. What is the name of the largest glacier in New Zealand?
  1. Europeans colonised New Zealand three hundred ___ago.
  1. There are thousands of these animals on farms in New Zealand.
  1. The highest mountain in New Zealand is called Mt_____
  1. What's the nickname for someone who comes from New Zealand?
  1. What language do people speak in New Zealand?

  1. Now let’s remember the use of the Past Simple and Past Perfect Tenses.

There are special words which help us to recognize this time:

Last ( month, year, Sunday)

E. I met my friend yesterday.

She was a student two years ago.

We had a good time last Sunday.

They went to Italy in 1999.

There is some scheme of forming this time:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they + V ed

E. She worked last Friday

There is a group of words which has special forms. We have to remember them.

He found his pen yesterday.

We use Past Perfect to describe the action which is finished and its result is important right now.

E. He has come.
I have done it.

There are special words which help us to recognize this time:

Today, this morning ( week, month, year)

I have already read the book

Have you ever seen the film?

He has just written a story.

There is some scheme of forming this time:

I, you, we, they + have+V3

She, he, it+ has+V3
E. She has never taken the book.

Have you ever been to London?

Special forms of some words we also can find in the dictionary.

E. go – went – gone

Sue has already gone home.

Now I will give you a list. You will have to read and translate the sentences. Comment the use of the Present Perfect Tense.

1. I know the news. She has just told it to me.

2. She has already gone out.

3. She has not come yet.

4. I have always loved animals.

5. I have not seen him since 11 this morning.

6. I have known him since he was born.

7. Where has she been for an hour?

8. I have been ill for two weeks.

Now choose the correct verb form (Past Simple or Present Perfect).

The Maoris are the original people of New Zealand. They /lived /have lived in New Zealand for over 600 years. They 2 travelled /have travelled to New Zealand in canoes from the Polynesian islands in 1350. For a long time they / were /have been/ the only people in New Zealand. They / drew /have drawn pictures on rocks that told stories about their lives. Stories / were always/ have always been important. European travellers /came /have come/ to New Zealand in the 19th century. Life/ changed /has changed/ for the Maoris when the travellers / took /have taken/ a lot of Maori land. Now Maoris and European New Zealanders / lived /have lived/ together for over 200 years and the government 10 returned 1has returned the Maori land. Although most Maoris speak English, they /didn't forget /haven't forgotten/ their traditions, customs, songs, dances and language.

Your hometask is to make up a report about New Zealand, to do ex. 9p. 156

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New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Though New Zealand is an independent state the British Queen is the head of state there, so, the country is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. Its form of government reflects its historical link with Great Britain. The Queen is represented by the governor-general. Like in Great Britain, the Parliament represents the legislative branch though the Parliament in New Zealand has only one chamber, the House of Representatives. There are 120 members and they are elected by the people.

Political system of New Zealand and Education.

Білімділік Дидактическая Learn the new information about the political system of New Zealand; to teach to work creatively, to pay attention to their pronunciation;

Дамытушылық Развивающая to develop learners’ skills on reading, translating and speaking;

Тәрбиелік Воспитывающая the skills involved in critical thinking include the ability to recognize.

Сабақтын типі (тұрпаты)

Lesson actualization of previously acquired knowledge.

Verbal visual teaching method.

question-answer,group work,brainstorming, interactive method,report

1. Бағдарлану – мотивациялық блок

Мотивационно – ориентировочный блок

Сабақтың тақырыбын шығу, жазу

Выход на тему, запись темы урока

- Good morning! Glad to see you! How are you? What are your associations with the word ‘democracy?’ What do you think "democracy" means?

Оқу мақсатын қою

Постановка цели, задач урока

improvement of of reading and transfer skills

Сабақтың барысымен танысу Знакомство с ходом урока

Білім жаңғыртуы Актуализация знаний

You have proved to be really smart experts on political problems. Now you'll hear the information about the political system of New Zealand. Listen to the text and make the scheme of the political system of New Zealand

2. Жана материалды мазмұндау (баяндау)Изложение нового материала

Read, translate and learn new words.

New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Though New Zealand is an independent state the British Queen is the head of state there, so, the country is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. Its form of government reflects its historical link with Great Britain. The Queen is represented by the governor-general. Like in Great Britain, the Parliament represents the legislative branch though the Parliament in New Zealand has only one chamber, the House of Representatives. There are 120 members and they are elected by the people.

The main political parties are the National Party and the Labour Party. The leader of the party that has the majority of seats in the House becomes prime minister. He appoints ministers, heads of the formal Executive Council and the informal but influential Cabinet.

The British monarch appoints the governor-general who is part of the Executive Council. New Zealand has no written single constitutional document. The Constitution Act of 1986 determines the distribution of powers: legislative, executive and judicial.

Education System in New Zealand

Primary Education

New Zealand education, which has been ranked 7 th best in the world, follows the model of primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary education. From age 6 to 16, education is both compulsory and free (although course materials are not). In an unusual twist, a pupil living over 5 kilometers from their nearest school may opt for distance learning. Most children enter primary school at age 5 where they remain for 6 years.

Middle Education

The primary education program merges into middle school in different ways. Children may remain on at their primary school for grades 7 and 8, or complete these 2 years at bridging intermediate school (stream “a”). Alternatively they may go directly on to junior secondary school where they spend 4 years (stream “b”).

Secondary Education

Students who followed either version of stream “a” complete their last 5 years at secondary schools, while stream “b” spend the last 3 of these at senior secondary school. This unusual composite model is designed to accommodate varying structural capacity in city and rural areas. Sparsely populated areas may have only primary and secondary schools, while city folk may have the benefit of all 4 tiers. In the end though, the outcomes are the same, and the same high teaching standards prevail.

Vocational Education

New Zealand is well served by nearly 40 industry training organizations under the aegis of the industry training act. Unusually, these are financed by a combination of state funding and contributions from trade and industry. They purchase capacity blocks from accredited service providers in advance. The actual training is increasingly being provided in the workplace. Outputs include both apprenticeships for youth, and re-training for adults of all ages.

Tertiary Education

The country is well endowed with a combination of 8 universities and a variety of teacher training colleges. There are in addition a number of private training establishments that fill gaps in the state system, for example in practical business, computing, health care, and hospitality skills.
The oldest tertiary institution is the University of Otago founded in 1869 and illustrated here. It has approximately 22,000 students enrolled, and is considered academically second only to the larger University of Auckland.

3. Рефлексия бақылау блогы Рефлексивно – оценочный блок

Білімдерін бекіту Закрепление знаний

What kind of country is New Zealand?

Who is the head of the state?

What is the political system of New Zealand?

How is the Queen represented?

What is the legislative branch of power?

How many members are there in the House of Representatives?

What are the main political parties?

Who becomes prime minister of the state?

Whom does he appoint?

Who appoints the governor-general?

which of them are TRUE and which are FALSE

The Parliament represents the legislative branch.

The governor-general is part of the legislative branch.

New Zealand is a colony of Great Britain.

The Parliament has two houses.

The British monarch is the head of state in New Zealand.

The Prime Ministers appoints ministers.

The Constitution Act was adopted in 1986.

The Prime Minister is appointed by the Parliament.

The Executive Council and the Cabinet represent the executive branch.

The Monarch’s representative is the governor-general.

Combine all information about political systems of the countries in the table:

The name of the country

The political system

The head of the country

The legislative branch of power

The executive branch of power

Interviewer: Nicole, tell us about the
educational system in New Zealand. For example, how long do students spend in the system? Nicole:Oh,… a long time! Usually about 17 or 18 years if they go to university, interviewer: When did you startschool?
Nicole: At the age of five.
Compulsory education is twelve years — from five to about sixteen, but a lot of children in New Zealandgo to pre-school classes, you know, kindergartens. I went to a kindergarten when I was four and after ayear I went to primary school.
Interviewer: How many years were you at primary school?
Nicole: Five years — from five to ten.
Interviewer: Where did you go after primary school?
Nicole: Well, then I went to an intermediate school, from ten to twelve. Then at twelve we start atsecondary school.
Interviewer: Mmm. When can students leave secondary school?
Nicole: Well, we can leave secondary school at sixteen, but most students stay till they’re eighteen.
Interviewer: Doalotofstudentsgoon to higher education?
Nicole: Yes, I think about fifty per cent of students go into higher education — that’s universities,polytechnics, colleges of education…
Interviewer: Which type of institution did you go to?
Nicole: I went to a college of education because I wanted to be a teacher. I became a primary teacher,so I studied for three years and finished when I was twenty-two.
Interviewer: Do you have to pay for your higher education studies in New Zealand?
Nicole: Yes, we have to pay some of the costs, but not all.
Interviewer: How much does a student have to pay?
Nicole: Oh, it depends. It can be 2,000 dollars or it can be 20,000.
Interviewer: Well, thank you, Nicole.
That was very interesting…

Нәтижелерді жинақтап, қортындылау

Обобщение результатов, подведение итогов Marks for the lesson

Рефлексия You have worked today very well. Did you like the lesson?What have you known?

Домашнее задание Presentation structure of the political system and educations of New Zealand

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Пән аты: Шет тілі . (Ағылшын тілі)

директордың оқу ісі

The English

Сабақ жоспары № 6

The subject of the lesson: Political system of New Zealand and Education.

The aims of the lesson: 1) Educational-to acquaint students with a new vocabulary and expressions on a theme:Political system of New Zealand and Education.

2) Developing-to develop the ability to combine facts, to analyze, to Express their point of view.

3) Bringing up-to develop a culture of behavior during the meal

The type of the lesson: Жаңа тақырыпты таныстыру.

Methods: Сұрақ – жауап

Interobjects connection: Kazakh language, Russian language , Geography

The visual aids: CD,CD-RW. Ноутбук. Ғаламтор қолдану.

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment: (3 мин)

Good day, students! Sit down! I am glad to see you!

We begin our English Lesson!

Conversation with on duty:

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Thank you, very much! Sit down!

Check up the educational accessories.

Creation the language atmosphere

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

Is it raining today?

Phonetic drill: (3 мин)

B ar b ara is a b eautiful b lond with b right b lue eyes .

Repetition of the lesson.

Checking the home task.

What was your home task for today?

Presentation of the new material: ( 25 мин)



New Zealand shares with Britain and Israel the distinction of being one of the three developed countries that does not have a codified Constitution on the U.S. model. When the country was annexed by Britain in 1840, the
British parliament enacted that all applicable law of England as at 1840 became the law of New Zealand. In 1856, the New Zealand parliament was given the power to enact its own law and nothing changed when full independence was achieved (26-9-1907) except that the British parliament lost its overriding authority. We have, thus, never had the problem that
Australia and Canada have had of "repatriating" a constitution that was really an Act of the British parliament.
Our constitution, like the British, consists of parliament's own conventions and rules of conduct, some legislation such as the New Zealand
Constitution Act (1986, not enacted), and fundamental rules applied by the
Courts which go back into English history. It evolves rather than is amended.
The flag of New Zealand is blue with the flag of the UK in the upper hoist- side quadrant with four red five-pointed stars edged in white centered in the outer half of the flag; the stars represent the Southern Cross constellation.
The National Anthem of New Zealand is "God Defend New Zealand".

Form of Government
Constitutional monarchy, with a single-chamber parliament.
The monarch is said to "reign but not rule": except for a residual power to actually govern in the event of some complete breakdown of the parliamentary system, the monarch has merely ceremonial duties and advisory powers. When the monarch is absent from the country, which is most of the time, those duties and powers are delegated to the Governor-General who is appointed by the monarch for a limited term after approval by the government.
Parliament is the consitutional "sovereign" - there is no theoretical limit on what it can validly do, and the validity of the laws which it enacts cannot be challenged in the courts (although the courts do have and use wide-ranging powers to control administrative acts of the government). A new parliament is elected every three years (universal suffrage at age 18).
The leader of the party which commands majority support in parliament is appointed prime minister and he or she nominates the other Ministers of the
Crown. The ministers (and sometimes the whole majority party in parliament) are collectively called "the government". Our system almost entirely lacks formal checks and balances - the majority party can virtually legislate as it likes subject only to its desire to be re-elected every three years.
Until now, members of parliament have been elected on a single-member constituency, winner takes all, system similar to those of Britain and the
U.S.A. As a result of referenda conducted in 1993, future parliaments will be elected on a mixed-member proportional system modelled on that of
The administration is highly centralised. The country is divided into
"districts" (the urban ones called "cities") each with a District (or City)
Council and Mayor, but their powers are limited to providing public facilities (not housing) and enforcement of by-laws (local regulations) such as parking regulations. The Police are a single force controlled by the central government.
The Justice System
There is a four-level hearings and appeals system:
Top level Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (London)

There is also the Small Claims Court which handles smaller personal disputes.
Civil and criminal cases start in the District or High Court, depending on their seriousness and appeals go up the chain. Certain rare cases can start in the Court of Appeal. District and High Court judges sit alone or with juries. The Court of Appeal (and on certain rare occasions the High Court) consists of three or five judges sitting "en banc". The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council consists mainly of British Law Lords with New Zealand judges also sitting in New Zealand cases; in theory its decisions merely
"opinions" for the benefit of the monarch as the fount of all justice, but in practice its rulings have the force of ultimate appeal.
All judges are appointed by the government - High Court judges are nominated by the Law Society, but District Court judges apply for the job like any other. Various special-purpose courts (Industrial Court, Maori
Land Court, Family Court, etc.) exist and have the same status as either a
District Court or the High Court.

Con sol i dati on of the new lesson: (12 мин )

Conclusion of the lesson: (2 мин)

1. The result of the lesson

2. Home task: Exercise 8Retell the text. Learn the new words.

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Кисловодск 2013 г.
Цель урока: ознакомление со страной изучаемого языка и расширение знаний о ней.

Задачи урока:


2. обучение устной речи в форме монологического высказывания по теме;

3. совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и устной речи;

4. контроль усвоения нового материала через выполнение тестовой работы.


1. развитие интеллектуальных способностей (мышление, внимание, память, языковая догадка);

2. развитие умений взаимодействия в паре и группе;

3. развитие лингвострановедческой компетенции, расширение кругозора;

4. развитие умения систематизировать полученные знания.


1. воспитание у учащихся чувства уважения к другой стране;

2. воспитание уважения к собеседнику, умения его выслушать;

3. воспитание сотрудничества при работе в группе;

4. воспитание самостоятельности при выполнении учебных заданий.

Межпредметные связи: география, история, информатика.

1. Начало урока: (6 минут)

1.1. Организационный момент: приветствие.

Учитель здоровается с классом: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Учитель обращается к некоторым ученикам: How are you? (Fine, thanks. / I’m OK. / Not too bad. And you?) I’m fine, thank you. Let’s start our lesson.

1.2. Постановка проблемы перед учащимися – догадаться о теме урока.

Учитель просит учащихся назвать англоязычные страны, которые учащиеся изучали до девятого класса, и показать их на политической карте мира. Ученики по очереди называют и показывают на карте Великобританию, США, Канаду, Индию, Ирландию, Австралию и страны Вест-Индии, т.е. те страны, которые они изучали по данному учебнику в течение 4 лет.

Teacher: ^ By this year you have learned much about English-speaking countries. Can you name these countries and show them on the map?

Students: the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, the countries of the West Indies.

Учитель показывает флаг Новой Зеландии и просит ребят догадаться, о какой стране речь пойдет на данном уроке. Если учащиеся не знают флаг Новой Зеландии, можно показать страну на карте. Учащиеся догадываются, что они начинают знакомство с ещё одной англоязычной страной – Новой Зеландией.

Teacher: ^ Which country has this flag? Can you show this country on the map? Guess the theme of our lesson. (New Zealand.)

Учащиеся делятся на группы, каждой группе выдается лист с написанными в столбик ключевыми словами: Official name; Consists of; Total area; Population; Native people; Official languages; Capital; Largest city: Main cities; Government.

Группа совместными усилиями должна записать уже известную им (из уроков географии и т.д.) информацию о стране за ограниченное время – одну минуту. Ученики могут писать как на английском языке, так и на русском.

Teacher: Before we start travelling, let’s play a writing game. The aim of this game is to discover how much you know about New Zealand. Work in groups. Write down some information under each heading. I’ll give you 1 minute.

Teacher: ^ Your time is finished. During the lesson you may add the necessary information in your sheets of paper.

2. Основная часть урока:

2.1. Введение и отработка в речи новых лексических единиц по теме.

Учитель предлагает учащимся повторить за ним чтение имен собственных, которые им понадобятся для составления рассказа о Новой Зеландии. После хоровой отработки ученики читают эти слова по цепочке.

Teacher: Let’s read some proper names which will help you to tell about New Zealand. Repeat after me: New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, the Tasman Sea, Cook Strait, Wellington, the North Island, the South Island, East Polynesia, Maori, Captain James Cook, Abel Tasman, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton, Queenstown, Rotorua. Now read these words in a chain-like way.

Совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения по теме.

Учитель рассказывает и показывает слайды, иллюстрирующие географическое положение страны, из каких островов она состоит; кратко говорит об истории открытия Новой Зеландии, о коренных жителях; предлагает рассмотреть диаграмму нынешнего населения страны; знакомит с основными городами Новой Зеландии, официальными языками, государственной символикой и политическим устройством страны. Учитель обращает внимание учащихся, что информация, необходимая для запоминания, на слайдах выделена жирным шрифтом. Учащиеся во время презентации нового материала могут делать необходимые записи в тетради. Для совершенствования навыков чтения несложные тексты слайдов можно по очереди давать читать учащимся.

Teacher: Now I’m going to tell you about New Zealand. Please, listen to me attentively and watch the presentation. Pay attention to the bold words, try to remember them. You may make some notes while listening.

New Zealand is situated midway between the Equator and the South Pole in the southern Pacific Ocean. Its nearest western neighbour is Australia. New Zealand is separated from Australia by the Tasman Sea.
The area of the country is about 270,000 sq km. It is a small, quiet and green country, which consists of two large islands – the North Island and the South Island, and numerous small islands. The two main islands are separated by Cook Strait
Three fourths of New Zealanders live in the warmer North Island. That is where you can find active volcanoes, many rivers and lakes, numerous mineral hot springs and geysers, subtropical forests and sandy beaches.
The South Island is larger that the North Island and has the highest mountains. The chief mountain range of the South Island is the Southern Alps.

Sometimes people say that the North Island means beaches and the South Island means mountains.

New Zealand was settled over 1,000 years ago by voyagers from East Polynesia. These settlers were the ancestors of today’s Maori.

Europeans first came in 1642. Dutchman Abel Tasman was the first European navigator to visit the islands. Then between 1769 and 1777 Captain James Cook visited the islands 4 times and claimed the land for the British crown.

At the time of Captain James Cook’s visit in 1769, the Maori population was about 250,000 people. Traditional art forms included storytelling, dances and songs. Maori was declared an official language in 1987.

Although the country is about the same size as Great Britain or Japan, it is not as densely populated. The population of New Zealand is about 4 million people. About 14% are Maori, 80% of New Zealanders are white people. (Учитель предлагает учащимся рассмотреть диаграмму “New Zealand Ethnicity”: Look at the diagram.)

English and Maori are the official languages, although the country is predominantly English-speaking. Almost all of the Maori speak English. New Zealand English is pure and clear; it is easily understood everywhere in the world.

Учащиеся рассматривают фотографии основных городов Новой Зеландии и повторяют хором за учителем названия этих городов. Teacher: Repeat after me.

Most of New Zealanders live in cities and towns.

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. It is the administrative centre and the seat of the government with a population of 200,000 people.

Auckland is New Zealand’s largest city. It is a major industrial and commercial centre with a population of over a million people.

Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island with a population of over 300,000 people. It is an inland city with an English atmosphere, Oxford-style buildings, many parks and gardens.

Dunedin is the second largest city of the South Island with a population of 120,000 people. The city is also called the “Edinburgh of the South”.

Hamilton lies on both banks of the Waikato River in the North Island. The population of the city is about 190,000 people. Hamilton Gardens is the most popular tourist attraction every year. Queenstown lies on Lake Wakatipu in the South Island and has a population of about 11,000 people. It is a resort town and a centre for adventure tourism (jet boating, mountain biking, skiing, etc.).

Rotorua is a town on Lake Rotorua in the North Island. Its population is about 65,000 people. The town is well known for geothermal activity.

New Zealand is an independent state (1947) and a member of the Commonwealth. It is a constitutional monarchy. The British monarch is the head of state, represented by the governor-general.

The flag of New Zealand is blue with the flag of the UK, with four red-pointed stars edged in white centered in the outer half of the flag. The coat-of-arms depicts a woman and a Maori man standing on leaves of fern and looking at each other over a shield with five badges. Shield supports Crown of St. Edward.
2.3. Систематизация полученных знаний: выделение ключевых моментов презентации.

Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на следующий слайд – Fact File, который отражает ключевые моменты прослушанного материала, необходимые для запоминания. Учащиеся шепотом проговаривают текст и добавляют необходимые записи в лист групповой работы.

Teacher: ^ Look at the Fact File, read it in a whisper and try to remember. Check your notes. Текст слайда “Fact File”:

Official name: New Zealand

Consists of: two large islands and numerous small islands

Total area: about 270,000 sq km

Population: about 4 million people

Native people: Maori

Official languages: English and Maori

Largest city: Auckland

Main cities: Christchurch, Queenstown, Hamilton, Dunedin, Rotorua

Government: constitutional monarchy

2.4. Закрепление нового материала через различные упражнения.

Учитель предлагает учащимся выполнить ряд упражнений на повторение и закрепление нового материала.

Teacher: Let’s do some exercises for review.

Учитель задает ученикам вопросы по новому материалу. Получив правильный ответ на вопрос, учитель щелчком мышки переходит к следующему вопросу.
Текст слайда “Answer the questions” и примерные ответы учащихся:

1. Where is New Zealand situated? (New Zealand is situated in the southern Pacific Ocean.)

2. Is the area of New Zealand 270,000 square km? (Yes, it is. The area of the country is 270,000 square kilometres.)

3. Which country is its nearest western neighbour? (The nearest western neighbour of New Zealand is Australia.)

4. What islands does the country consist of? (It consists of two large islands – the North Island and the South Island, and numerous small islands.)

5. Who are the Native people of New Zealand? (They are Maori.)

6. Was James Cook the first European to visit New Zealand? (No, he wasn’t. Abel Tasman was the first European navigator to visit the islands.)

7. What are the official languages in the country? (English and Maori are the official languages in the country.)

8. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand, isn’t it? (Yes, it is. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.)

9. Is Christchurch the largest city in the country? (No, it isn’t. Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island. New Zealand’s largest city is Auckland.)

10. Who is the head of New Zealand? (The head of state is the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, represented by the governor-general.)

б) устная индивидуальная работа

Учащимся предлагается определить верная или неверная информация представлена на следующем слайде. Ученики по очереди читают предложения. Другие либо соглашаются, либо исправляют информацию.

Teacher: Read the following information and say if it is true or false. If the sentence is false, correct it, please.
Текст слайда “True or false” и ответы на него:

1. New Zealand is situated in the Atlantic Ocean. (False)

2. The area of the country is about 270,000 sq km. (True)

3. The two main islands are separated by Tasman Strait. (False)

4. Most of New Zealanders live in the South Island. (False)

5. Europeans first visited New Zealand in 1642. (True)

6. James Cook claimed the land for the British crown. (True)

7. Maori are 80% of the population of the country. (False)

8. Wellington is the largest city of New Zealand. (False)

9. Auckland is the capital of the country. (False)

10. New Zealand is an independent state. (True)

11. The head of state is the governor-general. (False)

2.5. Обучение монологическому высказыванию по теме и индивидуальная работа по карточкам для слабых учащихся.

Во время групповой работы слабоуспевающим учащимся можно предложить выполнить индивидуальное задание: соединить кусочки слов так, чтобы получились названия городов Новой Зеландии. Время – 2 минуты. Текст карточки

Teacher: Work in groups. Look at the chart and discuss it in your groups. Time – 2 minutes. Then one person from your group will tell us about New Zealand.

Текст слайда “Tell about New Zealand, using the chart”:

1. New Zealand is situated…

2. It is separated from Australia by…

3. The area of the country is…

4. New Zealand consists of…

5. The Native people of the country are…

6. Dutchman Abel Tasman was…

7. The population of New Zealand is…

8. 80% of New Zealanders are…

9. The official languages are…

10. The capital of the country is…

11. … is the largest city.

12. The main cities in New Zealand are…

13. … an independent state.

14. The head of the country is…

The passenger plane touched down at 8 cities in New Zealand. Can you find the names of those cities by putting together the jumbled word pieces correctly in pairs? Write them please.


Key: Wellington, Rotorua, Queenstown, Dunedin, Nelson, Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton.

3. Заключительная часть урока:
3.1. Контроль усвоения нового материала. Итоговый тест – письменная работа для всех учащихся.

Учитель предлагает учащимся убрать все записи, сделанные во время урока, и письменно ответить на вопросы теста. Время на выполнение теста ограничено – 2 минуты.

Teacher: I think everybody has learned much about New Zealand, take your notes away and write the test about this country. Текст слайда “Can You Do the Quiz Now?” и ответ к нему:

1. New Zealand is situated in the…

a. Indian Ocean b. Pacific Ocean c. Atlantic Ocean

2. New Zealand is separated from Australia by the…

a. Tasman Sea b. Black Sea c. Arafura Sea

3. The country consists of…

a. 2 large islands b. 3 large islands c. 2 large islands and numerous small islands

4. The first European navigator who visited New Zealand was…

a. James Cook b. Abel Tasman c. Mathew Flinders

5. The population of New Zealand is…

a. 4 mln people b. 10 mln people c. 240 mln people

6. The official languages of New Zealand are…

a. Maori & Hindi b. English & Maori c. English & Hindi

7. The capital of the country is…

a. Wellington b. Auckland c. Christchurch

8. The largest New Zealand’s city is…

a. Wellington b. Auckland c. Christchurch

9. The largest city in the South Island is…

a. Wellington b. Auckland c. Christchurch

10. New Zealand is…

a. a republic b. a monarchy c. a federation

(Key: 1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7a 8b 9c 10b)

3.2. Дифференцированное домашнее задание.

Ученики записывают домашнее задание на следующий урок: задание для всех – прочитать текст упражнения 2, стр. 97 (учебник, раздел 24); индивидуальные задания для сильных учащихся – подготовить рассказ о Новой Зеландии, используя записи урока. Задание на перспективу – подобрать материал для будущего проекта.

Teacher: Open your diaries, write down your home task for everybody – Exercise 2, page 97 (to read the text). An optional task for some students is to tell about New Zealand, using your notes. Don’t forget about your projects – start looking for the information about New Zealand.

3.3. Подведение итогов, оценивание работы учащихся, комментирование отметок.

Teacher: Thus, our first travelling day is up. I hope you’ve learned enough to start your project. Next time we’ll go on our travelling around New Zealand and discover some new facts about its landscape, climate, flora and fauna.

Your marks for the lesson are … Thank you for your work, guys. Goodbye.

- развитие информационных умений учащихся, умение обобщать информацию, развитие самостоятельности и ответственности, умение использовать новые информационные технологии.

Результат обучения:

- Расширение словарного запаса.

- Свободное употребление новых лексических единиц по новой теме и грамматических структур в речи.

- Выработка у учащихся личностного

эмоционального отношения к странам изучаемого языка.

5. Презентация Новая Зеландия.

7 Мозговой штурм по тексту.

8 Составление постера (Киви, дерево, племя)

9. Домашняя работа

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Действия ученика

-Good afternoon children. Sit down, please.

-Who is on duty today?

-What day is it today?

-What is the weather like today?

Pupils greet the teacher

Отвечают на вопросы

Today we`ll speak about New Zealand

Слушают, осмысливают, знакомятся с индивидуальным

3Повторение слов с урока Австралия и закрепление этих слов в тексте Новая Зеландия

Читают переводят to lie — находиться New Zealander — новозеландец
is situated — расположена the North Island — Северный остров

trade — торговля
the South Island — Южный остров service industry — сфера услуг
dozen — дюжина agriculture — сельское хозяйство
capital — столица standard of living — уровень жизни
official language — государственный язык
Maori — маорийский язык
the Commonwealth of Nations — Содружество
the United Kingdom — Соединенное Королевство
to appoint — назначать
governor general — генерал-губернатор
to represent — представлять
legislation — законодательная власть
prime minister — премьер-министр
Cabinet — кабинет
government — правительство
provision — положение
brown-skinned — с коричневой кожей
to settle — селиться
descendant — потомок
settler — поселенец
population — население
manufacturing industry — обрабатывающая промышленность

Вызовите участников по числу нужных вам команд. Они выбирают первых участников команд. Далее первые выбранные выбирают вторых. Затем вторые выбирают третьих и т.д.

5. Презентация Новая Зеландия.

Изучают факты и события новой Зеландии. Презентация

New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1600 km southeast of Australia and about 10 500 km southwest of California. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands — the North Island and the South Island — and several dozen smaller islands. Most of the smaller islands are hundreds of kilometers from the main ones.

The country once belonged to the British empire. Today it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of Britain and a number of its former colonies.

New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is the monarch of New Zealand. She appoints a governor general to represent her, but the governor general has little power. The legislation, prime minister, and Cabinet run the national government.

Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852, when it was a British colony. But through the years the New Zealand legislature has changed almost all its provisions. Today, the nation has no written constitution.

The first people who settled in New Zealand were a brown-skinned people called Maoris. They came from Polynesian islands located northeast of New Zealand. The country was discovered by Europeans in 1642, but they did not start to settle in the islands until the late 1700's. Today, most New Zealanders are descendants of the early European settlers. Maoris make up about 12 % of the country's population

New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living in the world. For many years, the economy of the country depended largely on agriculture. Today agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries are all important to the economy. New Zealand's economy depends on trade with many countries — Australia, Britain, Japan and the United States.

- Суммирует содержание абзаца;

- Придумывает вопрос по тексту, просит на него ответить;

- Растолковывает то, что для других осталось неясным;

- Даёт прогноз возможного содержания следующего абзаца;

- Даёт задание на чтение следующего абзаца.

7. Мозговой штурм по тексту.


1. Where is New Zealand situated?
2. What city is the capital of New Zealand?
3. What languages do people in New Zealand speak?
4. What is the official language in New Zealand?
5. Who is New Zealand's head of state?
6. Who runs the national government?
7. Who were the first people to live in New Zealand?
8. What are the main industries of the country?

Отвечают на вопросы.

8Составление постера

Дерево (pohutukawa), племя (Maori), птица(Kiwi). Находят информацию в интернете и защищают постер

9. Домашняя работа Do you know anything about

their education system?

Подведение итогов

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